University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 5-20-1968 Kabul Times (May 20, 1968, vo. 7, no. 50) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (May 20, 1968, vo. 7, no. 50)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1764. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1764 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .. , " I , . .' . PAGE 4 TH~ KABUL' TIMES MAY Hi; 1968 -,---~..,....~"'-'''''-:''''''';~~-,",-~---,-,----+_'':''''''''''';'. "- --_.:--'---,-- oJ " , : , , ' d # .. J ., ' ,., '. ~ .. ~ ",l . r ~~~<:~,"h~~ ,~~~!.}n ,~~.te~: ~ /--,~ ~ I .. l' ,'" \_ I ,I Attends HouSe~s QU~sfion, ffour E,teinadi~ ", ,L ,t r ' • I FOR'SHEER ~abul.. Since Ia1tlng, the, offi,,!, Ilf Ihe Pri- . By Wakel>een provInces was signed In 'me Mlrilster, Noor, Ahtna<t E'emadl in Iha counlry's dailY life its mem­ The project is aimed attstlll1ulatlng , .. DE'lOHT endeavour in primary and secondary ES last week atten<1ell tbe,ql/estion hour bera'had heard Ihe'explanations pro­ A' of the Wolesi Jlrgah, the Tower hou- vided by ministers or governm~"t of- education and adapting education oe of the Afaban Parliamenl for ,the ficiits. mote to the economic. and social fit&t time. 1be Prime- Minister exp- ,Tliere were also Beveral economic n~eils of Ihe people of these areas, lained·.Ibat since recelvjng the vote items of importanf. during Ibe we­ It was also announced durmg Ihe of confidence for his policy and ca· ek. One of ~hese was the sigOlng of week Ihat 14 countries w,lI partiCI­ pate m the Intemalional exhibition ..: ..""~,,~~,"_"~ ~iJ blnet and after the >jYinter rct"ss.of an agreement for twn United States -. ., ' ." lhe Parliament was over about two loans to Afghanistan totalhng which is to be hcld in Kabul in Au­ ~ ""I' - S~;":""'" gust on Ibe occasIon of Afghan,s VOL. V:II, NO. 50 months ago, he wanted to coml' ,to $16,600,000. KABUL, MbNDA¥, MAY 20, 1968 (SAUlt 30,1347 S.H.) r ••••;PRJCE AF~ 4 the House of Representlitives. One of Ihese loans $12,000,000 tanft 50th independence aoniversary.· .. will serve the growing residential One of the aims of lhe exhibItion -B-u--d--d~h""~!""""E-';'r-a-M--us-e-u-m- • . - Before ~be deputies asked tbelr and industtia1 needs of the more IS to boost trade, including the cxp-­ Fede,~~l, '1;~o0!f.::: questlnns, the Prime MiOl.ter in a lban one miUion people m Helmand­ ort of Afghan-goOds to foreign co­ brief statement said lbat a8 expou' Arghandab- VaUoy. untnes In this connection an offi­ ndea ID the policy statemeill of his Cial of the Minislry of Commerce re­ Overrun, Biafrll's government when be soughl a vote The other loan of $4,600,000 will vealed lasl week thai Ihe minislry IS Opene'd In 'Hadda of confidence from the HOUSe thc be used 10 prepare final pillns for the studying the po$slbilily of selling up , government considers mutual good­ land imp/ovemenl programme of . a mobile exhibll of Afghan goods .Port Harcourt and produets to tour countrics whe­ will, cooporatio/l and trusl between Helmand Valley AUlhority. The Ka­ LAGOS, May 20, (Reuter)--Niger­ re market for their sale eXlsls the Exectlve and Legislature the only Jaki plant which will yield more than a Relics Unearth£d- Stand Ian federal troops have entered Port The offiCIal in parhcalar named way to administer the country and 150,000 kilowatts is pla­ Hnrcourt-Biafra's last remainIng atlain objectives, AustralIa, the Scandanavlan countries national nned to have 16,5 megawatt turbane Disc~very supply link With Ihe oUlside world Japan and New Zealand as potenlHll On Site Of I He said, lbal tho Executive during generators -and seJud control of the city, ra­ I this time not permilted Itself tll markets for Afghau exporls. He saId I has In other news of Ibe week a plan dIO Nigena reported yesterday. ~be that the MlDlstry of Commerce was JALAlABAD, May 20, (Bakhlar) -Tnformation and Culture int'lrkre politically with work of operatIon Which w,lI enable the The port-which IS also Blafra'8 of Legislature. He also lauded the 8 '" contacl with Colombo Plan mem­ l\1intster Dr. Mohammad Anas yesterdny afternooh maugurated I Afghan government to establish key lndustnal and 011 cenlre was actions taken by various committees ber countries and the Untted Nations central unit for tbe Regional Edu­ the Buddhic period museum," Hadda and the Nangai-har Public over run tty troops of Nigena's third as well as the meetings nf the Ho- Development programme to secure l'ltJOnal Development Programme I.I brary in J alalabad army commando dIVISIon under use extremely imporlanl and d~ the npproprlBte assIstance 10 form· 9J1 and also to set pliol regIonal educa­ It IS Ihe first museum of Its kind to be organIsed in Afghanls­ Col. BcnJamm "scorpion" Adekunle I - Hcate matters of national importance JOg such n tlml. :0 , tl-ooal development ctntres in two Ian as hlstoricnl relIcs unearthed sland In theII" flrIgmitl placc. Saturday Dlght., accordmg to army The Kabul UnJverslly seismic wllh shelters bUIlt on them. sources In Lagos stallon \\ as opened in Kargha World News In Brief' I,, , They reporled Ibat the federal tro­ vesterday The rector of the Ka­ A~IMAN May 19 (Reuter) -ted' no hazard to people or ma- There wcrc 34 stupas, w,lh Slud the Items nrc from 2 to 4th ops moved m from Port Harcourt bul l'nn ers'ty Touryalal Etema­ Brando their relatcd arches, ond some JOldal"'l1nn ~lnd 151ae1l fon.'es last lin.. life' Czech Action Programme' centunes ad airport 8 km from Ihe city, whicn dl (Ibml from right), the deputy (Conftnu'd from page 3) 2500 pIeces of other valuable ,t­ Ana~ Olght exchanged machlllegun fl- ----- Later Dr oDcned thc thcy captured On Friday. reclol Dr Mohammad Slddlq directed by Italian Rille Pontecorvc, ,e fo, 10 m,nutcs In the southelll I.ONOON, May 19, (OPA) (Continued from pag, 2) The CommunISt Party of Czecho· ems uncovered In Shototak hill Nangarhar PubliC Llbrnry III .Ia­ They met no heavy resistance and (second from left) the U.S. Am­ whose film "The battle of Algiers' ,n Hadda In three excavatIOn se_ reglOl\ of the JOldan Valley ac- Pdots of the Bnllsh Overseas create conditiol18 and to open space slovakm will conhnue to take &0 lalabad Col Adckunle moved hIS headquar­ bassador in Kabul Robert Neu­ for an International BSSCl'itiOn of our actIve share In the gtruggle for the wus banned 10 France asons The excavatIOns were con­ Set up by PrOVInCial Dep'" l­ ters mto th~ city at first light ye~· mann (tbird from Icft) and Ma­ COl c1I1lU In d m1l1tarv spnkesmarl AII'ways CorporatIon started a k~lo-ruse culture A WIde mfiuence of our ullIty of the mtcmatJonal commu~ Brando said It was not too latc , \ ducled by a Leam from MrnlstTy !TIenl of Inf01 matlOn and Cultu· terdoy cClllrc. Ibc chleI of USAID (first hel e \\ 01 stnke Saturday to enfOlee claIms for salary LOcrea· science and arts abroad hel". effec­ nlst movement, (or the strengthen­ 'to solve the race problem In the .of Information and Culture hen re the Ilbl al y has somp .iOOO bo­ Most of Ihe two diVISions of 8m· from ri~ht) were present The ded by Dr Shahy Bye Mostam­ HONG KONG May 19 t Reu­ lively to prove Ibe advantages of mg of the coordinatJOn of ac110n of UOlled Slates If wh,tc and black nks Dl Anas expressed the ho­ fran troops dcfcndlDg the city ret· nc\\s "as rarned In the Kabul starl talkmg to each other HIt Will be andl. head of Ihe Instllute of Pe Ihal Ihe lIbraries of the Nan­ reated to 1hc northwest, toward the lell ('hll1(Sl' FOlelAn Mlnlstel soclahsm and the possibilities of an the Communist PartlOS WIth all pro TI mrs Yesterday Archeology ~arhar Ch('1l VI h;JS 11'Itelated hiS COUIl­ I~ARACIlI May 19 (OPA) actIve policy of peaceful C~)I1S­ grcsslve forces aqUict summer, one tempered by Medical College, Clnd t:le heartland of the Ibo lnbal area ro· commurucatlOn," he predicted Speakmg On the occaSIon, Dr Nangarhar Teachers TI amtng: Co_ und Owenl tn: S Vle\\ that the Vietnamese' Nilt th Vietnamese Ambassador tence Tbe Commuwsl Party of Czecho­ so·call~ Anas said. "Ihe establishment of lI~ge wa~ cnrnmullIsts \\ould \·..In If thev !\1mh Loan cunently on a VlSlt slovakIa Wl1J fully aVaIl Itself of lIs He said the black cxtr' will cQQI'dlllate then actiVI­ Pori Harcourt airport Blbfra's Our forelgo polIcy has nol made thiS museum Will have a gleat ties 50 that the public may get ('Ollt lnll' d w fight t/l Peking today called on F01­ speCIfic POSSibilities of establlshln8 emlsts he had spoken With wcre not only fcaslble large-scale hnk for use of all pUSSlb,lities 10 act effe<:· filled wllh bale for lbe whItes "It role In mtroducmg the past hiS­ the utmost of their books. and SpCdklng 1l a leuptlon last elgn Mmlster MIan Ats.had Hus· contacts With soclahsf, peaceful and arms and ammunttlons shipments DE GAULLE tlvely, It did not show,enough JOlt18 capltall~t Isn't a questIon of race agalOst race tory of AfghaUlstan to the outSI­ other readlllg materials stored In Ilndll In hnncllil of a Jomt GUI.
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