Review J Clin Med Res. 2018;10(2):73-76 Parafunctional Behaviors and Its Effect on Dental Bridges Amal Alharbya, g, Hanan Alzayerb, g, Ahmed Almahlawic, Yazeed Alrashidid, Samaa Azharc, Maan Sheikhod, Anas Alandijanie, Amjad Aljohanif, Manal Obieda Abstract functional and a parafunctional way. Functional activity in- cludes meaningful work such as speaking, eating, or chewing, Parafunctional behaviors, especially bruxism, are not uncommon whereas parafunctional behaviors indicate abnormal hyper- among patient visiting dentists’ clinics daily and they constitute a ma- active functions conducted by the masticatory structures, i.e. jor dental issue for almost all dentists. Many researchers have focused tongue, teeth, oral muscles, etc. [1]. Bruxism (teeth grinding), on the definition, pathophysiology, and treatment of these behaviors. clenching, thump/digit suckling, lip or fingernail biting, and These parafunctional behaviors have a considerable negative impact non-nutritive suckling exemplify parafunctional habits [2]. on teeth and dental prothesis. In this review, we focused on the impact Functional activities are vital to smoothly perform essential of parafunctional behaviors on dental bridges. We summarized the functions of the oromandibular system without damaging it. definitions, epidemiology, pathophysiology, and consequences of par- On the other hand, parafunctional behaviors do not deliver a afunctional behaviors. In addition, we reviewed previous dental litera- necessary function and they may lead to local tissue damage. ture studies that demonstrated the effect of bruxism or other parafunc- The mechanism of parafunctional behaviors is different from tional behaviors on dental bridges and dental prothesis. In conclusion, functional activity [3]. parafunctional behaviors are common involuntary movements involv- ing the masticatory system. They are more prevalent among children. Types of Parafunctional Behaviors These behaviors have deleterious effects on dental structures. Causes of parafunctional behaviors include anxiety, depression, smoking, caf- feine intake, sleep disorders, or central neurotransmitter dysfunction. Given its close relation to dental field, bruxism is the parafunc- Bruxism and other similar masticatory system activity cause dental tional that has received special attention among researchers fracture, loss, and weardown of enamel or teeth. They can also affect during the last three decades. Bruxism refers to teeth grind- different types of dental protheses both fixed and removable types. ing or clenches that have deleterious effects on teeth or den- Parafunctional behaviors shorten the life expectancy of these proth- tal protheses. Next came non-nutritive suckling in which pa- eses, and damage residual dentition and denture-bearing tissues. tients tend to suckle non-food items, particularly his thumb, any digit, or pacifiers in children. These behaviors disappear Keywords: Parafunction; Parafunctional habits; Parafunctional be- insidiously over time with progression of age. However, they haviors; Dental; Bridge; Bruxism may persist to the adult stage leading to significant damage of the masticatory and oromandibular structures. Non-nutritive suckling habit can easily be recognized through inspecting the teeth. Teeth of these individuals have pressure marks from the Introduction tearing mechanical force continuously applied to these teeth. Anterior open bite or posterior crossbite signs are also not un- The masticatory system functions in one of two ways: a common. It is generally recommended to start active interven- tion to obligatorily cease these habits at the age of 3 years [4]. Other parafunctional behaviors include nail biting and lip or Manuscript submitted December 8, 2017, accepted December 22, 2017 cheek biting [4]. aDepartment of Dentistry, Riyadh Colleges of Dentistry and Pharmacy, Ri- yadh, Saudi Arabia Prevalence of Parafunctional Behaviors bDepartment of Dentistry, Primary Health Care, Qatif, Saudi Arabia cDepartment of Dentistry, Ibn Sina National College, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia dDepartment of Dentistry, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj, Results from a research conducted on Saudi adolescents dur- Saudi Arabia ing the year 2006 depicted that lip and cheek biting was the eDepartment of Dentistry, Umm Al-Qura University, Mecca, Saudi Arabia most prevalent parafunctional behavior reported by 41% of fDepartment of Dentistry, Buraydah Colleges, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia g participants. Nail biting was the second most common behav- Corresponding Author: Amal Alharby, Department of Dentistry, Riyadh ior having a figure of 29%. Both bruxism and thumb suckling Colleges of Dentistry and Pharmacy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Email: aalhar- [email protected]; Hanan Alzayer, Department of Dentistry, Primary Health constituted only 15% of the cases [5]. Care, Qatif, Saudi Arabia. Email: [email protected] Sleep bruxism occurs in about 7-8% of the general popula- tion. It is more prevalent in children occurring in up to 40% of doi: https://doi.org/10.14740/jocmr3304w children around age of 11 years, and it is estimated to be more Articles © The authors | Journal compilation © J Clin Med Res and Elmer Press Inc™ | www.jocmr.org This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License, which permits 73 unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited Parafunctional Effect on Dental Bridges J Clin Med Res. 2018;10(2):73-76 prevalent among females [6]. A more detailed research about logical factors, sleep disorders, and medication side effects [6, bruxism showed that 20% of adults had bruxism (teeth clench- 8-10]. Abnormal anatomy of the oromandibular and stoma- ing) during awakening, only 8% of bruxers are aware of their tognathic system can cause bruxism. The most common ab- night bruxism. Noisy bruxism was reported in 14-20% of par- normality encountered among patients with bruxism is mala- ticipating children below the age of 11 years. Of the affected lignment between upper and lower mandibles causing a bad participants, 10-20% had signs of bruxism during conducting occlusion. Psychological factors seem to play a key role in de- the research [7]. velopment of bruxism. Studies indicated that bruxer individu- als had higher rates of anxiety and depression than their coun- terparts who do not have bruxism [10]. Patients with nocturnal Pathophysiology of Parafunctional Behavior bruxism often have other sleep disorders especially sleep ap- nea and snoring [16]. Other factors proposed include trauma, In spite of continuous efforts to understand the nature and genetics, smoking, alcohol, caffeine intake, illicit drugs, and mechanisms of parafunctional behaviors, an exact patho- certain medications [6]. physiology remains elusive. Researches have proposed many theories for the development, or more accurately the persis- tence, of parafunctional behavior. The most common theory Impact of Parafunctional Behaviors on Dental is the psychological hypothesis that the parafunctional activ- Health ity represents a regression to or maintenance at an oral stage of development in which the mouth and face are used to vent Bruxism and other parafunctional behaviors were thought to the individual’s stresses, frustrations, or anger [8]. Dopamine, have a major negative impact on dental health. They were serotonin, and noradrenaline are common neurotransmitters reported to result in wearing down of enamel or teeth wear, involved. Genetic causes were also studied [9]. Recent studies teeth fracture, wear, or loss that necessitate treatment with suggest that parafunctional behaviors develop due to central bridges, crowns, or implants. Furthermore, they were thought regulatory mechanisms and peripheral factors do not contrib- to worsen the general condition of stomatognathic system. In ute to the pathophysiology [10]. advanced untreated cases, temporomandibular joints can be af- fected [2]. However, more recent researches indicate that other factors such as teeth erosion are involved [17]. Furthermore, Bruxism Definitions discrepancy of results between studies is mainly attributed to the definition and diagnosis of bruxism. Studies that had Many definitions have been established for bruxism. Accord- included patients who self-reported bruxism showed a sig- ing to the American Academy of Orofacial Pain, bruxism is nificant correlation between bruxism and teeth wear [18, 19], a parafunctional activity such as grinding, clinching, gnash- whereas studies which included polysomnographic-diagnosed ing or bracing of teeth which may occur either diurnal or patients reported that there was no considerable relationship nocturnal [11]. Diurnal and nocturnal bruxism are different between bruxism and tooth wear or temporomandibular joint entities, with different etiologies, pathophysiology, risk fac- dysfunction [20]. tors, and management plans [12]. American sleep disorders association adds to aforementioned definition the occurrence of one more feature such as tooth wear, tooth sounds, or dis- Parafunctional Behaviors and Dental Bridges comfort of jaw muscles not explained by another medical ill- ness [13]. The glossary of prosthodontic terms, on the other Not only do the parafunctional behaviors affect the teeth, but hand, defines bruxism as an oral habit in which an individual they also have deleterious effects on dental protheses including involuntarily and rhythmically grinds or clenches
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