April-June 2013 racn kue 5773 iuhx-ixhb KolMevaSer K M S A PUBLICATION OF THE KEMP MILL SYNAGOGUE THE NEWSLETTER OF KEMP MILL SYNAGOGUE Saturday Night in the Beit Midrash: Parent-Child Learning at KMS by Rachel Levitt Klein t started, like many great ideas, from discussions at various ready for eager participants to join together or learn on their Shabbat tables, and continued to develop in phone calls own. When about ten minutes are left in the evening, I ask one Iand meetings. The dream was simple: create a spiritual person from each group (always a delicious child) to report place for KMS families to learn Torah together. KMS has such about one idea he or she was wondering about during the a special approach to learning—an openness, a connectedness study session. This is always a highlight! and the belief that learning should be accessible to all at many Some of the thought-provoking topics we’ve covered: “What different levels, and that all questions are both powerful and are the top ten mitzvot in your opinion?” “Different points welcome. How to package these things in a family-centered of view regarding the same situation: the Yosef story” and program? “the Mishkan: what does it mean to make a sacred space?” We decided to create Parent-Child Learning to run at KMS Alternatively, participants are welcome to bring their own on motza’ei Shabbat when Shabbat ends early during the win- materials to learn. Some participants catch up on homework; ter months. We have scheduled the sessions every other week in others prepare for their b’nai/b’not mitzvah. It’s especially order to coordinate with a similar program held at Young Israel wonderful when a grandparent comes and three generations Shomrai Emunah. The kickoff session was held in November. are learning together! Evenings include source sheets with translations to allow The cherry on top is having Rabbi Bieler be the sho’el participants to learn umeishiv—the teacher who circulates, the materials pro- answers and asks questions and helps vided. Each week a continued on page 17 different family spon- sors refreshments and prizes. Families are IN THIS ISSUE greeted at the door with candy and tick- FROM THE RABBI ets for prizes, in ad- page 3 dition to the source AWARENESS MONTH sheets relating to the page 4 upcoming Parashat FROM THE PRESIDENT haShavua. The Beit page 5 Midrash is trans- REFLECTIONS ON formed into a large SHABBAT PRAYER room for learning, page 7 with mechitzot off to THE POWER OF MUSIC the sides, and groups page 8 THE MANNERS MAVEN of chairs in circles, photo by Lisi Levisohn page 10 Also: Shabbat and Holiday The publication of Kol MevaSer is supported by a generous grant from Schedules, Donations Norman and Suzanne Javitt in memory of Nicholas Markovits, the father and grandfather, respectively, of KMS members Suzanne and Gail Javitt. jnau raf dj Wishing my friends and community a Happy Pesach. Top 1% Nationwide Shonny Kugler Your Community Realtor LONG & FOSTER REAL ESTATE, INC. 301-649-3649 u 301-907-7600 [email protected] 2 Kol MevaSer, Kemp Mill Synagogue FROM THE RABBI Different Levels of Revelation when the Sea of Reeds Split by R. Yaakov Bieler Pesach 5773 ur discussions at the Pesach Seder 12:11], “I have also Spoken unto the prophets, and I have focus on the ten plagues, which rose Multiplied Visions; and by the ministry of the prophets Oin a crescendo of ever-increasing have I used Similitudes/Parables.” And it is written [Ye- destruction of the Jews’ enemies, and was so chezkel 1:1], “Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, powerful a demonstration of God’s Might. in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as Although the plagues were the catalyst that I was among the captives by the river Chebar that the finally caused Pharaoh to grant permission heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God [as op- for the Jews to leave Egypt, the Haggada seems to hold that posed to God Himself, so to speak].” A parable: A human the Kriyat Yam Suf (the splitting of the Sea of Reeds), which king that comes to the State and he is surrounded by a occurred on the seventh day of Passover, was five times greater group of bodyguards, and warriors are to his right and than all of the previous plagues combined! to his left, and soldiers in front of him and behind him. In Egypt it says of them [Shemot 8:15], “The magicians Everyone asked, “Which one is the king?” because they said to Pharaoh `This is the Finger of God.’” At the sea were all flesh and blood. But when the Holy One, Blessed it says [Ibid. 14:31], “Israel saw the Great Hand that the Be He was Revealed at the Sea, no one had to ask, “Which Lord Laid against Egypt; and the people feared the Lord, one is the King?”, but rather when they saw Him, they and they believed in the Lord and in His Servant Moshe.” recognized Him and they all as one proclaimed, “This Now, how often were they smitten by “the finger”? Ten is my God and I will glorify Him.” plagues! In the Talmud, the event is described as even more remark- Thus you must conclude that in Egypt they were smit- able by including babies as well as those still in utero in the ten by ten plagues, at the sea they were smitten by fifty Revelatory experience! plagues! Sota 30b-31a Rabbi Eliezer said: …Each individual plague which the Our Rabbis taught: R. Yosi the Galilean expounded: At Holy One, blessed be He, brought upon the Egyptians the time the Israelites ascended from the Red Sea, they in Egypt consisted of four plagues…. desired to utter a song; and how did they render the Thus you must now say that in Egypt they were struck song? The babe lay upon his mother’s knees and the by forty plagues, and at the sea they were struck by two suckling sucked at his mother’s breast; when they beheld hundred plagues. the Divine Presence, the babe raised his neck and the Rabbi Akiva said: … Each individual plague which the suckling released the nipple from his mouth, and they Holy One, blessed be He, brought upon the Egyptians exclaimed: “This is my God and I will glorify Him” as it in Egypt consisted of five plagues…. is said [Tehillim 8:3]: “Out of the mouths of babes and Thus you must now say that in Egypt they were struck continued on page 15 by fifty plagues, and at the sea they were struck by two hundred and fifty plagues. The Rabbis assume that God’s Power and intense Presence at Further Reading the Sea was so tangible that everyone, young and old, regard- Many of Rabbi Bieler’s lectures, articles, and Divrei less of where on the social spectrum they may have found Tora, including some audio files suitable for playback themselves, experienced a literal visual Revelation: on a computer or a mobile device, are available at Mechilta, Parashat HaShira #3 on Shemot 15:2 “This is the KMS website.. my God and I will glorify Him.” To access this material, go to www.kmsynagogue.org R. Eliezer said: From where do we know that even a hand- and click on “Rabbi” near the upper left-hand corner maiden at the Sea saw what Yeshayahu and Yechezkel and of the home page. the other prophets did not see? For it is said [Hoshea 5773 iuhx-ixhb April-June 2013 3 KMS Observes Jewish Disability Awareness Month by Gail Javitt n Saturday night, February 16, the KMS Special reading, writing, fine motor, gross motor, ADHD, and autism Needs Committee presented a screening of Silent spectrum. Guided by KMS parents and teen volunteers, the OGames and a concurrent hands-on youth workshop. young participants engaged in hands-on activities designed to The event was held in honor help them better understand of North American Inclusion the experiences of those with Month, which has been desig- these challenges. nated by the Orthodox Union’s Silent Games is a documen- (OU) Yachad/National Council tary focusing on the Israeli for Disabilities (NJCD) as a National Deaf Soccer Team time to develop methods for in its quest to place among integrating people who live the first eight teams in the with disabilities into the larger World Championship in Bul- community, and to cultivate garia. The film was followed an empathic understanding by a panel discussion with of what life is like for them. deaf members of the commu- Federations of North America nity, including KMS members is similarly observing Jewish Disability Awareness Month. Larry Fass and Rebecca Blumenfeld. They were joined by Yachad organized the youth workshop in KMS’s spa- Karen Alkoby, a professor at Gallaudet University, who is the cious, newly-renovated Youth Beit Midrash. Participants first Deaf woman to re- could walk around to different stations, each focus- ceive a Ph.D. in computer ing on a different disability, including auditory, visual, science. The panel fostered a frank and illuminating discussion, facilitated by sign-language interpret- ers. An audience member started off the question- and-answer session by asking whether, when speaking with a deaf person, it was more ap- propriate to look at the interpreter or at the person being addressed. The panelists agreed that conversation should be directed to the deaf person, as the interpreter is present only to aid communication.
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