8 RECORD MIRROR, Week ending January 9,1965 , firifdt -5z,Jit_c$ v. FLAMINGO & ALL MARQUEE CIS\111)ANW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS NIGHTER CLUBS NtEtIU DEAD MONEY! Your old records 100A 90 WARDOUR ST., W.1. 33-37 Wardour St., London, W.I. itoAsT records for sale could fetch ff's! THAT DELETED Telephone: GER 8923 Gerrard 1549. Guests welcome RECORD BAZAAR, 50,000 from 2s. RECORDyouwant,couldstill Tony Harris & Rik Gunnell Write for lists,1142/6 Argyle Street, be obtainable, Buy "Pop -Shop" CLUB Thursday, January 7th (7.30-11) present: - Glasgow. 1139 Monthly,Is.,obtainableallnews- 00 (WORD ST, W.1 LONG JOHN BALDRY agents, or Is. 3d. from "Pop -shop," and the (RM) Heanor, Derbyshire. 1152 7.3010 11 p.m. Thursday17th) 7.30 - 11 p.m. (Sutipkf-Ric.i4Mot4o) HOOCHIE COOCHIE MEN SUE RECORDS APPRECIATION OPENING NITE SOCIETY. England's hippest and THURSDAY, January 7th ROD STEWART ALEXIS KORNER SOBITSblmio only authentic R & B Label. From songwriting and THE SOUL AGENTS MULESKINNERS James Brown to Homesick James. MUSIC WRITTEN/ARRANGED - GRAHAM BOND Friday, January 8th (7.30-11) Friday(8tln 7.30 - 11.30 p.m. Monthlynewsletters,biogs.and RIP 4299.8, Melford Avenue, Bark. FOOTPRINTS TONY COLTON Ng nix of artistes,records and 111g, Essex. 610. T-BONES FridayAll Night Session advancereleasesheetsmailed LYRICS WANTED by Music Pub- MULE SKINNERS 12 midnight - 6 a.m. direct,Send 5s.formembership lishing record- to: House - 11,St.Alban's alsoRadioLuxembourg RONNIE JONES 108 Cambridge Road, London, Avenue, London. W.4. 575 FRIDAY, January 8th ingof"Ready,Steady,Radio" PICKLED (FRP:4UENTLY1) N.W.6. 1155 at 8.15 & NIGHTIMERS LYRICS set inexpensively.1), Hen- shilwood, 124Frankby, W.Kirby, MIKE DANIELS Saturday,January 9.hA7i30-11) JOHN MAYALL Wirral. 1098 Saturday 19111) 7.30 - 11.30 p.m. 12/6 EACH offered for. modern LP BIG BAND MODERN ZOOT MONEY 4GT-TENTTcS. records;4/-forEP's.Cashby Sunday, January10th (7.30-11) return, - Searle, 154, Cornwall tuition ORIGINAL TOPICS SATUDAY -C (toVc)421.1) Street,Plymouth. HUMPHREY Saturday AllNight Session 1161 QUICIC METHOD: Rhythm Guitar - SATURDAY, January 9th LYTTELTON 12 midnight - 6 a.m. 25.911.,Lead - 5s.ltd., Bass - ZOOT MONEY STEAVA)1141:m3 pen friends 3s.6d., Chord construction -3s. 3d., Monday, January11th (7.30-11) Travis's,13 13arlings Avenue, Scun- TERRY LIGHTFOOT JOHN MAYALL FOR IENFRIENDSany where In thorpe. MANFRED MANN SundayAfternoon(10th) 3 -6 BEL the world, any age, write for free 955. MARK LEEMAN FIVE CHEYNES details toITCM, GrindleyHall, POP SINGERS! Train for success SUNDAY, January 10th WiththeEncoreSchoolofPop Tuesday, January12th (7.30-11) Sundayi 10(11) 7.30 - 11 p.m. 121.41..vrndoh Chorlton, Manchester 21. 505 PENFRIENDS at home and abroad, Singing.Beginnerswelcomed. - ERROL DIXON Write: 2 llatlierleigh Gardens, THE "WHO" Monday 11101) 7.30 - 11.30 p.m. send S.a.e,forfreedetails. -Euro- MR. ACKER BILK THE BOYS peanFriendshipSociety,Burnley. Potters Bar, Middlesex. Tel: PottersBar 56908. 533 Wednesday, January 13th (8-11.30) OPENING NITE 504 JOHNNY BURCH OCTET PS. CMS VAutt MsITILL UNDER 217 PenPalsanywhere, MONDAY, January 11th "WORK-OUT" END °PUNKR.Y. 417 S.a.e.for freedetails. - Teenage MODERN JAZZ" fotos BRIAN AUGER TRINITY Wednesday113th)7,3011.30p.m. Club, Falcon House, Burnley. 503 BIRDS STORMSVILLE SHAKERS CHESSMEN MARY BLAIR BUREAU. Introduc- IF YOU havedifficultyobtaining tionseverywhere.Detailsfree. - RecordMirrorfromyournews- 43/52 Ship Street,Brighton. 523 agentplacearegular order with him, if youstillhavedifficulty TUESDAY, January 12th TEENS / TWENTIES. Penfriends. send a stamped addressed envelope Home/abroad, M.F.C. 9 The Arbour, for a subscription form. Subscribers PRETTY THINGS Farnhill,Keighley,Yorkshire. receivetheircopies byfirstpost Ricky Tick TEENAGERS. ExcitingPen/Per- every Thursday. Be on top ofthe BROTHERS GRIMM Next to Swimming Pool, Windsor STARENTERTAINMENTS sonalFriendseverywhere. -Jean's pop with Record Mirror. 1018 Presentsonstage Bureau, 15 QueenStreet,Exeter. Call: Windsor 60173 1012 COLOUR MURALS. Beatles, Stones. (Britain's first drive-in.R.&B. Club) 52in.x19in., 3sACI. Post free or WEDNESDAY, January 13th GET WITH IT, Happy Circle intro- COD, Liptrot, 80a High Street, Great Every Friday 7.30-11.0 ductions end loneliness everywhere. Brochure free, - F. F. A,, 87 The Missenden, Bucks. 1144 BACK '0 TOWN Friday, January 8th. BILLYJ.KRAMER Terrace, Torquay, Devon, 1119. ALEXIS KORNER and the U.S.A. PEN PALS. Stacksinthis with HERVIE GOINS month'sissue"Pop -Shop"Is.ob- announcements THURSDAY, January 14th Every Saturday 8.0-12.0 tainableall newsagents, orls.3d. TV SCRIPTWRITING can earn you Saturday, January 9th. DAKOTAS direct from "Pop -Shop" (RM) 1500 for asinglescript.Postal THE CHESSMEN Heanor, Derbyshire. 1151 tuition by BRITAIN'S TOP SCRIPT- ART WOODS FOR DUTCH. English and German WRITERS. -Details from Room 26, Saturday, January 16th. penfriends:FRIENDSHIP - INTER- TV Writers'School, 53 Flee t Full details of the Club from the RONNIE JONES NATIONAL,Valkenblaan81,Bos- Street,E.C.4. (FLE 7159). 1157 Secretary:J.J. C., 8 Grea and the NIGHTIMERS koop, Holland. S:A.E. for free Chapel Street,W.I. (GER 0337). THEROCKIN'BERRIES Every Sunday, 4.0-10.30 details. 1164 Sunday, January 10th. R. &B. MONTHLY Saturday Corn Exchange MEDDYEVILS fan clubs No. 12 January, 1965 Scene Chelmsford plus Coffee Bar, TV Room, PHOTOS OF HOWLIN' WOLF & Games Room TONYJACKSON ROLLING STONES' FAN CLUB. HUBERT SUMLIN - PLUS SPOT PRIZES sa.e., Annabelle Smith, Radnor JIMMY REED. AMA Z IN G House, 93-97 Regent Street, London. LITTLE RICHARD DISC! & alsoprizesforboilsand warts & THE VIBRATIONS W.I. 530 USUALFEATURES. "Yeh, Yeh" it's Every Wednesday 7.30-10.30 1/3 P.O.. to M. VERNON, Groups plus Records THE SWINGING BLUE JEANS' 3B GODSTONE ROAD. RICKY TICK FAN CLUB.S.a.e.JimIreland, KENLEY, SURREY. GEORGIE FAME Mardi -Graz Club (NRM), Mount PLAZA, GUILDFORD Pleasant,Liverpool,3. 527 Every Friday, 8.0-11.0 and the JULIEGRANT THE ESCORTS' FAN CLUB. S.a.e. BLUSHING, SHYNESS, Nerves, Friday, January 8th. JimIreland, Mardi -Gras, quicklyovercomeby my famous Mount 40 -year -oldremedy.Write nowto SONNY BOY WILLIAMSON Pleasant,Liverpool 3. 525 BLUE FLAMES plus ZOOT MONEY Henry Rivers (R.M.1), 2 St. Mary's KENNY BALL APPRECIATION Street, Huntingdon, Hunts. 1156 Friday, January 15th DUFFYPOWER SOCIETY. - S.a.e.toMissPat HOW ABOUT running a dance in RONNIE JONES an d the Sanders. 18 CarlisleStreet,Lon- aid of OXFAM? Groups give their and the NIGHTIMERS don,W.I. 524 services free anywhereinBritain. RICKY TICK THE ANIMALS' OFFICIAL FAN Write NOW to:David Moore(4). TRADE UNION HALL, LUTON FENTONES CLUB,S.a.e.Mayfair Oxfam, Oxford. 1166 Every Tuesday 7.30-10.30 House,101 THE THE Dean Street, W.1. Tuesday, January 12th 581. ALEXIS KORNER HELLIONSIJACKY STEVENS MANFRED MANN FAN CLUB. situations vacant RICKY TICK OUTLAWS Mann -Fans, 35 Curzon Street, Lon- VACANCIES EXIST intheBands don,W.I. 961 PAVILION. BATH Special Guest Star oftheWelshBrigadeforBrass Thursday, January 14th GEORGIE FAME fan club.Secre- and Reed players. Age limits- Boy SAL DAVIS tary, 47 Gerrard St., W.I. 1029 Entrants 155 - 17, Men 171 - 25. GEORGIE FAME FRANKY YOUNG Musicalexperiencenotessential. THE OFFICIALNashvilleTeens' Apply Bandmaster, Welsh Brigade plus STORMSVILLE fan club.S.a.e. Dawn, 240a Batter- Depot, CRICKHOWELL, BRECS. SHAKERS sea Bridge Rd., London, S.W.11. 1147 FAIRFIELD HALL, 1030 All at the MANAGER / MANAGERESS for ACT QUICKLY if you're wild about RecordShopWest London Area. 79 OXFORD STREET FENDER CLUB Tommy's Pyerecording of"The Fully Experienced. Write Box No. LONDON, W.1. KENTON, HARROW Park Lane, Croydon Wild SideOfLife"! Quick! Be- 1163. comeaQuickster! ToloinThe Gerrard 2930 Friday, January 7,h Official TOMMY QUICKLYFan RONNIE JONES Club send S.A.E. and 5/- subscrip- Listenand dancetothe & THE NIGHTIMERS TOMORROW BookNow! tionto Pat Simmonds, 358 Alwold newest andlatestsounds Road,SellyOak, Birmingham 29. played by live groups. Beat at 6.45 If9,0 1055 SINGERS and R 'n' B. THE GEORGIAN MOST BLUESWAILING YARD - PRICES :5 -,6/6, 8/6, 10,6,1 2,6.1 5 - BIRDS'F.C.S.a.eto18Carlisle CLUB Street,W.I. 1094 Wednesday to Sundays ....... "We've gotour MOJO working." WANTED 7.30-11.30 p.m. COWLEY, UXBRIDGE JoinMOJOS'FAN. CLUB. P.O. Saturday, Janua:3, 9th Box 51, WilliamRoad,London, NEW popsingersareurgently Admission Thurs., Fri. N.W.I.For instant MOJO MAGIC. wanted.IfyOU believethat you RONNIE JONES 1079 have itin you to become a suc- Members 5/-,Guests 6/6 STORMSVILLE cessful vocalist, Sat., M. 6/6, G. 8/-. & THE NIGHTIMERS THEFAIRIES'OFFICIAL FAN postthe coupon CLUB. NOW (before you turn the page Sun., M. 6/-,G. 7/6. Lesley and Pat, 28 Water - andforget)forfulldetailsof millHouse,Watermill Way, Han - singing careers in Show Business. BLUE MOON SHAKERS worth,Middx. 1114 Membership 10/6 HAYES, MIDDLESEX -- - - - - THE GREATEST BEAT CLUB GRAHAM BOND ORGANISATION. CRS SHOW PRODUCTIONS IN THE WORLD Sunday, January 10th Officialfanclub,sends.a.e.to: (S/R/T). Janet, 24 Alexandra Mansions, West 25 Essex Road, Dartford. GEORGIE FAME End Lane, London, N.W.6. 1160 ALEX HARVEY FAN CLUB, send Name S.a.e.to Miss Maree Baylee, Club (please print) BOND STREET ENTERTAINMENTS LTD. A.B.C. COMMODORE, HAMMERSMITH Secretary, 35A Chiswick Lane, Address London, W.4. in conjunction with SUNDAY NEXT, JANUARY 10, at 5.45 & 8.15 CHUCK BERRY FAN CLUB: - send S.A.E.fordetailsto 37, Only London appearance prior to their Australian Tour Mobberley Road, Bolton. 1162 STAR ENTERTAINMENTS of the THE OFFICIAL CHEYNES FAN CLUB -10,PegasusHouse,Ocean 96 New Bond Street, W.I. House, Mile -End Road,London, E.1. 1165 ore now solely representing ROLLING STONES The priceforclassifiedad- vertisementsIs9d. per word records wanted Pre -paidforallsections. with Zoot Money's Big Roll Band : Julie Grant FRANKY YOUNG and RECORDS BOUGHT, 45s, EPII, Advertisements should he Marianne Faithfull : The Original Checkmates LPs.
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