The Weather VorwMl Of D. S. WMtihar BoNae Fair, warm taeliki Vmt ki'eeat Buaajr, fiilU w am to m o m w , Mfh MW to. (OlaarffM AdtrartMac «a Fag* U) PRICE SEVEN CENTS For Longevity KETPORT, N. J. (AP)— Jo*eph Esperak haa no for* Riot Violence Spreads mula for mgevlty but he comments: " I never got married, I don't eat meat, I laid off whisky but I had my share Nearing of wine. "I used to smoke two p^ks of cigarette* a day. FALMOUTH, England (AP) — Two fishing boata But I cut down to maybe a Southern California lighted Robert Manry and his 13V4*foot sloop Tinker-, dgar now and then." belle in a calm sea off the English coast today and re­ And, he said yesterday ported him fit and well. They said he was 60 to 70 while celebrating his 106th birthday, "sometimes I feel Looting and Sniping miles from Falmouth, his goal in a journey across the like 115." Atlantic. < The assistant supervisor "Manry says he la fit and well lent probably would accompany of the Bayshore Nursing and has asked for the course to the 'Tinkerbelle Into Falmouth. Home, where Eeperak has End Brief Calm in LA n Pie Lisard," reported sklpfier Aboard the Brereton, Manry lived for the last five years, Harry Small of the fishing boat said he greaUy looked forward described him as "a very LOS ANGELES (AP)—Sniping and looting flared Trewarvenneth. The Lisard la a to a reunion with his wife. healthy 106." again today in scattered sectors of Iios Angeles' 42- point on the southernmost coast Manry, 48, has been at sea 77 • r J. Of England, near Land's End. days. He set sail June 1 on a 3, square-mile Negro riot zone following the spread of The fishermen gave Manry's 200-mlle voyage from Falmouth, violence overnight to other Southern California cities. position southwest of the Lizard Mass., to Falmouth, England. After the first few hours of..------------------------------------------- and estimated he would reach He was last sighted a week State News daylight, p o ^ reported "this of Negroes, police removed ilmouth in another day or so If ago 266 miles west of Lands Is by far the quietest day yet." most of the barricades in a 42- Se present calm sea and fair End. Then shooting and looting start­ square mile "unsafe” zone and •r« tn Amar* Nu»> winds persist. Manry's wife, Virginia, re ICC Urged ed again, as it has each day this morning residents moved • TtattaA After the sightings by the fish- turned to Newlyn, Cornwall, since rioting broke out last about freely for the first Ume the Oeiv Wednesday. since Wednesday night. irho WM •rmen at 11:66 a.m., Manry's Sunday night after a 6(X)-mlle r em at- wife, Virginia, set out In the four-day voyage In the trawler Hold Mergier There was no massing of As relief authorities moved trawler Excellent, chartered by three tons of food into th* 6 Excellent. Mrs. Manry, 46, was mobs, however, and only a few i Shew . the Cleveland (Ohio) Plain disappointed at not finding the arrests. burned and looted district, Dealer, the newspaper (or Tinkerbelle but refused to ask To Freight Firefighting officials said police and 15,000 massed Na- Which Manry Is an editor. (or an official search for her "We're almost back to normal, Uonal Guardsmen kept close ShorUy after noon, Manry husband. except for considerable mop­ watch for possible renewal of Went aboard the British navy "Bob told me before he left to NEW HAVEN (AP) — ping up.” Many of the blazes sniping and (ire-bombing In all- minesweeper Brereton, which call tn the Coast Guard if he Trustees of the New Ha­ being fought today were never white areas. aame alongside his boat, and hadn't arrived by Aug. 16," she ven Railroad urged the In­ properly extinguished, they A high-ranking police officer I* undei>i asked lor a glass of milk. said. "But I'm not going to. I'm terstate Commerce Com said, because of attacks from said the attacks Sunday night irered bv "It's the first I've had In 76 not worried about him. I know Negro gangs. and early today seemed Bie wSi days," he said. mission today to turn a ee. rnu»- him. He'll make it." Many of the fire crews still "planned and organized.” He ird Blair. He chatted with officers and Waiting at her Falmouth hotel deaf ear to proposals that wore bullet-proof vests, bor­ didn't say by whom. brew of the Brereton and signed were her daughter, Robin, 13, The death toll stood at 80, the ship's visitors book. the bankrupt carrier’s pas­ rowed from equipment devel­ and son, Douglas, 11. oped for fighting in Viet Nam. After five days of senseless The (Doast Guard said at noon "I helped to cheer them up by senger service be included Bind seemingly spontaneous the nnkerbelle was 40 miles in a proposed merger of as protection against snipers’ describing how everyone was bullets. shooting, burning and pillaging, " J o h * southwest of the Lizard. being so kind In their efforts to the New York Central and peace seemed near at dusk Sun­ r. Claud* The trawler Excellent, with The death toll stood at 32. find Tinkerbelle," she said. Pennsylvania Railroads. After five straight nights of day. ^ d ^ Mrs. Mamry aboard, planned to "I’m sure we'll succeed In the Then, with the dark, came • ralatlT* rendezvous with the Tinker- They called on the ICXJ not to rioting by uncounted thousands »r. end.” reject, delay or modify a report spreading violence: beUe. Manry Is the first man to at- by IOC examiners recommend­ —Negroes rioted in a Negro The Brereton messaged land ing that the New Haven's freight Guns of National Guard Protect Gov. Brown on Riot Inspection section of Long Beach, 15 miles I* (O ) atatlons that she and the Excel­ (See Page Seven) a ta it ~ service be lncluded| In such a The Toll south cA the old riot center at merger. The trustees asked that LOS ANGELES (AP) — Watts. Long Beach officer Rich­ the report be adopted wd ex­ The toll of Negro riot strife ard Lefebre, 23, was mortally ceptions denied. In its slxtli day In Loe An- wounded by a shotgun blast. ■dart — This would mean final approv­ Bobby Says gelee: —Gunmen, identlfed by wit­ or al to a Penn-Central merger, to Deed: 82, Including two nesses as Negroes, shot at laU aa — Young Man Killed Include the New Haven's freight white peace offioers, one homes In all-white Sylmar in the service. LBJ C h osen white fireman, and 29 dviU- San Fernando Valley, The trustees said they "un­ ans — one Caucasian, one —Firebombs flared on Holly­ qualifiedly accept and support" Japanese-A m e r 1 c a n, one A wood Boulevard In Hollywood, the examiners’ report. As Best Man Mexican-Amerlcan and 26 and lumberyards were set aflr* As Car Hits Pole Their position came in a legal Negroes. in Wilmington, at the harbor, brief—a "reply to exceptions”— MILWAUKEE, Wls. (AP) Injured: 812, taieluding and near downtown Los An­ Maurice Clancy of- Highland St. was killed last night filed today with the IOC. It an­ John F, Kennedy chose Lyndon 698 fshdUans, 78 peace offi­ geles. run trocB swered objections to the March cers, 8T flrmcB, safi four Ban DIege, 120 miles onca to« when the sports car he was riding In slammed into a 26 report Issued by IOC Hearing B. Johnson as bis running mate Nsttonal Guardsmen. south, Negroes rioted through a lark and ntility pole on C^iarter Oak St. Examiners Jerome K. LylC and in 1960 because he considered Arrested: 2JM7, Including 80-block area. A white man was ih in a ad* Clancy, who was 24, and an-^ Henry C. Darmstadter, him "the best man to carry on,” 8,446 adults and 401 Juven­ stabbed. Three stores were set r tjrraata •tlier rider George Clough, 28, an extension of (Charter Oak iles. lurauea a The railroad said that objec­ Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, D- afire. ynn and of 348 wetherell St. were St. Bruce MoKenney at Bol tors to the report suggested Uiat Fire damage: EMfmated —b suburban Van Nuyq '§ thrown from the car in the Im­ N.Y., said Sunday night, U ton was killed. the entire Penn-Central merger at 6176 nrillion with entire warehouse burned, police eap- ibaia pact. Police have not yet deter­ Mr. (Jlancy was born April 1, plan be rejected or delayed for "He’s fulfilled all of our hcq>es since then," said the younger blocks hnnied to Ite ground. n r mined who was driving the car. 1942, in County Offaly, Ireland, further study. (See Page Eight) Clough, who was a<hitltted to a eon of Kevin and Una Salmon In addition, the four states brother of the late president. K* (0> Manchester Memorial Hoc^ita! Clancy of Ireland. He has lived served by the New Haven—Con­ Sen. Kennedy, speaking at a with multiple abrasions, was with his uncle, Patrick (Jlancy, necticut, Massachusetts, New Democratic dinner, made no reported In satiafaictory condi­ in Manchester for seven years. York and Rhode Island—^have reference to the published ac­ garta tion today. He was employed with the proposed, as well as the federal count by Arthur M. Schlesinger ».s Clancy was pronounced dead Metropolitan District Water government, that a merged Jr., historian and assistant to Cease-Fire Broken at the scene by Dr.
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