BREAKING IOWA’S GLASS CEILING POLITICS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2015 THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ Avian flu threatens Iowa hens By NICK MOFFITT [email protected] THE The meat, eggs, and other products from millions of Iowa poultry infected with the H5N2 avian influenza won’t make it to the dinner table, but that’s not the only problem two infected farms could create for the state. The H5N2 strain of avian influenza GOLDEN currently has not been found to transfer to humans in any way, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey said Monday during a conference call. He said the two Io- wa farms that have confirmed cases of the highly pathogenic ver- TWIRL sion of the avian flu could present problems for a variety of people. “There is other finan- Northey cial impact here as well,” Ag secretary he said. “Each [egg] lay- er will eat around one bushel per year of corn, so once these birds are euthanized, they won’t be us- ing corn for a while.” Northey also referenced veterinari- ans, soybean producers, and the poultry farmers with the infected population. The infected population includes 27,000 turkeys in Buena Vista Coun- ty and 3.8 million egg-laying hens in Osceola County. Northey said no other farms are cur- rently under investigation and samples tested from farmers in those areas have all been negative. “We believe this is not going from SEE FLU, 8 2016 IOWA CAUCUSES Budget still a 2016 issue By REBECCA MORIN [email protected] Even with the three I’s — ISIS, Iran, and immigration — at the forefront of discussions for 2016 contenders, they aren’t ignoring one of America’s largest Iowa Golden Girl Whittney Seckar-Anderson practices one of her routines in the Field House on Tuesday. Seckar-Anderson competed in the World Championship of baton twirling in Italy, and her issues: the federal budget. team won gold. (The Daily Iowan/Rachael Westergard) Potential and official candidates are being more careful this By BEN MARKS | [email protected] son, was the featured twirler at Michigan collection of trophies along the way, in- time around in discuss- State, and her mother, Julie Seckar-An- cluding first place at the 2012 World ing how to fix the U.S. n a podium in Lignano, Italy, derson has run a dance studio, Julie’s Open Solo Championships and third financial problems. surrounded by her team and a Touch of Silver, for 34 years and twirled at place in the 2012 World Championship James Thurber, the Ocheering crowd, Whittney Seck- the University of Mississippi. in Switzerland. director of the Center for ar-Anderson finally held the gold trophy Whittney Seckar-Anderson’s first dance However, she said, her return was not Congressional and Presi- she and her team had worked so hard for. lessons came when she was 3. motivated by her previous third-place win. dential Studies at Amer- The group competed at the World Cham- “I would let them do whatever they “[Switzerland] was the first time I’d ev- ican University, said all Thurber pionship of Twirling and Majorettes, and wanted to do, but they seemed to enjoy it, ery competed individually, so I had no idea candidates — both Re- director it was named the best twirling and parade and they stuck around the studio all the what to expect,” she said. “So getting third publican and Democrat corps in the world. time,” Julie Seckar-Anderson said. was like getting gold.” — will have to address Seckar-Anderson is a communica- Growing up twirling did lead to some This time however, she won gold, but it issues related to the federal budget, in- tion-studies major at the University of Iowa sacrifices for Whittney, her mother said. wasn’t easy. cluding tax and spending policies. and is perhaps best known for her role as “When anybody’s so completely involved As the Golden Girl, Seckar-Anderson Conservatives and liberals know the Hawkeye Marching Band’s Golden Girl. in a sport like this, you have to make twirls with the Marching Band at all the argument on a balanced budget On stage in Italy however, she was choices,” she said “I know during middle home football games, doing pregame will be on how much taxation there the team captain of the Touch of Silver and high school, she chose not to do a lot of and halftime shows as well as any pa- should be and how it should be re- Twirling Corps. stuff the normal kids were doing.” rades the band does. formed, Thurber said. Twirling runs in Seckar-Anderson’s blood. As she grew up, Seckar-Anderson con- Her older sister, Lacey Seckar-Ander- tinued to twirl, gathering an impressive SEE GOLDEN GIRL, 3 SEE BUDGET, 3 WEATHER DAILY IOWAN TV ON THE WEB INDEX HIGH LOW CLASSIFIED 12-13 54 32 • SCAN THIS CODE CHECK DAILYIOWAN.COM FOR HOURLY DAILY BREAK 10 UPDATES AND ONLINE EXCLUSIVES. FOLLOW Mostly sunny, very windy and • GO TO DAILYIOWAN.COM OPINIONS 4 Canadian, frost warning tonight. • WATCH UITV AT 9 P.M. @THEDAILYIOWAN ON TWITTER AND LIKE US SPORTS 14 SUNDAY THROUGH THURSDAY ON FACEBOOK FOR MORE CONTENT. POLITICS 6 2 NEWS THE DAILY IOWAN DAILYIOWAN.COM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2015 A BRIDGE TOO FAR The Daily Iowan Volume 148 Issue 173 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher 335-5788 Email: [email protected] William Casey Fax: 335-6297 Editor-in-Chief 335-6030 Jordyn Reiland CORRECTIONS Managing Editors 335-6030 Call: 335-6030 Dora Grote Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for accuracy Tessa Hursh and fairness in the reporting of news. If a Metro Editors 335-6063 report is wrong or misleading, a request Nicholas Moffitt for a correction or a clarification may be Chris Higgins made. Opinions Editor 335-5863 Nick Hassett PUBLISHING INFO Sports Editor 335-5848 The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is pub- Danny Payne lished by Student Publications Inc., E131 Arts Editor 335-5851 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Iowa Emma McClatchey 52242-2004, daily except Saturdays, Sun- Copy Chief 335-6063 days, legal and university holidays, and Beau Elliot university vacations. Periodicals postage Photo Editor 335-5852 paid at the Iowa City Post Office under the Margaret Kispert Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Design Editors 335-6030 Taylor Laufersweiler SUBSCRIPTIONS Patrick Lyne Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 Projects Editor 335-5855 Email: [email protected] Stacey Murray Subscription rates: Politics Editor 335-5855 Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one Kristen East semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 Convergence Editor 335-6063 A bridge crosses a stream on the Mormon Handcart Trail in Iowa City on Tuesday. The trail is located next to the Hawkeye Recreation Fields, and it features for summer session, $50 for full year. Quentin Misiag a main cement trail and numerous other side trails. (The Daily Iowan/John Theulen) Out of town: $40 for one sememster, $80 Graphics Editor 335-6063 for two semesters, $20 for summer Kristen East session, $100 all year. TV News Director 335-6063 Send address changes to: The Daily Iowan, Dora Grote 100 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, TV Sports Directors 335-6063 Iowa 52242-2004 Chelsie Brown Jalyn Souchek Advertising Manager 335-5193 Web Editor 335-5829 Council OKs Charter’s first test Renee Manders Tony Phan The Iowa City City Council passed the first consideration of an ordinance amending Advertising Sales Staff Business Manager 335-5786 Bev Mrstik 335-5792 Debra Plath the Iowa City Charter. Cathy Witt 335-5794 Classifed Ads/Circulation Manager Juli Krause 335-5784 By BILL COONEY ter requires the council to changed to 3,600 signa- ing in the preamble of the Production Manager 335-5789 [email protected] either pass recommenda- tures; the previous re- Charter isn’t as clear as it Heidi Owen tions or send the recom- quired number was 2,500. could be, City Councilor The Iowa City City mendations to be voted on The changes also include Jim Throgmorton said. Charter will soon get by the public. allowing anyone eligible to “The new language an update thanks to the The commission’s rec- vote to sign rightly emphasizes that Charter Review Com- ommendations include a petitions Iowa City belongs to all of mission and now the first new preamble, giving the instead of its residents and all share vote by the Iowa City mayor power to add items only allow- responsibility for it,” he City Council. to the City Council agen- ing regis- said. “What I do not see The City Council da, validity of petitions, tered voters is any acknowledgement passed, 6-0 with Councilor and various other changes to sign. of nonresident property Terry Dick- to language throughout Despite and business owners. The ens absent, the charter. the mea- Dobyns proposed wording makes the first The commission put in sure pass- city councilor it sound as if residents consider- a large amount of time ing, some ‘own’ the city.” ation to engaging the community city coun- Dobyns said he felt the amend sev- and gathering public in- cilors weren’t 100 percent entire commission process eral sec- put, Mayor Pro Tem Su- pleased with the changes. could do a better job of tions of the san Mims said. City Councilor Rick changing the City Char- Charter on Mims “There was a lot meet- Dobyns said the number ter if it became a separate Tuesday Mayor Pro Tem ings, a lot of time, and a of required signatures entity that answered only evening.
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