f * iCz r / /' the Wealher FttrecMt of U. 8. t^entber BorwM For til* H'Mk Ended ■ ' ’ 1 D«e.. 27, 1952 Rain begfhnlng tonight, ending - '■ I’j /' \ by BatdriM};! noon.' Minimum'! to- 10,819 .Vlght 32-SS. ' l l ■ Member of .the Audit- \ . ' * / Burenn of ClrculnBoM Manche*ter’~^A Ci^y of Village Chaftij \^ -■' •' '' '■ --------- — r ' ■ i ( EIGHTEEN PAj&fiS) V PRICE riY E CENTS = ^ (ClMoineA AdverttaUi* >•> \ MAl^GHEi^Tisft; CONN., FRnlA,Y, JANUARY 2. 1953 ' ro t. I4CXII, N0^78 4^-.^---------- ^ ^ Ike ’s Aides to :\ .X WwHngton, J.n, ^ NewyYork, Jan. 2— (A*) -— Sen. Robert ,A. Taft of ^Q»niOi & o meeting' were Sen. Styles Thifrdhcpraing Eisenhower ad* today was unanimously/unanimously^ Bridgessriages orof Newi xrw,^na*MP»**«»c ..Hampshire to ^ ihinistfatlon already is at ebbseh Senate Republkan; pestaent -pro / to whrk -trylng-^o- -fihd-wayH- to X. flooi-leader as the GOP and iiam lowland < .r^lU o^ cut the feder^ budget which the Ueriiocrats organized, a^«iSfSf«ne d . President Truman ^lUsubmit Children Awed by Fire D a m a g e .their forces for the new Lon-, Miuuttn t>f ‘cpwf*dd. to be chair; to Congress next week. • gress opening tomorrow. ; man .of tljje^op conference which President - ,e l> c t EISenhower>-jy“ fi.scal- specialists reportedly are Senate Democrats plckid' Sen. includes' the 48 Republican Sen- confident some reductions can be Lynddn Johftsoi\, of Texas as their atofs. ■ * ■ leader, lilsoNjby unanimous vote. ^ '' " The new Congress convenes at made, but are- guarding agaiiist Houpe'Democrat* made reOriftg noon (e.a.t.) tomorrow, and short- any talk of big slashes. ly thereafter these selections are The proposed budget which goes •peaker Sam Rayburn pf^Te^Xas to Congre.S8 a week from today On /January 5 expected to -b? made official by their floor leader. will, be solely the work of the Tru­ House Republlcjm^ had */meet- fOirmal vote. ^ , man ndmlnlstratlon7 which hands Ing scheduledjdUnng the i^ernoon > Today's meeting was what 1* over the government to the Elsen­ at whlchjh^y were set Xd; select knov^Ti a* a caucus. That , la. the -RepubMcam-SenatoragoL. together hower regime Jan, 20. Th'd docu­ I CheiWy Brothers’ i^OO employes will tiaye to take what Rep.-Joseph-Martin- o/,Ma»sachu». ment -dbab -Wltiv-apendlng- tor-.the jmnounts- to T0% (wnts Xhi hour wagei^ot- stertiBSi/MlJadayr- spltilior Speaker and ^ep; Charles to, agree on the slate they will of­ fiscal year starting July T. ^-^Halleck of Jndlana f ^ floor leader. fer when the Senate organises. In a decision received by\ompany and \inion officials this Since the' Rebubnesina have ■* 189 BUnoB,JS*Untiite. av. Tire choice of T ^ t—a selection ■ AlthotigH the budget total won’t momintr. 'Professor John- Ai Ifogan of the Uhi^reity- of New \m*d*. certain by Whnid-the-scenes majorttv In each branch of Con­ be announced officially until Try- Hampshirol who arbitrated thp'dlX Jockeying In thipmonths since the gress. their^ slate!!, are assured of man sends It- to the, capltol, there put.*, said that all hourly rates and election—was announced after a election wherr the Senate and has. been speculation the spending base rates shill be reduced by two-hour clo.'^d door session. House formall.v organise. estlmajte Is aroynd 80 billion dol­ 98/, cents an hour, with piece rates The Republicans agreed to meet Tsft then will take the title of lars. And-^rlant htrlnir—minimum -rates again this afteimoon to deal with pialority leader. Elsenhower has • been "kept In­ Ming adjusted accordlhgiy. ... to,uch,v.qt{*ation*J>f mrmberehip.pn .Seii, Wa^'ne Morse of Oregon formed nf the -outgoing, rdmlnis- 'His award glso hold that there, key committees-and proposal*'to who bolted W* RelihUcsn party' to tratlon’s budget planning through win be i'^dhc cent 'ctfal of ’Hvlng W k s t e , .. ..reviaa Senate, „j3ii)e»,.,to..„m.».H.e. .ll. becom* an'i.Trtdebendent and. suo- ptpoyts,:,r.u^mi.‘;lcd. to;h*uv b De­ roll back, thereby reducing the. easier to choke o.'f filib,usters. port the' TJembcfatie “ preMd^tlnt' troit banker Joseph M. Doage, 'the eurrent cost-of-llvlTig -allowance Senator Saltonstall of Ma.ssa- general’s pre-inauguration repre­ from' aeiran to aU cents an hopi^ ■ chusetts. was chosen as whip - or (Continued on .Page Eight) sentative In the budget bureau. In authorising thi' 9 3-4 cent an ' ■■ ■' ■ _ Those reports are the- basis for hour wage cut, Hogan awarded the the confidence of Elsenhower aides company the full wagb reduction \ that some cuts can be mstde. But, It had requested tn -8,eptemb«U- Hartford^ J*n. .. as GOP congressional leaders also Local 68, Textile. Workers Union report severely criticizipj the have stated, they feel there prob­ of America, had .refUMd to accept big State Welfare Departwerit ably will be no substantial reduc- the cut when the .company flrSt. tlon.s in federal spending until the proposed It, forcing the issue , to for waste and inefficiqnc.v\ fiscal year starting July 1, 1954. arbitration. ' ' > ' ' and urging strong business-\ Among those on tl\e President­ Ns Conuneat like control “bt the f 30,000,- elect’s calling list today were Today, Frank Rollly, presidsnt 000-a-year agency was given M,ky Hit New ,\ George.-Yeh, the Chinese Ambas­ of the local, had no comment on Governor Lodge today. sador to the United Nations, and the arbitrator’s decision,. Ho ssdd The document recommending , - John Foster Dulles, Secretary of the matter would be discussed at New YorkV Jan 2—(/P)— Three small unions of lorigshofe- broad reorganization- arrtvaq, pt ■ State-designate. the local’s exOcutIve board meet­ the state capltol* as Govenror men specialists struck today,y«nd their picket lines closed ' Five representatives of the Na- ing Tnuraday to determine what, Lodge’s newly-appointed welfa(* down 22 Manhattan, Brookl/h and Staten island piers with­ \lonal Security Training commis­ • . , . Herald Pholn. if any,, action would be taken. Isnry Mallory, sxeeutlvs vlds comnnssloncr, Howard K,-Boo8ttdi in two hours. The walkout threatened to develop into large sion called bn Eisenhower about / Neighborhood children ruefully survyy a metal ornament that was melted In the •area heat from He of Meriden, took bVer )be reins ef noon.' the fire at 8 a. m. today ni the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Welskopp, 107 Eldridge street/ Yh* tele­ pfssldsnt of ths company, and Earl the department thls/rtomlng. ,. ^ scale port tleiips In New, (York, Discuss Military Training vision ret r|io»vii here fa-ed much better than the other fiiiTHshlngs l.t the living room,' all ot .which Wright, tndustrUI rslatlons man­ Boston, ^Philadelphia .*hX Baltl-, The coromlsslon'endorses a plan were destroyed. The girls are CharJ|otte Dzlordal (left) of 68 School atreet, and Marilyn Muldooh of ager, who rsisaasd ths. arbitrator’s The Inquiry wka preceded by more. J'- ■ td extend mllitar.v training-tor 40; findings, b id no commint to miks aiharp rrlticlma'of the department \ A “spokesman fo r/ on<? bf tne HZ Eldridge etrect. Bus Strike 000 youths in the l8-year age either. - during thr.i9£ii iessloh of the atrikln^ locals -saljK that “njothins^ In the summiry and conclusions GeneralXl^mbly, most of It from , welghabl* i.s mm’ing. Employers group. The plan was rejected by the House of Representatives last to his finding, Hogsn said that ths SenaUrTHmoermta. Tliare had been esti mated,.thar^ahout 100 types of diClslon was bsisd on ths rels- publfshed reports also of wldd- hulk cart^O/requirin'g weighing en­ Ties Noose March. • ' ! Dr. Karl T. Conipton. acting tfcm^p bstwsen prsvioui wigs jipread chlseUng by psrsons re- ter Ndw/^ork harbor. They in- ' Chile Blast State Dept, ^Juitm shU at Cawney BrbtheirA cefvtng statt'kld. ’ commission - chairman and chair­ c l i i ^ ebffee. sugar, hides, cocoa, snd thbss In the FsU Rlvsr-New Houston was namad racsntly to beX^and tin. man of the Massachusetts Insti­ Cheesed pommlssionsb Robert d. G o t h a tute of Techndldgy Gorp., wld be­ Bedford mills M well M Jki tb* 462 Start Tirnp , Cotl<#ii, riyon knd -synthetw ttotUe Smith of-ManphqeMft Who has / The strike of '462 sealers, j fore entering the gensral’w office; Toll at 47; "The purpose of <fur visit is to industriii giMFilly Anfoughouk raaebad laUianlm ttf. ,/Tweighers «id samplers of Locals i 'New -York. Jaft. 24-(A0 II U, A Reds i NiMiHlnainiV mlMDIr nbrfoliCAlgJi ' 985,‘ 947 and 1190,1190,. AFL. Interna- 'Thousands oof f'I New Yorkers brief the general on what our com- reauetipni bay* 'ittbiiv mia#i«Wi-MaJ>eair doiag.^and''A|ul ski of Itferiq^i who rilslgned boms ^■thrttedXft'RtifOT ‘'taYiimifd the out what h* wanti-us lb do. If ahy- began at 8 a. m , (e.s.t.) Washinff^on, Jhn. 2— (lflP)-^'fhe State defiaFtnle] has FotteWi Fittofii tlms ago. The police waterfront squad ah- shoeleather d ig r e s s today as thing.” . / 11 U. S. eftizemi on the United Nation/ pa.i'^dll/Bs.^nionA it Those wl)o worked on the report ... , _r— 1,11- iu - US— strike in the Besides Compton, the group In­ /Brother*, hi jald, "i« noiinced the mimhcr of piers Idle the biwest/ Valpfiraiao, ChilCj Jiin. 2— beljvejr are “Communi.sts ot under X/bminuii^i qiacipline." about thf^lMt largt mill In the in- after a survey\of the docks. The entered a sec- cluded Admiral ThomSiTC.homge/ C. Kincaid (ff>) — Rescuers methodically (OMtiaaed oa ^ag* RldM) city’? Xand UvCin.UvG4n.
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