1025 "r THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1925. RRATUM.-In the Order in Counoil dated the 19th day I Additional Land taken for the Kawalcawa-Hokianga Railway E of January, 1920, and published in the New Zealand (Okaihau Bectinn) and for Road·diversions in connection Gazette No.4, page 161, of the 23rd day of January, 1925, therewith. declaring portion of Glenora Road, in the Akitio County, to be a county TOad, read "oounty road" in lieu of " Govern· ment road" in the ninth line of the said Order in Council. [L.S.) CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor.General. A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities Ot"OW1t. Land Bet 68ide a8 a. ProviBional State ForeBt. I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1908, and of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor·Generai. this behalf, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Go. A PROCLAMaTION. vernor·General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and deolare that the additional land mentioned in the B-y virtue and in exeroise of the powers and authorities Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the Kawakawa-Hokianga conferred upon me by scotion eighteen of the Forests Railway (Okaihau Seotion) and for road· diversions in con· A~t, 1921-22, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, nection therewith. Governor·Generai of the Dominion of New Zealand, aoting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, do hereby set apart the Crowp. land SCHEDULE. described in the Schedule hereto as a provisional State forE-st. APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land taken :­ SCHEDULE. FOR RAIT.WAY. WESTLAND LAND DrsTRIOT.-WESTLAND FOREST.OONSERVA. A. B. P. Being Portion of TION REGION. o 1 2 Part Allotment 30, Block VII; coloured blue. ProviBional State ForeBt No. 1723. 1 0 2·4 Part Allotment 22, Blocks VI and VII; ALL that area in the Westland Land District, containing by coloured pink. admeasurement 466 s.cres 2 roods 30 perches, more or less, o 0 12·6 Part Allotment 30, Block VI; coloured blue. being Section 2807, Block V, Wallio Survey District. As the (Parish of Omapere.) Bame is more partioularly delineated on plan No. 139/1, de· . posited in the.Head Office of the State Forest Service at Wei· FOR ROAD. DIVERSIONS. lington, and thereon bordered red. 1 22·3 Part Allotment 30, Block VII; coloured Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor. blue. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued o 0 12·4 Part Allotment 22, Block VII; coloured under the Seal of that Dominion, this 30th day of March, pink. 1925. o 0 1·6. Part Allotment 30, Block VI; ooloured pink. R. HEATON RHODES, o 0 16·4 Part Allotment 15, Block VI; coloured blue. Commissioner of State Forests. o 1 26·8 Part Allotment 15, Blocks VI and X; Approved in Council. coloured blue. o 0 26·1 Crown land, Block X; coloured blue. F. D. THOMSON, (Parish of Omaperfl.) 'Clerk Of the Executive Council. Situated in Omapere Survey District (Auckland R.D.). GOD SAVE THE KING ! (S.O. 22845.) A 1026 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 24 In the North Auckland Land District; as the same are more I Declaring Land taken for a Go-vernment Work, and not particularly d(1lineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 60868, required lor that Purpo8e, to be Crown Land. deposited in the office of the ~Iini~ter of Public Works at Wellington, in the Wellington Land Distriot, and thereon [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor·General. coloured as above mentioned. A PROCLAMATION. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor· N pursuanca and exercise of the powers and authorities General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued I vested in me bv the Puhlic Works Act, 1908, and the under the Seal of that Dominion, this 31st day of March, Public Works AmeIi'dment Act, 1909, and of every other 1925. power and authority in anywise enahling me in this oohalf, I, RICHD. F. BOLLARD, Genaral Sir Charles ]j'ergusson, Baronet, Governor·General of For Minister of Public Works. the Dominion of New Zealand,-'do horeby declare the land described in the Schedule hereto to be Crown land subject to GOD SAVE THE KING! the I,and Act, 1924. Allocating to the Purpo8es of a Road Land in Block VII, SCHEDULE. I)mapere Survey District, taken for a Railway. ApPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of stopped Government road declared to be Crown land:­ [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON. Governor·General. A. R.I'. 3 0 28 Adjoining or passing thrnugh Section 2912. A PROCLAMATION. 5 0 0 • Crown land. I N pursuance and exeroise of the powers and authorities Situated in Block IV, Ma.hinapua Survey District (West. vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1908, and of land RD.). (H.O. 242:1.) every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in In ~he Wesdand Land District; as 'he same are more this behalf. I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, particularly deline.ted on the pla.n marked P. W.D. 6159l, Governor·General the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby deposited in the office of the Minister of Publio Works a.t proclaim and declare that the land which is described in the Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon Schedule hereto (and which was taken for the purposes of the coloure,] green. Kawakawa-Hokianga Railway and is not nqw required for such purposes) shall, upon the publication hereof in the New Given under the hand of His Excellenoy the Governor. Zealand Gazette, become a road, and that such road shall be General of the Dominion. of New Zealand, and, issped maintained by the Bay of Islands County Council in like under the Seal of that Dominion, this 31st day of :Ma~ch, manner as other public highways are controlled and main· 1925. tained by the said Council. RICHD. F. BOLLARD, For Minister of Public Works. SCHEDULE. GOD SAVE THE KING I ApPROXIMATE area of the piece of land dealt with: 2 rooda 26'9 perches, being railway land. Stopping Portions of Johnson, FralJeT, and Rus8ell Street", Situated in Omapero Parish, Block VII, Omapere Survey in the Borough of Paeroo. District (Auckland RD.). (S.O. 22845.) In the North Auckland Land District; as the same is more [L.8.J CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor·General. particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 60868, deposited in th" office of the Minister of Public Works at A PROCLAMATION. Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon N pursuance and exercise of the power and authority coloured pink. I vested in me by section seventy.five of the Reserves and other Landa Disposal and Publio Bodies Empowering Ginn under the hand of His Excellenoy the Governor· Act, 1924, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Govemo'r· General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby procl8.im under th.e Seal of that Dominion, this 31st day of March, as stopped the portions of Johnson. Fraser, and Russell 1925. Streets, in the Borough of Paeroa, described in the Schedule RICHD. F. BOLLARD, hereto, such portions of streets being no longer required. For Minister of Public Works. GOD SAVE TIIl!l KING! SCHEDULE. APPROXIIIlATE areas of portions of streets hereby stopped :- Declaring Land taken for a GOt'ernment Work, and not A. R. P. Adjoining oX passing through required for that Purpose, to be Grown Land. 1 0 30 Sections 3, 2, 1, 65, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, Block II, Town of Paeroa. (L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor.General. 1 0 32 Sections 11, 12, 29, SO, 35, 34, 33. Block II, Town of Paeroa; 9, 10, 31, 32 Blook B2, A PROCLAMATION. Town of Paeroa; 5, 6, 7, 8, Block C, Town N pursuance and exercise of ~he powers and authorities of Paeroa. I vested in me by ~he Publio Works Act, 1908, and the Situated in Block XIII, Ohinemuri S\lrvey District Publio Works Amendment Act, 1909, and of every other (Auckland RD.). (S.O. 23614.) power and authority in anywise ena.bling me in this behalf, In the Auckland Land District; as the same are more pa.,. I, Genera.l Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor. ticularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D, 62262, de· Genera.l of I,be Dominion of New Zeala.nd, do hereby posited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at declare 'he land described in the Eohedule hereto to be Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon Crown land subject to the La.nd Act, 1924. coloured green. SCHEDULE. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor· General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued APPROXIMATE area of the piece of stopped Government under the Seal of that Dominion, this 31st day of March, road declared to be Crown land: 4 acres 1 rood 38 perohes. 1925. Adjoining or passing through Mohaka 13A, situated in Block J. G. COATES, Minister of Public Works. VIII, Mohaka Survey District (Hawke's Bay R.D.). (S.O. 753, green.) GOD SAVE THE KING! In the Hawke's Bay Land District; as .the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 57698, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at WeI. lington, in the Wellingt.on Land District, and thereon coloured· green. [L.S.] OHARLES .
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