Holy Family Parish & Santuario de Chimayo ® C. Sargent AUGUST 27, 2017 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME CHIMAYO 8 AM Is 22:19-23/Ps 138:1-3, 6, 8/Rom 11:33-36/Mt 16:13-20 †Vicente Martinez, †Jessie Cordova, †Robert Sandoval by M/M Sammy Martinez # (Ann)†Luis Montoya Sr. by Candie # (BB)†Jamie Vigil by Vigil family. TRUCHAS 8:30 AM †Eleanor Suntum, health & well-being of Sr. Donna Zatah # (Ann)†Samuel T. Romero (Old Church) by Cecilia & Nora # Living & deceased members of Ojo Sarco Carmelitas by Cecilia Velarde & Ruby Valdez. CHIMAYO 10 AM People of the Parish # (BB)†Fedelina, †Ricardo R. Martinez, †Horace Mascarenas by Ruby Mascarenas # †Charlie, †Henry, †Johnny Trujillo by Mary Trujillo. SANTUARIO 10:30 AM †Adelia, †Aurora, †Eufelia by Candie Montoya # †Francis Schai by Mary Ann Currie # Sp. Ints. of Dolores C. Blehl by Gloria & Rita Borjon. SANTUARIO 12 PM †Jerry Quintana by Bill & Will Caperton # †Mariquita, †Escolastico, †Leroy Martinez by Orlinda # †William Thomas by Susan Oliver. P.O. Box 235 Chimayo • NM 87522 / 10 Private Drive 1440 www.vatican.va Office Phone: (505) 351-4360 Fax: 351-4698 Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m.-12 Noon and 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. MINISTRY LEADERS: Office Santuario: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Phone 351-9961 Pastoral Council: E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.prayatalltimes.blogspot.com; www.holychimayo.us Benita Martinez 351-4454 Pastor: Rev. Julio Gonzalez, S.F. Finance Council: Parochial Vicars: Rev. James Suntum, S.F., Rev. Gabriel Gomez, S.F. Pat Oviedo 351-2280 Santuario Asst.: Sr. Telma Gomez, F.S.P.A. Sacrament of Baptism: Secretary: Fabie Valdez; Accountant: Fred Clark Fr. Jim Suntum, S.F. 351-4360 EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE Sacrament of First Communion: Joseph & Valerie Deaguero 614-4166 351-4477 or go to the Parish Rectory Sacrament of Confirmation: Salomon Velasquez 929-1953 MAYORDOMOS: Sonny Velasquez 780-0974 Santo Domingo - Cundiyo Sacrament of Marriage: Patrick & Joyce Sullivan 351-4793 Fr. Julio Gonzalez, S.F. 351-4360 Ryan & Melissa Sullivan 351-9909 RCIA: San Antonio - Cordova Janet Ortiz 455-7520 Linda & Ramon Granados 351-1377 Homebound Visits: Michael Martinez & Shannon Sandoval 351-2469 Sr. Telma Gomez 351-2331 Carol & Gilbert Romero 351-2370 Holy Rosary Scripture Sharing: San Miguel - El Valle Adam & Elena Montoya 927-8853 Joanne D. Sandoval 689-2404 Fred Montoya 689-2219 Holy Family Association: Nuestra Sra. Del Carmel - La Cuchilla Dolores Romero 351-4849 Tillie Martinez 351-4796 Altar Society: Betty Espinoza 351-4427 Lourdes Martinez 351-4012 Santo Tomas - Ojo Sarco Music Ministry: Dell & Nadine Velasquez 689-2802 Benita Martinez (Spanish) 351-4454 Dennis & Christine Archuleta 689-2500 Manuel Chavez ( English) 753-2521 San Jose - Trampas Felicia Quintana (Santuario) 692-9401 Rose & John Vigil 689-1249 Jeremiah Martinez (Truchas) 692-4203 Jose L. & Minnie Lopez 689-2221 Guadalupanas: Holy Rosary - Truchas Floraida Martinez 351-4356 Joyce Sandoval 689-2279 Photography Archives: Richard & Dolores Guzman 689-2468 Cecilia Romero 471-2875 Annette & Ben Smiley 689-2588 Hermanos Penitentes: Miguel Escarcega 689-2380 Danny Sandoval Sr. 351-1764 San Isidro & Sacred Heart - Rio Chiquito Chris Lopez 351-2922 Pita Trujillo 351-4339 St. Vincent de Paul: Virginia Vigil 351-4868 Stella Vigil 351-4073 Nuestra Sra. De Dolores Knight of Columbus: David & Diane Martinez 351-2240 Abel Garcia 310-3974 Horacio & Rosina Martinez 351-2925 Leroy Lopez 689-1105 Dan & Mickie Medina 351-4256 ACTS San Buenaventura Emilio Martinez 689-1078 Robert Ortega 351-4215 Staff: Cemeteries: Santuario Secretary: Office 351-4360 Bryanna Ellis 351-9961 Buildings and Grounds: Gift Shop Manager: Mario Parra 351-0996 Anayeli Almanza 351-0996 Gardens: Andres Madrid 351-4360 AUGUST 27, 2017 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ●MON.-AUG 28TH MEMORIAL OF ST. AUGUSTINE, BISHOP & DOCTOR OF CHURCH: 1 Thes 1:1-5, 8b-10/Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b/Mt 23:13-22 CHIMAYO 8 AM (BB)†Ramoncita, †Carmen, †Modesto Espinoza by Tillie Martinez. SANTUARIO 11 AM †Olivama Maestas by Audrey Sisneros # (1-Yr. Wedding Ann Blessing) for M/M Jay Harrington by M/M F. Weber # Sp. Ints. of Jacob & Josh Villaneveva by Santiago & Anna Limon. ●TUE.-AUG. 29TH MEMORIAL OF THE PASSION OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST: 1 Thes 2:1-8/Ps 139:1-6/Mk 6:17-29 CHIMAYO 8 AM Health of Patrick Mondragon by family. SANTUARIO 11 AM Health & well-being of Sister Mary John Soulliard by Loretta & John Funk # Sp. Ints. of Adrian Rosales by Santiago & Anna Limon # Sp. Ints. of Trujillo family by Sally Trujillo. ●WED.-AUG. 30TH FOR FAMILIES: 1 Thes 2:9-13/Ps 139:7-12ab/Mt 23:27-32 CHIMAYO 8 AM In honor of Infant of Prague, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel & St. Jude for answered pray- ers. SANTUARIO 11 AM †Santiago, †Simaua Armijo by donor # In honor of St. Jude for Sp. Ints. of Bennie Romero by Margaret Romero # Sp. Ints. of Angelica Lucero by Gloria Garcia. ●THUR.-AUG. 31ST FOR PRIESTS & VOCATIONS TO RELIGIOUS LIFE: 1 Thes 3:7-13/Ps 90:3-5a, 12-14, 17/Mt 24:42-51 CHIMAYO 8 AM For Peace in the World. SANTUARIO 11 AM †Mark Tafoya, †Gilbert Garcia by donor # In honor of St. Jude by Gloria Sarin # Health of Dee Jones by Teresa Robles & Albert Martinez. ●FRI.-SEPT. 1ST FOR PEACE & JUSTICE: 1 Thes 4:1-8/Ps 97:1, 2b, 5-6, 10-12/Mt 25:1-13 CHIMAYO 8 AM (Ann)†Danny, †Ernesto, †Victoria Chavez by Viola Chavez # †Jacob Madrid by Madrid family. SANTUARIO 11 AM Health & well-being of Rev. John Riley by Loretta & John Funk # Health of Maria Hererra Bell by Lecretia Trujillo Sisbarro # In honor of Holy Family by Gloria Cain. ●SAT.-SEPT. 2ND WEEKDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: 1 Thes 4:9-11/Ps 98:1, 7-9/Mt 25:14-30 CUNDIYO 8 AM Sp. Ints. of Rosina & family by Tillie Gonzales. SANTUARIO 11 AM (Ann)†Art, †Gerry Tomko by Juan, Tina, Elizabeth & family # (Ordination Ann) †Casimiro Roca by Rob Stothart. CHIMAYO 6 PM †Jose Elias, †Mary, †Norma Jean Vasquez # †Lourdes Garcia, †Jeannie Vasquez, †Moises Lujan Jr. by family # †Tommy, †Jerome, †Jerry by Paulita Deaguero. NEXT SUNDAY SEPT. 3 TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: Jer 20:7-9/Ps 63:2-6, 8-9/Rom 12:1-2/Mt 16:21-27 CHIMAYO 8 AM Living & deceased members of Altar Society # †Narcisco Trujillo by David & Diane # (BB)†Arsenio Romero, †Lucille Ortiz, †Veronica Trujillo by Rose Romero. TRUCHAS 8:30 AM †Verjilio Velasquez by Fabiola & Joe Sandoval # Health & well-being of Precilla (Old Church) Blea, Charlotte Munoz by Cecilia & Nora # (BB)†Primitivo, †Rebecca R., (BB) †Nelson Archuleta by Diane. CHIMAYO 10 AM People of the Parish # †Viola, †Johnny, †Chris Olivas # †Louisa, †Ursulo Martinez, †Tim Campbell by family. SANTUARIO 10:30 AM (BB)†Juan, †Rebecca Archuleta by family # †Health & well-being of Rev. Joe Pacquing by Loretta & John Funk # Sp. Ints. by Anna Mitterbauer. SANTUARIO 12 PM Sp. Ints. of Mary Rita Bieri by Kathleen Krupa # Sp. Ints. of Jesus Manuel Gonzalez by Martha Gonzalez. CONFESSIONS: El Santuario at any time Serving the Catholic Communities of Chimayó, Holy Family and Missions 30 minutes before mass. Córdova, Cundiyó, El Valle, Ojo Sarco, Rio Chi- Any other time by appointment. quito, Trampas, Truchas, Santuario de Chimayó AUGUST 27, 2017 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME COMMUNITY OF PRAYER: CALENDAR EVENTS FOR AUGUST “A Family That Prays Together Stays Together” A ug. 1 Memorial of St. Alphonsus Liguori Bishop & doctor of Church ...WE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Aug. 2 Memorial of Ss. Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop Ernesto Archuleta, Josephine Baca, Tomas Baca, Arsenio Peter Julian Eymard, priest Aug. 4 Memorial of St. John Vianney, priest Deaguero, Daniel Espinoza, Dora Espinoza, Rod Garcia, Emilio Aug. 5 Dedication of the Basilica of the Basilica of St. Mary Herrera, Jose L. Lopez, Beverly Martinez, Cecilia Martinez, Ricky Major T. Martinez, Candie Montoya, David Montoya, Flora Montoya, Aug. 6 Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord Laura Montoya, Lugarda Montoya, Fidelina Padilla, Samuel Guadalupanas –Rosary & Mtg.—2pm Romero, Leroy Trujillo, Johnny R. Trujillo, Mary Trujillo, Melissa Aug. 7 Memorial of St. Sixtus II, pope & Companions, martyrs Trujillo, Pablito Trujillo, Sandra Trujillo, Trujillo Family. St. Cajetan, priest Baptism Catechesis 6:30pm ...WE PRAY FOR THOSE THAT LEFT Aug. 8 Memorial of St. Dominic, priest TO OUR DWELLING HOME IN HEAVEN: Aug. 9 Memorial of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Virgin & martyr Anthony B. Martinez, Jose H. Avila, Leroy Martinez, Arsenio Aug. 10 Feast of St. Lawrence, deacon & martyr Sanchez, Jose R. Vigil, Tommy Martinez, Cynthia Trujillo, Cornelio Aug. 11 Memorial of St. Clare, virgin Trujillo, Clara M. Ortega, Eliseo Martinez, Theodore Lovato, Au- Aug. 12 Memorial of St. Jane Frances de Chantal, religious gustina Reynolds, Alicia Glass, Dorothy Gallegos, Salomon Trujil- Aug. 13 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time lo, Jesse J. Cordova, Minnie M. Rael, Arturo Ortega, Reynaldo SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM—10AM Cordova, Adonelia D. Martinez, Jessica M. Gonzales, Leo Mar- Aug. 14 Memorial of St. Maximilian Kolbe, tinez, Ruben Sandoval, J. Vergilio Velasquez, Isaac Barela Jr., Priest & martyr David Vigil, Manuel Sandoval, J. Adelaido Torrez, Estevan G. Mar- Aug. 15 Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed tinez, Sabino S. Vigil. Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation) Aug. 16 Memorial of St. Stephen of Hungary ...WE PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING OVERSEAS: Aug. 19 Memorial of St. John Eudes, priest Aug. 20 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sgt. James G. Salazar, 1st Class Chantal Martinez Crute, 1st Aug. 29 Memorial of St. Pius, pope Class Barry Crute Jr., 1st Class Miranda Chavez. Aug.
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