10SSOUTH CO. BISTWICW FBSEUOW* H»J» • This Week COVERING TUWNHUIP8 O f HOLMDEL. JJAUIKON One Section MARLBORO MATAWAN . " ; '■ AND :■--■ ' 16 PAGES MATAWAN. DOAOUOB Member - M«mbor • • ei»t YEAR — 51st W EEK National Editorial Association M ATAW AN, N .J; THURSDAY, JUNE 16rt96Q New Jersey Praia AnocUUon Single Copy Ten Cent* ■ Ree Program Opens Phillips Mills Matawan High School Seniors In National Houpr. Society The summer recreation pro­ Hulsart Figures In; gram . l o r Matawan Township . will (tart on Monday at I «-m. Recreation Park at the CUfhvood Park Recreation 25 Acres Sold For : Acre Sector Voted Field. - The program Is open lo Murlboio Township Planning residents of Matawan Township it In Holmdel Twp, ' Hoard was unanimous .In'one thing ' von!yanA anychlidiromt-to-13- Association To Meet Tursduy, Ihnl the township needs yea»4f4ge who has not regis­ - Hoimdel TownfhJp s6on7may gain a 25-acre recreation cenUjr Tlie Mutawnn Township Taxpny- u Master Plan nnd voted to'rec* tered, and wishes to do so, is eiumelid Hits to Ihe township. Un­ asked to report at 8 a, in. Mob* clubhouse In tho Palmer Aye.-Mid- era Association will meet Tuesday dle . Rd. area. Mayor James H._ der the ruling of Monmouth Count/ day,— r-^—■ ....... •night at a p.m. ot .the Oak Shades Judge J .‘Edward Ascher In tha Daniel J . ■■ Stanklewicz, rec- Ackerson could only inrorm spec­ Fjro Hwsw, A speaker will '.be tators at the tov^nshfp meeting Holmdel tnil-ncro lot'size cttsi', .tha ' reatlon dlrector. annoUnced lhe picscnt from the Ntny Jersey Tak- governing body could keep duvol-. Thursday that with nothing before payers Association. Uo will discuss program will include a variety opers out of me towndhip lor tha . of recreational and athletic ac- the township officials bodies yet for taxes, nlso i\w RcginnnLSchool bill planning and zoning1' approval,, no sponsurrd by Assemblyman Clifton period Iu which Ihe Muster l’lim tlvlUes. Many types of arts and would lie In (lio'mnhlng, ll perioii crafts wjll be Included; a n d a . Comment could be made. However. T, llailmUnv, .T|nv-1 will Mrs. Mary Norton, the owner, con­ of years, judging by Huimdei's ex- . swimming program and side .conclude sessionn of Ok* OHsuciu pcrlence, • . ■, . trips also are being planned. firmed Friday the transfer of .thd tion until September. ' Children, will be grouped ac­ 25 acres of the “Phjllips Mills” Hut nil - Iigret'inenl on the pbn- cording t6 age a n d physical property had been effected to nlng hmiVd Oinle.il AvJlh ,1!“' -M.asl.of__ ' ability. The dates and times of Tetro Realty Holding Compariy, I'liiu, The himril Vigtgiii to lirrlva - F o o d F a i r ut ti eimimnu decision tm a ivrom-. the program will be posted at Union Beach. the field. Registration for chil­ There is a ^3-acre lake on the ineiululiou to : Ihu township coin- ■ - property which the new owners in* In JBrowntown mitlee us lo what'area should'ha dren In District 1 who do not itjij’tfuli-ii. The. nii'inbersj.uvd j.teut « .register Monday.wUltake place tei)d iL-WiJl.’be suit­ Tuesday at the 04k Shades Little able for: swimming. bdatihg a n d Sfi^pormprket Aims dllllctilty In even’ deciding II they - fishing. Three big brooks flow Into ■sluiuhl trouble themselves lo taka League Field at 8 a.m. To Open Christmas Mr. Stahklewlcx Is a seventh it and Waackaack Creek riows out jltt’h1 nolh'Mit thii gDVornlng body, cf lt, supplying a flow of water grade teacher In the CllfTwood lilt'clilc City loitiniiu'il nut ol Olen llnebnoh, boiird chtiltinun,,- Elementary School and assistant that sufficed to operate grist mills Uiiest Imu’d W, Lawrence Krtisen, there In. former times when the sight nt Ihu Mntllson Townnhlp basketball coach at -Mjtawan Planning ilnnid nu'etliij! lust illftht, freehold, Its nlturney, nboul its property stood in the name of Ar- obligation to ‘meet n 1 Vlemunil High School. He has beea em­ rowsmith, according ,to Mrs, Nor* but vopu'svututlvvn uf the HfowU- ployed by tha . Matawan Town- town Sho|ipinu Center, nnoihor served on tho hoard, by Coimnlt* Ihlp Recreation Commission for iton. Sediment and weed growth leemun Mlllui'd li, I.tulibi^on tlmt clogging the lake are to be re­ project which recently roused Ilie • IS-week period, starting Mon­ Ihe hoard deliver lo the governing moved. Ire (if.Nluyor John Phillips for tlio day and ending, Aug. 22. , body fur aullou the revised limit The recreation, area is across lirent unimmt of publicity, yet full- imi to eeek nppruvnl, nt lust put In on mens to .b e .placed In the one. Route 35 from the new offices of n[i|)enruiue, , ne.ro /une uller two cnnleieiu’ci' the Merchant^ Trust Co._ in Holm­ between., the . two bodies. M r. Aberdeen Road del. .. -This^ bank was constitute^ a Henry Severin, Sayre Woods at- lluelisdi noled this revised mnp township depositor Thursday by the (orney, nppunred for Pershing' Park, Ini’.i New York, iibmit "Ihe tvan nut In accrfl'd with the lit e ju !" Bids Are Mulled township committee. of Hm plnnnhig bunrd Its shown on Adopt Emergency Resolution shopping center, lie disclosed lltu nn "oilglnul" nuip til Intended vtp- lense had beun signed thut day for Council To Award An emergency resolution wait gi'iidlng. Thu chairman usked Iha tho llr«l ur 24 stores, This No, 1 nlltiroey II tlio board would ha adopted providing for $15,000 to re­ storo Is « Food Full1 Hupenmirltel, Contract June 28 hound to ael oh this coinmllleti-, build streets in Old Manor Estates, nt tlyi cttrner of Houle 18 mul Oauij a 20S*homesite development, on innii wiis deiiiuiitllng tlio htmnl nut • Matawan Mayor Ralph R. Den- lid. It Is 12lM>y-lil2-fcel,' nceurdlng otuilnat what tn lg h r ho lla own Bethany Rd. bordering Rarita? to Mr. Severin, and will huvit lour pis announced at a special meet­ Township. These streetB In Sections opinion tin bow upuruiilng shuuld ing Tuesday night that the Bor­ square feet of parking men fur he curried Out. , . ^ 1-2 Of tyie development have been every onu-M|Ui\rc-fool of firm flour ough Council will Award a contract taken over > by the township. Tlie tiulcs urea, A total of 100(1 ears Planning Itospuinlblllly ,, (or the reconstruction and resur- funds will be charged against the will hi) nlilu. to park nt one time Mr. Krusen pointed out that Ilia. , . j»cing of mors than , a half-mile municipal budget next year if the nt the Center. • vuiy namti . nt "''planning board", Division of Local Government, pul lliti responsibility fur planning . ^portion of Aberdeen Rd. at Its reg- State Department of the Treasury, Of tlio other Btureii projected, Ihe un ilie body hendm ).. by M f. -Vfularmeetlng June 28. approves. largest one will .lie a variety chain lluobsch and ll Wl|» tltulor lul ol)< ' store of 200-loot,depth,‘All,tlu> di­ Thres bids for tlie work, under­ Wort in other sections is being Hgaiion In vat'.ulu It# rolu ai tiia verse Holds ol merchandising- ami behest of tlw township ctimmltluu._ taken with state aid financial as­ undertaken in Joint agreement with Senlon, T»h» will receive their diplomas tonight at graduation ■ephlno Ant), Quirk, Constance Barbara Inilcy, To. C1«DI>1 third Vmd and bovernfio supply #ro in San Fehiando, Inc;, Belford, the de- exercises at Matawan High School, who are members #f the National Jonn Mlchttel Hanson. Edward D,c1lyrne. luno Ann I.ticorro, Sunan Ashed about a declaration st I sistance, were • received at .the Honor Society, are pictured above. Lett to rig*', bottom row. arc, Ellen SmltHf top row, Allen Barker Blnclalr, WUUarti J , Miller, George bo represented In the smnllor planning board mooting hy his lsw velopersr. Otis S e a m-A ri, Long »|orosi according to Mr. Soverln. special .session Tuesday,; All; bids Branch, the- township engineer* opr Sandra Ccne-Pearce, Margaret.CnuaiwUI, M4™»r/6t M«ry ,JPlrm, 'Ann and Harry II. Carothers 111.1 , ; : ; ..... firai ossaclnte, Cllflmi T . Ilurkt- A* Emm, t Normt A. CunenS seconi row,, Jndy ilrli tauterwald^-Jo- ?" •’ .*•<* '$ j! m d poied^th « ’ expenditure of $ 0 0 0 — ...j n .rf-... i«" ..... iC.h*o» low.t #jH^t<w«wWp:»l«eiW^yg||lteS; m&r* by Uie totvzubiP-for .tb# lo-- i Tli« iHia'rd- w«iu asked by Mr. zortiun eotieupltaii slmll orl«ln*t* KarlHeuser wllh lltu township committee'and ■ final,recotninendauon, staUatlon Of two catch baslcs at Now Telephone Bookt 10 New, Citizens Severin W chaitga tiw presmU bu#l- KnoIlwood Rd. and a storm drain Marlboro To Blunt Rebukes miss zona depthHit llouln III from shall bu referred to the planning . ' Of tH« tire#i the jaonarotw Con?; to the brook. He believed Uie road The dlatribtatlon of approximate­ Ten new cltltei.f, w h o will ItDO to 000 fi'Ct to noconiliindnte board only tiller they, are - lulr» jtructlon Co., Matawaa, offered the had been crowned improperly and ly iS9,i39 flew telephone direc­ take up residence in the bay- lliti shopping cenlor. The center will tluced, Mr. Krusmt svorred: thii low kid of 111,985.73. Other biddars the towo8hlp,could save money by tories' to '.customers: In Monmouth Graduate 0 shore area, were naturalized at South River extend 7M feel west from Route 8 tlei'lurnllen by Mr, Huikalow, In wire the Manio Contracting Co., eliminating the catch basins nnd County win start on Thursday, ceremonies Monday in Monmouth on Ruuln 18.
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