USOO8443106B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8.443,106 B2 Shuster (45) Date of Patent: May 14, 2013 (54) CONTENT RESTRICTION COMPLIANCE 2002/0087726 A1* 7/2002 Macpherson et al. ........ 709/245 USING REVERSE DNS LOOKUP 3.99. A 333 Bugal.OS 3. 2005/0038702 A1 2/2005 Merriman et al. .............. TO5/14 (76) Inventor: Gary Stephen Shuster, Fresno, CA 2005/0050222 A1 3, 2005 Packer (US) 2005/0102407 A1 5/2005 Clapper 2005.0114794 A1 5/2005 Grimes et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2005/0177844 A1* 8, 2005 Levi et al. ....................... 725/30 2006/0173793 A1 8/2006 Glass .............................. 705/75 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 38885 A. $39. S.al f U.S.C. 154(b) by 564 days. 2006/0224689 A1 * 10/2006 Leip et al. ..................... 709/217 2006/0248.190 A1* 11/2006 Gardos et al. .. 709,225 (21) Appl. No.: 12/339,763 2006/0259.778 A1* 11/2006 Gudorf et al. ................. T13, 186 2007/0204040 A1 8, 2007 COX (22) Filed: Dec. 19, 2008 2007/0260603 A1* 11/2007 Tuscano et al. ................... 707/9 2008/0059310 A1 3/2008 Lettow et al. ................... TO5/14 (65) Prior PublicationO O Data 2008.011486256888. AA1* 1568.5/2008 MoghaddamNE et al. ........ 713,155709.220 US 2009/O164597 A1 Jun. 25, 2009 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Related U.S. Application Data The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, defini tion of demographics, 2000.* (60) Provisional application No. 61/016,440, filed on Dec. 21, 2007. (Continued) (51) Int. Cl. Primary Examiner — Joshua Joo G06F 15/16 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Novak Druce Connolly G06F 5/73 (2006.01) Bove + Quigg LLP, Jonathan Jaech (52) U.S. Cl. USPC ............................ 709/245; 709/203; 709/225 (57) ABSTRACT (58) Field of Classification Search .................. 709/203, A method for alerting Internet content providers of the age or 709/245, 201-202, 204217, 223 225 other personal information of a computer user, which See application file for complete search history. includes receiving a reverse DNS lookup query from an Inter net content provider, and providing the age information of the (56) References Cited computer user, in addition to a host name, from a reverse map Zone file in response to the request. The personal information U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS may be used by the content provider to select appropriate 5,918,014 A * 6/1999 Robinson ...................... TO9,219 content for the requesting host, for example for complying 6,065,055 A 5/2000 Hughes et al. with content restrictions. A system of alerting an Internet 6,928,4556,233,618 B1B2 8/20055, 2001 ShannonDouguet al. contenttent providerid offth uneage or ounerpersonalth 1 infinformation ti oIf a 7,260,598 B1 8/2007 Liskov et al. computer user is also provided. 7,424,439 B1* 9/2008 Fayyad et al. ................ 705,733 2002/0065920 A1* 5/2002 Siegel et al. .................. 709,227 18 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets 'yod? Recw ReCUESCONTEN fo?. it'd 4. e CNEN RANSM RStrict CONFENTO NWORKNOE Yis GerAE NS to 8 URY f YS ARESS ELGBE No ti rest RCT CONFENT RANSNSSION TRANSMIT ALTERNATW MESSAGE US 8,443,106 B2 Page 2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS 232, “Method and Apparatus for Regulating Network Access'. Feb. 1, 2006, Zyxel Communications Corporation. Dicionary.com, definition of demographics, retrieved Feb. 14, 2007.* Liu, et al. European Patent Application, Publication No. EP 1 662 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent May 14, 2013 Sheet 1 of 2 US 8.443,106 B2 Fig. 1 of Ot. 702 -- U.S. Patent May 14, 2013 Sheet 2 of 2 US 8.443,106 B2 Fig. 4 to ESTABLISH RECEIVE NETWORK CONTEN CONNECTION RECUEST AUTHENTCATE RANSM USER DENTITY 8 CONTENT TO NEWORK NODE RECEIVE REO UEST TO GENERATE DNS QUERY ESTABLISHOR UPDATE USER PARAMETERS 30, ADDRESS EGBLE OBAN PARAMETER INFORMATION -3d 3 RESTRIC CONTENT COMMUNICATE TRANSMISSION WITH SERVER TO ENCODE PARAMETERS IN ZONE FILE TRANSMT A TERNATIVE MESSAGE US 8,443,106 B2 1. 2 CONTENT RESTRICTION COMPLIANCE addition, censorware is controlled on the client side, and USING REVERSE DNS LOOKUP therefore content providers may not be able to determine whether or not the censorware is installed and operating prop CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED erly. APPLICATION Therefore, it would be desirable to provide a method or system for preventing inadvertent access to restricted content, This application claims priority pursuant to 35 U.S.C.S 119 that overcomes these and other limitations of the prior art. (e) to U.S. provisional application Ser. No. 61/016,440, filed Dec. 21, 2007, which is hereby incorporated by reference in SUMMARY OF THE DISCLOSED its entirety. 10 EMBODIMENTS BACKGROUND Accordingly, the following aspects provide for a method and system to enable content providers to comply with selec 1. Field tively-applied content restrictions, such as restrictions arising The invention relates to methods and systems for comply 15 from the age or location of a computer user. In some embodi ing with content restrictions for computer-accessed content, ments, an Internet Service Provider (ISP) collects parameters Such as restrictions tied to user age, location, preferences or relevant to content restrictions, such as the age or birth year of other attributes associated with particular network addresses. prospective Internet users in the household to which service is 2. Description of Related Art being provided, or is to be provided. In setting up or main Various age verification and filtering applications are used taining Subscriber accounts, the ISP encodes the user param for protecting children from receiving age-inappropriate eters in a Zone file of a Domain Name System (DNS). For materials over the Internet. Client-side applications are also example, the user parameters may be encoded as text charac used to prevent users from using particular clients to access ters in a text field of a pointer (PTR) record associated with the restricted or inappropriate content. account holder. User parameters in the Zone file may be One type of age verification method simply requires all 25 updated by the user via the ISP to reflect changes in user users of a particular website to Verify their age, such as by parameters, such as when a new computer user is added to a providing a credit card account number which is then cross household. In general, an administrator or account holder for checked for validity. Only users that provide a valid credit each client may be responsible for Supplying and maintaining card number are then allowed to access adult content on the the user parameter information. In other words, it is the end website. Notwithstanding the advantages of Such methods, 30 user (Such as, for example, the parent or parents in a house they are subject to certain limitations. For example, the age hold) that may be responsible for specifying the user param verification only operates in connection with the website that eters to be used in content selection for content restriction obtains the credit card information, or its affiliate sites. There compliance. fore a user may be inconvenienced by having to provide the Once an ISP or other service provider has configured the credit card information multiple times to access information 35 Zone file associated with an Internet Protocol (IP) address of from multiple sites. Also, many users are not willing to pro the client, content providers may access the Zone file to deter vide credit card information, and thus, sites that employ this mine user parameters associated with each content request. method may not attracta user base as large as might otherwise Using the originating IP address for each content request, the be possible. In practice, credit card checks and similar meth content provider may generate a reverse DNS lookup query. ods are therefore used mainly for subscription-based sites that 40 However, the purpose of the reverse query need not include offer adult content to subscribers only. Unintentional access determining or verifying a host domain name associated with by children or other users to restricted content is prevented by the user's IP address, which is the traditional function of a using registered accounts associated with credit cards, and reverse DNS lookup query. Instead, the reverse lookup is requiring users to Supply passwords before accessing content. performed to obtain the user parameters that are encoded in However, the problem of age-inappropriate content, or 45 the text or other field of the PTR record associated with the IP region-inappropriate content, is not limited to Subscription address. only sites. The most popular Internet sites are generally not In one aspect, the method comprises: Subscription sites. At the same time, many popular non-Sub receiving a reverse DNS lookup query from an Internet Scription sites may include a great diversity of content, which content provider; and may include age-restricted or region-restricted content along 50 providing the age information of the computer user, in with a great deal of unrestricted content. Indeed, many popu addition to a host name, from a reverse map Zone file in lar sites derive much of their content from user-supplied response to the request. material, and thus, site operators or other content providers In another aspect, the system comprises: may sometimes be unaware that posted content is subject to at least one DNS server, age or region restrictions. The presence of Such content may 55 a DNS resolver, permit children or others to inadvertently access restricted a reverse map Zone file, content, despite the best efforts of the site operator to prevent wherein the Zone file comprises the age information of a Such occurrences.
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