PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN Volume 30 Number 26 Saturday, June 24, 2000 • Harrisburg, Pa. Pages 3143—3256 Agencies in this issue: The General Assembly The Courts Department of Banking Department of Environmental Protection Department of General Services Department of Labor and Industry Department of Public Welfare Department of Revenue Department of State Department of Transportation Fish and Boat Commission Human Relations Commission Independent Regulatory Review Commission Insurance Department Liquor Control Board Municipal Retirement Board Navigation Commission for the Delaware River and its Navigable Tributaries Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission State Employes’ Retirement Board Turnpike Commission Detailed list of contents appears inside. PRINTED ON 100% RECYCLED PAPER Latest Pennsylvania Code Reporter (Master Transmittal Sheet): No. 307, June 2000 published weekly by Fry Communications, Inc. for the PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Legislative Reference Bu- reau, 647 Main Capitol Building, State & Third Streets, (ISSN 0162-2137) Harrisburg, Pa. 17120, under the policy supervision and direction of the Joint Committee on Documents pursuant to Part II of Title 45 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (relating to publication and effectiveness of Com- monwealth Documents). Subscription rate $82.00 per year, postpaid to points in the United States. Individual copies $2.50. Checks for subscriptions and individual copies should be made payable to ‘‘Fry Communications, Inc.’’ Postmaster send address changes to: Periodicals postage paid at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Orders for subscriptions and other circulation matters FRY COMMUNICATIONS should be sent to: Attn: Pennsylvania Bulletin 800 W. Church Rd. Fry Communications, Inc. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055-3198 Attn: Pennsylvania Bulletin (717) 766-0211 ext. 2340 800 W. Church Rd. (800) 334-1429 ext. 2340 (toll free, out-of-State) Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-3198 (800) 524-3232 ext. 2340 (toll free, in State) Copyright 2000 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ISBN 0-8182-0004-9 Editorial preparation, composition, printing and distribution of the Pennsylvania Bulletin is effected on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by FRY COMMUNICATIONS, Inc., 800 W. Church Road, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055-3198. 3145 Contents THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY DEPARTMENT OF STATE Notices LEGISLATIVE DATA PROCESSING COMMITTEE State Athletic Commission; time change of public Rules and Regulations meeting on June 26, 2000 .......................3231 Use of Legislative Internet ........................3152 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Notices THE COURTS New prequalification codes of approval to per- form intelligent transportation systems (ITS) DISCIPLINARY BOARD OF THE SUPREME COURT work...........................................3232 Notice of disbarment ..............................3167 Retention of engineering firms.....................3233 LOCAL COURT RULES FISH AND BOAT COMMISSION Luzerne County Notices Schedule of fees; domestic relations section no. Consideration of changes to special regulation desig- 3960C 2000 ....................................3166 nations.........................................3238 RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION Amendments to rules relating to paternity and Notices enforcement of child support; no. 334; Civil Proce- Notice of 1996-1999 court cases ....................3239 dural Rules doc. no. 5 ...........................3155 INDEPENDENT REGULATORY REVIEW COMMISSION EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Notices Actions taken by the Commission ..................3239 DEPARTMENT OF BANKING Notice of filing of final rulemakings ................3240 Notices INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Action on applications.............................3190 Maximum lawful rate of interest for residential Notices mortgages for the month of July 2000 ............3191 Application for domestic certificate of authority by United Concordia Companies, Inc. ...............3241 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Application for increase underwriting authority of a Notices domestic stock casualty insurance corporation: Applications, actions and special notices............3192 American Network Insurance Company ..........3241 Small Business Assistance Program Compliance Ad- Cancellation of public informational hearing con- visory Committee meeting ......................3225 cerning the acquisition of a domestic insurer: Technical Advisory Committee of Diesel-Powered United National Insurance Company.............3241 Equipment meeting cancellation ................3225 Review procedure hearings; cancellation or refusal of insurance ...................................3241 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES Review procedure hearings under the Unfair Insur- Notices ance Practices Act ..............................3242 Contract awards ..................................3256 LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD State contracts information........................3249 Notices DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY Expiration of leases ...............................3242 Notices MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT BOARD Current Prevailing Wage Act debarments...........3225 Rules and Regulations Revisions to rules and regulations .................3168 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE Notices NAVIGATION COMMISSION FOR THE DELAWARE Federal poverty income guidelines for 2000 .........3226 RIVER AND ITS NAVIGABLE TRIBUTARIES Proposed Rulemaking DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Navigation licensure and renewal..................3179 Notices Pennsylvania Doubling 8’s instant lottery game.....3227 PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Pennsylvania Nifty 50’s instant lottery game .......3228 Rules and Regulations Pennsylvania Triple Cash Bingo instant lottery Reporting requirements relating to the submission game...........................................3229 of gas supply and demand data ..................3172 Now Available Online at http://www.pabulletin.com PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 30, NO. 26, JUNE 24, 2000 3146 Notices Bell Atlantic-Pennsylvania, Inc. and Hooks Com- PPL Electric Utilities Corporation d/b/a PPL Utili- munications Group, Inc. .......................3246 ties; transfer by sale ............................3248 Bell Atlantic-Pennsylvania, Inc. and Jato Operat- Pennsylvania Wastewater Company, Inc.; waste- ing Two Corp. ................................3246 water ..........................................3248 Bell Atlantic-Pennsylvania, Inc. and Palmerton Railroad Long Distance Company d/b/a Blue Ridge Tele- Consolidated Rail Corporation and National Rail- phone Company ..............................3246 road Passenger Corporation ...................3243 Bell Atlantic-Pennsylvania, Inc. and We Connect Kenneth F. Strittmatter v. R. J. Corman Railroad Communications, Inc. .........................3247 Company.....................................3243 Service of notice of motor carrier applications.......3243 GTE North Incorporated and Omniplex Communi- Telecommunications cations Corporation ...........................3247 Bell Atlantic-Pennsylvania, Inc. and ACSI Local Sprint Communications Company LP and GTE Switched Services, Inc. d/b/a e.spire ............3244 North Incorporated ...........................3247 Bell Atlantic-Pennsylvania, Inc. and A.R.C. Net- United Telephone Company of Pennsylvania d/b/a works, Inc. ...................................3245 Sprint and Choctaw Communications, Inc. d/b/a Bell Atlantic-Pennsylvania, Inc. and Ciera Net- Smoke Signal Communications ................3247 work Systems, Inc.............................3245 STATE EMPLOYES’ RETIREMENT BOARD Bell Atlantic-Pennsylvania, Inc. and Claricom Networks, Inc. ................................3245 Notices Bell Atlantic-Pennsylvania, Inc. and Comm South Hearings scheduled ...............................3248 Companies, Inc. ..............................3245 TURNPIKE COMMISSION Bell Atlantic-Pennsylvania, Inc. and Energy Re- search Group, Inc. d/b/a Northeast Telephone Rules and Regulations Services .....................................3246 Traffic regulations ................................3175 PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 30, NO. 26, JUNE 24, 2000 3147 READER’S GUIDE TO THE PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN AND PENNSYLVANIA CODE Pennsylvania Bulletin Bulletin before it can take effect. If the agency The Pennsylvania Bulletin is the official gazette of wishes to adopt changes to the Notice of Proposed the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is published Rulemaking to enlarge the scope, they must re- every week and includes a table of contents. A propose. cumulative subject matter index is published quar- Citation to the Pennsylvania Bulletin terly. Cite material in the Pennsylvania Bulletin by The Pennsylvania Bulletin serves several pur- volume number and page number. Example: Volume poses. First, it is the temporary supplement to the 1, Pennsylvania Bulletin, page 801 (short form: 1 Pennsylvania Code, which is the official codification Pa.B. 801). of agency rules and regulations and other statuto- Pennsylvania Code rily authorized documents. Changes in the codified text, whether by adoption, amendment, repeal or The Pennsylvania Code is the official codification emergency action must be published in the Pennsyl- of rules and regulations issued by Commonwealth vania Bulletin. Further, agencies proposing changes agencies and other statutorily authorized docu- to the codified text do so in the Pennsylvania ments. The Pennsylvania Bulletin is the temporary Bulletin. supplement to the Pennsylvania Code, printing changes as soon as they occur. These changes are Second, the Pennsylvania
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