Universality in Elementary Cellular Automata Matthew Cook Department of Computation and Neural Systems,! Caltech, Mail Stop 136-93, Pasadena, California 91125, USA The purpose of this paper is to prove a conjecture made by Stephen Wolfram in 1985, that an elementary one dimensional cellular automaton known as “Rule 110” is capable of universal computation. I developed this proof of his conjecture while assisting Stephen Wolfram on research for A New Kind of Science [1]. 1. Overview The purpose of this paper is to prove that one of the simplest one di- mensional cellular automata is computationally universal, implying that many questions concerning its behavior, such as whether a particular se- quence of bits will occur, or whether the behavior will become periodic, are formally undecidable. The cellular automaton we will prove this for is known as “Rule 110” according to Wolfram’s numbering scheme [2]. Being a one dimensional cellular automaton, it consists of an infinitely long row of cells "Ci # i $ !%. Each cell is in one of the two states "0, 1%, and at each discrete time step every cell synchronously updates ' itself according to the value of itself and its nearest neighbors: &i, Ci ( F(Ci)1, Ci, Ci*1), where F is the following function: F(0, 0, 0) ( 0 F(0, 0, 1) ( 1 F(0, 1, 0) ( 1 F(0, 1, 1) ( 1 F(1, 0, 0) ( 0 F(1, 0, 1) ( 1 F(1, 1, 0) ( 1 F(1, 1, 1) ( 0 This F encodes the idea that a cell in state 0 should change to state 1 exactly when the cell to its right is in state 1, and that a cell in state 1 should change to state 0 just when the cells on both sides are in state 1. Borrowing an analogy from the well known “Game of Life” two dimensional cellular automaton [3], we can think of a cell in state 1 as !The work was performed when the author was with Wolfram Research, Inc. Complex Systems, 15 (2004) 1–40; + 2004 Complex Systems Publications, Inc. 2 Matthew Cook a “live” cell, and a cell in state 0 as an “empty” cell. Then our function says that life spreads to the left, but live cells that have no room to breathe will die and become empty. For this reason, this automaton is also known as “LeftLife”, a name which can help remind one how to mentally perform the updates. If a cellular automaton has fewer than two states for the cells, or has two states but fewer than three cell values as arguments for F, then it is easy to show that universal behavior is impossible, so this result is the best possible in these regards. There have been several previous results in the direction of finding small universal one dimensional cellular automata [4, 5, 6], but they have all been based on explicitly using the automaton’s lookup table to implement the desired behavior, an approach which naturally requires a lookup table large enough to express the chosen universal algorithm. The approach taken here is not to design a new cellular automaton, but to take the very simplest one that naturally exhibits complex behav- ior, and see if we can find within that complex behavior a way to make it do what we want. We will not concern ourselves directly with the lookup table given above, but instead we will look at the behavior that is naturally exhibited by the action of the automaton over time. The automaton itself is so simple that its universality gives us a new tool for proving that other systems are universal. For example, we can construct Turing machines that are universal because they can emulate the behavior of Rule 110. These machines, shown in Figure 1, are far smaller than any previously known universal Turing machines [7]. 2. Universal Systems In the words of Minsky, a universal system is “a completely general instruction-obeying mechanism.” When we say that some system is universal, or is capable of universal computation, we mean that it can run any program, or, in other words, execute any algorithm. Of course, the data for the program must be encoded in some form that the system can use, and the system’s output must be similarly decoded. To make sure that the encoding and decoding processes aren’t bearing the brunt of the computational burden of generating the output given the input, we typically require that they should be able to encode and decode the data fairly quickly, within some time limit that depends only on how much data needs to be converted. The Church-Turing thesis [9] states that Turing machines1 are capable of universal computation. In other words, given any algorithm, there is a way to have a Turing machine implement that algorithm, as long as 1We assume the reader has seen Turing machines before. If not, there is an introduction to them in [10]. Complex Systems, 15 (2004) 1–40 Universality in Elementary Cellular Automata 3 0 1 02 12 , 2 SE (0 , SE, L) (,, SO, L) (0, SE, R) (0, SE, R) (1, SO, R) 2 SO (,, SE, L) (1 , SO, L) (0, SE, R) (1, SE, R) (1, SO, R) 0R 1R 0L 1L Sx0 (0L, Sx0, R) (1L, S01, R) (0R, Sx0, L) (1R, Sx0, L) S01 (1L, Sx0, R) (1L, S11, R) X X S11 (1L, Sx0, R) (0L, S11, R) X X 01B Sx0 (0, Sx0, R) (1, S01, R) (0, SB, L) S01 (1, Sx0, R) (1, S11, R) X S11 (1, Sx0, R) (0, S11, R) X SB (0, SB, L) (1, SB, L) (0, Sx0, R) 01 Sx0 (0, Tx0, R) (1, T01, R) S01 (1, Tx0, R) (1, T11, R) S11 (1, Tx0, R) (0, T11, R) SL (0, Tx0, L) (1, Tx0, L) Tx0 (1, Sx0, R) (0, SL, L) T01 (1, S01, R) X T11 (1, S11, R) X Figure 1. Some small Turing machines which are universal due to being able to emulate the behavior of Rule 110 by going back and forth over an ever wider stretch of tape, each time computing one more step of Rule 110’s activity. The column headings show the symbols, and the row headings show the states. Entries marked “X” are not used by the machine.[8] you are willing to have the input and output be in the form of characters on a Turing machine tape. If we like, we can consider this to be the definition of an algorithm. Then, to show that some other specific class of machines is also capable of universal computation, all we need to show is that given any Turing machine program, there is a machine from the other class that can run an equivalent program. The standard way of doing this is to present a “compiler”, which can take any Turing machine program and data and compile it into a program and data for the other kind of machine. The existence of such a compiler demonstrates that those machines can do anything a Turing machine can do, so in particular they must be able to execute any algorithm, and they are universal. This compiler, like the data encoder, is required to always finish within a predictable amount of time, without regard to what the program being compiled is designed to do. Complex Systems, 15 (2004) 1–40 4 Matthew Cook 2.1 Tag Systems As our first example of another universal system, we will consider tag systems, which were originally considered by Post [11]. A tag system is a machine that operates on a finite tape, reading symbols off the front of the tape, and writing symbols onto the end of the tape. At every step, the machine removes two symbols, and based solely on the first one, decides what to append to the end of the tape, according to a fixed lookup table that defines the machine.2 For example, if the tape is ACDABBE, and the machine’s lookup table lists the appendant CCDD for the symbol A, then the next step of the machine will be to delete AC from the front of the tape, and since the first one was A, it will append CCDD to the end of the tape, yielding DABBECCDD as the new tape. The step after that would read two more symbols and add the appendant for D. As we can see, half of the symbols are ignored. When an appendant is placed on the end of the tape, the parity of the length of the tape determines which symbols within the appendant will eventually be used and which will be ignored. To prove that tag systems are universal, we will show that the be- havior of any Turing machine can be emulated by a tag system. Since the class of Turing machines which use just two symbols is known to be universal, we will show how to emulate a Turing machine that uses just two symbols.3 Following a proof of Cocke [12], we will also restrict ourselves to Turing machines operating on a tape on which only a finite number of cells have a symbol other than 0.4 This will allow us to think of the tape as two binary numbers, one on each side of the head, with the less significant digits towards the head and the more significant digits farther from the head. To emulate a Turing machine with m states, we will use a tag system with 10m symbols: "Lk, Lk0, Lk1, Rk, Rk0, Rk1, Rk!, Hk, Hk0, Hk1%, k $ states of the Turing machine If the cells on the tape to the left of the Turing machine’s head form the number TL, and the cells on the tape to the right of the Turing machine’s head form the number TR, then our tag system tape will represent these 2More generally, a tag system can remove a fixed number p of symbols at each step, still only considering the first one.
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