Property of IMARINE. CORPS EI S TORI CAL II RARY 3 1959 Ple .aso Ili to R Irl 3127 ' OBI edwir /10 VOL VIII, NO. 18 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, T. H. Friday, May I, 1959 Brigade Arrives From Calif; Support Units Here Monday Life returned to the Air Station's attack cargo ships Washburn and Hon "Big Land" at Camp Pendleton. -regimental area" late last week Seminole docked at Pearl Harbor. Brig. Gen. A. R. Kier, command- ,vith the arrival of the bulk of the At the same time the landing ing general of th- 1st Marine Bri- Brigade troops from southern Calif- ship dock Oak Hill unloaded am- gade, and his staff returned earlier ornia amphibious maneuvers. phibious personnel and equipment by air. Ma- Brigade troops quickly fell into across the K-Bay beaches. Members of the 1st Bn., 4th week, the Thomas- to Kaneohe Bay training schedules to continue their Earlier in the rines will return ton, a landing ship dock, arrived at in June. They are remaining at role as the mid-Pacific-based Ma- to serve as aggres- rine combat-force-in-readiness. Pearl Harbor with advance echelons Camp Pendleton of Brigade units. It was the first sors in forthcoming 1st Marine Div- On Monday the Whitfield. Dunn ship to return troops from Opera- ision Maneuvers. and Lawrence counties will arrive here with the last elements of the Brigade. Aboard the three landing ships tank are members CORPS' TOP ENLISTED POSITION of the Service Bn. and the Anti- .ank Co. and their equipment. GOES TO FMFPAC SGT. MAJOR in the United Four ships returned two battalions SgtMaj. Francis D. Rauber, pre- Marine Corps stations BABE RUTH LEAGUE BOOSTER - Brig. Gen. A. R. Kier, command- f the 4th Marines and other units sent sergeant major of Fleet Marine States and overseas. ing general of the 1st Marine Brigade, subscribes as a sponsor of the of the service and artillery battalions Force, Pacific, has been named by A board, consisting of general Hawaii Babe Ruth Leagues Association from Ed Doyle. The non-profit last Friday. These ships, the trans- General Randolph McC. Pate, Ma- officers selected the new sergeant organization, dedicated to the development of good citizens through iorts Montrose and Bexar, and the rine Corps Commanadant, as the major, with approval of the Com- supervised baseball competition, depends upon sponsors for its Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. mandant. financial backing. Young Doyle, a member of the K-Bay Indians, He will assume the Corps' top en- and other teammates are currently campaigning for sponsors of the Marines Discuss BR League. The League consists of 13, 14 and 15 year-old players. Special Orders Photo by ActCpl. R. C. Snow. LDO Warrant Now In Exchange U. S. Treasurer To Visit Promotion Plans Purchasing and special ordering 7.larine Corps officials outlined in the same location became a real- Kaneohe Bay Thursday lans to a House appropriations ity this week when the Marine Ex- ubcommittee last week that the change Special Order department Mrs. Ivy Baker Priest, Treasurer .tarlistst cabinet appointees, Mrs. Corps plans to double the number was relocated to the lobby of the of the United States, will visit the Priest assumed office Jan. 28, 1953. of warrant officers and triple the Main Exchange. 1st Marine Brigade here next Thurs- She travels widely through the number of limited duty officers in day. The purpose of her visit is ,vithin the next year. Moved from its former location Bldg. 220, the Special Order desk is to help launch savings bond drives The objective of increasing the now conveniently located for al), being conducted locally. number of these two officers groups, exchange patrons. Mrs. Priest is expected to arrive according to the Navy Times re- at the Air Station by sedan about lease, is to reduce the number of Exchange patrons may use its fa- 11:30 am. She will be Brig. Gen. :unrestricted officers now serving in SGT. MAJ. RAUBER cilities to order items not stocked A. R. Kier's guest at a luncheon at technical fields. Once the new war- listed post sometime this summer or which have a greater purchase which some 20 Brigade unit com- rant-LDO program gets under way, when he relieves SgtMaj. Wilbur price than regular exchange mer- manders and staff officers will at- the Marine Corps will cut down the Bestwick. The latter will be reas- chandise. tend. signed to the Hawaii command of 1:Iput of new second lieutenants. reminded of the the Fleet Marine Force. Patrons are also Following lunch, Mrs. Priest will There are now 700 warrant of- new shopping hours for the Main, address a A veteran of 23 years military gathering of Brigade ficers and 150 limited duty officers Regimental exchange and Beverage savings service, the new sergeant major bond officers. ,n the Marine Corps. These num- Sales. The new hours are from 9 a.m. During served with the National Guard in her visit here she will be ' :sers, under the proposed rlan, would to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, accompanied his native Rochester N. Y. from 1919 by Mr. Harold R. I be increased to 1400 and 480, te- to 1921. He enlisted in the Marine Also operating on new schedules S:one. Regional Direttor for the , spectively. Corps in 1923 and was assigned duty are the Laundry, 8:30 am. 5 p.m.; Western States, Saving Bond Div- According to the release, Head- in Haiti until his discharge in 1926. Service Station, 8 am. to 4:30 p.m.; :i. and Mr. Carl Hanson, presi- MRS. IVY BAKER PRIEST quarters said full details on the Shortly after the outbreak of and Barber Shop, 8 am. to 5 p.m. ' of the iiishop National Bank. nation, speaking on various aspects :ea- programs were not yet avail- World War II he enlisted in the Ma- facilities will maintain Mrs. Priest is scheduled to be in of the Treasury Department's fiscal All other ,ble. Marines who will be r:onsidered rine Corps Reserve and was called their present operating hours. I-Taxaii during the week of May 4-10. and monetary problems. or LDO and warrant appointments to active duty on May, 1942, Since Saturday operating hours will re- will visit several of the mili- She has been chairman since by an August selection board will corn- that time he has served at numerous main the same. ..y installations during her stay. August, 1955, of a committe se picked on the basis of current Cne of President Eisenhower's See TREASURER . P. 2 standards. However, the expanded program 'mild lower the service requirement K-BAY STATION CONTROLS or entry into warrant status from 0 to six years of service. PACIFIC MISSILE RANGE Future plans also include giving .varrant appointees an initial of- is by the Navy, Headquarters for most of the Range operated ficer indoctrination course, similar and civilian agencies P..cific islands used in operation of both military to that given the Navy LDOs, fol- However, to Pacific Missile Range is being nay use its facilities. lowed by formal schooling in such rockets t-lstablished here. The station, with date, the only announced techincal fields as electronics and over the range were ole telemetering and tracking that were fired mechanics. I and II. :uments, is being installed at those bearing Discoverer pau Head. Firing of missiles over the range will be done from Vanden- Under the direction of Cdr. A. VMA 214 To Assist berg or adjacent Point Arguello. W. Hayward, the station is now Rockets released from these two In Army Maneuvers operational. Its purpose is the points could reach the South Pule Pilots and aircraft of VMA-214 tracking of rockets fired from area without ever crossing land. are scheduled to furnish air support the Vandenberg Air Force Base Other missiles, those of the 5000 - for the 1st Battle Group of the 25th in California. mile intercontinental range ballistic Army Division during maneuvers A number of islands in the Pa- type. could soar over Hawaii and at Pohakuloa, May 9-10-11 and DISTING'J!SHED VISITOR - Navy Chief of Chaplains. RAdm. range area come under the strike somewhere In the vicinity 15-16-17. George A. Rosso Ileftl, a Monsignor of the Catholic Church, chats Kaneohe Bay command. Another of Wake or Eniwetok Islands. As a highlight of each of the with Col. M. M. Magruder, Station commanding officer, shortly facility with submarine cables is At the present time only civilians two periods VMA-212 will use all after his arrival here Tuesday. Center is 14th Naval District Chaplain being constructed on Wake Island are working at the Kaneohe Bay types of rockets, bombs and naplam. Capt. James W. Kelly. Monsignor Rosso discussed the spiritual to detect where missiles fall into installation. More are expected to also the simulated atomic device, welfare of service personnel with local chaplains and inspected the ocean. be employed later as the operations technically called the T-66 will be chapel facilities before departing the same night to visit units in the AP't sugh the Pacific Missile Increase. used to add realism to the exercises. Western Pacific. Photo by ActSgt. Bruce R. Hamper. I, 1959 Page 2 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, T. H. Friday, May Staff NCO Wives .90gvaiii4, A meeting was held at the Staff The NCO Club Aloha Room Tuesday Weeirtiteat By ActSgt. SAM ZAGARELLA night, April 28, for the purpose of COL. M. M. MAGRUDER Commanding Officer turning over the books from the Your Inquiring Photographer asked, -What did you consider the LT.
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