THE OHIO JOURNAL OF SCIENCE — INDEX 1951-1970 JANE L. FORSYTH AND CHRISTINE M. GORTA Department of Geology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 INTRODUCTION It is almost 20 years since the first General Index to The Ohio Journal of Science, which covered the issues from the beginning (1900) through 1950, was published (Miller, E. M., 1953, published by The Ohio State University and The Ohio Academy of Science). It is time, therefore, for another general index, dealing with issues appearing since 1950. This is that index. Unlike the first index, there is no separate listing of full references by author; rather, this is simply a combining of all the entries from all the yearly indexes from 1951 through 1972. Basically these original entries remain unchanged here, though mistakes found in a few were corrected, and some have been slightly reworded in order to fit better into this multiple listing. Entries relating to book reviews occur only for the years of 1963 through 1970, because book reviews were not included in the earlier indexes. It should also be noted that, though a few of these books represent merely a reprinting of older, out-of-date books, these books are not so identified in the entries in this index. Preparation of this index has been mostly handled by Miss Christine M. Gorta, under the direction of Dr. Jane L. Forsyth, Editor of The Ohio Journal of Science from 1964 to 1973, but others have also contributed to this work—mainly Misses Lauran Boyles and Laura Witkowski—contributers whose efforts are gratefully acknowledged. Support for this index was supplied by the Journal itself. A Basic History of California, book review Absolute space, the existence of, 62: 101 of, 65: 165 Acalles ohioensis, n. sp., 53: 118 A Brief History of Science, book review of, Acanthatrium lunatum n. sp., 60: 323 66:222 Acanthoscelidius siolatus, n. sp., 55: 57 A Contribution toward a Bibliography of Acculturation in Haiti, 52: 123 Ohio Zoology, book review of, 70: 62 Acetylsalicylic acid, physiological effects A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, in the chicken, 62: 13 book review of, 67: 385 Acid, p-chloro or p-bromomandelic acid, A Dictionary of Zoology, book review of, ultraviolet spectrophotometric determina- 67: 192 tion of zirconium with, 67: 35 A Flora of North America, containing Acid mine waters, 53: 123 abridged descriptions of all the known, Acid mine-drainage Problem of the Patoka indigenous and naturalized plants grow- River Watershed, Southwestern Indiana, • ing north of Mexico, arranged according book review of, 70: 217 to the Natural System, 70: 198 Acidic silica gels, reactions in, 67: 74 A Guide to Science Reading, book review of, Acmaeodera, Yucca-inhabiting, 62: 2; two 67: 192 new species from Texas, 66: 332; other new A New System of Chemical Philosophy, species: A, chisosensis n. sp., 52: 349; A. book review of, 65: 334 hualpaiana n. sp., 52: 349; A. quadrivittata A Portrait of Isaac Newton, book review of, cazieri n. subsp., 60: 6; A. robigo n. sp., 54: 69: 225 27; A. santarosae n. sp., 60: 322 A Source Book in Geology, book review of, Acoustical behaviour, of the cicada Fidincina 66: 350 pronoe (Walker), 62: 113; of 17-year A Textbook of Entomology, book review cicadas, 58: 107 of, 66: 352 Activity by insects, a sound-activated Abactrus kissingeri n. sp., 60: 83 method for recording, 67: 42 Abbott, Maxine L., 52: 258 Acton Lake, some physical and chemical Abbott, Ralph E., 52: 258 characteristics of, 62: 55 Abdullah, Mohammad, 61: 212 Acusana, a symopsis of the genus of, 66: 42 Abney, Thomas S., 61: 262 Adams, John A. S., review of book by, 67: 61 Abri Schmidt, excavations of, Bavaria, 61: Adams, Stuart, 51: 313; 54: 360 45 Adelphi, radiocarbon age of wood from near, Absolute heats of formation of aqueous ions, 65: 159 68: 123 Adler, Kraig K., 61: 180 THE OHIO JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 72(6): 322, November, 1972. No. 6 INDEX 1951-1970 323 Adolescents, broken homes among, 63: 30 Allolobophora: A. minima Muldal, natural Aedes aegypti Linn, 54: 151; invertase activ- history of, 55:241; A. muldali, redescrip- ity in adult, 54: 237; nutritional require- tion, 59: 329 ments of reproduction, 55: 209 a-Methoxyphenlycacetic acid-Zr reaction, Aesculus-ieeding species of Exartema, 51: 61: 186 353 Alrutz, R. W., 59: 339; 61: 13 African ancestry, of American whites, 58: Alter, Dinsmore, review of book edited by, 155 69: 320 Agar overlay, techniques of utilization of Alticinae, 53: 51 maintenance medium on, 66: 523 Altmann, Stuart A., 58: 273 Agassiz, Louis, review of book by, 67: 334 Amatayakul, Thanomwang, 55: 343 Agee, Robert, 58: 245 Ambient temperature, physiological re- Agelaius phoeniceus, plumage aberrations in, sponses of guinea pigs to, 66: 474 67: 240; some parasites of, 65: 49 Amblyomma americanum, additional record Aging, some biological factors in, 55: 193 in Ohio, 54: 98 Agnew, Allen F., review of book by, 69: 192 American brook lamprey, new locality Agricultural Sciences for the developing na- record for, 66: 581 tions, book review of, 65: 141 American Science in the Age of Jackson, Agrilus, new species of: A. bentseni, 54: 28; book review of, 68: 276 A. howdeni n. sp., 57: 234; A. mojavei n. sp., American Upper Ordovician Standard, 52:352; A. ohioensis n. sp., 51:89; A. Maysville, Kentucky, 61: 372 parabductus n. sp,, 54:28; A. putillus Ames, John A., 66: 131 parputillus n. subsp., 60: 321 Ames Limestone, a new crinoid from, 66: Agriotes, new species of: A. caecus n. sp., 459 59: 356: .4. rufohumeralis n. sp., 59: 357 Amine catalysis, in reaction of tetrabutyl- Alaska, snow-bank kames in, 70: 107; leaf- ammonium hydroxide with 2,4-dinitro- hopper beneath icy tides of, 70: 111; soils chlorobenzene, 68: 304 instability in, 51: 281; strontium exchange Amine products, high molecular weight, im- characteristics of soil in, 63: 225 purities in, 58: 34; toxicity of amines for Albahaca morada, possible oral hypoglicemic Duckweed, 58: 354 factor in, 64: 223 Amino acids and peptides, 68: 104 Albuginaceae (fungi) of Ohio, 70: 218 Amoebidae, structural and cytochemical Alconeura, new species of: A. rossi n. sp., studies of cytoplasm in, 54: 195 54:13; A. sigmaforma n. sp., 54:13; A. Amphibians, of the Erie Islands, 64: 11; of splendida n. sp., 51: 169 Greene County, Ohio, 51: 335; of the Elk Al-Dawody, Ali M., 60: 327 Mountains, Colorado, enteric protozoa of, Alexander, J. D., 66: 359 67: 55; of Tree Farm Natural Area, Defi- ance County, Ohio, 68: 313; body cavity Alexander, L. J., 52: 327; 59: 271 and oviducal eggs, insemination of, 57: Alexander, Richard D., 57: 101, 148, 153; 91; parasites of some Ohio species, 54: 216 58: 107; 63: 19; 67: 200 Amphibians of Malawi, book review of, 68: Algae, in Ohio river drainage, 58: 375; in 202 Ohio water supplies, 62: 225; in upper Amphibians and reptiles, circulatory prob- Cuyahoga River system, 58: 375; in west- lems in, 62: 132 ern Lake Erie, 64:43; 68:80; Bangia Amyridoxylon ordinatum gen. et sp. nov., 54: atropurpurea in western Lake Erie, 70: 252 257; Monostroma and Enteromorpha in Anax junius, oviposition behaviour in, 67: Ohio, 64: 272; freshwater, from Death 313 Valley, 65: 11; of the Panama Canal and An Annotated Bibliography of Observations its tributaries, 55: 99; fine structure in on Illinois Water Resources, book review three genera of, 68: 187; cell walls of of, 68: 18 Chlorophyceae, a microscope survey of, Anal canal, glands of, in man, 61: 65 66: 317; photosynthesis, measured with 14 Ancestry, African, of American white popu- C , 60: 77 lation, 58: 155 Algonkian Indian stream and place names, Anchastus, n. sp., 65: 218 59: 365 Anchomus blatchleyi n. sp., 54: 185 Aligia, new species of, from Mexico, 68: 169; Ancient Environments, book review of, 68: A. rescoana n. sp., 51: 175 335 Algicides, preliminary screening for, 55: 1 Anderson, Richard J., 65: 161 Allegheny brook lamprey, Virginia records, 59: 217 Andrew, Clifford, 66: 613 Allegheny Plateau, soils in, 64: 385 Andrews, Ted. F., 53:91 Allen, M. J., 54: 83 Angerer, Clifford A., 53: 240; 55: 296, 329 Allen, P. C, 58: 39 Animals, distribution in Ohio, 51: 153; re- Allison, James, 63: 266 production, effects of plant estrogenic sub- Allergens, inhalant, aquatic insects as, 66: stances on reproduction in, 67: 308 529 Animal Geography, book review of, 66: 80 Allocapnia indianae and A. ohioensis, sym- Anisoptera, sexual recognition in Erythemis, patry in, 67: 288 66:613 324 JANE L. FORSYTH AND CHRISTINE M. GORTA Vol. 72 Anisotarsus maculicornis, valid name, 52: 219 Atchips cerasivoranus (Fitch), observations Annual Report of the Ohio Academy of Sci- on, 65: 60 ence, 51: 207; 52: 229; 53: 244; 54: 281; 55: Aref, Hussein, 55: 354 247; 56:245; 57:243; 58:250; 59:241; 60: A Review of Nitrogen in the Tropics, with 239; 61:242; 62:208; 63:166; 64:285; 65: particular reference to pastures, A Sym- 234; 66: 437 (final year that full Annual posium, book review of, 63: 144 Report of Academy was published) Arizona, a new species of Melanotus from, Annual reports, proceedings and special pa- 62: 34; a new species of Acmaeodera from, pers, 61: 98 62: 2; Pinus cembroides in, 63: 159 Anobiidae, 62: 1; unrecorded genus from Arkle, Thomas, Jr., 53: 1 U.S., 61: 183 Arkona-Whittlesey beach ridges, radio- Anslow, R. C, review of book by, 65: 148 carbon dates of, 66: 582 Anthocyanin pigments of buckwheat hypo- Arnold, Dwight E., 52: 261 cotyls, 58: 187 Aromatic nucleophilic substitution reaction, Anthonominae, notes on, 58: 366 68: 304 9-Anthracylboron compounds, preparation Arteries, near heart, of Aves, 51: 47,
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