Parish of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Main Street, Stapenhill (HR) with St Joseph’s, Mount Street, Winshill (St.J) Parish of St Peter and St Paul, Newhall Road, Swadlincote (Ss.P&P) All the above Parishes are part of the Diocese of Nottingham ASCENSION OF THE LORD 28th MAY 2017 MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS THIS WEEK Sat 3rd 6.00pm VIGIL MASS (HR) Brenda Whyte See our Website: ssw-rcc.org.uk th Sat 27 6.00pm VIGIL MASS (HR) James Williamson Sun 4th PENTECOST SUNDAY - Psalter Week 4 9.00am MASS (St.J) Pat & Ken Dipple Sunday 28th ASCENSION - World Communications Day Ps. Wk 3 11.00am MASS (SS.P&P) Kieran McDermott (AD) 9.00am MASS (St. J) Michael Power Peggy Smith (AD) & Wynn Eames (SI) 11.00am MASS (Ss.P&P) C Sheeran (Derry) 4.15pm HOLY HALF-HOUR (St.J) 4.15pm HOLY HALF-HOUR (St.J) 5.00pm MASS (St.J) Charlie O’Neal 5.00pm MASS (St.J) Anniversary of FHC 2016 ROSARY 3RD FRIDAY of the MONTH in SS. PETER & PAUL at 7.00pm Mon 29th 9.30am MASS (St.J) R & G Baxter Family Every Thursday after morning Mass in St J’s - Vocations to the Priesthood, and every Friday 7pm at Holy Rosary during Summer. th Tues 30 9.00am MASS with BISHOP PATRICK (St.J) CONFESSIONS SS. P&P From 11-11.30 every Saturday Morning. P Baxter & Family NB: NO EVENING MASS Every Saturday at HR before Mass: 5.15 - 5.45pm. Weds 31st 9.30am EXPOSITION (SS.P&P) The last Sunday of the month at St.J: 8.30 - 8.45am. 10.00am MASS (SS.P&P) Jason & Terry Hyde (ANV) PARISH CONTACT DETAILS Thurs 1st JUNE 8.50-9.20am EXPOSITION (St.J) St Peter and St Paul Swadlincote: Tel: 01283 564814 9.30am MASS (St.J) Ray Ojo Followed by Email: [email protected] ROSARY for Vocations to the Priesthood Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Stapenhill and 4.00pm RECEPTION of B Lanaghan (St.J) St. Joseph’s Winshill: Email: [email protected] 7 - 8.00pm Silent Prayer & Study (Sunday’s Gospel) (HR) Presbytery: 125 Alexandra Road, Winshill, Burton-on-Trent, Fri 2nd 9.30am MASS (SS.P&P) George Rothwell (Poorly) Staffs DE15 0JD. Tel: 01283 564 814 11.00am REQUIEM MASS (St.J) Bernard Lanaghan Fr John Paul Leonard is the Parish Administrator for Burton and 7.00pm ROSARY (HR) Swadlincote Parishes Newsletter Items can be emailed to [email protected] Sat 3rd 10.30am MASS (ST.J) A Hutchinson Followed by EXPOSITION & CONFESSIONS until 11.30am PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS David & Mo Smith, Mary Conway, Rachel Smith, Elaine Summerhayes, Frank Varney, Grit Clewes, Ronni Jackson, Trish Issit, Margaret & Colin Mansfield, Bernadette Clamp, Paul Dobbs, Claire Fogarty, Juta & Klaus Herzog, Pauline Collier, Rowena Orton, Charlie O‘Neil, George Rothwell, Michael Clarke, Tom Cheveral, Phil Purcell, Bill Eames, Dennis Heptonstall and Roddy Galbraith. RETIRING COLLECTION TODAY is for WORLD COMMUNICATIONS DAY FIRE DRILL MAY 28th at the end of 11am MASS PARISH QUESTIONNAIRE Will Parishioners of Holy Rosary Parish please take a Questionnaire home and return it with your comments by TUESDAY 30th MAY - 7pm Presbytery: 125 Alexandra Road, or to me at Church. Many thanks SAINT PETER and SAINT PAUL’S NEXT BAPTISM CLASS - MONDAY 5th JUNE - 7.00pm CHILDREN’S LITURGY - SUNDAY 4th JUNE TEA & COFFEE after 11.00am Sunday Mass in the Club & Every Wednesday after 10am Mass in the Club:10.30 - 11.30am ALL WELCOME TUESDAY 30th May - WALK TO MELBOURNE - OUR LADY OF MERCY & ST. PHILIP NERI CHURCH STREET DE73 8EJ With BISHOP PATRICK and CANON EDDY JAROSZ we will leave from St Joseph’s Mount Street after 9am Mass BISHOP PATRICK WILL CELEBRATE 9am MASS BEFORE SETTING OFF FROM ST. JOSEPH‘S If you want to walk, you must be physically fit, bring sensible shoes etc., and give your name plus contact number to join Fr JP. VOLUNTEERS needed to bring the walkers back from Melbourne. Thank you. I hope we will have 20 or 30 people walk with us. Canon Eddy is raising funds for Sick and Retired Priests. If interested, put your name on the list in the Sacristies. Sponsor Form for Bishop Patrick at back of Church. Thank you! PENTECOST GARDEN at St. JOSEPH’S Donations needed: Small RED BEDDING PLANTS (Geraniums, Salvias etc.) to represent Pentecost. Please give to Liz or Anna at St Joseph‘s before 3rd June. Many thanks. (Pentecost Sunday is 4th June) THEOLOGY CLUB - THURSDAY 1st JUNE - 7pm No DVD - A Planning Meeting for the Summer / Autumn and General Q/A Session With Fr JP on Topics of the Day (Theological) NOTTINGHAM CATHEDRAL WEEKEND: FRIDAY 2nd JUNE - SATURDAY 3rd & SUNDAY 4th Visiting PILGRIM VIRGIN STATUE & RELICS of BLESSED TACINTA and FRANCISCO (See Posters at the back of Church for more details) NB: Not planning to go as a Parish SUNDAY 18TH JUNE is the SOLEMNITY of the MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD of CHRIST I propose to keep St Joseph’s Church open from the 9am Mass with Exposition and Benediction from 4.00pm until 4.45pm. I will also keep SS. Peter & Paul open from 11am until 7.00pm. There will be Exposition and a formal Benediction from 6.pm until 6.45pm. I would still like suggestions for suitable times for greater adoration of the Blessed Sacrament particularly for Families. MONDAY 19TH JUNE at OUR LADY of LOURDES - ASHBY - 9.30am MASS followed by Adoration until 8.00pm THE FLAT at St. JOSEPH’S IS NOW AVAILABLE TO RENT. It has One Bedroom and a Garden and the Rent is £450pc m St JOSEPH’S FACEBOOK GROUP Members can join this under St Joseph’s Church - Winshill FINANCE & OFFERTORY COLLECTIONS FOR LAST WEEKEND St. PETER and St. PAUL’S OUR LADY of the MOST HOLY ROSARY HR: Envs: £68.00 + Loose: £55.49 11am Mass - Envs: £163.05 + Loose: £104.30 = £267.35 St.J: Envs: £130.06+ Loose: £141.06 Total - £394.61 Sunday Mass Attendance not known FIRST COMMUNION MASS £285.20 Sunday Mass Attendance: 281 CONCERT £90 (6pm Vigil Mass:54 + 9am Mass:125 + 5pm Mass:102) STANDING ORDERS RECEIVED WE ARE LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS TO JOIN GIFT AIDED NON-GIFT AIDED THE WEEKLY ENVELOPE SCHEME JAN £1,175 £223 FEB 973 £223 MARCH 973 £223 Thank you for your generosity TOTALS: £3,121 + £669 = £3,790 Thank you for your generosity HR BONUS BALL - Congratulations to Winners: No: 30 (7th May) No: 52 (14th May) and No: 16 (20th May) THANK YOU! HIRE of St JOSEPH’S HALL £8.50 per hour during week days and £15 per hour at weekends. See Mary: 544849 or 07535 187 362 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY AFTERNOON TEA - MONDAY 29th MAY (BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY) in St. JOSEPH’S HALL at 2-4.30pm - £2.50pp FRIDAY 9th JUNE - PARISH BEETLE DRIVE in St. JOSEPH’S HALL 7 - 9pm Tickets: Adults £3 - Children £1.50 TRIP to NOTTINGHAM GREYHOUNDS FRIDAY 30th JUNE The Coach transport, Three-Course meal & Entrance Fee is £27 per person Monies to be paid by 28th May please Can anyone interested contact Stella on 543178 Coach pick up from the Parish at 5.00pm and return at 11.15pm 20 over Cricket at Derby Cricket Ground - TUESDAY 25th JULY - Starts 7pm - Opposition Lancashire (Ticket details later) Leaving 5.30pm from Burton. Hope to have a full Coach - Children Free on Coach. It was a very nice evening last year. TRIP to LIVERPOOL 15th AUGUST If you are interested, please contact Stella on 543178 KNOCK PILGRIMAGE I would like to run a pilgrimage to Knock next year: JUNE 2018 I would like to know how many people are interested in this. I would need to know by July 31st so I can book hotels, as they get booked very quickly. We shall be flying to Knock and visiting Galway and the West Coast. We estimate the cost to be around £450 to £500 Names to Fr JP or Mary Nissen With every blessing for the coming week from Fr JP The Catholic Church has made available seven e-learning modules free of charge to any member of the Catholic Community. Some of these would be useful for those who have a ministry with children or adults, covering child and adult safeguarding. One in particular, dealing with Child Exploitation and Online Safety, would be useful for any family with teenage children * If you need further information, please speak to our Parish Safeguarding Rep Margaret Banton *.
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