Za Boha a Národ For God and Nation Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 28,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – www.slovakcatholicsokol.org Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME CIV PPASSAIC,ASSAIC, NN.J.,.J., DDECEMBERECEMBER 2, 22015015 NUMBER 5057 Scenes of the 33rd Annual St. Martin Day Celebration Hosted by Group 2, “Rev. Stephen Panik” in Stratford, Conn. on November 15 cluded “A Prayer for Our Country” marks the 150th anniversary of the recited by the assemblage. Special establishment of the fi rst Sokol unit prayers were also offered for the in the United States. He recalled victims of the terrorist attack in the many contributions of Group 2 Paris. This tribute honored all the to our organization over the years. Group 2 veterans who have de- He recalled that it was in 1908 at fended of our American way of life the Bridgeport convention, that over the years. The veterans present the Slovak Catholic Sokol voted were singled out and each received to accept female members, the fi rst a special American fl ag and pin. Slovak fraternal to do so. Wreath The principal speaker at the cel- 1 of Bridgeport was our organiza- ebration was Editor Daniel F. Tan- tion’s female lodge. He spoke of zone who related the rich history the rich traditions associated with of organization over the past 110 St. Martin, who was selected in years. He noted that this year also (Continued on page 7) Sokol members from across Connecticut gathered at Holy Name of Jesus Church in Stratford, Conn. on Sunday, November 15 to attend Mass celebrated for the living and deceased members of Group 2 at this year’s 33rd annual St. Martin Day Celebration. Father Andrew G. Marus, pastor of Holy Name and frater- nalists are shown on the steps of the church following the liturgy. Continuing in a time-honored Tours in Stratford, Conn. on Sun- ister of the parish. Hymns in Eng- fraternal tradition spanning more day, November 15. Picture-perfect lish and Slovak. Continuing in a than three decades, Sokols and So- fall weather inhanced the St. Martin long-standing tradition, at the con- kolky from lodges across Connecti- Day Celebration hosted by Group clusion of the liturgy, Father Marus cut gathered to honor the patron 2, “Rev. Stephen Panik” of Bridge- and the Sokols and Sokolky gath- of our organization, St. Martin of port, Conn. ered on the church steps for a group This year’s celebration began photo, enhanced by the bright fall with the fraternalists marching in sunshine. a body to the 11 a.m. Mass at the Following the liturgy, almost 100 A special cake was enjoyed by this year’s St. Martin Day guests. Shown Church of the Holy Name of Je- fraternalists traveled to the near-by with the cake are lovely Group 2 activists, including, l-r, Group 2 Vice sus Church led by the Blue Goose Restaurant President Anne Marie Neudeck, Group 2 President Eileen S. Wilson, Group 2 banner and an in Staratford, where a Attorney Martha Dulla Andrade, and Member of the Physical Fitness Honor Guard provided wonderful reception Board Judy Nist. by the color Corps of and luncheon was en- the local Knights of joyed by all. The fra- Columbus assembly. ternal program began The liturgy and sanctu- with a warm fraternal ary decorations beauti- welcome by Group 2 fully refl ected the spirit President Eileen S. Wil- of thanksgiving so ap- son who served as the propriate to the season. very capable mistress The pastor of the parish, the Rev. of ceremonies. She thanked all for Andrew G. Marus celebrated the their continued interest in the work Mass for the living and deceased of the Slovak Catholic Sokol. She members of Group 2. In his open- offered the toast and prayed that ing welcome, Father Marus saluted God would continue to bless the the fraternal efforts of the Slovak work of the organization whose Catholic Sokol and its many con- motto “For God and Nation” con- tributions to the parish in the best tinues to inspire our members. traditions of the fraternal benefi t After enjoying a wonderful lun- system. The impressive liturgy was cheon, a Memorial Service hon- Sisters of SS. Cyril and Methodius from Holy Name of Jesus Parish were enhanced by the voices of the chil- ored the deceased Sokols and So- welcomed at this year’s St. Martin Day Celebration. Shown on the pho- dren’s and adult choirs of the parish kolky who have passed away since to, l-r, Mary Ann Wells, Sister M. Joseph Therese Pohorenec, SS.C.M., under the direction of Michael J. last year’s celebration. The tribute Sister Gloria Marie Kascak, SS.C.M., Group 2 President Eileen S. Wil- Petreycik, organist and music min- to the Veterans Day observance in- son and Group Assistant Physical Directress Bonnie Landor Rossi. PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, DECEMBER 2, 2015 Thoughts from our Supreme Chaplain The Rev. Richard D. Baker Installed as Pastor of Feast of Saint Nicholas New York’s Historic Parish of St. John Nepomucene by Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic The feast of St. Nicholas, bishop, In most Germanic countries, St. falls on December 6, at the begin- Nicholas comes on December 5. ning of Advent. This day brings Children leave their shoes on the much celebrat- windowsill or outside their bed- ing, especially room door, and St. Nicholas re- in Eastern Eu- wards the children who have been rope and Ger- good all year by fi lling up their manic countries shoes with goodies, such as nuts, such as Ger- fruits and sweets. Sometimes he many, Austria, comes on December 6, his actual Switzerland feast day. and the Nether- In Austria, the good saint will lands. Italy also appear in his fl owing robes and celebrates this saint’s day. bishop’s mitre and carrying a bish- In a time where Christmas com- op’s staff. He carries a thick book mercialism is rampant, a family which has the records the Guardian needs to try to keep the focus on Angels have been keeping all year what Advent and Christmas is — all the good and bad deeds of the all about. Advent is preparing for world’s children. At the appointed Christ’s birth, both internally and time, the whole family is gathered externally. To shift the focus of the materialistic or “give me” common at Christmas, try giving stocking gifts on December 6 instead of Christmas Day. Shoes can be left outside the bedroom door, or stock- ings are hung by the fi re on Decem- ber 5th evening. St. Nicholas (in- stead of Santa Claus) comes by to brings cookies or gifts in the shoes or stockings. In Germanic countries, St. Nich- olas is accompanied by Krampus, an evil spirit or little devil, usually dressed in fur or black with a long tail, and carries a rattling chain, birch branches and a big black bag. In Holland, Sinterklass or Sinterk- for St. Nicholas’ arrival. Krampus laus leaves from Spain on a boat, accompanies the bishop to scold accompanied by Black Peter (Piet), naughty children. The bishop calls his Moor servant. Peter wears ani- each child of the family forward mal skins or the traditional medi- to give an account of the year, and eval Moorish colorful clothing. perhaps to recite their prayers. December 5, St. Nicholas Eve, is When Krampus tries to punish the known in some rural areas of Aus- naughty, St. Nicholas drives him tria as “Krampus Day.” Children away. After each child promises and adults go to the village square good behavior for the next year, he to throw snowballs and try to chase distributes the treats. Sometimes, in off Krampus. Other Krampuses lie addition to the goodies, he rewards in wait, rattling their chains and the children with birch branches threatening to carry off naughty decorated with candy, just as a re- children in their black bags, or minder that Krampus is around if to punish them with their birch they should falter. branches. All this is done in fun; Whether celebrated on the eve or Krampus’ main purpose is remind December 6, this holiday is a great the children to be good. occasion for children and adults. Christmas concert and dinner in Yonkers, N.Y. on December 20 Our Sokol of Assembly 219, jestic gothic Church of St. Casi- Stephen J. Knoblock will direct mir, under the baton of Maestro the traditional Christmas concert Knoblock will feature an array of of chorus and instru- traditional Advent and mentalists “Journey to Christmas favorites Bethlehem” on Sun- and arrangements. On Sunday, November 22, on the glorious Feast of Christ the King, the Rev. Richard D. Baker was day, December 20 at Following the con- installed as pastor of the historic Parish of St. John Nepomucene in New York City. The 120-year the Church of St. Ca- cert, a buffet supper parish which has served the spiritual needs of generations of Slovak immigrants, welcomed Father simir, 239 Nepperhan will be served in the Baker during a festive liturgy at 12:30 P.M. A capacity crowd welcomed their new pastor. Monsi- Avenue in Yonkers, church hall. Traditional gnor Hilary Franco read the letter of appointment by Cardinal Timothy Michael Dolan, Archbishop N.Y. beginning at 3 Slovak and Polish cu- of New York, designating Father Baker as the pastor of the newly established Parish of St.
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