—JMM."' V W a GAZETTE. An Enterprising Republican Journal, especially devoted to Local News and Interests. ESTABLISHED 18QO Two DOLLARS A YEAR NORWALK, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1889, Volume LXXXIX. Number 4. iromnn'SIia <;nnarcn mat- una gttncrci. of despotism' under which he had* long a-SlO.WAItD B1BI.I.BC1I Willi age, and a sharp "tongue 13 tffo only fhe liquor m profound' silence, ana mefl at his heels, soon attracted the at­ returned to their game. groaned, and that was—petticoat gov­ edge tool that grows keener with con­ tention of tho tavern politicians. They ernment. Happily, that was at an end: SARSAPABIL1A COMfOMD stant use. For a long while he used to By degrees Rip's awe and apprehension crowded round liim, eyeing; him from HARDENBROOK'S BLOCK, WALL STREET, subsided. He even ventured, when no he had got his neck out of the yoke of TUP VAN console himself, when driven from home, head to foot, with great curiosity. The matrimony, and could go in and out FAMILY GROCERIES, eye was fixed upon him, to taste the bev­ OK erage, which he found had much of the whenever he pleased, without dreading COUOH MIXTURE, the tyranny of Dame Van Winjtle. By WASHINGTON IR'SING. flavor of excellent Hollands. He was Rip A Full Stock of Furniture of all kinds- personages naturally a thirsty soul, and was soon Whenever her name was mentioned,how­ ATEHTS2 sessions on a bench before a small inn, Another short, but busy little ever, he shook his head, shrugged his Hair Tonlo, A POSTHUMOUS WRITING OF DIEDRICH designated by a rubicund portrait of his tempted to repeat the draught. One fellow pulled him by the arm, ana rising Or. B'STATG^TOHr^ taste provoked another, and ho reiterated shoulders, and cast up his eyes; which PARLOR AND BIDBOOMSETS Wasliington, I>. C. KNICKERBOCKER. majesty George IH. Here they used to on tiptoe, inquired m his ear, "ivhether might pass either for an expression of res­ By Woden, God of Saxons, sit in the shade, of a long, lazy sum­ his visits to the flagon so often that at ho was Federal or Democrat." Bip was a specialty. —FINE STATIONERY- 10 YEARS IN U. J". length his senses were overpowered, his ignation to his fate, or joy at his de­ P PATENT CFFlCt. I rom whence comes Wensday, that is Wodensday. mer's day, talking listlessly over equally at a loss to comprehend tro ques­ liverance. Truth is a thing that ever I will keep village gossip or telling endless eyes swam in his head, his head gradu­ tion; when a knowing, self important Unto thylko day iu which I creep loto ally declined, and he fell into a deep He used to tell his story toevery stran­ DAVID STOW, In the Latest Society Styles. sleepy stories about nothing. But it old gentleman, in a sharp, cocked hat, ger that arrived at Mr. Doolittle's hotel, Mj sepulchre. —Cartwright. would have been worth any statesman's sleep. made his way through the crowd, put­ K. IS. CllAUFURD, Whoever has made a voyage up the On waking he found himself on the e was observed, at first, to vary on some money to have heard the profound dis­ ting them to the right and left vfith his poi>ints every time he told it, which was Main Street opp. Depot Hudson must remember the Kaatskill cussions which sometimes took place, green knoll from whence he had first elbows as he nassed. and nlanting him­ Easter Cards, mountains. They are a dismembered when by chance an old newspaper fell seen, thebUC olduiu tuqiiman ofvi the glen. Heuw rubbedm. UVWU self before Van Winkle, with one arm aoioubtless owing to his having so recently uyestments, Real Estate aiid Insurance, yes—it was a bright sunny morning, awaked. It at last settled down precisely SOUTH NORWALK,CONN branch of the great Appalachian family, into their hands from some passing trav­ his eS akimbo, the other resting on hist cane, The birds were hopping and twittering to the tale I have related, and not a man, -AT ROOM 2, MASONIC BUILDING. and are seen away to the west of the eler. How solemnly they would listen his keen eyes and sharp hat penetrating, woman or child in the neighborhood but river, swelling up to a noble height and to the contents, as drawled out by Der­ as it were, into his very soul, de­ rick Van Bummel, the schoolmaster, a manded in an austere tone, ''what knew it by heart. Some always pre­ P. H. DWYER. lording it over the surrounding country. dapper learned little man, who was not brought him to the election with % gun tended to doubt the reality of it, and in­ J. G. GREGORY'S IVm. Lockwood, Every change of season, every change of to be daunted by the most gigantic word "I have not slept here all night." He re- on his shoulder, and a mob at his heels, sisted that Rip had been out of his The Largest Stock of Harness weather, indeed every hour of the day, in the dictionary; and how sagely they caUed the occurrences before he fell and whether he meant to breed a riot in head, and that this was one point on Seal Estate, Insurance and Investment asleep. The strange man with the keg which he always remained flighty. The 38 Wall Street. produces some change in the magical would deliberate upon publio events the village?' old Dutch inhabitants, however, almost EVER DISPLAYED I TOWH. Securities. hues and shapes of these mountains; and some months after they had taken place. of liquor—the mountain ravine—tho "Alas! gentlemen," cried Rip, some­ UONBY TO IiOArr- wild retreat among tho rocks—the woe- universally gave it full credit. Even to All Flrst-ClanBv Hand Stitehed, OnkTannea they are regarded by all the good wives, The opinions of this junta were com­ what dismayed, "I am a poor, quiet this day they never hear a thunder storm Pennsylvania L.eatli«r I.KurHiicc I'lac.d in First-Class Companies pletely controlled by Nicholas Vedder, a bSgone party at nine pins—the flagon man, a native of the place, and a loyal ESTABLISHED 1868. far and near, as perfect barometers. —"Oh! that wicked nagonl" thought of a summer afternoon about the Kaats­ THIRD CLASS PRICES. Office—Cor. MAIN A WALL SIS., NO It WALK When the weather is fair and settled patriarch of the village and landlord of suWect of the king, God bless him!" POWDER Call early as I intend to sell at S P the inn, at the door of which he took his Rip—"what excuse shall I make to Dams Here a general shout burst from the kill but they say Hendrick Hudson and MALL ROFIT, ly 13 _ they are clothed in blue and purple and Van Winkle!" his crew are at their game of nine pinsj . seat from morning'till night, just moving bystanders—"a Tory! a Tory! a 8 and itis a compion.Wish of i "" _ Absolutely Pure SEYEN1 Y-Fl VE print their bold outlines on the clear sufficiently to avoid the sun and keep in He looked round for his gun, but in refugee! hustle him! away with him!" evening sky; but sometimes, when the place of the clean, well oiled fowling husbands in the neighborhood, when ltfa This Powder never varies. A marvel of pare J. BELDEN lliJRLBUTT, the shade of a large tree, so that the It was with great dinJsulty that the hangs heavy on their hands, that they strength and wholesomeness. More economic RAYMOND BROS., rest of the landscape is cloudless, they neighbors could tell the hour by his iece he found an old fire lock lying by self important man in the cocked hat re­ than the ordinary kinds, andcannot be sold in com­ i, the barrel incrusted with rust, tho might have a quieting draught out of petition with the multitude of low test, short Set Single and Douile Harness. will gather a hood of grave vapors about movements as accurately as by a sun stored order, and having assumed a ten­ Rip Van Winkle's flagon. weight, alium or phosphate powders. Attemy rnS Cotiisete at Lai, their summits, which, in the last rays of dial. It is true, he was rarely heard to fold austerity of brow, demanded again SouI only in Cans. HARDENBROOK HALL, Office, 10 Wasliington St. speak, but smoked his pipe incessantly. of the unknown culprit, what he fcame ROVAL BAKING POWDER Co.,106 Wall St., N. Y. Over Mitchell's Market, next door to P.H. Dwy- the setting sun, will glow and light up NOTB.—The foregoing tale, one would er's old stand. Utf So. NORWALK, CT., Oct. 1st, 1888. Room No. 4, Up Stairs,:} like a crown of glory. His adherents, however (for every great there for, and whom he was seeking. bad been suggested to Mr. Knickerbocker" IJf • man has liis adherents), perfectly under­ The poor man humbly assured him that little German superstition about the Emperor GAZETTE BUILDING, NOKWALK, CONN, At the foot of these fairy mountains he meant no harm, but merely dame WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEES IN • voyager may have described the stood him and knew how to gather his Frederick der Bothbart and the Kypphauaer EQUITABLE MORTGAGE CO , the opinions. When anything that was read there in search of some of his neighbors, mountain! the subjoined note, however, which he ISHOOL® light smoke, curling up from a village or related displeased him, he was ob­ who used to keep about the tavern.
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