KURT WEILL NEWSLETfER Volume 11, Number 2 Fall 1993 Three Value d Collaborators Top: Maurice Abravanel confers with Weill at the Kassel premiere of Aufstieg imd Fall der Stadt Mahagonny, 1930. Middle: Hans W. Heinsheimer Bottom: Agnes de Mille rehearses dancers for the premiere of One Touch of Venus. 1943. IN THIS ISSUE T HREE VALUED C OLLABORATORS s ZAR AND P ROTAGONIST IN SANTA Fe 8 FROM THE A RCHIVES: R ECENT A CQUISITIONS 10 B OOKS 14 Kim H. Kowalke and Horst Edler, eds. A Stranger Here Myself: Kurt Weill-Studien Ciselher Schubert Pascal Huynh, ed. Kurt Weill: de Berlin aBroa dway Evelyn Pieiller Paul Cummins. Dachau Song: The Twentieth-Century Odys­ sey of Herbert Zipper; Joachim Lucchesi, ed. Hermann Scherchen: Werke und Briefe in 8 Banden; Band I , Schriften 1. Christopher Hailey PERFORMANCES 17 Street Scene in Munich Horst Koegler Mahagonny Songspiel and Knickerbocker Holiday in London Patrick O'Connor Cry, the Beloved Country in Chicago James Zychowicz Der Jasager in New York Stephen Hinton Symphony No.1 in Philadelphia Ofer Ben-Amots R ECORDINGS 21 Lost in the Stars Jon Alan Conrad Vom Tod im Wald, Concerto for violin and wind instru­ ments, Das Berliner Requiem Pascal Huynh Ute Lemper, Patti LuPone, and Barbra Streisand Michael Morley C OLUMNS Kurt Weill Edition Report 4 New Publications 13 Selected Performances 23 News mission by donating a number of books, The New York Philharmonic cepted cataloging practices. They will recordings, photographs, and posters. fonn the basis for a future in-house, on­ Celebrates "Brecht, Weill, and The Zentrum will specialize in document­ · Berlin, 1929-1935" ing Weill's life in Dessau. line catalog of the Research Center's hold­ ings. This in-house database will inte­ The Kurt-Weill-Zentrum also serves Accompanying the four December per­ as the headquarters fo r the newly­ grate cataloging records with repository formances by the New York Philharmonic finding aids as well as provide links to founded Kurt-WeiJI-Gesellschaft. which full-text documents in electronic form . of Die sieben Todsiinden and Berg's Lulu currently has twenty-three members. The Suite will be lectures, a pre-concert re­ city of Dessau had its first Kurt-Weill­ Houston Grand Opera mounts cital, and a special evening of music in­ Festival in March 1993 and plans a large Street Scene spired by the German cabaret. This col­ festival of concerts and stage works to be lection of events represents one of the held biennially in order to bring Weill's On 28 January 1994, the Houston orchestra's newly instituted "celebration music to a wider audience, including the Grand Opera prem.ieres its new produc­ weeks," intended to focus attention on regions of the former East Germany. The tion of Weill's Broadway opera, in a stag­ the musical and cultural milieu of a par­ intervening years will feature smaller ing by Francesca Zambello. Ward ticular program within the regular sub­ events. Planned for 1994 is a guest per­ Holmquist conducts an all-American cast scription series. The centerpiece of the formance of Die Dreigrosd1enoper by the that includes Robert McFarland (Frank week, the full orchestra's Berg and Weill Leipziger Schauspielbaus. Maurrant). Sheri Greenawald (Anna program, featuring soprano Angelina MawTant). Lee Merrill (Rose Maurrant), Reaux and conducted by music director Information about lhe Kurt-Weill­ Kurt Masur, will be presented on con­ Gesellschaft and the Kurt-WeilJ-Zentrum secutive nights, Wednesday 15 Decem­ and its activities may be obtained from: ber through Saturday 18 December at Kurt-Weill-Zentrum Dessau 8:00 pm. A series of lectures at 7:00 pm, Ebertallee 67 one each on three of the four evenings, 06846 Dessau precede the main concerts. These will Germany focus on Kurt Weill and offer perspec­ Telephone: 0340-826 161 tives on Europe in those pivotal years. Fax: 0340-220 6040 Michael Steinberg, the San Francisco Symphony's Program Annotator and Lec­ turer, will deliver the lectures on Wednes­ day and Thursday; Kim Kowalke of the Kurt Weill Foundation and University of Weill-Lenya Research Center Wins Rochester presents the pre-concert dis­ National Endowment Grant cussion on Saturday. A performance of Weill's String Quartet, op.8 by members The National Endowment for the Hu­ of the Philharmonic figures as the pre­ manities, Division of Preservation and concert event on Friday night The Weill Access, has awarded the Weill-Lenya Re­ celebration will conclude in New York's search Center of the Kurt Weill Founda­ Merkin Hall on Sunday 19 December at tion a grant in the amount of $84,674 to 7:00 pm with a song recital by Ms. Reaux afford intellectual access to its multime­ and pianist Robert Kapilow. dia collection of research materials. Matching funds are being provided by the Kurt Weill Foundation. David Farneth is the Project Director, John Andrus the Project Archivist, and David Kurt-Weill-Zentrum Opens in Stein the Archives Assistant. Dr. Rich­ ard Smiraglia is providing consultation. Dessau The twelve-month project supports the The Kurt-Weill-Zentrum in Dessau, arrangement. description, and preserva­ Germany celebrated its formal opening tion of manuscript and published scores, on 11 September 1993. At noon, the scripts and libretti, correspondence, per­ Kurt-Weill-Gesellschaft held its found­ formance documentation, audio record­ ing meeting at the Palais Dietrich. Later ings, video recordings, films, and oral in the day, Dessau's mayor, Dr. Jurgen history interviews. Bibliographic infor­ Neubert, inaugurated th e Kurt-Weill­ mation about the various collections will Zentrum at a ceremony which featured a be available to researchers worldwide performance of the String Quartet, op. 8 through the Research Library Group's and remarks by Andreas Altenhof, direc­ RUN database. Access to the database is tor of the Zentrum. The Landestheater available in the reference depaitments of contributed to the festivities with a per­ most academic and large public libraries, formance of Die sieben Todsiinden. and also via personal computer and mo­ The Zentrum, located in the dem through Internet or by direct ar­ Meisterhaus Oskar Schlemmers of the rangement with the Research Libraries Bauhaus complex, is designated as a Group. "mediothek," with collections devoted The electronic bibliographic records primarily to published materials about created under this grant conform to stan­ Weill and his times. The Kurt Weill dards set by the Library of Congress Foundation has assisted the Zentrum's MARC format and other nationally-ac- Kurt Weill Newsletter Volume 11 Number 2 2 NEWS signs. Martin Pakledjnaz executes the cos­ tumes and the lighting designer is Noele Stollmack. An all-day symposium on 29 January, sponsored by the Goethe House and HGO, will include presentations by Stephen Hinton, Lys Symouette, and chair Kim Kowalke, among others. The pertomiances are in the Brown The­ ater of the Wortham TI1eater Center in downtown Houston. Additional dates are 30January,2,5,8,and l1February 1994. A co-production with theTh eater im Pfalzbau, Ludwigshafe11. Germany, and the Theater desWestens in Berlin, the H GO Stref't Scene production crosses the Atlantic during the 1994-95 season to Lltdwigshafen and Ber­ Anno Ma urra nt (Andrea Cal.Zel), George Jones (Peter Pelrov), and lin. where it will be performed in English. Emma J ones (Gisela Ehrens perger) in the Munich Staatstheater a m Glirtne,:platz product.ion of Strut Sce11t. (reviewed on p.20) Photo: Mo11ica Matthias. Philadelphia Orchestra Plays Weill from Wednesday4 May through Saturday7 A Semester of Weill in North More and more. Wei !I's music is enteri11g May 1994. WeiU's score will be perfmmed Carolina the repertory of the so-called "big live" (a in itso1igioal key and orchestrations. Teresa term once used for the orchestras of Bos­ Stratas has been cast in the leading role of The North Carolina School of the Arts is ton. Chicago, Cleveland. New York, and Liza Elliot. Other members of the cast have dedicating an ambitious series of stage pro­ Philadelphia) and other top American or­ not yet been determined. ductions. concert performances, and film chestras. This fall. the Philaclelphia Or­ Also offered on this year's schedule will screenings to Weill repertoire during the chestra. under recently appointed music be Rodgers and Hammerstein'sAlleg ro. with 1994 s pring semester. The school, with a dfrector WolfgangSawallisch. performs two a third show to be announced ata later date. combined graduate and undergraduate en­ works by Weill. Cily Center plans to provide each show with rollment ofaround 800, offers instruction in Maestro Sawallisch presented the First a modicum of staging and retain enough most of the perfo rming and fine arts. The Symphony in concerts over the weekend of dialogue to preserve dramatic structure. department of music will coordinate the 9 October 1993. Daniel Webster. music presentation of three major Weill stage critic of the Philadelphia f11quirer. com­ Der Lindberghflug Video Wins works. each in collaboration with another mented that the conductor "led the orches­ Opera Screen Award department within the school. Au/stiegund tra through it with greatcare and propulsive Fall der Stadt Mahagonny heads the lineup, force. He made the playing reflect time and DuringtheAugust 1993competition held bowing on 28 and 30 January and 1 Febru­ place - and opened a door for listeners and atthe Opera de Paris-Bastille. Opera Screen, ary 1994, in cooperation with the design and players alike." (See page 20 for a full re­ an international festival and competition for production departments. Somewhat of a view.) audio-visual opera and musk theater pro­ rarity in arts schools, this curriculum offers On November ll-l3. Charles Dutoit, ductions established by the IMZ/lnterna­ professional i11struction in the constellation Music Director of the Montreal Symphony tional Music Centre.
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