Volume 16 APRIL Number 186 - 1938 - Subscription Price: $1.00 l)eJ.• year, in :ulYttnce. A(ldress coDJ.munications to Treasurer, Mellor Jlunham, 182 Kingston Ro:ul, Hownrd t1113. Assistant Secretary, Sydney Peters, 14 lUendel A venue. *+~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~·· Clturclt of St. John the Baptist (Norway) Kingston Ro:ul and Womlbine A''enue. ~erbices-: HOLY COMlliUNION-Every Sunday at 8 a.m. MATINS AND EVENSONG-Matins 11 a.m.; 1st and 3 rd Sundays in each month at 11 Evensong 7 p .m. on Sundays. a.m. Every Thursday (with s pecial inter­ cessions for the s ick) at 10.30 a.m. THE LITANY- O i.1 the second Sunday of the m onth at Morning Prayer. HOLY B 1\ .PTISM- Every Sunday at 4 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL- Sunday at 3 p.m. CHURCHING-After Baptism or by appoint­ The C bur~h is o]}en tlaily for ]}rivate prayer, ment. rest :tnll 1neditution. · +~l--------------------------------------7,. -----------------------------------------------------~~ CANON W . L. BAYNES-REED, Jl •.S.O ., V.D., L .Th., Rector, 156 Kingston Road, Howar(l 1405 ' ARCHDEACON J. B . FOTHERINGHAlll, Assistant, T rinity C ollege, Millway 8411 REV. F. E. FARNCOMB, B.A., Cemetery CltaiJlain, i 6 BeucltYiew C1·escent, Grover 6955 lliiSS MARY SHO'l'TER, Deaconess, 500 Ii:ingston Road (Apt. l5), Grover 1236 A .Y.P.A • .........•..•..••••••...•.. Sec., Miss Jlorothy Sntitlt, 33 Nor,-v:ty Avenue, Howard 7754. CARIT,LONNEUR .................. W. Bruce Cl:trk, 39 G lenmore Road. Howard 9690. CEMETERY OFFICE ............. 256 Kingston Ro:ul, Howard 2965. Supt., Mellor Jlunham, .1.82 King·ston Road, Ho,-vard 6113. CHOIR .................... ....... 01,'g.-CIIOir Muster, W. H . Mould, L .I.G.C.lll .• 310 "\Villow Ave. Gr. 0247. St>c., P. E, Coultart, Howard 7083. CHURCH AND PARISH HOUSE ... Corner Kingstott Road and Woodbine Ave. (Queen car) Howard 4560. CHURCHWARDENS .......... ; .... Rector's Warden, Mr. F. P . Wltiteltouse, 56 Edge·wood Avenue~ ' . People's Warden. T . W. Turff, 154 Cliff Crest Jlrive, Grover 4354: ECCLESIA GIRLS' BIBLE CLASS .. Mrs. F. H. B. Saxon, 302 Lee Avenue, Grover 1779. EVENING BRANCH W A •......... St>c., Mrs. H. Jl. Collins, 281 Wootllline Avenue, Howard 51.03. FLOWERS FOR ALTAR ......... Flower Se~ •• Miss Robertson, 26() 'Vaverley Road. Howard 2109. GIRl, r~ UIDES .................... Miss Ht>lt>n Gibson. 69 Oak Pari;;: Avenue. INDOOR FH' E PIN BOWLING .•.. Sec,, B. A. Smith, 69 Herbert Avenue, Howurd 3621. JUNIOR BRANCH W .A . .......... ·Marjorie Wilf'o~k. 310 Woodbine Avenue, Howard 5459. LADIES LAWN ROWJ,ING CI,UB .. St"c., lllrs. Caunter, 2 Hartford Avenue, Howartl 9177. LITTLE HELPERS' BRANCH W .A•. Mrs. Gregory, 75 llowmore Road. MEN'S L A WN BOWLING CLUB ... Sec., B. A. Smith, 69 Herbert Avenue, Howard 3621. ltfOTHERS' SOCIETY ............. llfrs. J,arawny, 75 · Hannaforfl Avenue, Grover 5532• 1\JOTHERS' UNION ............... St>c., Mrs. F. Walker, 2058 Gt>rrnr(J Street E .. Howard 2~6CJ, ; ; t ,\ :NORWAY BIBLE CLASS , . : . ...... Leader, A . W. Blakeley, 44 Beaufort Ro:ul, Grovt>r 2854. PARISH ASSOCIATION ........... llfrs. F. M. MathiaN, 35 Lock~vood Road, Howar(l 6652• • SEXTON ...........•.............. Mt>llor Dunham, 1S2 ·Kingston Road, Howard 6113. · DEPUTY SEXTON ................- George Wi'thycom,,e, 311 . Ii:enihvorth Avenue,,· .Howard . -'t:l7Q, ; ·~ 'SIDESMEN S ASSOCIATION . ... , , . S~c., Mr. Hedley llraper, 420 Kingston Road, H()ward 3364. SUNDAY SCHOOL ,::.: ,::;,;·,;: .. :: ·:. Lay S'itpt., Mr. , A. : A, Robeson, 11 Firstbrook ;tloa.d; _G.ro-ver 2226. TENNIS CLUB ...............•... St>c., Harry Pelzzack, 315 Kenilworth Avenue·, Howard 7152. '35lh TROOP "BOY s ·coUTS ........ Scout -Master, C has. Basley, 269 Bingham Avenue; Howar•l ·l:781. - WOMAN'S AUXILIARY ..... ., .. , :,· Mrs. A. H. Fishe:r.1.5 Ben)amond Avenue, Grover 6741, YOUNG MEN'S BIBLE CLASS '·.. ·.-. Leader, H. Bedford :Beerman, 19 Keystone Avenue, Grover 6357. M. KITCHING lntperial Bank Formerly with McDougall & Brown FUNERAL HOME- of Canada 219 DANFORTH AVENUE. HA. 6006 ''Service with Sincerity'' Open a Savings Account and deposit regularly. You will be surprised how Established 1895 it grows. Interest added twice a year. Elmes Henderson & Son A safe and easy way to remit money­ REAL ESTATE AND INSURA~CE Smail sums by Bank Money Orders Specializing in Property Management Larger sums by Bank Draft Elgin 4239 10 King St. East- Toronto Saf~guard your valuables. Rent a Safety Deposit Box from $3.00 a year up. Our Bond Department is at your service. ANDERSON'S Consult us before buying or ~elling bonds. TOBACCO AND STATIONERY Lending Library Queen and Kingston Road Branch ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS H. S. HADGRAFT. Manager. 363 KINGSTON ROAD HO. 0073 (Opposite Norway School) G. C. Elgie, K.C. MARCHANTS BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. For Choice Groceries 372 Bay Street ELgin 5418 1947 QUEEN STREET EAST Residence HOward 3385 WE DELIVER 90 Edgewood Avenue HO. 4112 Phone GR. 3351 We deliver Basbington anb 31 obnstott Kenderdine's Bakery FUNERAL DIRECTORS W. Kenderdine, Proprietor Home-made Bread, Pies, Cakes and Pastry Ambulance Service Teleph one GL. 3577 Schools and Parties Supplied 717 Queen St. East, at Broadview 336 KINGSTON ROAD, TORONTO CEMETERY FENCES , IRON or CHAIN ]~INKS W. J. STRATTON , MEMORIAL ENTRANCES.. - ARCHES . PLUMBING and HEATING LUNDY FENCE COMPANY,LTD. =51 King St. W.- TORONTO, CAN. 314 Lee Ave. Phone HO. 3766 Specialists in this line Prompt Attention Given to Repairs Write for Catalogue PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR .ADVERTISERS ~t . Jobn's t}arf.sb JMontbl!' Edltor-'I' HE JCE(" I'OH Volume 16 APRIL, 1938 No. 186 Tickets can be obtained from the heads ot i!trrtur's 1Lttter organizations listed on the front page of the Par­ St. John's Rectory, ish Magazine, or from Mrs. Saxon or from Church Holy Week, 1938. School pupils. Dear Brethren: Once again we are called on to observe Holy Week and Easter, when we commemorate the SERVICES IN HOLY WEEK ev:ents of our Lord's last days on earth, go with Monday, 4 p.m.-Children's Lantern Service. Him to Calvary as witnesses of what it cost the Monday, 8 p.m.- Rev. H. P. Charters, Rector St. Son of God to s1,1ffer and die for the sins of the Cyprian's. world, and rejoice at His glorious resurrection Tuesday, 8 p.m.- Rev. Allan Johnson, St. Mat- on Easter Day-the pledge and guarantee of our thew's. own resurrection. Wednesday, 8 p.m.- Rev. Dr. English, St. Aidan's. The old motto stil is true: "No Cross, no rrhursday, 2.30 p.m.-Lantern Service. Crown." It is only as we enter into His suffer­ Thursday, 8 p.m.-Rev. John Bushell, Chaplain ings that we can share the E~ster joy. I plead Service. with you to keep this week freEi that we may be Good Friday, 10.30 a.m.-Rev. Morris Kaminsky, with Him at Calvary. Nathanael Institute. The Apostle, Mathias, was chosen that he, with Good Friday, 2.30 p.m.-Lantern Service. the other Apostles, might be a witness to His Good Friday, 8.00 p.m.-Rev. Jas. A. Robinson, St. resurrection. Philip's Church. Christ calls on each one of us likewise to be "a Easter Day witness to His resurrection" by our presence at 6, 7, 8 and 9 a.m ... .. .. ...................... Holy Communion His altar on Easter Day. Don't let us fail Him. 11 a.m ... .... .. .... ............. Matins and Holy Communion, Our services are so arranged as to give everyone Preacher: an opportunity of making His communion. I trust VEN. ARCHDEACON FOTHERINGHAM there will be no absentees. · 3 p.m ................................... .. ............ Children's Service That the real joy of Easter may be yours, and 4 p.m. .............................. ............................... .. Baptisms that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, is 7 p.m. .... .................. .......................................... Evensong the sincere wish of your friend and Rector. Preacher: W. L. BAYNES-REED. VEN. ARCHDEACON FOTHERINGHAM An envelope is enClosed for your Easter offer­ "And note that every parishioner shall com­ ing which we hope will be a generous one as municate, at the least, three times in the year, funds are urgently needed. of which Easter to be one. And every parishioner T~ W. TURFF, . shall contribute regularly of his substance to the F. P. WHITEHOUSE, maintenance of the worship of God, according as Churchwardens. God shall prosper him."- Prayer Book Rubric. Please see that the Children's Lenten Mission THE CHURCH SCHOOL C'ONCERTS Boxes are returned at the Children's Service on Easter Day. The Church School Concerts will be held this Flowers for Easter Decoration are asked for year on Thursday and Friday, April 21st and and may be sent on Saturday morning. · 22nd, commencing sharp at 8.00 p.II1. A Class in preparation for Confirmation is held The Committee are presenting a varied enter­ each Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Church. Con­ tainment, in which our_Church School pupils from firmation will take place on May 27th. Kindergarten to the EcClesia Girls' Bible Class Holy Communion on Easter Monday and Tues­ are taking part. day at 10.30 a.m. The little tots have another wonderful perforrp.­ ance to present this year, and as this is. to open the Concert, it will be well to be on time, or s.ome CHURCH SCHOOL PICNIC of the remarkable talent displayed by these babies It has been decided to hold our Church School will be missed. Picnic on Tuesday, June 28th, in Kew Gardens. Vocal and instrumental numbers, an Old Eng­ We will have the exclusive use of the playgrounds lish Country Green scene, a Toysho:p . by Miss and the athletic field for our games and races in Shotter's Catechism Class, an amusing play by the afternoon. the Junior Boys' Bible Class, a short play by the Let us make it a congregational affair and Ecclesia Girls, as well as other items will ensure everyone come and have tea in· the park.
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