*;?v ¦', ,*<. »•-¦¦' ». ...:'v;. ¦•¦•,; ' / ¦¦' !'*ír.-:.:. - ______ .„-.. ,'.._ - f ., . w . <-. <_StoN« ÜUut <ffi_CVUÍ0 No. VOL. XIV 1UO DE JANEIRO, TUESDAV. July 4tli. 1911 27 BALDWIN LOCOMpTIVE WORKS PHILADELPHIA, PENNA., U. S. A. - Cab/e Address: — "Baldwín, Philadelphia." ___=_______==== MANUFACTURERS OF FOR BROAD AND NARROW GAUGE Locomotives FOR PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE r Primeiro de Março, N. 112- Bi° & Janeiro Representatives for Brazil:—NORTON, MEGAW & Co., Ltcl ,-N. 112, Rua Co. Gable-Address BORLIDO-RIO BORLIDO MAIA & P. O. B. 131 Head-Office RUA DO ROSÁRIO, 55- 58 - Rio de Janeiro-Brazil ESTABLISHED 1878 General Merchants, Importers «& Contractors SUPPLY THE PRINCIPAL RAILWAY ASD STEAMSHIP COMPANIES OF BRAZIL Material for Cars, Locomotives, impor.Importers of Boilers,Raihvay Appliances, Tools; Repair Wágons; Lubricating Chis, and Greases. Industrial, Agncultural Burninff Oils ; Carbide, Raihvay Apparatus, Implements, Tools and Supplies;¦ Packing, and Mininff Machinerv, and PuZ Scales, Safes, Arüsans' Tools; Rubber, Leather Iron Tubes, Portable Buildings, Wire Fencmg, ÇCativa* Hose Galvani^ed Supphes BabbH."_.-__ W„ts. Color., Brushes ; Coachbuilders' , EJlectrical Maclunery and Supplies; Structural Iron, Ware Wool, Cativas and Duck. Builders' and Plumbers' Supplies; Sanitary ; Koofmg and L,ining Material, etc. for AG1£NTS AIND REPRESENTATIVAS - Original Balata Belting. R. & Dick, Ltd. GlaSgOW J. -oisina Water Paint. Mander Brothers, London - Lubricating Oils and Greases. Blivetl & CardngtOn, NeW York Scotland-Dredger constructors. Wm Simons&Co,Ltd.,Renfrew, England-RoyaiEnüeidCycie». Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd, Redditch, — safety Fuses. Bickford Smith & Co,. Ltd., Tuckingmill, — steei wire Ropes. B. Brown & Co. (Bankhall) Ltd., W. in o___-_-_« r»_-_ J_-ta.,_-onaonT tH T nndon''Vaporite''v for destruction of pests the soil. The Vaporite Strawson Lo., •V "'' ¦ « •• The Ri10 de jJaneiro F,nouR Mills & Granaries Limited Post Office Box Teleerams: Telephone : IN o. 486 "EPIDERMI8" i65 Mills : Rua d» CSVa-nalocVa No. X . DAILY PRODUCTiON: 10.000 BAGS. - londoin k. c. IIKAD OFFICE — 48, MOORGATE ST. BRAKCHE8 B. M1TER BUEJNOS AYKES 335, CAIvLE S.PAÜLO.-4, RUA DA QUITANDA. ROSÁRIO 1086, CALLE SANTA FÉ. AGENCIES. Rio Grande, Pelotas & Victoria, Bahia, Maceió, Pernambuco, Ceará, Curityba, Desterro, Porto Alegre. "SEMOLIINA" "NACIONAL" '•BÜD4-NAC10NAjL ' "1ÍRAZ1LEIKA" "GUAKANY" AND FOR SUPERIORITY HAVE EEEN AWARDED' Gold Medal Paris 1889.First Prize Brazil 1908. First Prize Brazil St. Louis 1904. First Prize Brussels 1910. -- OFFICES : -RUA DA QUITANDA, 408 RIO DE JANEIRO. 112, Cannon StreetLondon E. C, ENGINEE&S, MEftCHANTS anü Contractors for Railway Material, etc i . TELEGRAPHIC ADDRÉSS "FOUNDATION" — LONDON Bahia-flathan & Co., Raa das Pmncezas, 6 Caixa do Correio, 157. - Telegrams, "NATHAN" - BAHIA Rio de Janeiro—F^y» Voule & Co., iRua da Rlfandega no. 10 "FRY"-RIO Caixa do Correio 21.-Telegrams, JANEIRQ_ IL= '::.¦¦•.¦•¦¦; •¦ ¦ VQL. XIV RIO DE JANEIRO, TUESDAY, JULY 4th, 1911 HOTEü AVENIDA ~ HlO DE JANEIRO SOUZA CABRAL & CO. 152 162, .ATVIEÍN TJDA.' OE3STTK A.L, 152, RIO DE JANEIRO ² OCCUPIES A THE LARGEST '.'".'.'•;'.' ••':' • ' '%e?£g2L .'7''.:' •,-.... ¦" ,."; ¦: .••¦.•'•>?>;/¦ .-'../> , COMPLETE BLOCK m mm sisgLg. AND MOST IMPORTANT .7;^v-^fes^f 7#>i^ .f%2pVSl ti 1 í. | ffl^lí1'» MAGNIFICENT ¦Mg •7.- HOTEL IN BRAZIL IHlL ACCOMMODATION lilllilll GRAND LIGHTED II1111 ill-M -íl — ^ i L11—- ¦Hnfntl aL iS HALL FOR PUBLIC BY THROUGHOUT I Ji^bH ÉKfiflK ^H.Mb^i^H^V^^HkWVT' ¦ • "^"íJ ^flMWM^B^B^nlMMl^ff^iwW^^^^^t*-c^w*j & ¦HH.10IIIH _^^*^MMr"^S^ ! DINNERS '7- , - :7 ¦ í ELECTRICITY. MgMgp^^gak.^." 7: RECEPTIONS. Ê^fe^fe^S^Sfe^4^ - .... -•,»„.'? : 7"r:-"^OT 220, R00MS, 220 ELECTRIC L1FTS TO ALL FLOORS. TELEGRAMS: •• "AVENIDA" TELEPHONE, 2873 The Western TelegraphXompany, Limited AMERICA UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT. THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE WITH SOUTH 3 CABLE STATIONS IN EUROPE ANO ¦¦¦:.>;.?*. CABLE STATIONS IN SOUTH AMERICA: NORTH AMERICA:- ¦..;.;--¦:.' WESTERN TELECRAPH COMPANY. EASTERN TELECRAPH COMPANY. Brazil:— mt [Mwm t^t^B^B ^^B Bw^^W. Campos Salles No. 1). Old Broad Street, E.C. Para (Travessa //' ^+m\ \\mm2&3*>*®^s^^. London: Ü, Maranham, Ceara. The Baltic Exchange, St. Mary Axe, E.O. Commercio No. 2). YORK^ ^\ Pemtittbuco (Rua do 'A//NEWJKmwumS M»/We° 419, Strand, W.C. ::-: Bahia das Princezas No. 7). WZmWWuVirWJBkJfa^mX 'Wi (Rua a mm<^rÁ uu\Wmmu$*WÍê2fÊS&^m*\ Ki3, Exchange Buildings. Rio de Janeiro (Avenida Central No. 117 Liverpool: *sA\ San os (Largo 11 de Junno No. 4). JmmmT ü 1WmmmMWZêGr9 Manche tci : 44, Spring Gardens. Rio Grande do Sul. P. Catharina, Glasgfow: 5, iVoyâl Bank Place. Ürtisfuay:—. 1^ j^mIHPPRPH <sfll0AKAa ,vjjw ,K||j|||V'Sb>ihu>si^ NewcaSxic-on-Tyne: K, Exchange Buildings, Moutevideo (Calle Córrito ÍW). Quayside: — Argentina: Cardift: 33, Merchants' Exchange, Butc Docks. Buenos Aires (287 and 291, Calle San Martin). HA-r*i'n'r/^l^r^lUrrií'""""""' de Ia Pucbla 14. æB^UMAPEBNAMBUCtTiSaBlKÉlBgW/ Madrid: Calle PLATE TELECRAPH COMPANY. RIVER Marbeilles : Hotel des Postes. mm JlrTejitina;— RIO JANEIRO 'J/MWmS¦iMoss.Mtcts// Statiou, St. Gcorge'6. and 291, Calle San Martin); liÜ^l( Malta: Central Buenos Aires (287 MB Im SANT0S«áBi^jBBí^ ¦¦ »<>// ¦'#-:¦¦ Some: 28, Via Vcnti Settembre. WEST COAST OF AMERICA TELECflAPH COMPANY. \^H HrTfTffiP^ x'"!!'"'^.'"0 ¦f&JmuTMWIS / X 7ví:5 Chili:- \IIIH/faÍR8liSR/ COMMERCIAL CABLE COMPANY. Arica, Pi-agua, Iquuiue, Antofagasta, La Serena, \liH',Mi l^uRif/ Coriuiinbo, Concepuion, Coronel, lalcamiano. Wew York: Comniercial Cablc Building. Valpaiuiso (Calle Prat 09). Boston : 112, State Street, Balmaceda). ^^jjl ;^: Santiago (Pasaje : BM[U Haüfax, Nova Scotia: 201, Hollis Street. ;x'7fí«7K »«rn:— X/E' Callao, Liina and Mollendo. "''''": • -¦'¦,i%,: TELEGBAMS PLBASB l&J^TllC. ITOTT^Ò To SOUTH AMERICA. to ALL PLACES. Via Malta, Madeira. From SOUTH AMERICA ... ... Via Easfrn Madeira. \ Italy .:. Via Western. Grcat Britain BBA.ZXX. „ Eastern Madeira. Umgfuay Via Madeira. rr..n e-Paii», * North „ Angletcrrc, Madere. Spain Argent na !- Via Rio de Ia Piata. South „ Mal te, Madòre. „ St. Vincent. Parasrnay Portugal Eu-ldcu' ViS°> Mrtdeil-a- CXIT.I Germany ••• ... North America aud^ - Via Rio de Ia Plata „ Comniercial. Pirata Aranas ... .. Eastern Madòre. Ali Other Flaces Via Eastern. Belginm West Indies) Vigo, Madeira. Peru ...¦•.'.. ••.•./' Via Cable West Coast HoUand .... » Eniden, Bolívia 13 HAMBURG, Glookengi^serwal. 21U1. 1 PORTOSe: K.W.Sefton, Caixa | RuoCaumartmlANTWERP... , ANTWERP- 61 Avenue "™>JMarie g PARIS, 37 ^ ,,tfK mMPAxr_ PAVEMENT, LONDON, E.O. ELECTRA HOUSE, FINSBURY """¦ ..-'l'.!.'." 662 TUI_ DRAZILIAN REVIEW. July 4th, 1011. ....___-'~.{J \t §n(\\m§tmw For Europa -MAGELLAN, — July 5.™ Mess. Mar., for àiordeaux. Editor J. TP. W1LEMAN 5.--OEONSA, P.S.N.C, for Liverpool. >» 10. —CAP BLANCO, H.S.D.G., for Hamburg. OFFICES- RUA CAMERINO No. 61. »» 12.--AEAGUAYA, Eoyal Mail, for Southampton. »» —ZEELANDIA, P O BOX. 472, RIO DE JANEIRO. 13. Eoyal Holland Lloyd, for Ama- terdam. " " >» TEI.EGRAPHIU ADDRESS: REVIEW RIOJANEIRO 19. —COBDILLEEE, Mess. Mar., for .Bordeaux. >» 20. —OECOMA, P.S.N.C, for Liverpool. Subicrlptlon: 80$ or £« per annum. > i 22. —K. WILHELM.II, H. A. L., for Hamburg. Payable abroad by sight draft, or cheque crossed British Bank qt 26.-—AMAZON, Eoyal Mail, for Southampton. South America. Aug. 1.—CAP VILANO, H.S.D.G., for Hamburg. Seporate Copies11100 2.—OEIANA, P.S.N.C, for Liverpool. Back Numbert• flOOO 2.—AMAZONE, Mess. Mar., for Bordeaux. »> 3.—CAP VEEDE, H.S.D.G., for Hamburg. 16$000. 9.—ASTUEIAS, Eoyal Mail, for Southampton. vi >» 14.—CAP AECONA, H.S.D.G., for Hamburg. >» 16.—CHILT, Mess. Mar., for Bordeaux. ACENTO:— t» —OEISSA, MIO OI JANEIRO- 17. P.S.N.C, for Liverpool. CRASHLEY A Co., rua do Ouvidor No. 36. .» 21.—AEAGUAYA, Eoyal Mail, for Southampton. •AO MULO- 26. KONIG F. AUGUST, H.A.L., for Hamburg. HILOEBRAND A Co., rua 15 de Novembro. >» 30. ATLANTIQUE, Mess. Mar., for Bordeaux. IOLE AGBNTS POR ADVERTI8CMCNTS IN THE UNITED KINOOOM —OEONSA, C. STREET A Co., Ltd., 30. Cornhlll, Loiidon, K. V 30. P.S.N.C, for Liverpool. Sept. 5 .—CAP ORTEGAL, H.S.D.G., for Hamburg. NEW YORK- 6. —AEAGUAYA, Eoyal Mail, for Southampton. C. R. FAIRBANK8, 68, Broad Street. >» 13.—MAGELLAN, Mess. Mar., for Bordeaux. 18.—CAP BLANCO, H.S.D.G., for Hamburg. —AMAZON, Ali oommunloatlons to be addreeeed to tho Editor. 20. Eoyal Mail, êfor Southampton. For Rlver Plate and Paclfio Announcements of Blrths, Deaths and Marrlagei eonoernlng J-Úi.y —OETEGA P.S.N.C, for West Coasfc. lubseribors and frlends are Inserted In thls "REVIEW " free 11 —AMAZON, Eoyal Mail, for Eiver Plate. af ohargo. 17 —AMAZONE, Mess. Mar., for Eiver Plate. 17 —HO I .LANDI A, Eoyal Holland Lloyd, for Eiver 8CALE OF CHARCES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS —OBOPESA, IN ORDINARY POSITION8. 18 P.S.N.C, for West Coast Pinte. ln.rr.B -PACE 62 Inseris 26 Inseria \'i 8 lüseite 4 lnscrts Singie —K. W1LHELM IL H. A. L; for Buenos Aires. per insert ppr iiiBeit per inseri per inseri per inseri i .boit One Page £3 (• i3 Kl £4 U £4 7 6 £4 lr> 0 £b 0 24 .— ÀSTUBJ AS, Eoyal Mail, for Eiver Plate. Half Page....1 12G 15 2 0 2 ô 0 10 For the United States Tüird Page...t 6 5 1 7 1 10 0 12 15 July 16. —VASAEI, Lamport & Holt, for New York. Qaarter' P.ge.176 18 1 0 1 2 6 3 õ 1 across pago0 7 8 0 10 11 Aug. 3.- -BYEON, Lamport & Holt, for New York. l;2"x8"6 4 . 0 5 6 " J/-"X-' ,9 •j 6 3 16 —VOLTAIEE, Lamport & Holt, New York. The 52 and 26 Series Rates are for Consecutivo Insertions. FERREIRA IRMÃO & C. r2 or 6 Insertions are quoted for upon the understanding that the Advertisement appears at least once a month. Specialities:—Fruit and Ice. Fresh Fruit ali the Year Round, JHetal and Rubbep Pfinting Stamps 4, Rua Primeiro de Março, 6 Interchangeable Type, Wax Seab, Stencils, Sign Cold storage goods imported from the United) Markers, Stamps (trade-marks) and Type for States, Europe, etc.

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