Public Disclosure Authorized t W0t IISd ~.I~ " S ' ', ,','s V: ''""'," "' ' S , u , i, . :. ,. :' :':"',.: . ' . Public Disclosure Authorized poooi B ;tt S0v UX7O:5M Q i , .':' "~~~~*PE gie1 Pw i;S-'>V: t ' " .'.' l°"S je i tlF,.l!~~~~~~~~~~"M Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized CHINA YANGTZE BASIN WATER RESOURCES PROJECT SUTMMARYENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR WATER RESOURCESPROJECT IN HUNAN AND HUBEI PROVINCES Prepared by: YangtzeWater Resoures Protection Bureau May 1994 and EXCERPTSFROM COMPREHENSIVERESETT EMT PLAN FOR THE JIANGYARESERVOIR IN HUNAN Prepared by: Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering Wuhan, China and Chang Jiang Water Resources Commission Hunan HydropowerDesign lnstitate CanadianIntenational Project ManagersJoint Venture July 1994 En ri-ironentiImp-ct Assessm.ent Vli , re Resources Project I 9 PreQ:reJ b-y YXze.r; Water Resources PraLection. Bulreau ,l 1994 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Objectives and Background 3. Project Benefits 4. Project Alternatives 5. Baseline Data 6. Environmental Impacts 7. EnvironmentaL Management 8. Overat1 Assessment ENVIRONMENTALIMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR WATER RESOURCESPROJECT IN HUNANAND HUBEI PROVINCES (SUMMY) 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The water resourcesproject in Hunan and Hubei provinces of China consistsof a numberof subprojects,including Jiangya reservoir subproject,North Tieshanand Liuduzhaiirrigation subprojects in Hunan province,Four-lake drairnage subproject, Danjiangkou, Wenxia, Zhanghe reservairNo.3 trunk canaland Dongfengirrigation subprojects in Hubei province,as well as a flood early warning and forecastingsystem. Amongthese subprojects, Jiangya reservoirsubproject is the one to be newly constructed; both North Tieshan and Liuduzhai irrigation subprojecteare to be completedand the others are to be reformed, enlargedor supplemented. 1.2 The projectmay exert significantadverse effects on environment because the Jiangya reservoir subprojectwill create relocatees. Therefore,the EIA for the projectis classifiedas categoryA. 1.3 The EIA has been carried out by working on single EIA as requiredby the World Bank for each subprojectrespectively because the independentsubprojects basically have no superposedimpacts on environment. 1.4 The ResearchInstitute of WaterResources Protection for -the Yangtze,possessing the firstclass certificatefor working ot ZIA issuedby the NationalEnvironmental Protection Agency of China and broad experiencein conductingEIA of water resourcesprojects applying for loanfrom the World Bank, is responsiblefor conductingthe EIA for tie project,and a numberof expertswere organizedfor the purpose. Workingon EIA of the project began in February, 1993 and have successivelyundergone the reviewof both the preparativemission and the pre-evaluationmission from the Bank. Meanwhile, internralEIA procedureshave also been performed.Working on EIA of Jiangyareservoir subprojectbegan in 1984 and elevenspecial reports have been compiled. 1.5 This summaryprovides an overallpicture of the key findings of the EIA for the project. I 2. OBJECTIVESAND DESCRIPTIONOF THE PROJECT Objectivesand Background 2.1 The primaryobjectives of the projectare: ( 1) enhancing the capabilityagainst flood damage in the projectarea and-protectingthe liveaand propertiesof the localresidents; (2) relieving the damage causedby naturaldisasters, such as flood,wEterlogging, high water tableand drought, s0 as to improve the local environmentfor productionand livingand promotethe coincide developmentof social economywith protectionof naturalenvironment; ( 3) promoting the overallagricultura! productivity and raising the outputs of- rice, cotton,oil crops,etc., with the aim of raisingthe livingstandard-of the localresidents and makingthe area get rid of poverty.Inaddition, the projectalso aims at eradicatingoncomelania in combinationwith constructionof water conservancyproject, protecting the healthof the localpeople, improving the qualityof supply water for cities and townsand promotingaqaculture in this area. 2.2 Lishai river basin where Jiangya reservoir subprojectis situatedis in the famousWufeng-Hefeng storm zone of the midstream regionof the Yangtzebasin. Disastrous floods often occur and damage the livesand propertiesof the peoplein the downstream region. For example,in 1935 a major floodhappened in Lishui river basin, with 118,000 hectares of farmland inundated,1,440,000 people affected and 33,145people drowned. Thereafter, major floods also happened in 1954, 1964,1980, 1983 and 1991,respectively. 2.3 The areawhere Four-lakedrainage subproject is situated is a low-lyingregion surrounded by threerivers (the Yangtze river, the Hanjiangriver and Dongjinghe river). Due to the annual uneven distributionof the rainfall and lacking of suitable facilities, drainagecapacity has been insufficientand waterloggingoften happens in the area.The heavywaterlogging occured in 1980, 1983 and 1991 causeddecreases of agriculturaloutputs sigpificantly. 2.4 All the irrigationsubproject areas are rich in farmland resources,besides, climate in those areas is moderate,which provide a greatpotential for developingagricultural economy. However, spring and fall droughtsoften take place in thoseareas because of the annual unevendistribution of rainfall.Continuous major drought years have been recordedin the history, which have hindered the sustainable developmentof agriculturalproduction in thoseareas. 2.5 It is inferredthat schistosomiasishas prevailedin Foar- lake area for more than 2,100years. Although obvious achievement has been gained in eradicatingoncomelania and preventing schistosomiasis through many year's effort,the diseasestill prevails in some areas. 2 A plan for schistooomiasiscontrol has been made in Hubei province and constructionof the Four-lakesubproject will promotethe control and eradicationof this disease. ProjectCharacters 2.6 The projectis a componentof the Yangtze basin comprehensive utilizatiorplanning. On the basis of river basin planniig in combinationwith the harnessingof the nation's territory, both the nation's and the local's objectives are cooperativelymet and water resorcesecan be rationallyallocated among the differentregions. 2.7 The projectis a largescale of water resourcesproject, which includesreservoir subproject, drainiagesubproject and irrigatLon subproject.The fundsneeded will be raisedboth at home and from the World Bank. Locationof the ProjectArea 2.8 The projectarea is Bituated in Eastern Chinaand on the both sidesof the midstreamreaches of the Yangtzeriver inside both Hunan and Hubei provinces,between 26- 58'--32- 53' N and 110- 54'--114- 02' E. Project Components 2.9 JiangyaReservoir Subproject. It is a new multipurposewater resourcesproject, located on the middlereach of Loushuiriver in Cili county,northwest of Hunan province,with prior functions of flood controlas well as power generation,irrigation, navigation and water aupp ly. 2.10 North TieshanIrrigation Snbproject. This subproject,located on the northernside of Xinqiangheriver in Yueyang city of northern Hunan province,is a successiveone. Its water sourceproject, Tieshan reservoir,and the southernirrigated area (on the southern side of Xinqiangheriver) of the reservoirk&ve alreadybeen completed. 2.11 LiuduzhaiIrrigation Subproject. This subprojectis situated on the east bank of Chenshuiriver in Longhui, Xinshao and Shaoyang couatiesand its water sourceproject has also alreadybeen completed. But the irrigationarea, which is alreadyin planning, needs to be constructed. 2.12 DanjiangkouIrrigation Subproject. This subprojectlies in the northernpart of Jianghanplain of Hubei.province,below Danjiangkou reservoir,on the easternbank of theHanjiang river. All of the water sourceproject, canal headwork and the canalsystem have alreadybeen constructed.The task of this subproject is perfectingtie existing 3 canalsystem and its accessoryworks according to the original design standLrds. 2.13 WenxiaIrrigation Subproject. This subprojectis situated on both sidesof Aoshuiriver in the centralpart of Hubeiprovince. Its watersource project has alreadybeen constructedand the canal system has preliminarilyformed. The tRsk of this subprojectis also perfectingthe existingcanal system and its accessoryworks according to the designstandards, so as to increasethe assurancecoefficient of irrigation. 2.14 DongfengIrrigation Subproject. This subprojectlies in the southeastpart of Yickangcity of Hubei provinceand betweenHuangbaihe river and Zhuzhangheriver. Its water source project his been constructedand the skeletonof the canal systemhas also preliminarily been formed.This subprojectaims at perfectingthe canal system and reformingthe aged equipments. 2.16 ZhangheReservoir No. 3 TrunkCanal Irrigation Subproject. Tkis subprojectis situatedin the southeastof Jingmen city in Hubei province. Its water source project and irrigationnetwork with functionsof storing,diverting and pumpingwater has basicallybeen formed.The objectiveof this subprojectis perfecting the existing canailsystem and structures. 2.16 Four-lakeDrainage Subproject. This subprojectis located in the centralpart of Jianghanplain in Hubei province.A project system againstflood, waterlogging, high water table and drought has been preliminarilyformed. The funds increasedthis timewill be used for extension,reconstruction, completion and renewal of the existing project. Investmentand ConstructionPeriod of theProject 2.17 The total investmentis 2.83 billionYuan MBR, in which 0. 898 billionYuan (0.158 billionUSD) is to be appliedfor as loan from the
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