GOVE R NOR S ’ ANNUAL REPORT TO P AR E NT S FOR T H E SCHOOL YEAR 2002/2003 Contents 1 . Chair m an’s Welcome 2 . Agenda 3 . Member s hip of Governing B ody 4 . S t af f List 5 . H ome S chool Agreement 6 . H ighclif f e P r of ile: • Community Programme • Admissions • S EN Numbers • Looked after Children • Attendance • Exclus ions • S chool Day • S chool Term Dates • Panda Cat egor y • Free S chool Meals • Peripatetic Mu s i c L es s on s and T akeup • Uniform Grants • Awards 7 . S chool Priorities 2003-05 • Continuing Pr ofes s i onal Development • Per formance Management 8 . P olicy Framework of the Gover ning B ody 9 . I nclus ion Policy 10. R ew ar ds Policy 11. H ighclif f e Challenge 12. R ew ar ds and Mot ivation 13. S E N Policy (under review 14. E xaminat ions 2003 15. S ub Committee R epor t s ( i) Community Links ( ii) Cur r iculum ( iii) F inance ( iv) P r em is es 16. P ar ent al response slips T his document has been prepared i n accordance wi th the DfES guidance “Gover nor s ’ Annual Reports and S chool Prospectuses in S econdary S chools” fr om May 2002. Prospectuses for both main school and the s i x th form are published i n the Oct ober pr eceding nor mal year of entry (eg for September 2004). The s chool provides parents with a Wel come Pack of useful information at the New Parents ’ E v eni ng hel d i n the Jul y preceding nor mal entry in S eptember. Pleas e br ing thi s report with you to the Gover nor s ’ Annual Parents’ Meeting Chair man's Welcome November 2003 On behalf of the Gover ning B ody I would l ik e to welcome you all to our Annual Meeting i n 2003 and i n particular our new par ents . T his last year has seen further significant developments at Highcliffe S chool. T he Gover nor s continue to be fully focused on the need to pr ovide the bes t possible education for our students. There can be no doubt that we have a very high standard of teaching s taff at the s chool who effectively monitor and encourage ever yone to per for m at the ver y best of their ability. Our results in 2003 have again been excellent and we anticipate that our res ults in 2004 will also demons tr ate our further progression as a t op s chool in Dors et. Can I take this oppor tuni ty of congratulating on your behalf all the s tudents who took GCSE's and A levels in 2003, they have again been a cr edi t to the s chool. We ar e delighted at the s ubs tantial increase in the number of our Year 11 s tudents who s at their GCSE's in the s ummer and who have decided to r emain at Highcliffe to s tudy for their A levels . They clearly have been encouraged by our A level results and al s o the ex citing oppor tuni ti es that we have to offer. T here ar e maj or building wor k s in progress at Highcliffe. We have a new Drama S t udi o and we will soon have a new Des ign and T echnology Block, which is currently under construction and wi l l again suppor t the S chool's philosophy of creating the ver y best learning envir onment for our students. We believe that there is a t hr ee- way partnership, which has to function s uccessfully if we ar e to ens ur e that we achieve our mutual objectives. I am talking of the S tudent, the S chool and you, the Par ents . Please s uppor t the s chool wherever you can, and thi s includes attending our Annual Meeting, which is your chance to talk to Gover nor s on the impor tant issues. Last year the attendance at this meeting was again very disappointing. However we do s incerely hope that we will see an increase in the number of parents this year. Finally, I hope that you find thi s Report both informative and i nter es ti ng. I would l i k e to thank everyone in our Community for all their best efforts in ens uring that Highcliffe is an ambitious with, yes, rapidly improving s chool. Martin Axton Chair of Governors ANNUAL PARENTS© MEET I NG 4 t h DE CE MB E R 2003 - 7.30 p.m. T he Gover nor s welcome this oppor tunity to meet with parents to dis cuss any item aris ing fr om the R epor t, or any other issues concerning the gener al running of the s chool. We as k parents to accept that this meeting is an inappr opr iate for um in which to r ais e individual matters relating to s tudents or staff. In these cir cums tances , pleas e contact the s chool to mak e an appointment with the Headteacher or member of staff as appr opr iate. T he pur pos e of the Annual Meeting is to pr ovide an oppor tunity for parents to dis cuss the Annual Report and the manner in which the Gover nor s , the Head and the L E A have dis char ged their responsibilities to the s chool. I t is to be noted that there wer e no r es olutions taken from the AGM l as t year. AGE NDA 1. Welcome par ents 2. Apologies 3. I ntroduction of Governors 4. Governors © Report - discussion 5. Res olutions - under the r egulations for the conduct of these meetings , a vot e may be tak en only if a quor um is present. For a r es ol ut i on to be valid the number of parents present at the meeting mus t be equal to at least 20% of the number of registered s tudents . For this meeting 2 25 parents must be pres ent. 6. T he F utur e - Governors would welcome par ents © views in look ing to the futur e of the s chool. 7. A.O.B. Member s hip of the Gover ning B ody Mr Jeremy ALLIN Vice Chair Conings ley House, Vaggs Lane, Tiptoe, 01425 620427 Partners hip Gover nor Nr. Lymington, Hants, SO41 OFP to S ept 2007 Mr Martin AXT ON Chair 10 Freshwater Road, Friars Cliff, Christchurch, 01425 276971 Partners hip Gover nor BH23 4PD to S ept 2007 Mr Ben BARNETT 86 Farnham Road, Poole, Dorset BH12 1PS 01202 383636 Partners hip Gover nor & BOWMAN, BAE SYSTEMS (CDI), New Filton to July 2007 Hous e, Filton, Bristol, BS34 7QW Mrs S us an CONNELLY 47 Ridgefield Gar dens , Highcliffe, Christchurch, 01425 273262 Parent Governor to BH23 4QG 2006 Mr Mathew DOWNS Highcliffe S chool 01425 273381 S taff Governor to July 2005 Mrs Mandy GARDI NER 1 Pipers Drive, Mudeford, Christchurch 01425 275019 Parent Governor to BH23 4TR Oct 2007 Mrs Chris tine KI NG Highcliffe S chool 01425 273381 T eacher Governor to Oct 2005 Capt John LOFT S 55 Wortley Road, Highcliffe, Christchurch 01425 271972 LEA Gover nor to July BH23 5DR 2007 Mrs Myra MAWBEY ‘Hathaways ’, 16 Wharncliffe R d. , Highcliffe, LEA Gover nor to July Chris tchurch, BH23 5DD 2007 Mr Philip MI LLS Highcliffe S chool 01425 273381 T eacher Governor to May 2005 Mr Peter MOS ELEY T inkers ' Revel, 1C live R oad, Highcliffe, 01425 270760 Parent Governor to Chris tchurch, BH23 4NX Oct 2004 Ms Judith POTTS Highcliffe S chool 01425 273381 Headteacher Mrs Julie S AWDON S tanpit House, 69 S tanpit, Mudeford, 01202 470786 Parent Governor to Chris tchurch, BH23 3LX 2006 Mr Harry S HARP 157 Hightown Road, Ringwood, Hants, 01425 474221 Partners hip Gover nor BH24 1NL to S ept 2007 Mr Graham S MI T H 17 S eafield R oad, Christchurch BH23 4ED 01425-270974 Parent Governor to Mar ch 2005 Mr S tephen WHI T E 34 Glenville R oad, Walkford, Highcliffe, 01425 272650 Parent Governor Chris tchurch, BH23 5PY to Oct 2007 H ighcliffe S chool 11 – 18 Foundation School and L anguage College Name of S tudent: ……………………………………………… T u t or Group ………… D at e ………….. H OME -S CH OOL AGREEMENT T he S chool will try to: ♣ addr ess all forms of bullying wher e it comes to light. ♣ ens ure that it cares for the health, safety, welfare and happi ness of each student. ♣ provide an education that harnesses the potential of each child to encour age them to r each the highes t standards. ♣ fos ter the mor al, cultural and s pi r i tual aspect of education. ♣ contact parents over concerns about their child’s work or behaviour. ♣ monitor attendance and punctuality carefully and wor k with students, parents and the E ducational Welfare Officer as soon as a pr obl em is perceived. ♣ s et and mar k home s tudy regularly. ♣ check use of home s tudy organisers. ♣ provide r egular information in the for m of National Curriculum levels/GCS E grades, reports and an annual parents’ cons ul t at i on evening.
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