Title Review of Japanese Myrmeleontidae (Neuroptera) Author(s) SEKIMOTO, Shigeyuki Insecta matsumurana. New series : journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Hokkaido University, series entomology, 70, 1- Citation 87 Issue Date 2014-10 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/57386 Type bulletin (article) File Information 01:01-87p.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP INSECTA MATSUMURANA NEW SERIES 70: 1–87 OCTOBER 2014 REVIEW OF JAPANESE MYRMELEONTIDAE (NEUROPTERA) By SHIGEYUKI SEKIMOTO Abstract SEKIMOTO, S., 2014. Review of Japanese Myrmeleontidae (Neuroptera). Ins. matsum. n. s. ±¿JV -DSDQHVHVSHFLHVRIWKHIDPLO\0\UPHOHRQWLGDHDUHUHYLVHG7KHIROORZLQJ VSHFLHVDUHUHFRJQL]HGMyrmeleon formicarius Linnaeus, M. bore (Tjeder), M. solers Walker, M. taiwanensis0LOOHU 6WDQJH QHZUHFRUGIURP-DSDQ Baliga micans (McLachlan), Dendroleon pupillaris (Gerstaecker), Gatzara jezoensis (Okamoto), Epacanthaclisis moiwana (Okamoto), Distoleon nigricans (Okamoto), Di. contubernalis (McLachlan), Di. bistrigatus (Rambur), Di. boninensis Adams, Neuroleon parvulus (Okamoto) n. comb., Paraglenurus japonicus (McLachlan), Pa. okinawensis (Okamoto), Pseudoformicaleo nubecula (Gerstaecker) and Synclisis japonica (McLachlan). The male of Di. boninensisLVUHFRUGHGIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH$OO-DSDQHVHVSHFLHVRI0\UPHOHRQWLGDH are redescribed and illustrated, except for M. taiwanensis for which detailed male and IHPDOHWHUPLQDOVWUXFWXUHVZHUHUHFHQWO\LOOXVWUDWHG$NH\WRWKHWULEHVJHQHUDDQG species of Japanese antlions is provided. In appendix, three new combinations are proposed for three Chinese species, Baliga angustala (Bao et al.), B. coalita <DQJ DQGB. guangxiensis (Bao et al. DOOZHUHIRUPHUO\DVVLJQHGWRWKHJHQXVHagenomyia Banks. Author's address. 6\VWHPDWLF(QWRPRORJ\*UDGXDWH6FKRRORI$JULFXOWXUH +RNNDLGR8QLYHUVLW\6DSSRUR-DSDQ(PDLOVHNLPRWRV#DIIUFJRMS 3UHVHQW DGGUHVV1$52$JULFXOWXUDO5HVHDUFK&HQWHU.DQQRQGDL7VXNXED,EDUDNL 8666, Japan). 1 INTRODUCTION !" They are especially abundant in the arid and semiarid areas of subtropical and tropical ####$%"#& '!*M- /3"53! 3999" Taxonomic studies of Japanese Myrmeleontidae were mostly conducted in the late 19th to the middle 20th century (McLachlan 1867, 1875a; Gerstaecker 1893; ?/99@/9*9*@9*@D!9* 999E9E%9EE@#99"5-3 F"H!3 F"KD!9*Myrmeleon celebensis from F"PD!99' it as a misidentification and identified them as Grocus solers"H!3D! 993"H consequently remains unclear, and comparison of the holotype M. solers with the F"3! 33 "# of Myrmeleontidae. It is therefore also necessary to examine terminal characters of the Japanese species of Myrmeleontidae to clarify their taxonomic status. In the present paper, the Japanese species of Myrmeleontidae are revised. A total of -'"Q the Japanese species of Myrmeleontidae are provided, except for M. taiwanensis, which was recently described in detail (Miller et al.999"#/F and species of Myrmeleontidae is also provided. MATERIALS AND METHODS All specimens used in the present study were dried. For detailed examination !3 VD?HM%"5 terminalia were then washed with distilled water and stained with aceto-fuchsin. Dissection and illustration was made in distilled water under a binocular stereoscopic microscope (Leica MZ12). 5!3![\@ K]!@H]!@5M5"# 3" 5!3![[@ @@@@ @@@@ @$-_``@$g_```@$9`z@5-_``@5g 2 _```@59`z" Depositories of specimens are abbreviated as follows: Natural History Museum, P|D\H@$`H ]}"~"|$#H@`#&3$ Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan (NIAES); National Museum of Nature and Science, Tsukuba, F$5@P$H//|3$ Japan (SEHU); personal collection of Mr. I. Tabata, Fukuoka, Japan (TA). Unless [$H|" KEY TO TRIBES, GENERA AND SPECIES OF MYRMELEONTIDAE IN JAPAN " P'!ME@!3~#! //@*!&/ @3@__` densely covered with appressed shiny silver pubescence .............................................................. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""#Synclisis) Synclisis japonica M" $'!M%@!3~# 3//@* !3@3@_ _`!3"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " K!3#33!*#@!3#*# usually connected by 1–2 crossveins ..................................................... (tribe Dendroleontini) 3 M" K!3##! *#@!3#*#""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *" K!@@ 5M5*5M5%& 5M55M5*@ &3K"#@!!`zK" #\""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Epacanthaclisis) Epacanthaclisis moiwana M" K!@& @ 5M5@KE#g#@! !`zK-#\9#\""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""% %" P'!*M%@!K"}@ !!!/ K"~@K" -#\@!/K"-#\""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Dendroleon) Dendroleon pupillaris M" $'!M*@!&!! /!K"K@!!!/ K"@ K"9#\@!/ K"9#\"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Gatzara) Gatzara jezoensis " H!!3@!"""""""""""""""""""""""""" ................................................................................................................... (tribe Nemoleontini) 6 M" H!!*3@!"""""""""""" ............................................................................................................... (tribe Myrmeleontini) 13 E" 55"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""- M" 55"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""9 -" K!3~#~#@5! 3 VKRUWEODFNEULVWOHVRQYHQWUDOVXUIDFHPDOHSDUDPHUHVGLVWDOO\IRUNVKDSHG )LJ'( IHPDOHHFWRSURFWVLPSOHQRWOREHGSRVWHULRUO\LQODWHUDOYLHZ )LJ$ IHPDOHSRVWHULRU JRQDSRSK\VHVVKRUWQRWH[WHQGLQJEH\RQGWHUJLWH,;LQODWHUDOYLHZ )LJ$ JHQXVPseudoformicaleo) Pseudoformicaleo nubecula ± )RUHZLQJYHLQV&X$DQG&X3$QRWSDUDOOHO7DZLWKGHQVHVKRUWEODFNEULVWOHVRQYHQWUDO VXUIDFHPDOHSDUDPHUHVGLVWDOO\QRWIRUNVKDSHG )LJV()'( IHPDOHHFWRSURFWVOLJKWO\ OREHGSRVWHULRUO\LQODWHUDOYLHZ )LJV$$ IHPDOHSRVWHULRUJRQDSRSK\VHVORQJ H[WHQGLQJEH\RQGWHUJLWH,;LQODWHUDOYLHZ )LJV$$ JHQXVParaglenurus) 8 /DUJHULQVL]HIRUHZLQJOHQJWKDSSUR[LPDWHO\±PPParaglenurus japonicus ± 6PDOOHULQVL]HIRUHZLQJOHQJWKDSSUR[LPDWHO\±PPParaglenurus okinawensis 6PDOOHULQVL]HIRUHZLQJOHQJWKDSSUR[LPDWHO\PPWLELDOVSXUVVOLJKWO\ORQJHUWKDQ FRPELQHGOHQJWKRI7D±7DLQIRUHDQGPLGOHJVDSSUR[LPDWHO\DVORQJDVFRPELQHGOHQJWK RI7D±7DLQKLQGOHJ JHQXVNeuroleon) Neuroleon parvulus ± /DUJHULQVL]HIRUHZLQJOHQJWKDSSUR[LPDWHO\±PPWLELDOVSXUVDSSUR[LPDWHO\DVORQJ DVRUVOLJKWO\ORQJHUWKDQFRPELQHGOHQJWKRI7D±7DLQIRUHDQGPLGOHJVDSSUR[LPDWHO\DV ORQJDVRUVOLJKWO\ORQJHUWKDQFRPELQHGOHQJWKRI7D±7DLQKLQGOHJ JHQXVDistoleon) 10 )LJ+DELWXVDQGSURQRWXP$%Myrmeleon formicarius. C, D. M. bore. E, F. M. solers. G, H. M. taiwanensis. 4 Distoleon nigricans Distoleon bistrigatus ................................................................................................................. Distoleon contubernalis A, B. Baliga micans. C, D. Dendroleon pupillaris. E, F. Gatzara jezoensis. G, H. Epacanthaclisis moiwana. 5 ...................................................................................................................... Distoleon boninensis Baliga) Baliga micans A, B. Distoleon nigricans. C, D. Di. contubernalis. E, F. Di. bistrigatus. G, H. Di. boninensis. I, J. Neuroleon parvulus. 6 Myrmeleon) 14 Myrmeleon formicarius ........................................................................................................................... Myrmeleon solers and pale yellow, crossveins dark brown ................................................................................... 16 Paraglenurus japonicus. H. Pa. okinawensis. 7 Myrmeleon bore ................................................................................................................. Myrmeleon taiwanensis SYSTEMATICS Family Myrmeleontidae Subfamily Myrmeleontinae Tribe Myrmeleontini Remarks. presectoral area with more than 4 crossveins. et al. 2003). The larvae of this tribe build pitfall traps. Genus Myrmeleon Linnaeus Myrmeleon Linnaeus, 1767: 913. Type species: Myrmeleon formicarius Linnaeus, 1767 (as “Myrmeleon formicarium 435. A, B. Pseudoformicaleo nubecula. C, D. Synclisis japonica. 8 Diagnosis.&'@!! !/@!3@ !!M3@!3Q ~#/@!3#*#@! !3@!3Q /@!@& @5@ 3@ 3!@!3@@ @3@ @@" Remarks.5-$ 2004). The adults of Myrmelon3/& !!"$!!Baliga Navás, 9!3K"#~ 'K-#\9#\ 11AB, 13AB). Myrmeleon formicarius Linnaeus K#\E- Hemerobius formicaleonis Linnaeus, 1746: 222. nom. nud. Hemerobius formicarlynx Linnaeus, 1758: 550. For further detail, see Oswald (2013). Myrmeleon formicariusP-E-[9%@D!99[E-@9E[*gg@9E%[%-@#/ et al.9g[9@9g-[%%@#/et al.[E@D3//[9@ Hayashi, 2013: 190; Yoshitomi et al., 2013: 5. Myrmeleon formicarium [sic]: Fabricius, 1775: 312. Myrmeleon innotatusQg%[%E"$'HgEE[%%" Myrmeleon formicarius immaculatum}'gE["$'HgEE[%*9" Myrmeleon nigrivenosus?/9[E"$'D!99[E-" Myrmeleon formicarius: Okamoto, 1910: 298 (in part). Hagenomyia micans: Baba, 1953: 11 [not Hagenomyia micans (McLachlan, 1875a)]. Myrmeleon formicarius nigrilabrus$9E*[E"$'#/et al., 1980a: 291. Myrmeleon formicarius formicarius Steinmann, 1963: 216. Myrmeleon (Myrmeleon) formicarius[#/et al., 1980a: 291. KD!9E[*gg@#/et al., 1980a: 291; 2001: 260; D3//[9" Redescription."H"_ /&/! @/!3"K&/ /3!@!&!!& !/@!/ !/&!/3*! 3!!&!3! /"#/&!![ 9 )LJ0DOHWHUPLQDOLDRIMyrmeleon formicarius$7HUPLQDOLDODWHUDOYLHZ%6WHUQLWH,; ventral view. C. Genitalia, lateral view. D. Ditto, caudal view. E. Ditto, dorsal view. F. Ditto, ventral view. 10 covered with short dark hairs; scape dark brown anteriorly, yellow posteriorly; pedicel GDUNEURZQWREODFNLVKEURZQÀDJHOOXPFRPSULVLQJDSSUR[LPDWHO\ÀDJHOORPHUHV Mouthparts dark brown: labrum brown to dark brown, with several dark hairs; 1st and 2nd maxillary palpomeres yellow; 1st labial palpomere yellow, 2nd labial
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