Playing Nurse Soccer Team Heading Home For Tournament? No Failure To ommunicate Tht! cha1r of lht> nu"mg dep.ulmcnt ';occer roach John TO(>bbt_.n h,l" h1'1 dub d<l'.t' to the Cl"\'cll Lake" V,1lley onfcl"\'nct''" l'rufc M>t jo1m Ramage u hi cnthu· g•vt.... llp1 for findmg a rob 'K'clson adv,mt.lgl' rt'gulolr IItle and home f1eld for lhl' conference tournament •a~m and knowkodgc of the Civil War Page 2 to get hi point acros~. Pagel Page4 The Northerner Volume 24, Number 6 Student publication of Northern Kentucky University Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1994 llighlond llcights, Ky. 411l'J9 NKU Looks To Private Sector For Funds 8y ChriJ Mayhew nology fundl>d, ~ I loll Isler sa1d. more th.1n S'XXI,lXXl ThiS IS rt_m.ukabk.' for a Pmtftl</11111 Ma'"'·'~" •Money to rai5C f.tculty 1>.1k1rit"!> lh.· mmp.11gn has r.uscd S? million sn~ umvcrs1ty f.l<:Uity .uld st.1ff to do, Nester s.11d •lbc pres1dent'<, vrntul\' Cdpr t.ll fund, ,1 1t lx-g.m m fall1992. "\-Ve ,lsk\.'<1 pl'Oplc to g1vc .1s much as tht'Y 1llc futun• of pn.~'Clo; at NKU, <;uch as a fund wht_'n.'thecommonw\.•althofK(.'lltucky It<. go.1l1s to reach 510 mill1on by the fall could, I know people m phy~1cal pl.1nt who nl'w c.1mpuo; mterf,uth ccnl\.'r and will m.1tch the ,1mount put into r--'-=--'- 1995 g.weacouple hundred doll,us. th..1t IS a b1g Ky. Agents Seize impruvt.'l ,1thlctic f.lcihtll"<, depend (m the the fund All of the funding for the c,lm· gift to me," lll<mlSOn 1o.11d "Embraet• Opportun1ty" cap1t.1l mmp..1ign Heroin At Airport • A new faculty, o;t,lff ,1nd ,1lumm p.1ign C011l(.~ from private md1· Before askmg anyollt' else for don.1trons the fund, "-lid the VIce pn."'iidcnt of umwrsity center vidu.1ls, business and mdw.try, h1nd needed to .,how tl1.1t NKU's farulty ,1nd HEBRON, Ky. (AI') A rcl.lllm\S,lnddl'1.'c\oplll('nl. • Money to support ,1 ll"Cturt• foundations and alumm, staff h.1d .1 C.:Jmm 1tment to the um\·er;Jty, California mantrit.>d totr.ms­ The "Embraet• Opportunity" c.1mp;rign series ltollisters.1id. Nl>slers.1id. port nc,uly 2 pounds of hero­ w,1s d\.'Sigmxlto fund pro)'L"Cfs that the state • lmproveml'lll of c.lmpus envi- The first place the umversity The faculty and staff don.1tions to the c.1m· in by swallowing it in pellet obviously will not fund, Vice President ron men! looked to fund the c.1mp.1ign was p..1ign have pt.'Ople's commitment to NKU, form, airport drug agents l'etl'T llollbt\.'TS.lid. • Upgradl'<l athlet1c filcihlll'S and from the university faculty and s..1id associate pruf\.'SSOI' Mich.1cl lllomson, S.lid. The:.c projects include: scholarships . Peter Hollister st,1ff, s.1id Bill Ncsll>r, CXl'CUtive who is in charge of g.1thering all faculty and Agents stoppt.>d Eduardo •Money forschotaro;hips •Construction of a c.1mpus intl•rfilith center dtrt_'Ctor of Embrace Opportunity Camp..1ign. st.1ff don.1tions. Martinez S.1lomon at the •Equipment for sc1encc and arts programs "If we don't find the funding for them lllcsctgo.ll wasS300,(XX)i n farultydona- Ci ncinnal i I No rthern • Libr.uy aaJUiSitions and computer tech- oursclvl"S, they're simply not going to get lions. So far the don.1tions h.1vc totaled See Donations, Page 8 Kentucky International Airport after he got off a night from Los Angeles c;uly Faculty Mix Wednesday. Salomon, 24, of Ril'ersidc, Not Satisfactory, In The Good Old Days Ca lif., had swallowed 100 peiiNs of heroin, said Lt. Council Says Gayle Blackburn of the ai r­ 8y John Bach port's drug task force. If one Nrws Edrtor pellet had broken open, it could have killed him, The number of African· \. Blackburn S<J id. Americ.ln faculty at NKU is not Salomon still had 49 pellets yet s.1tisfactory for the Counril in his body when he was on Hi gher Education (C HE) stopped, Blackburn s.1id. The nor is it acceptable for many on other pellets, which had campus. passed through his body, NKU has not yet met the were wrapped in clothing in Cf·IE's requirement that 4.2 per­ his carry-on baggage, the cent of faculty be African­ lieutenant said. American. Depending upon its purity, Twelve out of 362 or 3.3 per­ the heroin could have a street cent of NKU's full·time faculty va lue in excess of $1 million, are Afncan·Amencan, accord­ Blackburn S<Jid. ing to CH E s tatistics. NKU has During a court appcar.1nce until 1996 to achieve the per· Wednesday, U.S. Magistrate centage of 4.2 set by the CHE. Judge j. Gregory Wehrman If KU does not m(.'{'t the scheduled a preliminary requirement, then the universi· hearing and bond review fo r ty will be pcnalin>d by being Friday. Sa lomon was being proh1bited from requeshng that held without bond in the the state .1pprove new degree Campbell County jail. programs. Salomon faces a maximum II is unfortunate that the only prison term of 40 years on a time the university community charge of posS<!Ssion of hero­ gets concerned about becoming Vic Hellard Jr. (right), tha director of Kentucky's legis lative research commission performs his on•man play on in with intent to distribute it. mo re diverse is when the bud­ Edwin P. Morrow, the governor of Kentucky form 1919·1923, for NKU's Phi Alpha Theta chapter. Morrow was a Agents think the heroin was get is threatened, said Pamela Re publican known for his speaking ability and sense of humor. Morrow advoca ted women's rights, government bound fo r New Yo rk City. Hill, assistant dean of students accountability and education reform. Sa lomon had a ticket to for African-America n Student LaGuardia Airport there. Affairs. NKU has made a verbal com­ 'Assassins' Not Run-of-the-mill Musical Man Pleas Guilty mitment, Hill said. To Killing Informant "When people say they can't By Lee McGinley "A<;s.1ssins" focu'>l>s on nine his­ ass..1ssins acted, Beresford s.1id. hst, shot Garfield was bec.utse find qualified black people, EdltOr·III·Chref toncal pt."'Ople who attempted, LEBANON, Ohio (A P) A The play tril'S to explore the Carfteld d1d not appoint htm that's bull," Hill satd. some succes~.fu ll y, to kill U.S. assassins' rationale as well. Kentucky man pleaded guilty French ambassador. Jerome Bowles, a graduate Those attending NKU's theater pres1dents. "'There were very many deep, Thursday to aggravated mur­ "When he was hung the word student in education, also department's season opcn('r m.1y "A lot of jX'Ople w1ll probably personal rc.1son~ for them to do der charges in the death of a 'glory' was on h1s hps," Cooley agrees that NKU is not repre­ not get what they're expcctmg, thmk tt glorifws the shooting of 11- (showmg rcgrt_--sSion) toward police informant who was S<lld "lie was very proud of sentative of society. 1tsdircctors..11d. presidents," said Julie Ferrara, the government - 1t wasn't JUSt going to testify against him. what h(' had done." "If the umversity Is senous "You're not going to come 5('(' who portray!> Lynette "Squea ~y H mS<Jnity," Ferrar,l s.11d Paul RcOO, 26, of Frankfort, Other ass..1ssins were di~hS· about diversity, they s hould a musical where ev('ryone Frommt•, o1w of Charles Some thought tl was the1r duty was S(.'ntcnced to life in prison fied with their hves, Bt>rt>sford make a serious effort to recruit dances, si ngs and has a happy Manson'~o follmn•ro;. Fromme or sought sonw type of ,1w.uxl for m the death of Chris Pettit. He S.lld more black faculty," Bowles ending," !>aid Mary Jo lk>Tt"Sford, tr1cd to ~ill Gerald Ford in 1974 ~tlhng the prt.'Sidents, .,.11d 0.1n could be eligible for parole after "\1\'e !t<l\' th('re's an Amencan said. ~Assassi ns " d1rcctor and theater " It takl"l> a look at pl'<)ple (assas­ Cooley, 21, who plav:. Charlt., 20years. dreo11n You'll lx> nch and More blad. faculty will bring mstructor. "It's a really dar~ end­ ~oms) to M"l' that 11 dnt'Sn't happen Gmteau Warren County Common h.1ppy." llNl·~ford s.11d "And n1any different perspt.-..:tives and mg." agam." Ctutl'au kllk'<ll'rt-:.ldl'nt jam('!> th,lt'o; not ollwav!o what h.lp· Pleas Judge r. Daniel Fetters will only enhance the quality of Opening Thursday, Oct. 6 m The play attemph to k•avl' the Carfi('ld m 1881. O.w of thl' n.•a• ordered the sentence to be education, he said . the Main Stag\.' Theatre, audience ponderm~ why the MJns Gmtt•au, .1 forml'r ('\'allj.;t'· scrv\.'<1 concurrently with a "0- See Assassins, Page 8 ycar Si'lltcnce Reed rect.'ivcd in Kentucky on a kidnapping Center Helps Homemakers, charge involving Pettit. Reed was accused ol kilhng Single Parents Re-enter l'l.."'tit alongside Interstate 71 m Warren County on june 10, 1993. Pettit, 18, of Frank.hn College, Work force Fields County, Ky., had been sched­ By Amy l.
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