The clown prince Bello Nock updates a family heritage ~PAGE 11 . :J Community Newspaper Company www.townonline.com/boston FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2000 VolA, No. 48 40 Pages 3 Sections eern Can it~ Will it~ Is this the year the Sox might win it all~ By David Ortiz lAB 51-'ff WRITER It's springtime in New England. Lo is in the air. Again. Il happens every year. The firnt signs of love appear as earI)'1lS February - with jusl a sigh here, a far-off gaze into the distance there. Then it builds. On April II, all :05 p.m., love will burnt inlo every comer ofthe hometown. It wiji be a glint in the eye of each persoo louoging in a North End caf~, it will be a knowing glance between strangern walking in the Public Garden. Even underground, on each trolley car lurching below Park Street toward Kenmore Square, love. Call it scarlet fever. The moment the Red Sox play again in Fen­ way Park. !l's ~ja vu all over again for Sox fans this spring. Their tearn is expected to be good. Very good. That is nothing new - the Sox bave shown promise more than once through the 81 yearn pfWorld Series drought. But this tearn is more than promis­ ing - it's Prince Charm­ ing. The Sox this year are BY THE talenled young guys bU(1;t­ ing with promise, they are NUMBERS old guys who work hard and have fun. And there are When the Red Sox season opens two guys, who, all by on Arpi111, baseball fans will c0n­ themselves, have an entire sume a lot of food while enjoying nalion of Sox fans smitten the game. - stellar athletes who play Aramarl<, who provides fone for the for the love of the game stadium, will have 3SO employees and say the right things off serving at 20 permanent and 20 of the field. portable public food locations. On • Their names are Pedro opening day, Aramarl< will serve: • and Nomar, but they could just as well be named Ted, • 18,000 hot dogs or Carl or Jim or Luis. Sox .10,000 cups 01 soda fans have had suitors be­ • 2,500 bags of popcorn fore; it's the same every • 4,500 bags 01 peanuts : time. Here they are again, • 1,800 boxes of Cracker Jacks • down on one knee. prornis- • 3,500 soil pretzels : sox, page 6 • 400 hartWlurgers Red Sox fan John Sorice Is not the only person thinking this could be the year. • • .' home~ Costs of the Safe at proposed project Report aims to throw curve in plans for new ballpark So how much does It cost to build a new ballpar1<? By Emily Sweeney to be u",eiled. Meanwhile. Fenway Park re­ $350 million for the ballpark TAB STAff WRITER mains an -y=-old antique in the current $80 million for two parking garages ho will pay to give the BOSlon Red landscape ofnew ballparks. $65 million for land acquisition Sox a new home? Acoalition 0p­ Fonner U.S. Senale Majority Leader George Wposed to the Red Sox using taxpayed Mitchell has drummed up support for building a $50 million for infrastructure improvements, dollars lO finance a new stadium are railing new ballpark. while Green Parry presidential which indude the Yawkey Way commuter rail station. against the initial economic study of the propos­ candidate Ralph Nader recently stated his oppo­ al. sition of using public funds to build it, on tlJe While talk ofa reincarnated Fenway Park heels ofa report by the Coalition Against Sradi- swirls, the financing plan for the project has yet !CtJ:lUIIltS'l'OO llt£9OST0NAEDSOl SAFE,page 7 Architect's rendertng 01 a newly relurlllshed and expanded Fenway Park. Progress 2000: profiles and predictions in our business community SPECIAl. SECTION Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, March 31,2000 www.townonline.comlalistonbrighton HAPPENINGS Altentior.. boys and boundaries for girls softball). Walk-in for Little League, with a very flexible has been cancelled and will be available -for adult coed softball • St. Columbkille Church (Thurs­ registration will be held on Saturday, schedule. Call Domenic\c at (617) rescheduled at a later date. For more leagues with umpires, in A, B, C and day, April 13) gilts of summer April 8, from 10 a.m.-2 p,m. at Our 254-2729, infonnation, call Honan's office at o divisions in Boston, Newton and The theme of the retreatS is ''Eu­ Applications for Oak Square Little Lady ofThe Presen!ation School (cor­ (617)653-3113. surrounding communities. The charist Source and Summit of the League are now available at the fol­ nerofTremon! & Washingronstreets). Honan to reschedule leagues are organized by the Waltham Christian Life." There will be com­ lowing locations: Allston-Brighton Team and individual phoIa> will be Honan to hold Fire Departrnen!; for more informa­ mon prayer, preaching, reflection and YMCA, The West End Boys and taken on Thesday, April 25. and meeting on sbJdent housing tion, call (978) 663-3050. fellowship. For more information, call Girls Club, Faneuil Library, The City Wednesday, April 26. All children Allston-Brighton City Councilor office hours (617) 779-3640. Store, The Party Shop and The Veron­ must be enrolled by April 8. Opening Brian Honan was planning to convene City Councilor Brian Honan will hold Church retreats set ica Smith Senior Center, Day Parade will be beld on Sunday, a public hearing on the issue of stu­ office hours on Friday, April 7, begin­ To celebrate the Jubilee Year 2000, BrightOn defuur in place If you live within the Oak Square April 30, at II a.m. The parade begins den! housing. Honan, together with ning at 10 a,m. in the Senior Center, Little League boundaries, your child in Our Lady of The Presen!ation park­ Councilor at Large Peggy Davis­ 20 Chestnut Hill Ave. The public is in­ Catholic churches have planned a se­ In order to aceelerate the reconstruc­ ries of retreatS, each beginning at 7 can participate beginning at age 5 (the ing lot. Mullen, requested the hearing to dis­ vited to come and speak with the tion of the Brighton Business Center, p.m. The dates are as follows: starting April 3 adetour will be imple­ child is eligible if turning 5 before For more information. call Mark at cuss the creation of legislation to re­ councilor. Honan can be reached at Aug, I), The girlssoftbali programac­ (617) 789-4693 or Kelmy at (617) quire all educational institutions to (617)653-3113. • Saint Gabriel Church (Monday, mented: the outbound traffic will take April 10) ceptS children from throughout All­ 782-9719. house all their students on-campus. Henshaw Street to Witt Street to Mar­ ston-Brighton (ages 7-14, no league Paid umpire position are available The meeting, scheduled for April 3, F". eitgllters' coed softbal • Our Lady of the Presentation ket Street to Washington Street. The (Thesday, April II) Commissioner of Public Works ex­ has openings • St. Anthony Church (Wednesday, pects this detour to last approximately Apti112) We want your news! Key c:onI:acts: Openings for teams and players are NOTES, page 4 Welcome to the A1lstop-Brighton TAB! We are News HIlall" .• " allslorHlligllton@<;nc.<:om eager to serve as a forum for the community. SJlOI1S .. •.• ,. .. •• allston-brlghloo.sporls@cnc,CQ/11 THIS WEEK on townonline. com Please send us calendar Jisting&, social news and &enIs caltmlar. _....... aIIs!tlrHJrIghloo.even1s@clJc,corn AIls aol! enterlalnmenl .. _ [email protected]/11 any other items ofcommunity interest. Please The Allston-Brlghton TA8/s publIshed online AIls calendaI [email protected] at GET CONNECTED mail the information to Allston-Brighton TAB, www.townonllne.comjallstonandAmerica Online Keyword: Town PuIlliWr . .. .. sean Bur1<e (781) 433·8313 P.O. Box 91 1'2, Needham, MA 02492. You may Online. Town Online features news from more than 45/oca/ pUblica· Free web sites for local groups are avail-­ R&Jf'fIler .. .. ... David Ortiz (781) 433-8275 able througtl the Community Connec­ fax material to (781) 433-8202. Our deadline for tions, profiles ofmore than 200 Eastern Massachusetts communities, ManagIng editor.. .. Peter Weinberger (781) 433-8370 I tions program at Community Newspaper press releases is Mon<lay, 5 p.m. prior to me next and items ofregional interest. Company. Adveftisjng sales .. Tom AIIisoo (781) 433-7813 Friday's issue. RusslaIl sedl<lft advllltlslllg Yun Tabansky 1617} 965-1673 Churches, marching bands and sports teams have used this program to join Residents are invited to call us wim story idea, CIasslIledbIelpwanlell.. .. ...... (800) 624-7355 New Chat if€ special chats featurif€ the fol­ I lowing: the World Wide Web. or reaction to our coverage. Please call A1lston­ AIls editor ..... .. David Trueblood (781) 433-8362 Rooms on Brighton TAB Acting Editor Tun Lemire at (78t) Town Online • Mooday, Apri/3 at 2 p.m.: Mer· Interested? contact Deirdre O'leary by C31ent1ar listings .. Margareta Mildsommar (781) 43iHl211 rimack Valley Sunday ed~or Janet e-mail at dolea~nc.com or check out 433-8366 or reporter David Ortiz at (781) 433­ NllWSIIlllm lax rwmlJer•.•..•..•..•.•••...•. (781) 433-8202 {www.townoo­ Mackay-Smith discusses the the program at WYtW.townonlinejcommu. 8275 with your idea, and suggestions. MllflSlings lax number. .. .. .. .. .. .. (781) 433-8203 Ilne.COOI/chat) newspaper and its new look. nity/regJstration,html To SllbsCrille, call.. .. (781) 43>-8307 Town Online has • Tuesday, April 4 from 12-1 GeIleraI TAB _ber.. .. .. (781) 433~OO launched a new p.m.: Town Online Political Ed~or TOWN ONLINE INDEX chat software featunf€ 24-Tchat Mkohael Ventura talks about this • MetroWest Daily News rooms plus a schedule of online year's race for the White House WNW.towoOllhne.comjmetrowest dISCUSSions.
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