If You Don't Register RED BANK REGISTER You Cannot Vote VOLUME LXXV> NO. 10. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1952 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12. Auto Insurance Rate Increases Canzona Breaks Ground for Red Bank High School Addition Pet Show, Country Fair to Be Held In County Range from $4 to $11 Saturday at Lincroft, Rain or Shine NEW YORK CITT—New auto- lied or injured In New Jersey LINCROFT -- Every member o! mobile liability Insurance rates for uring 1991 as compared with 33,- the family will find interesting en- New Jersey were announced this 99 during 1950, an increase of 11 Employees Seek tertainment at the .pet show and week by the National Bureau of er cent;. country fair Saturday of this week Casualty Underwriters, effective "Out of all of this, however, there at Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson's immediately. This revision is part merges one fact that should have Salary Hikes Brookdale farm, where thousands of a country-wide movement to very sobering effect on all motor- of county residents are expected to bring rates for this form of In- its and their driving habits. It gather Jor the traditional family surance Into line with the current simply that automobile liability •outing. ** accident frequency and cost of isurance rates don't have to rise At Rumson claims incurred by insured motor- the motorists themselves don't The event will be held rain or ists, the bureau said. ant them to. No amount of in- Impossible Now, Says shine. According to MUs Laurs. Harding of Holmdel, committee The revisions apply to rates for lation can affect the accident that oesn't happen. Neither court nor Nary; Matter Put chairman, the spacious barns of basic limits coverage, which means Brookdile will be able to accom- protection up to $5,000 for bodily ury can hand down an excessive .ward for the liability claim that Before Committees modate most of the scheduled injury for one person, up to $10,000 events. for bodily injury resulting from oesn't exist. And exorbitant re- RUMSON—Request for salary In- one accident and up to 95,000 for al r costs can't possibly be charged creases by borough policemen anl Free bus service to the fair from property damage. against the car that isn't damaged. employees of the road and sanita- Red Bank railroad station will bo The rate changes are not uni- ~o it all boils down to sane driving tion departments were received by provided. The bus will laave at form throughout the state but vary .nd fewer accidents. the mayor and council at their 9:30 and 11:30 a. m.; return trip| by territory, depending upon the The insurance companies don't meeting last Thursday night. are scheduled (or S and 6 p. m. loss record of each sflch territory. ike to have to seek higher rates. Letters from the three groups, "Ws do hope that everyone who For private passenger cars the re Tiey would prefer it If they could read by Albert A. Kcrr, Jr., bor-can will be at Brookdale on Satur- visions result In rate increases eep rates down, because that ough clerk, cited the Increased cost day to enjoy a day's fun and at ranging from a minimum of $2 to ould mean fewer accidents and o! living as reason for Ihe requests, the same time, contribute to the a maximum of $23 for bodily in- ewer claims to be, affected by In- and asked that temporary bonuses public health nursing program of jury and property damage com- 'atlonary costs, Proof of this is granted last year bo made a perm- the Monmoiitli County Organization bined, according to the bureau. For uickly found in the fact that since anent part of their salaries. for Social Service," Miss Harding said today. "We hope that service- most commercial cars affected by 946, when rates began to rise, the The road department employees, higher rates, the Increases for bod- itock companies' underwriting loss- men In the area will consider them- in addition to their request that selves specially invited to join ily injury and property damage es from automobile liability in- the bonus bo made part of salary, combined range from a minimum .urar.ee have reached a total $200,- Monmouth.county folks in a, real asked a pay boost whereby they country festivity." of $3 to a maximum of $23. 300,000. In 1951, when stock com- would be paid six days' wages for pany losses amounted to $100,000,- The 22-plece band from James- - Reason: Accidents, Claims five and a half days' work. The DOO, accidents caused by insured sanitation department asked gen- burg State Homo tor Boys will William Leslie, general manger motorists cost the companies that erally for a raise without citing play during the afternoon and will of the National Bureau of Casualty much more money ,In incurred loss- any specific figures. lead a parade of pets planned as & Underwriters, made the following es and expenses than they received late afternoon event to give those statement in explanation of revised in premiums for automobile liability Police Request unable to attend the morning pet rates; nsurance. However, the companies A letter from Scth Johnson, del- show, a chance to see the children "The rate Increase are made nec- will welcome the opportunity to Edmund J. Canzona, president of ihe Red Bank board of and Coffin ^of New York and Victor Ronfeldt of Wayside, asso- egate of the Rumson Patrolmen's and their animals. essary by mounting accident fre- roduce rates whenever and where- Benevolent association, asked that The pet show is scheduled for quency and increasing claim cosU. ivcr improved experience permits education, breaks ground for the addition to Red Bank high ciate. Others pictured from left to right are Albert T. Mac-a ten-pcr cent bonus granted last 10:30 a. m, with pets expected on As to the latter, there has been a them to do so." school at ceremonies Saturday morning. Work on the new Donald, Ralph Davis, board members; Paul Young, district clerk; year be made a permanent part Gf the grounds by 10 o'clock. Classes steady upward riser.in the average their salary and asked for a lop are listed for every type of pet cost of claims with no evidenc New Bates Listed building was started this week by Charles B. Hembling and son, Dr. M. Gregg Hibbs, superintendent of schools; John Giblon, salary for patrolmen of $4,500 a and numerous costume groups are , of any apparent leveling off In th In giving the new and old rates,' general contractors for the project. The board will accept bids • chairman of the board's building committee; Dr. Herman O. year. Borough patrolmen are cur- scheduled, as well as a trick ani- foreseeable future. Claims settled the National Bureau explained that rently being paid a top salary of mal class. Miss Jeanne DuBols of In 1951, for instance, on a country there are three classes of private at a meeting Tuesday night on a $900,000 bond issue to finance Wiley, William L Bennett and Stanley Haviland, board mem- $3,740 plus a 10 per cent bonus Freehold has charge of pet show wide average basis were 70 per cen passenger cars, as follows: the cost of construction. The addition was designedly Coffin bors. granted last year. In his letter, arrangements. above the 1941 level for bodily in Class 1—car for non-business use Patrolman Johnson asked permis- Mrs. Monroe Eisner of Red Bank jury, and 150 per cent above fo: and no operator under 25 years sion to have the proposal placed is again this year planning the dec- •: property damage. of age. on the November ballot, If the orations for the fair grounds, which v "This adverse trend In automo- Class 2—car for both business Knights' Clambake To Hold Red Bank Day council felt it could not provide will take on a gay holiday appear- - bile liability experience is -the re and non-business use and with an Ground Broken the increase, ance for the event. suit of the economic inflationary operator under 25 years of age. To Be Held Sept. 21 At Israel Exposition The three letters were referred spiralling, the effects of which- an Class 3—car individually-owned, to committees heading the respect- Talent Contest . continuing to inflate the cost o: He'd'" Bank council, Knights of Red Bank Day will be celebrated for business and non-business use, For School Wing ;t the Israel exposition at Rocka- Sales Clinic ive departments after Mayor Fran- In addition to the pet show, ehll-' automobile .liability claims. De and no operator under 25 years of Columbus, will hold its annual dren's activities will include » tal- || clambake Sunday, Sept. 21 at Mc- Edmund J. Canzona, president of teller Plaza, New York city, Sept. cis J. Nary pointed out an 1m- spite the continued rise that has age; also cars owned by corpora- I mediate increase Is beyond the ent content In the afternoon, fea- taken place in the last few yean Guire's grove, highway 35, Middle- the Red Bank board of education, at 2:30 p. m. For Sept. 17 tion^ co-partnerships and unincor- ointed to the crying need for ad- Milton M. Abramoff, general powers of council because of the turing performers who specially in automobile liability rates, It 1. porated' associations, regardless of town. Martin Newman and Fred in hill billy, Western and other Kirwan are chairmen.
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