Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 27, 1995 / Notices 49855 considered necessary for conservation of Authority: The authority for this action is recovery levels for downlisting or the species, establish criteria for the Section 4(f) of the Endangered Species Act, delisting them, and estimate time and recovery levels for downlisting or 16 U.S.C. 1533(f). cost for implementing the recovery delisting them, and estimate time and Dated: September 21, 1995. measures needed. cost for implementing the recovery Linda LaClaire, The Endangered Species Act (Act) of measures needed. Acting Field Supervisor. 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et The Endangered Species Act of 1973 [FR Doc. 95±23955 Filed 9±26±95; 8:45 am] seq.), requires the development of (Act), as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et BILLING CODE 4310±55±M recovery plans for listed species unless seq.), requires the development of such a plan would not promote the recovery plans for listed species unless conservation of a particular species. such a plan would not promote the Availability of a Draft Recovery Plan Section 4(f) of the Act, as amended in conservation of a particular species. for the Utah Pediocactus: San Rafael 1988, requires that public notice and an Section 4(f) of the Act, as amended in Cactus (Pediocactus despainii) and opportunity for public review and 1988, requires that a public notice and Winkler Cactus (Pediocactus winkleri) comment be provided during recovery an opportunity for public review and for Review and Comment plan development. The Service will comment be provided during recovery consider all information presented plan development. The Service will AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, during a public comment period prior to consider all information presented Interior. approval of each new or revised during a public comment period prior to ACTION: Notice of document availability. recovery plan. The Service and other approval of each new or revised Federal agencies also will take these recovery plan. The Service and other SUMMARY: The Fish and Wildlife Service comments into account in the course of Federal agencies will also take these (Service) announces the availability for implementing approved recovery plans. comments into account in the course of public review of a draft recovery plan The San Rafael cactus is a small, implementing approved recovery plans. for the Utah Pediocactus: San Rafael leafless, stem succulent, with yellowish The species considered in this draft Cactus (Pediocactus despainii) and to peach color flowers 1.5 to 2.5 cm (0.6 recovery plan is the Louisiana quillwort Winkler Cactus (Pediocactus winkleri). to 1.0 in) long and 1.8 to 2.5 cm (0.7 to (Isoetes louisianensis). This small, semi- The two cacti occur in Emery and 1.0 in) in diameter. The San Rafael aquatic plant is in a family of primitive Wayne Counties, Utah. The Service cactus is restricted to the San Rafael seedless plants closely related to ferns solicits review and comment from the Swell of central Emery County, Utah, (Isoetaceae). It occurs in the East Gulf public on this draft recovery plan. and is known from three populations Coast Physiographic Province in DATES: Comments on the draft recovery with a total number of individuals shallow, sandy blackwater streams in plan must be received on or before estimated to be about 20,000. riparian woodland/bayhead forest areas November 27, 1995, to ensure they The Winkler cactus is a small, included in a landscope of pine receive consideration by the Service. leafless, stem cactus with peach to pink flatwoods. It is currently known only ADDRESSES: Persons wishing to review flowers borne on the upper end of the from St. Tammany and Washington the draft recovery plan may obtain a tubercles near the apex of the stem. The Parishes in southeastern Louisiana copy by contacting the Field Supervisor, flowers are 1.7 to 2.2 cm (0.7 to 0.9 in) where it occurs on private land. This U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Lincoln long and 1.7 to 3.0 cm (0.7 to 1.2 in) in species is extremely vulnerable because Plaza, Suite 404, 145 East 1300 South, diameter. The Winkler cactus is of its small population size and Salt Lake City, Utah 84115. Written restricted to Wayne and Emery restricted range. Any activity which comments and materials regarding this Counties, Utah, and is known from six would affect the hydrology or stability plan should be sent to the Field populations with a total number of of the streams in which the plant Supervisor at the Salt Lake City address individuals estimated to be about 5,000. The San Rafael cactus was listed as an occurs, such as gravel mining and given above. Comments and materials endangered species under the authority timbering (without the use of Best received are available on request for of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, Management Practices), could public inspection, by appointment, as amended (Act), on September 16, potentially affect this species. during normal business hours at the 1987 (52 FR 34917). The Winkler cactus The objective of this proposed plan is above address. to delist the Louisiana quillwort. was proposed for listing as an FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Delisting will be considered when 10 endangered species under the authority John L. England, Botanist (see viable and geographically distinct of the Act on October 6, 1993 (58 FR ADDRESSES above), at telephone 801/ populations from separate drainages are 52062). The final rule listing the 524±5001. protected. Actions needed to reach this Winkler cactus has been held up in the goal include: (1) Protecting and SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: recent moratorium on listing actions. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service monitoring populations; (2) surveying Background for new populations; (3) conducting life (Service) expects to publish the final history studies; and (4) educating the Restoring an endangered or rule once the moratorium is lifted. For public on the conservation needs of this threatened animal or plant to the point that reason, and because the Service is species. After consideration of where it is again a secure, self- also preparing multispecies recovery comments received during the review sustaining member of its ecosystem is a plans and recovery plans that address period, it will be submitted for final primary goal of the U.S. Fish and candidate species where appropriate, approval. Wildlife Service's (Service) endangered the Winkler cactus is included in this species program. To help guide the recovery plan. Public Comments Solicited recovery effort, the Service is working to These species were listed due to being The Service solicits written comments prepare recovery plans for most of the highly desirable specimen plants for on the recovery plan described. All listed species native to the United cactus collections, their limited habitat comments received by the date specified States. Recovery plans describe actions and small population size, and to above will be considered prior to considered necessary for conservation of current and potential threats from off- approval of the plan. the species, establish criteria for road vehicle use, trampling by both 49856 Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 27, 1995 / Notices humans and domestic livestock, and by The city of Gary's and the NPS's Notice is hereby given in accordance mineral resource exploration and preferred alternative for marina access is with provisions of the Native American development. The goal of the recovery to construct a road on the abandoned Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, plan is to maintain viable populations of Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad bed, 25 U.S.C. 3003 (d), of the completion of the species at their known sites to within the west end of Indiana Dunes the inventory of human remains and ensure the species survival, and to guide National Lakeshore, and on U.S. Steel associated funerary objects from the recovery efforts to facilitate downlisting Corporation property adjacent to but Island of Kaua'i by the Bernice Pauahi of the species. outside Indiana Dunes National Bishop Museum Honolulu, HI. Recovery efforts will focus on Lakeshore. The city of Gary's and the A detailed inventory and assessment protecting the species' population and NPS's preferred alternative for the of these human remains and associated habitat from habitat destroying activities marina location is behind an existing funerary objects has been made by and preventing collections from natural breakwater on land currently owned by Bishop Museum's professional staff, and populations through the sections 7 and U.S. Steel Corporation. representatives of the following Native 9 prohibitions of the Act for plan The FEIS includes written responses Hawaiian organizations: Kaua'i / species. Biological and ecological to comments received on the Ni'ihau Island Burial Council, Hui research of the species' biology and supplement to the draft environmental MaÅlama I NaÅ KuÅ puna 'O Hawai'i Nei, their relationships and interactions with impact statement (SDEIS), released in and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, their environment is necessary to guide April of 1994, as well as minor changes Native Hawaiian organizations under 25 future management of the species' to the text of the SDEIS. U.S.C. 3001(11) and individuals Mr. population and habitat to ensure their The 30-day no action period for Edward Ka'iwi and Ms. Aletha Kaohi, of continued survival and the preservation review of the FEIS will end on October Kaua'i. The human remains represent at least of the species' ecosystem. Additional 28, 1995. A Record of Decision will be 85 individuals and 32 associated recovery efforts will focus on inventory issued following the 30-day no action funerary objects. These remains came to of potential habitat and minimum viable period.
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