Christian Action Ministry Newsletter Involving the Christian in Community Action March—April, 2008 Vol. 18, Number 2 The NAFTA Superhighway --- and beyond By Kay Trudell and Bob Garvey or the past two years, written a book titled Toward a a number of reputa- According to research done by North American Community, ble, conservative, pro the Mountain States Legal in which he advocated replac- God Bless the Tsar Christian values or- Foundation, within the past ing the currencies of the US, A thought provoking article Fganizations have been writing two years the powerful Coun- Canada, and Mexico with a on the relationship of leaders about the coming NAFTA cil on Foreign Relations (CFR) new currency called the and Israel Superhighway, a super toll published a report that called “Amero”. This would be simi- Page 3 road system which will bisect for the formation of a North lar to the current “Euro” of a the United States from north to American Union overseen by now united Europe --- no mere If you would like to be south, from Mexico to Canada, fantasy in 2008. Wall Street added to our mailing and provide de facto economic Journal editor Robert Bartley opening and integration of the also wrote: “I think the nation- list, please call borders and economies of the state is finished. NAFTA 655-0280, email, or three countries of North Amer- should evolve into something contact our website ica. We have both received like the European Union, with extensive mailings and/or open borders not only for online research on this issue goods and investment, but for from such organizations as the people.” Other CFR members Mountain States Legal Foun- who also favor this “open bor- dation, Selous Foundation for ders” policy are Madeline Al- Public Policy Research, Eagle bright, former Secretary of Forum president Phyllis State under President Bill Clin- In the Schlafly, Concerned Women ton; and veteran TV news re- Works for America, The Conservative porter Tom Brokaw. Former Caucus, The DeWeese Report, Massachusetts Republican as well as articles from the Governor William Weld also newspapers Human Events and supports the idea of a North The Washington Times. American Union. Addition- ally, U.S. President George W. Presentation on Israel There are some basic facts Bush, the president of Mexico, and Palestinians Christians should know about See back for an additional map the prime minister of Canada, the proposed North American of the NAFTA Superhighway and the U.S. Chamber of Com- Free Trade Agreement merce all share this “open bor- Candidate scorecard (NAFTA) superhighway sys- an Inter-Parliamentary Group. ders” philosophy. So, in vary- tem. It has received nominal ing degrees, have the Democ- This Group would have some and sporadic coverage in the rat and Republican front- Are you interested in becoming limited (at first) actual govern- national media, but it appears running candidates on the bal- involved? CAM is looking for ing authority over the three that “the whole truth” is being lot in this year’s presidential interested and active people to North American countries. downplayed. We felt it urgent primary elections. Don’t listen act as liaisons to their church, One of the signers of this CFR that we present what informa- just to what they say; watch helping to keep the Christian Report, Robert Pastor, was tion we have available at this what they do, and have done, community informed. Contact former President Jimmy time to our readers, and let our in regards to the open borders CAM at 372-6442. Carter’s National Security Ad- readers draw their own conclu- visor for Latin America and and amnesty issues. For Chris- sions. the Caribbean. Pastor has tians, incremental moves to- Christian Action Ministry Newsletter Page 2 March—April, 2008 Vol. 18, Number 2 (Continued from page 1) 1,000 miles from either the ways crisscrossing the U.S., also has passed a resolution ward global government and Mexican or Canadian borders. Mexico, and Canada, which urging all governments of the the dissolving of borders From there, the vehicles and will all but eliminate any form world to institute “Universal among nations should rivet our goods will be allowed to fan of borders between the three Health Care” for their citizens. attention. Look up, for the out across the nation via a new nations. The citizens of these These trends can clearly be time is drawing nearer, and 4,000 mile system of rail and three nations are not being al- seen as even some members of God promised that His children roadways. These massive new lowed to vote on these plans. our own U.S. Supreme Court would not be taken unaware. toll roads will begin with the • A timetable for the “full have been public and open sup- Trans Texas Corridor (TTC- economic integration” of Can- porters of bringing U.S. judi- The NAFTA Superhighway is 35), which will encompass ada, the U.S. and Mexico was cial decisions into harmony part of the plan to gradually both new highways and im- originally planned for the year with foreign laws and U.N. dissolve the borders of the US, provements to existing high- 2010, but this date appears regulations. If these plans Canada, and Mexico. The eco- ways. much too ambitious. Perhaps it come to full fruition, it will nomic borders will essentially • Thousands of homes, will take longer. Full eco- spell the end of the U.S. Con- be removed first, followed later ranches, farms, and small busi- nomic integration also includes stitution and Bill of Rights as by the political borders. It may nesses will need to be cleared the so-called “Social Security we know them today. take decades, but we can even from these new highway routes Totalization” program – a plan now look to Europe to see what through “eminent domain”. to give Social Security credit We present these developments a similar plan for North Amer- surrounding the evolution of • Taxes and tolls will go up and benefits to former illegal ica would look like. Here are NAFTA not to frighten our across the U.S. to help fund the immigrants under an amnesty some facts concerning the program that will credit them readers, but to urge them to NAFTA Superhighway, as foreign highway construction, begin looking into these issues as well as the highway con- for work done in the U.S. while presented by The Selous Foun- they were illegal. The numbers and facts for themselves. First, dation, based in Washington, struction within the U.S. bor- pray for wisdom and ask God ders. The Mexican govern- of years worked, the type of DC. work, and the salaries earned to show you the truth. Visit the ment has already claimed that online websites of the groups they cannot afford to pay for would be almost impossible to • The 1994 NAFTA agree- prove, since they were done mentioned at the beginning of their portion of the superhighway, so this article and do your own ment called for the construc- U.S. taxpayers will likely bear “under the table”, so our gov- research. We don’t claim that tion of a massive trade corridor that burden also. ernment would simply have to (the NAFTA superhighway) rely on the honesty of the for- we have the whole truth in • There will be reduced se- which would allow foreign- mer illegal workers’ sworn these matters. We know only curity on what was once our made goods to flow into Amer- statements. what we have read and learned borders, and reduced ability to during the past several years. ica through a SENTRI system • This full economic integra- of fast toll lanes which would prevent the entrance of radical We pray that God keeps us Islamic terrorists and other tion also includes a program of from serious error in these mat- do only an electronic security planned “harmonization” --- enemies who wish to do harm ters. We are open to correction check on vehicles. Our under- which would force the laws of standing at the current time is to the United States and its as new facts come to light. We citizens. all three countries to believe that world trends sup- that local and state police in the “harmonize”. American law • The TTC-35, whose con- port the events that Scripture various states would not have would have to bend to harmo- has prophesied, and that the the authority to stop trucks struction has already begun, is nize itself with the more social- current unwillingness of our flowing along this free trade only the beginning. Also ist laws of Canada, and the superhighway for the purpose planned are a CANA-MEX own government to enforce its very different (and often more national borders is part of the of visually inspecting their corridor that will span the west corrupt) laws and law enforce- cargo. This will create a poten- from Mexico to Canada coming move toward global ment in Mexico. This is one government. Only time will tial security nightmare within through Arizona, Nevada, reason why the “benefits” of the U.S. Utah, Idaho, and Montana; and tell. so-called “Universal Health • The “customs center” for TTC-69 that will run from Care” are being sold to the Kay Trudell and Bob Garvey are Di- official checks of these vehi- Texas to Tennessee to Michi- citizenry in the U.S. --- to bring rector of the Christian Action Ministry. gan to Toronto, Ontario. Kay attends Community Bible Church cles will be located in Kansas us in line with the Canadian in So. Burlington and Bob attends St.
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