

CENSUS OF 1941 / VILLAGE STATISTICS GUNTUR DISTRICT MADRAS PRESIDENCY PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT GOVERNMENT PRESS MADRAS 1943 PRICE, Rs. 1-4- 0 BAPATLA, TALUK. Population. Charge 29-Bapatla Town 16,679 , 30-Chirala and Perala Towns . 27,086 12,199 " 31-Ponnur Nidubrolu Town 13,370 " 32-Vettapalam Town , 33-Chirala Sub-Taluk .. " 34-Ponnur Sub-Taluk .. 265,969 ,, 35-Bapatla Rural Area •. NoTB.-ThroughoutF.P. =Floating population. Village Statistics-Bapatla Taluk. POP11LATION. RBLIGIOJr, ~umber of ,... ~- Serllll number and name or occupied Hni'Dll'B. · vUJage. houses. Malee. Females. .Total. Muslims. Christians. Others. RBKABit8. Scheduled Brahmall8. Castes. Others. Total. (1) (2) (8) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (hand Total 7:1,484 169,684 16$,599 33$,283. 13,720 '18,987 230,101 :16:1,802 24,130 48,268 77 oo/,ernment Total 67,443 157,799 "153,926 31l,7:1$ 12,977 17,860 212,804 243,641 23,017 44,990 77 I nam Total 5,041 11,885 ~1,673 23,$$8 743 1,127 17,297 19,161 1,113 3;1478 MUNICIPALITY-Nil. Town~. 1 Bapatla •• 4,606 8,430 8,249 :16,679 2,664 . 1,034 8,842 SZ,040 3,135 1,500 4 Ward No.1 137 239 2611 49$ 300 183 483 12 .. Do. z. 165 352 322 674 29 'il 4411 479 99 96 . ·Do. 3 163 312 302 614 91 434 62$ R9 Do. 4 182 374 362 736 1 zi8 280 399 282 66 Do. fj 196 411 389 800 1 3 706 ""W19 1 t.:l Do. 8 146 476 337 813 243 344 $81 13 213 Do, 7 124 246 247 492 34 'i 312 341 66 79 F.P. 4 6 9 9 9 Wnrd No.8 207 4.10 397 827 · io 162 457 629 113 zrs Do. 9 J,. 206 397 407 804 76S '.. 76:1 fj 37 Do. !0 :: 69 199 170 369 112 198 368 1 ,F.P. 2 3 6 .4 .. 4 'i Ward No. 11 :. 126 293 307 600 84 84 616 Do. ,12 •• 183 400 379 179 779 Do. 13 •• 109 266 271 531 26iJ 268 531 Do. 14 •• 129 295 28'1 582 16 464 480 1iJ2 Do. 15 •• 167 365 381 146 356 '6 332 694 11 ~i Do. 16 •• 45 124 122 248 141 .78 219 21 Do. 1'1 •• 106 234 292 623 249 183 432 54 34 '.i Do. 18 •• 126 268 248 518 316 ·.; 189 607 7 g Do. 19 •• 149 303 318 621 17 361 368 253 Do. 20 •• 227 504 505 1,069 235 ·a 232 470 544 ss Do. 21 •• 203 439 428 861 144 701 34$ 22 Do. 22 •• U3 296 320 618 20 489 609 107 Do, 23 •• 11 174 91 26$ 76 7$ fj 186 ... Do. 24 .. 107 231 249 480 ll!i 44$ 148 1 .Do. 26 .. 43 100 104 204 i? 142 159 46 Do. 26 " 34 499 473 972 619 9711 363 F.P. B 10 18 13 13 6 20 173 44 163 want No. 21 .. 103 194 2011 400 6,288 13,436 13,650 27,0R6 1,221 1,204 19,258 21,773' 1,932 8,381 2 Chlrala and Perala 1 3,1JJJ 3,758 6115 1 Word No.1 973 2,186 2,242 4,428 142 ' 981 1,984 2,055 4039 809 1,382 !1,191 3S5 1,46·3 Do. 2 1j2 43 3,10!1 22 176 I Do. 794 1,637 1,6113 3,300 2,9~~ a 64 72 136 4 20 118 18 F.P. 97 2,688 3,070 300 9 Ward No.4 · 8i3 1,691 1,6~~ 3,379 385 .. 1.1 30 1 1 /j 7 23 P.P. 38 37 2,608 !1,683 11 1,292 ~ WmYlNo. 6 oiil 2,010 1,97~ 3,986 2 ~ F.P. il 1-3 62 2,2~9 !1591 130 229 WtwdNo.B 951 1,1;63 1,391' !1930 230 634 740 1,274 56 29 7614 847 247 180 F.P. 195 2,97.1 3,401 149 5 Ward :No.1 ,830 1,754 1,801 3,555' 233 4 3 7 1 7 ,_.r F.P. 6,114 12,199 424 i5 9,595 10,034 1,t5i t,oi4 2,95i 6,0~5 8 Nayanapa!U .. 3,260 3,457 630 23 Ward No.1 961 2,014 2,09~ 4,110 191. ~ .. 3 7 1 7 F.P. .. 3,314 3,545 1188 • 2ii Ward No.2 1,oio 2,139 2,10~ 4.244 ,sii; is 1 13 6 6 1 F.P. .. 2,9714 !1,989 aa 713 Ward No.3 956 1,909 . 1,886 3,795 'ir 1.1 17 30 .Jo 30 F.P. 1,7ii 7,594 10,480 1,92i o66 '9 4 Ponnur and Nldubrolu: • 2,996 6,820 6,550 13,370 1,175 1RO 1,111 1,116 3,510' 405 11,193 .. !1,598' 897 1z II WtmlNo.1 .. !1,650. 470 330 fl Do. 2 160 1,161 1,69~ 3,45/l 299 58'i 1,'~67 19 28 3 !15 28 F.P. 1Jj 486 j6 ·; Ward No.3 823 1,832 1,181 /1,613 441' !1,6~~ 3,089 60 115 11 11 56 17 2 F.P. 75 614 681 Ward No.4 .. 6jj 1,368 1,324 2.69!1 16 983 1,01JO 2,059' VILLAGES. - Governm8tlt. 10 1,689 1,798 36 531 6 Adupadu .. .. 618 1,178 1,187 2,365 99 320° 1 220 6 Adupadu .: 172 438 416 854 165 148 ~8 F.P. 1 II 4 4 200 494 '503 997 47 1io 767 20 220 7 Adusumalll ltl1 1,007 37 397 ·8 Appapuram ·' 314 7111 723 1,441 59 47 ii.P. 11 61 1118 6 111 12Z 1 6 418 840 834. 1,674 91 1,099 1,190 98 sail 9 Appk'ate 1,482 1,649 59 106 10 Art>manda ., 424 918 896 1,814 52 1is 10' 192 11 Bapatla (outside the town 1,036. 2,394 ' 2,16()• 4,554 120 198 4,034 4,352 limit). .102 225 4,670 4,99T 86 780 12 Ba~atla (outside the · 1,369 2,958 2,905 6,863 ' nion limit). 1,131 1,149 ' 361 13 Bhallukhanudupalem •• 1 '347 777 781 :i,558 12 6 48 Bodavada (Ma11dagu11ta). 352 915 823 1,738 9 1,403 1,412 134 192 .. 14 i'1,56~. 56 461 15 Bodipalem .. 460 '1,089 996 .2,085 . 2 122 1,444 F.P. .. 4 6 10 10 10 Village Statistics-Bapatla Taluk-cont. RBLIGION. POP'D'LATIOlf. ' Nuniberor HINDUS. Serial number and name or occupied ·Muslims. Christians. Other&.--- RBH.&.Rit,, village. houses. Males. Feinales. Total. Scheduled Total. BrahiDans. Castes. Others. (12) (13) (7) (8) (9) (10) (~1) (1) (2) (S) (4) (5) (6) VILLAGES-cont. Go!lemmene-cont.'- 248 440 I 8,041 207 306 1,840 2,858 16 Bmhmanakoduru 672 1,506 1,535 844 911 1 33 205 502 443 945 49 18 2,645 '2. 17 Buddam .. 8,376 197 701 3,667 " ¥65 1,1~~ 18 Cherukuru (Chandole) 1,757 4,215 4,161 1,47111 1,898 117 554 1,227 1,200 2,427 40 374 411 '3 19 Cheruvu .. •• 182 711 6,146 7,089 520 20 Chlnaganjam 1,700 4,005 8,968 7,978 2,968 87 287. 1,695 1,647 8,842 89 844 2,035 21 Chlntalapudl 698 116 25 1,804 1,945 22 6461 1,576 8,110 Daggududu 30 1,5~~ 60 3 67 . 60 290 F.P. 183 toil -996 1,288 23 354 800 778 1,578 '2 216 Dandamudl .. 185 490 25 247 272 24 Devarapalll 216 305 13 207 276 483 19 151 470 285 'F.P. 38 87 1,444 1,619 160 25 Doppal~pudl 436 962 1,002 1,964 16 469 57' 92 8,276 8,425 26 Ganapavaram 828 2,016 1,894 8,910 1,966 119 702 1,405 1,882 2,787 49 21 1,896 249 is 27 Garlkepadu 574 84 151 999 1,184 119 28 Garupudl 812 822 748 1,670 31 31 16 15 31 8,461 ii 223 F.P. 1,802 1,893 8,696 is 432 3,016 338 29 Gavlnlvarlpalem silo 54 155 979 1,188 11 so Gonasapundl •• 311 800 782 1,6811 14 86 558 6 293 154 458 81 Gopapuram 124 283 270 1,319 1,869 195 476 ... 446 1,047 993 11,040 50 45 . 491 32 Gogabandl (' 8,416 117 28 2,735 2,880 33 ldupulapadU 751 1,745 1,671 1,858 1,457 446 430 948 955 1,908 54 60 84 Inagnllu •. 705 106 599 705 85 Inagartlpadu 126 362 843 .. 597 629 3 6,065 175 400 3,261 8,888 36 Inkollur •• 1,080 2,606 2,459 11 11 7 10 11 464 sliti F.P. 7,010 5o soil 6,m 8,860 87 Ipurupalam 1,9iz 3,987 3,923 221 68 108 171 279 1,212 1,886 16o 377. F.P. 1,173 2,868 11o 464' 144 38 Iteru 436 1,~~~ 89 91 200 880 100 240 474 748 i9 36 89 Jagarlamucil . :: 402 808 3 13 732 40 Jammulapalem · •• 186 401 133 136 F.P.

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