UNDERGROUND NEWS -mJMBm 266 ISSN 0306-8617 FEBRUARY 19^4 THE•TIMETABLE Friday 10 Pebruarv Cine-Film show by Mr.L.Collijo^s - 'A Review of Underground Events in i9S5'. 19.00 for 19.15 in the Coixference Room, Baden-Powell House. Tuesday ik Pebruary Eveiiing visit to the' Post Office Railway and Workshops, Mount Pleasant. Full details in UN 265. Sattxrday 25 February London Passenger Transport League's East London Transport Sale at East Ham Town Hall. 11.00 to 16.OO. fiearest station: East Ham. From 19,00 at the same location, there will be a Transport Film Show by Jim Blake. Different material will be used from that previously showE,. Friday 9 March Talk, 'Light Rail Transport Schemes for London', by Mr.W.R. Clarke, General Manager. Docklands Light Railway, London Trans• port. 19,00 for 19a15 in the Conference Room, Baden-Powell House» Wednesday l4 to Mondav 19 March Society visit to the Netherlands, affordic^e opportunities to visit the Metro systems in Amsterdam, Rottei-daai and Utrecht, as well as other activities. For full details, please write, enclosing an SAE, to Mr*J.F.Thomason, 51 Head Street, Pershore, ¥orcs., WRIO IDA, as soon as possible. Saturday 31 March • Annual General Meeting, 1984. Full details of this, and the morning meeting, how to get there, and the formal notice of the A.G.M. will be published in the next issue of Underground News. Friday 13 April Illustrated talk, «London Transport Service Locomotives and Miscellaneous Vehicles • by Mr ..B.R.Hardy. 19.00 for 19.15 in the Conference Room, Baden-Powell House. UNDERGROUND NEWS IS PUBLISHED & PRINTED BY THE LONDON UNDERGROUND RAILWAY SOCIETY. CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE EDITOR WHOSE ADDRESS APPEARS INSIDE. MEMBERS ARE ASKED TD ENCLOSE A STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE IF A REPLY IS REQUIRED. OPINIONS EXPRESSED ARE THOSE OF COMTRIBUTORS AND NOT NECESSARILY ENDORSED BY T.L.U.aS. © THE CONTENTS ARE COPYRIGHT. DECEMBER CAXTON HALL MEETISS Bob pointed out that the last CO/CP stock train to run, in service on 31 March 1981 included two At our last meeting at Caxton Hall, an illu• trailers that were originally Q,38 stock. The R strated talk by Bob Greenawny was given, titled stock, of course, which was withdrawn on 't March. 'The Latter Days of the Q Stock*, using slides 19S3, had motor cars that were originally Q38 and cine film., trailers, Bob outlined his Interest in District Line roll• ing stock £»s coveririg n period of 30 years, but To conclude the svenlng's presentation, Bob N0.OS063, stated that he hfid only started t^^tographlng showed elides of the Society's car from about the mid~l960's. which was first stabled, at AsJiford vJhen bought for preservation. The raturn to Ruislip depot The 'Q* stock, it was explt>.ined, was a niiscture was then shown and then the much work done by a of stock from 1923 to 1958, the earlier ex~ small team of Society merabers for its showing at District Railway stock having an American iixflxx- the Neasden and Acton Open Days in 1983. ence in its design. The first slidea shown were Bob then thanked Brian Hardy, Fred Ivey, John of the «G' class, (later Q23), which were giv<?,n Parsons, Bob Logan and others for the loan of the nickname by staff ol' 'horseboxes'. This was their slides, and then answered questions put to followed by the 'K' (027) class, and was a leas him from the raudience. Members then gave their 'fussy' design than the 'fi' class.. The next the appreciation of the vei'^' interesting and illu• batch of slides covered stock built dm-ing strated talk, which brought back many memories, the period I93l to 1936, as the 'L', 'M' and 'K' ciasaes, the first two classes having both motor .Mr.John Gillham then proposed a vote of thanks and trailer cars, with the «N« class trailers find grtitit-ad© to those members who had helped in only. Jn Inter years the 'L' and «M' class the restoration work on the Society's car, which motors were converted to trailers, b-ut the motor was carried unanimously. bogiea, less their motoi'.s, were retained under DMH these ears. The Q38 stock was introduced jnst before tht; war and v-as similar in appearance to the '0' and 'P' EARLY TECHNICAL DEVELOPMECTS, Ot^' THE TUBE but atock, had equipment so that it could oper• by ate with the older District stock. When conver• ted to air-door opefration, the 'U', 'K', 'L', B. J .Prigmp.re; 'M' and 'N' classes became Q23, Q27, Q?5 (President, 1983) «nd Q.55 stock respectively. It was not until 1955, hoiirever, that the last air door convers• Introduo t ion ions were completed. I feel that a President's Address should be on Further slides showed two-oar trains of Q3& his pet topic, as his knowledge of that is prob• stock waiting at Ealin^c Broadway for the peak ably part of the reason for the choice of a hour, in order to cowpl*^ to six-car trains to Presidexit, .Having- lived in North-Vest London as mitke eight-cax- formations, and of pre-Q38 -stock a boy, and used the tube regularly for over ten at Farrinjjdon on the District extension special years, I became inquisitive about the how and sc^rvice to Aldgatc. why of technical matters. Maybe that is why J became & professional electrical engineer - and For the -second part of the talk. Bob showed his it has always been my pleasure to review trac• as cine film, covwring all the Q stock classes, tion technicalities in appropriate circumsta.n- <R> well as and 'CO/CP' stocks. Pour-car trains ces. In this written version of ray address I in• of Q stock were seen on th© Easit London Line, and ail tend to review, regrettably with leas explan• routes of the main District Line were atory comment than would ha\'e been In the spoken sshown, aa well as .special tours. It was inter• version, several lines of technical development esting to observe in the film the L.fe .S.W.R. 'Se and as exe-raplified on the ttxbes, and at least one semaphore signals in U at East Putney, BR line I think unjqtte to the tubes. "Enxly' stops E>f(.J's in green and. blue liveriea at V/imbledon. the all by 193'* r up to 195^ there were motors, trailers This included -blue (and then new) and control trailers, each freely miscible with Bournemouth semi-fast and expres-s stock, before its fellows to give operable trains, and each thts general adoption of Inter-City blue and grey sufficiently basic for all but the trlimnings to for all passenger vehicles. We were also treated be reasonably understood, from 1938, t^e unit the 2 2 to views of noi* extinct -BIL, ~HAL and form of ti'alns enabled many intra-unit elabor• 4~C0R Southern EMU's, next to District J.,ine ations to be made, and the trimmings came to Q, trains of CO/CP and R stock at Wimbledon- overshadow the essentialst even the interested also now extinct I and knowledgeable enthusiast could not keep up fully J Let U.S now look at motors, control and Special tours were also covered » one in 19^8 to auxiliary probleoi.-s, in the rest of this essay. commemorate the District Line centen-sry, which ran from New Cross to Chesh.^ non-stop, then '/isited Watford, Wimbledon, Kiehmond and High Motor.« Str.ftet Kensington; the R.C.T.S. trip on 12 Sep• tember 1971 using a six-car train •which ran from City & South London .-jRmmer smith (Met.) to Hounslow West and finished The 1890 batch of l4 locomotives had two-pole at Ealins Broadway; and the final tour v?hich was on armature-on~axle motors, with Gramrae ring ax-m- 26 September 1971, being two days after the atxives. (These were much as a serviette ring of last pre-Q38 train had ran in service as train at iron laminations, wound with a eontinuotis coil, X'o.lOO., This tour started Whitechapel (East from which equidistant tappings were taken to London Line), then to Shoreditch~Hatmnorsmith the commutator). The field magnets were U-shaped (Met,), Ealing Broadway, Vimbledon and back to with a winding on each limb. finish at Svirroy Docks. It was interesting to note that all types of Q stock, from Q23 to Q38, Later locomotives had conventional drum armat• sui-vived up to 1971 • ures. These were composed of peripherally slott• ed discis of iron laminations; the windings were Preserved Q stock cars wei-e then sihown: Motor in the slots, with the coil sides across the car kiBh at Gloucester Carriage & Wagon Works, ends of the armature. On Nos. 15-22 it i.s thought motor car kZ'iS by London Transport, and trailer that the motors were as just described. car OS065 by thiis Society. Slides included kZ-'iB 23-52, being transferred from Syon Park to Covent The more modern locomotives, ,Nos, had Garden, and 4l8% at Neasden being prepared for armature-on~axle motors with dru.-n armatures, its. new home. (There is a aatrtple of one of these in the Science Museum, London, SW7). To keep them la shallow, polar projections (called 'salient exactly what was done - for the published diagram poles') were on the horizontal axis only: the of the circuit is really fearsome ! poles on the vertical axis were • coxxsequont > The ten rebuilds were given tram-type drum con• poles on the motor frameu.
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