Physicians as explorers: Mungo Park, the doctor on the Niger W.E. SWINTON, D SC, PH D, FRSE The Royal Burgh of Selkirk, in Scot- Thus an introduction to Sir Joseph problems. In many cases the solution land, is famous for its fighting sons was often as good as a passport, and came relatively soon; they died or van- and, in modern days, its Rugby players. William Dickson's introduction of his ished and had to be replaced. So it is not surprising that little Mungo young brother-in-law immediately led Young Mungo Park, tall and hand- Park, born Sept. 10, 1771 on the farm to the doctor's appointment as assistant some and having a way with the ladies, of Foulshiels (which is still there a few surgeon on the East Indiaman Worce- was qualified as a doctor and naturalist, kilometres west of the town), early ster and a voyage to Sumatra in 1792. but there is no doubt that, like many showed physical ability that was, alas, While at Bencoolen in the southwest others of his race, he was ambitious. to be his downfall. And his name Mun- of that island Park collected some rare Africa was a vast expanse for fame and go, strangely Gaelic for a lowland Scot, plants and some fish, for he had been fortune. It may be said here that half means amiable, which he proved to be. interested in botany during his Edin- the well-known names in the explora- He was the 7th child, of 13, of a burgh studies. On his return to London tion of Africa were those of Scotsmen, well-to-do farmer on the Duke of Buc- in 1793 therefore he wisely presented drawn from all ranks, with Mungo Park cleugh's estates of Bowhill, and by the the rare plants to Banks and took the one of the earliest. time he was finished with Selkirk Gram- licence of the Royal College of Sur- Banks and his African Association mar School at 15 it seems that he needed a recruit. Major Daniel Hough- looked elsewhere to make a living. At ton, an Irishman who had been sent any rate, he became apprenticed to * series by Dr. out in 1790 to find the true course of Thomas Anderson, a surgeon in Sel- shed physicians the Niger and who had reported that kirk, for the statutory 3 years. In 1789 to exploration, the Niger flowed eastward to the heart when he was 18 he went a little further .s are Associated of Africa, had disappeared and would away to the University of Edinburgh, and the Hannah never return. to take his diploma, which he did in kwy of Mdlctul Park accepted the opportunity and 1791. Park on page was assigned the duty of passing "on Thus fortified, he went to London of the National to the river Niger either by way of to practise medicine. Whether he went on, and the map Bambuk or by such other route as there because he had a brother-in-law y of LP. Dutton should be found most convenient, to in the city may not now be decided ishers of "The ascertain the course, and if possible the but that relative, William Dickson, a y T. Severin. rise and termination of that river." seedsman at Covent Garden, was a On May 22, 1795 Park sailed from considerable botanist and a friend of Portsmouth in the little brig Endeavour the great botanist Sir Joseph Banks. geons. On Nov. 4, 1794 he read a paper that traded to the Gambia for ivory and beeswax. He arrived A word must be said of Joseph to the Linnean Society on eight new early in July species of fish. What his London plans at Pisania on the River Gambia, where Banks, the great naturalist, rich entre- there was a British factory preneur and powerful adviser to the were is not clear; he might have found and a Dr. British government. agreeable employment as either a sur- John Laidley who was agent, mail box geon or a naturalist or both. But in and general provider, as well as physi- Joseph Banks was born to riches in May, 1794, Banks had suggested that cian. I have not been able to identify London in 1744. After an education if he wanted to go to Africa, it could Laidley more precisely, but he seems at all the best places (Eton, Harrow and be arranged. to have had a genius for survival. Christ Church, Oxford) he went botan- Now Banks and some of his rich The attack from the west was sen- izing in Newfoundland, went round the friends ran the African Association, sible. The British trading post was at world with Cook (and stole the show) whose functions were mainly honour- Pisania on the Gambia, some 320 km and, at the age of 34, became president able, with a desire to find out what from the sea. The hinterland was hilly, of the Royal Society, which he ruled happened in central Africa and an in- with rivers beyond, some that we now for 41 years. He did many things and tent to spread the benefits of commerce know as the Senegal and others that promoted many causes, one of which to any suitable areas. They interviewed might be sources of the Niger. was to found the African Association, the young and adventuresome or the But why the Niger? It was a well- which hired and fired the long series financially desperate, who saw African known river from the seaward point of African explorers. exploration as the solution of their of view and perhaps offered a suitable CMA JOURNAL/SEPTEMBER 17, 1977/VOL. 117 695 waterway for trade with the darker tion. Their defence was a brace of pis- no word of the asses and his money regions of the continent. But were they tols and two shotguns. "The Dictionary was so depleted that he could not buy worthwhile? This would depend on the of National Biography" records that he food. There was nothing for him but nature of the inhabitants, their willing- had also one horse and two asses; and to return, mostly on foot, to Camalia ness to trade and the nature of the "The History of Scottish Medicine" where a serious attack of fever laid things that they might be able to records only "two negroes and a couple him low, so there he spent 7 months supply. of donkeys". in the house of a Black, Kaarta Taura, At that time the heart of Africa was However equipped, he soon ran into who eventually got a caravan for him unknown. To the north were the an- trouble. It cannot be surprising, for the to Pisania, where he arrived June 10, cient civilizations that had long traded area was hardly desolate, and while 1797. He arrived Dec. 22 at Falmouth, with their Mediterranean and Atlantic the indigenous population would be in- having travelled in a slave trader bound voyagers and friends, but their southern trigued by a small and obviously for America. extents were limited by the Sahara. To strange party, they would be very will- At first he remained in London, the south, the colonizing Dutch had ing to relieve them of any attractive being reunited with his brother-in-law, pushed slowly north to William Dickson, and the Orange River, and - planning to write his north of what was the adventures. Instead he Kalahari desert. Maybe had to report to the these two deserts were African Association, one, and the heart of and they in turn dis- Africa was an impass- cussed with him the able, overheated, sandy / prospects of further waste. To sail the Niger employment in New would perhaps solve Holland (Australia) and the problem. New South Wales. What can now be In 1799 his book seen in a few hours "Travels in the Interior from an aircraft was Districts of Africa, then a matter of unpar- 1795-1797" was pub- alleled hardship, for lished and was an im- which few Europeans mediate success. Three were fit. editions were called for However Park was a that year; later it was doctor with tropical ex- translated into several perience, and he could languages. It made use surveying instru- Park an established ments. He wisely stayed African explorer, but with Lindley in his its success (he made house for 5 months. £1000 in early royal- Here he studied the ties) left him unde- Mandingo language; he cided. He left London also studied, though not and returned to Foul- by choice, the course shiels and thought of. severe fever, which about farming. On he suffered for the first Aug. 2, 1799 he mar- time. He was now 25 ried Alice Anderson, and presumably was in the eldest daughter of good physical shape, for his old medical chief in he decided to set out by Selkirk. In all they himself on his travels. Miniatuire of Mungo Park after an engraving by H. Eldridge spent 2 years on the He had hoped to join a old farm, and there is caravan but Lindley did no doubt Park was the best he could for him. An account possessions. For very different reasons bored with the daily round, so in Oc- of this historic date in December 1795 the Arab traders were anxious to main- tober 1801 they moved to Peebles and varies with the author. According to T. tain their hold on business and wanted he began medical practice. Severin in "The African Adventure; 400 no interference from abroad. He was The brass plate, which simply said years of exploration in the Dangerous robbed everywhere he went, and an "Mungo Park, Surgeon", that was on Continent" (New York, Dutton, 1973), Arab chief kept him prisoner for 4 his door is now in the Museum of he was dressed in European clothes, car- months, relieving him of his umbrella Antiquities in Edinburgh.
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