.<) <tii)f ~l THE UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO Q,i Frida, 4 ril 26, 1996 ASUI —Moscow Idaho Volume 97 No. $9 are ers rave rain o i"ea si ence Christopher Clancy Staff sudden spring shower may have damp- ened heads, but certainly did not dampen pirits, as a small group of marchers showed their solidarity in the fight against sexual assault in the Break the Silence rally. The event was the kick-off for the University of Idaho's Sexual Assault Awareness Week sponsored by the Women's Center and the ASUI Safety Task Force. The march, which began at Guy Wicks Field, took marchers on a winding tour of campus, lead by Safety Task Force Chair Angela Rauch and Vice-Chair Rhonda Anderson. "Last year over 119 cases of abuse have been reported to the Women's Center. We need to increase awareness and help victims of these types of violent crimes to gain the courage to . speak out and get help," Anderson said. z'4w" 4. During the march a whistle was blown every 15 seconds, signifying the statistic of one woman battered in the United States every 15 ~A'!. seconds. Similarly, each minute a bell was rung, signifying the rape of one woman. The march ended on the steps of the Administration Building where poetry, written by victims, was read and family members and survivors spoke about loss and hope. The mes- t. sage alw'ays: "Fight back, it's not your fault, get help, you'e not alone" was heard as encourage- ment from the victims and their families. "Look forward with hope rather than despair," Rauch said. One such family was there expressing feelings of loss and encouragement. Marlene Kreid lost Jared Smith + SEE SIJ.ENCE PACE 6 Rhonda derson and Angela Rauch hang up T-shirts during a rally for Sexual Assault Awareness Week Firearms training Literary digest Fugue fails beneficiat for wome in usual low voter turnout Karen Cloud Lazzarini. The attacker is already "If Staff prepared to commit viol ence. Janet Birdsall he wants to rape, he'l bring a Staff e statistics can be rather penis. He doesn't look for one in AS'Ul Election'Resii/ts: ..' frightening. According to the house," Lazzarini said e Fugue failed to generate enough support to information presented by In Idaho, anyone over 21 with- become a part of the ASUI, but it did get more , ASUI Seiiators elected:.%ediiesda'y,'are (hii"order,::af, Idaho ' the University of Safety support than some of the senatorial candidates. votes'cast}; -...: ' Task Force, a woman in the The literary journal had 301 votes in its favor , -!Beri'.Rush:::.: ':,;.::;:::.;;.::;.::::'',:,:.'::::"":::::'::,'::;:.'.'::::-,:-:,::;;:,':.:':;:::-.,507 United States is sexually assault- However, 403 students voted against its inclusion in th ., Cuit::9'ozniak::::: ':,',,:::,::;.::,':.:::.,':;':;."::,:.-':::«-:.:;,:::,,';:,':;::,:,"',:,:,:-'.:::463,. ':I ed every 15 seconds and raped ASUI. ;.~ David Spangler::::,':: ':::,:,::.:«"";;„:::;:,":::,:,',.-':,':,".,'"'.::;"'.::;:,"i:::";',:389'':-'.;", every minute. ', ''s:.~. saw a total of 924 studen Jennifer, Gish:::-'-.'-'::,'::::,:"::;::;::.';":.'::::.:.':":.':::;"'''::':;:.-:,::.,354 Don Lazzarini, firearms Advice is alway s The elections Wednesday turn out vote less than percent of the studen t:.::.j'JeffDaii'iels':::::.',"":.::::.::::;:::::.:.:,::.';:::::;.::.'.':::.-::;::.':::'.:.::.':.348: instructor and. law enforcement to — 10 ~:Stormie'Arideison::,;:-':,:::,".',:::::".,': .":.::,'-;:.:-:.:,::.-;::::336 officer for presented limited: change population. , 18 years, .'.!,:BiianTeiiney'.:.::.':::.::.':,':-:..":,:.'::::':'.,,:.::':;::,::,:.:.::.':,.::.".::;;;;.,'.'::::,': 289 " one method of self defense in the Katie Jolley, who was running unapposed for an ope n your locks, buy a .!.:.vista:Brady,:,'; ':. '::-,.':::::.'::::..':':..:::::::-';,'''.:'::.:::,::„::-'::":.:;.'::279': Women's Center noon program Faculty Council representative seat, received 545 votes. „Jainie,Gries::::.:.':.;:':::;:-;:;::::::::,:::-:':;:. ': '::::::.'-'':::::,275,',:: Women and Fir'earms Seldom Senatorial candidates who won seats for next yea big dog.... .~.Rebecca;Coyle::,.:,:„::;-:,-.,::::.:':::::::..::::; .',:.-.':;,';.::.':::;::::::.261,:"" Wednesday. were: Ben Rush, with 507 votes; Curt Wozniak, wit h —:.:::.-:,"':,248" Lazzarini said often women are do we say, tGet 463 votes; David Spangler, 389 votes; Jennifer Gish ,~,'Rori:Woodman',:''-::.:;:,":. -:.::::.:.".:,::'.:: '.'; '' ''::::.::,::,'' not even presented with the 354 votes; Jeff Daniels, 348 votes; Stormie Anderso ::;+:RobinCofey.';:-;::,:; ';:.:::-'::::236, un. '::.,''::- ':;:: option obtaining a firearm for trained. Buy a g 336 votes, and Brian Tenney, 289 votes. :,Keri,DeCelle;:;::.;;-":-:::.".":.::,:::::.:.: '79': of . self defense. —Don Lazz arini The other candidates were Ron Woodman, Krist a::~:Wair'e'n'VanDenTop".':::.::::,:",'';":;-:,':::::::::::::-::::::,::::::-:::.'.'175 ~ '''':;: ',:: -!"':,:""';-'.: -'.<' "Advice is always limited: Brady, Rebecca Coyle, Jamie Gries, Robin Coley Dennis Sasse!';.::: . ':";:,"::,::::,,';,',',:,",i:'.i::.:,i.':::..27,:.:: change your locks, buy a big I'irearms ins tructor Warren VanDenTop and Ken DeCelle. dog.... Seldom do we say, 'Get Write-in candidate Dennis Sasse garnered 27 votes 'aculty Ciiundl Repie'entatlv'e: .",: trained. Buy a gun.'" Lazzarini When contacted for a comment, Sasse said, "Iwas run '-'Katle'3olley.':.;":,'"'';:;:::,.":::.:::.::.:-...:,,::,',.':;,':::,:"'.::,":::::.:—::",:-::,::.:,"':$45 said firearms training is benefi- ning2" ',"; cial for women. "Those who Jeff Daniels, the only incumbent candidate, said h The„"'refeiiu'duiri"'ailing'.".Do you'e'ai::;:the'FiItgue choose and receive the training was pleased with the election results. {Iiterar'y.'de) should'bi a'ar't,'of the ASUI:ai'id are better for it." out a criminal record or a history ':,': "I'm really happy with the elections. We got som fuudetI'through:st'udent'fies paid to the, ASUP. The idea that a gun will be of mental illness can obtain a really good new people," Daniels said. taken away from a woman and concealed weapon permit Senatorwlect Gish said, "I'm very that the stu ::::."'.::,:::':''.'"-.,: ',"':YES:,:301":";"-",:,;,::-',',',::,:';, used against her is a myth, said Lazzarini said. The per mits are happy dents of UI have confidence in me, and I promise to d ~ SEE DEFENSE PAGE 6 my best next year." Diversions ~ spot'fs ~ Opinion..............8'portse ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e 10 Collette Theatre ends Vandal meri's tennis Comics................14 its season with two begins play in the Big Classifieds........15 shows. Sky Championships in See page D2. Boise today. Rain tonight See page 10. and tomorrow. ~ warmer '' Clear,~ . by Monday. im &x4aX 8 THE ARGONA UT Friday, April Z6, 1gyg million members —the number of "She wasn't as candid as she priests is not keeping pace: That could be," executive director Ed shortage forced.Bhown to make Neunherz said Tuesday. cuts, said the Rev'. John Legerski, The board revoked the Ferris St. Paul's current pastor. High School senior.'s $1,500 Lilac -"We do not have young men princess scholarship last week after accepting the call to come into the .learning of her April 7 arrest. priesthood anymore," Legerski told But the board allowed her to the congregation Sunday. "This is keep her crown and remain eligible the reality (and) it's only going to to compete against the 11 other Catholic Priest get worse." princesses vying to be named Lilac He predicted "a lot more" Idaho Queen. Court says law Cult leader shortage limits parishes will find themselves with- The group Mothers Against out priests in the future. Drunk Driving and some of the allows Northwest refuses to . Several worshippers wept after festival's 85 directors criticized the St. Paul's to Brown's letter was read. Others board's decision as too lenient. logging criticized Brown for single-hand- One director quit in protest speak at 'Trial student Mass edly closing the doors. Monday. SAN FRANCISCO —The timber Brown, in northern Idaho for the . In response, the festival's 13 thousands acres of the industry can log of century'OKYO Idaho's BOISE— Roman Catholic weekend, was unavailable for com- executive board members con- of old-growth timber in the Pacific —To the quiet sobs bishop has sent an eviction notice ment. vened again Monday night and Northwest without environmental of a widow and a roll call of the to most parishioners of St. Paul's Grief and anger are natural, voted to remove Shields'rown. under a new fed- nearly restrictions law, a 4 000 victims cult leader Catholic Center at Boise State Legerski said. But he encouraged Last week, she told festival offi- Shoko eral appeals court ruled Asahara rephed Wednesday University. parishioners to be Christlike in cials she had been stopped for a with Wednesday. silence, refusing to answer charges "As of July 1, 1996, St. Paul's their response. broken taillight. The law, signed by President that he masterminded last year' will no longer be able to serve as "We have the State Patrol possibility for a But a Washington Clinton last July, is known as the subway gassing in Tokyo. an alternative parish for non-BSU great deal of good to come out spokesman said the teen was dri- of "salvage rider," but all the trees Asahara, whose disciples once affiliates," Bishop Tod Brown told this." ving so erratically that she ran a affected by the ruling are healthy. drank his bathwater to show the congregation in a letter read their —Associated Press stop sign and nearly hit a trooper's The timber was sold to high bidders devotion, did make one brief during Sunday's Masses. patrol
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