JbttfU ntnr E iiM tliqrV iraU l WOTHBDAT, oon n at so^ — AyntAGB DAn.T OBOULATION THE WEATHER. (or the M Mta of Beptembor. 1985 FaseeastM 0. 8 . Weather ABOOTTOWN H artferi i|ign 4 tM B i o f tha D a u s litm 5,571 OMtdy, probably foUewed M n d n XibMtjr, No. US, L. U O. L. wlU M— kor of tao Aam M e toMgM aiM Fridayi sfighlly ‘ ' m tiMir dtOl at tho aoeial m o - wnnaer ntdoy. e t tiM ItauMbuMtta otate Bnican o f OhenlatiOBS M c «i Saturday at BroOkllat, H A L O CONCLUDE A W T MONTH WITH A GREAT Tte local P ^ y wtU leavo by \ a t S o’clock, n e team w ill hold V O L. L V „ NO. 27. (CtaaoMed Advovtlstix oa Faga M.) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3l, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) tta ngular monthly mectlnc tomor- PRICE THREE CENTft ' ayaaliic at 7 o’clock la Oimafo Oo TOceday orcnlnf a Hal- party will be yiren for the IHiliilieie and their women Mends. STATE APPEALS One of Latest Pictures From W a r Zone FDUR AVIATORS A special Salvation Army service ■Ml ertU be held tonight in Hartford by MUSSOLINI IS WILLING Mrs. Oommissloner Alexander Dam­ TO YOUNGSTERS DIE AS PLANE on, Territorial Home League secre- t u f from New York dty. The M od Women's Home League omtt- ON HAU.0WE1N FALLS IN WEST <tsd Its meeting this afternoon In X n e g o t ia t e p e a c e order that the members might at­ TO , tend the meeting in Hartford. The ITSung People’s Legion will have a FOR ^ o s t s and Goblms Allowed hyestigators Puzzled (her MaOowe’en party at 7:80. „ $1.29 and $1.98 $ 5 .9 8 S I L K $5.98 K N IT Larxe Skeins Economy Size Odd Balls and Skdns to Stalk Tonight Bat No Queer Antics of Big GENEVA IS NOTIFIED ATLANTIC MILLINERY Wondersoft * Vandals — Fear False Machine Taken Out fo r a No. 2 FURNACE OIL KNITTING T io g a .Y a m s Fnre Alarms. Trial Flight Italian Spokesman Makes 6g per grallon DRESSES DRESSES Italy*s Troops Continue $ 1.00 This Annonncemeiit As L. T. WOOD CO. WORSTED KOTEX By ASSOCIATED PRESS Cheyinne. Wyo., Oct. 81.— (AP) 4 Dozen in Box a $e.po $e.oo 2 9 ^ eaph With the police of every Connec­ — A aUter-bued airliner roared out Advance Upon Makale Leagne Confers to Set ticut city and vlUage on tho alert of a sn<jw-(Iecked sky last night, DRUG SPECIALS fo r acta of vandallam, young and 2 J , 0 0 hurled four airmen to death on a $1.26 Hot Water * f old alike prepared today to cele­ Deadline Before It D ^ tiny hilltop, and left a puzzle for In­ Rome, Oct. 31—(AP) — Italian;; (native eoldlers)' located at Maica brate Hallowe'en under a threat of troops on the Eritrean front today BottIca ........ ^X eU U 0 0 c box 4 $ 1.00 . poaalbte rain from the weatherman. vestigators today In an ugly mass of Rle attacked Ethiopian forces north­ PINEHURST These are all new dresses In the newest styles. so shades including ombre molten metal. continued their advance upon west of the Daua river. dares An Economie This lot of knit dresses are all two-piece models, 50c Phinip’a Milk of Mag- Every municipality baa token on Makale, It was announced In an of­ Military effects, high collars of pleated white satin colors. 3% -ox skeins. For Regular 40c to 85c Ball W hat caused the 18-possenger The communique said General have high collars and button down fronts. Colors extra police for .the observance and ficial communique. and seif material. Some are made to give two-piece sweaters, suits, etc. An excel­ Dollar Day Only plane, undergoing a trial flight, to Emilio de Bono, commander-tn-ebief include green. Royal blue, brown, ambertone, rasp­ in New Britain, youth la appealing The First A rm y Corps, the an­ a id effects. Colors Include new green, brown, rust, ........... $ 1 . 0 0 lent buy. One to four skeins or bells of to youth to curb all acts of violence, crash on a low knoll six miles south In East A frica has liberated 16,000 Blockade — France berry and rust tweed. nouncement eald, occupied a region GROCERY, he. glum^md^lackwUhsaUncrepotrta^ a color, Including (Jrevena, Bou- vandalism and the sounding of of here, why it exploded aa It dived Ethiopian alaves In the occupied 50c Prophylactic Beoond n o o r. At This Price dotted with wells in the vicinity of territory. cle. false fire alarms. to the earth, and why It leaped again PfaMhnrst Budget Mat and Uecc on the rood between Today, the 29th day o f hostlUtles, England Eager fo r Qnick Hartford has iiutalled a cute lit­ into the air to burst into a ball of Edaga Hamua and Makale. saw two more sbiploada of trooiroopa VEGETABLE SPECIAL tle device in twenty-five fire alarm flames were questions confronting $1.00 A fresh engagement waa report­ leave NapI ;. The MEN’S MOGADOR TIES boxea there, designed to ' emit a Investigators. Vknoy White ed on the Somaliland front in which steamer Aventino carried 30 officers Solution o f Problem. Exceptional Value — Newest Patterns raucous noise as o f a rooster In dis­ The victims, who had taken the three Italian native soldleri were tress if tampered with by false and 812 Blackshirts of the Third of CAULIFLOWER United Airlines plane on what was killed and two wounded. The January division. The steamer 6 Different Patterns alarm ringers. to bave been a leisurely cruise Ethiopian casualtlei were placed at The 'ghost and goblin brigade Gablana le ft -with two mobUe sec- Geneva, Oct .Sl — An Italian eeveeseesoee .0^0 sees A WW HOUSEWARES through zero weather, were: 1 1 dead. tiona of the Gran Sasso Dlvtolon Jsr lOc 6 Different Colors Rubber Reducing among the younger generation will spokeeman announced today that FC ea. — for M. T. Arnold, 36, chief of test The engagement took place when Full Length Door M irrors Plant Stands be aUowed to pat^e and stalk with consisting of (our oifleers and 160 the warring Fasciat natkm wan ***** ***«•» I Cg. Main Floor, Front. pilots of the U A L, Chpyenne. a detachment of Somaliland JJubata men. oh A t y t# Ivory or walnut frames, good * j Wrought iron frames with A M A A their pumpkins unscathed by the Hanley G. Cohn, 82, veteran W yo­ willing to nsgoUato for psaoe with CORSELETTES authorities, but the skies may open quality glass. Siiie 14” x 50” e P X e U U three colored pots....................9 X . U U ming Air Service pilot, of Denver, H. V. Drees, Evening Herald-NEA Service ^taff Oraeraman, was moving along the Ogaden front with a Ethiopia. up on them to prevent much merri­ formerly of Sheridan, Wyo. detachment of Raa Nassibu's army when the warning roar of an oncoming Italain war plane sent the The spokesman made thin sssnr Cunpben*S ment. EMward Yantia, about 28, of the Fancy Framed Mirrors troops scurrying to the nearby road embankment In search of cover. tion nn the Lengue of Nnthmn oA m h Johnson’s Glocoat Liquid Rain Is Expected U A L Instrument crew, Cheyenne. $ 1-00 16 V^” round and 2 3 upright wall mir­ The weather forecast reads ed .Itniy n flnnrtntervni tor wm ild- No-Rubbing Wax Harold Kaufman, 21, apprentice WIDER TRADE EMBARGO srntlon at settlement e f th e, TOMATO rors with A <1 ’’cloudy followed by showers to­ Instrument man o f the UAJ* Chey­ DOMESTICS night; slightly warmer Friday." African conflict before t gold fram es............................. $ X s U U enne. Jectod to on eeonoitde bh 36” White and Striped All Our Regular Stock of 39c Full Fashioned l-quart can .... ...................... In addition to the Informal Many Saw Craoh SOUP $ 1.00 revelry with consiatent Mardt-Oras No lesa than a score o f persons SEN.BRADLEY.GEIS BY U. S. NOW DISCUSSED T to ly In willing to rMkbUnto,’’ hn Chiffon and Service by the street throngs, many of them JAP SAILORS HEROES ■sserted In re fo ren e n ^ Ih n vtnit to Bathroom M irrors saw the crash and told the same OUTING FLANNEL With metal frames, sH w Dusting Mops In mask and gown, hotela and res­ story. Geneva of Baron.^mpM Aloltl, 3 cans X O e Fall Dress Fabrics taurants throughout the state will representative of .Fremlnr MwnnnUBl, Large, fluffy yam mops in triangular or The plane had been aloft about 28 18” X 10” ................................ offer a variety of special entertain­ NATIONAL POSITION who is due tomdrrow for the msnt- HOSE $ i.U U oblong shape, on a A J A A minutes when the motor began to ment. IN THRILLING RESCUE Obaerrers Wonder If New ing o f r«pr* 6shtatlven o f 63 naUcos, New Fall Shades sputter. Two minutes later It MUCH NEW CAPITAL PINEHURST Medicine Cabinets reversible fr a m e .....................v X . U U In New Britain, the Boy Scouts em ore to sst the date for actual VEGETABLES 7 $ 1 have appealed to other }rouths to plummeted with a deafening ex­ anfOroemwit o f economlo aanetiona. yards All wood cabinet with mirror door and plosion, bounded high into the air Action Is Planned to Bear N stlre Carrotfl or Make up your own gowns and pajamas.
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