P~iV~l~iWune riat .Ialluetin PUBLFHED D0.9ZL ander oOrder of THE fAJ'IDtNTi1 of THE VNZTED ST.MTEJ by COMMITTEE on PLBEZC ZNFORAZATION GEORGE CREEL, Chatragsa * * COMPLETE Record of U. J. GOVERANMENT .activitles VoL. 3 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1919. No. 517 SUPERVISION. ISDISCONTINUED Return Passage to America MEMORANDUM MADE PUBLIC OF EGYPTIAN COTTON IMPORTS For Travelers Now in Europe BY DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Is Pradically Impossible, RELATING TO BLAIR CASES War Trade Board Ruling Di- Ambassqdor Davis Cables penses with Textile Alliance NOW BEFORE THE SUPREME COURT Indorsenent on Bills. Ambassador Davis,. at iAndon, has cabled to the State Department of the Questions Involving Testimony in The War Trade Board announces, in a difficulties of obtaining return passage new ruling (W. T. B. Rt. 583), that the to the UnIt.d States at this time. le Michigan Senatorial Inquiry Be- supervision heretofore exeresed by the sent this me'sage to Acting Fier-retary fore New York Grand Jury Up War Trade Board through the Textile Polk: Alliance (Inc.) over the importation of for Review - Government View. Egyptian cotton, has been discontinued, "In case of the issue of passports and Import licenses may now be issued to officials or others who desire to The Department of Justice has issued without requiring the Indorsoment of the viait Europe for short periods deem the following memorandum as to the bill of lading to the Textile Alliffice (Inc.). it necessary to state for your infor- cases of Frank V. Blair et al. v. United Colleetors of customs have been in- mation that it is practically impos- States, pending In the Supreme Court of structed to permit entry under outstand- sible to obtain return passage to the the United States: ing licenses without indorsement to the United States at the present time. These cases arose out of an inveutim.a- Textile Alliance (Inc.), irrespective of You may to advise applicants tion by a grand jury, empaneled in the the clause on such license; and it will, vish accordingly." Southern District of New York, of the therefore, not be necessary for importers correctnes4 of a shtement filed in stid holding'licenses containing such clause district, in compliance with the require- to return them to the War Trade Board nentq of the, Federal Corrupt Practice or any of its branches for cancellation of 3 Divisions, 27th, 30th, Act of June 25, 1910, as amonded by this clause. and 37th, OrderedHome Trurman H. Nev-berry, candidate tor The announcements of the War Trade nomination as tenaior from the State of Board (W. T. B. I. 520 and 'W. T. B. I. Michigan. 529) issued January 20, 1919, indicating The War Dcpartment publishes the fol- that importations of Egyptian cotton are lowing cabled communication: Refused to Testify. still supervised by the Textile Alliance The 27th, 80th, and 87th divisions, in- Thrte persons connected with the New- (Inc.) are hereby amended accordingly. cluding all organisations of these divi- berry senatorial comaittee were sum- All retrictions on the Impoitation of sions, have been released and Instructed ioned to appear before the grand jury Egyptian cotton are now removed, and to prepare for embarkation. The 102d to testify as to the receipts and expendi- therefore on and after January 25, 3910, Trench Mortar fattery of the 27th Divi- tures of the committee, and as to Mr. it will no longer be necessary to cable sion has sailed. Of the 91st Divsion the Newbemry's connection with them. They the number of any license for. the impor- 316th Trench Mortar Battery has becn re- refused to testify on the grounds that a tation of Egyptian cotton, as consuls will leased and the 316th Field Artillery has grand jury enipaneled in tlje Southern have received by that date authority to sailed; till other organizations of this Distrlt of New York bad no jurisdiction consulate invoices without presentation division are on priority and will be re- to make an inve4tigation of such matters, of the license number. lenc(d as shipping becomes available. and that the Federal Corrupt Practice Therefore, W. T. B. R. 533, issued Tan- Act was unconstitutional. nary 20, 1010, listing the commodities on which consuls will require the import Denied by Government. license number before consulating in- The Government, while denying both voices, will be considered modified on ContractorsMay Give of these contentions, claimed in addition January 25, 1919, by the exclus:on of that witnesses could not refuse to testify Egyptian cotton from such list. Public Facts Regarding before a grand jury on such grounds, as no question of personal privileges was War DepartmentOrders involved. The lower courts held in tavor Charteringof Wooden of the Government, and decided that the The War Department publishes witnesses must testify; whereupon they Ships to Be Continued the following circular issued by the brought the cases to the Supreme Court Director of Purchase, Storage and for review. The Shipping Board announces that it Traffic: will continue to charter its wooden The revocation of the clause or steamers on time charter for service clauses in War Department con- 1,280 ItalianReservists within approved limits and at such rates tracts prohibiting the publication of information in respect to such Returning to United States of hire as may from time to time be fixed. a The vessels are of about 8,500 tons dead- contracts having been approved by weight capacity. the Secretary of War, the provi- Ad; Ices to the State Department from Steamers so chartered are to be free sions of such prohibitory clauses Genoa, Italy, state that 1,280 Italian from trade control, but subject to the are hereby revoked. Contractors reservists, previously residents of the usual regulation of freight rates. Infor- are therefore authorized and per- United States, will sail for the United mation with regard to the terms at mitted to furnish the public infor- States on the steamer Dante Afighter. which they may be chartered can be pro- mation concerning War Depart- Five hundred and fifty of the men will cured from the Emergency Fleet Cor- ment contracts and orders received embark in Naples, and the balance at poration, Division of Operations, Wash- by them. Genoa. Part of the men are still in uni- ington. form. 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1919. GENERAL SUPPLY COMMITTEE LIST OF ARMY UNITS AND' CASUALS ORDER ON MATERIAL TRANSFER SAILING ON CRUISER AND TRANSPORTS Tlh General illpply Conuittee issue -tile follow ing: The War Department authorizes publi- The trausport Absecon sailed from St. JANUARY 13, 1919. cation of the following: Nazaire January 17 and is due at New York February 3 with the following CIncULAR No. 97. The cruiser Frederick sailed from Brest January 17 and is due at New troops: To Purchasing Offiials of the United York January 29 with the following Casual detaclment, 1 white officer: Air States Government and all others con- troops: Service, 6 colored men, Alabama. cerned: Three hundred and thirtieth Infantry, Field Sixteen casual officers classified as follows: The General Supply Conunittee, in iC- Quartermaster, 5; Coast Artillery, 6; Field and Staff, Headquarters Company, Medical Artillery, 5. cordance with Executive order of Decem- Detachment, headquarters 1st Battalion, Com- panics A, B, C, and D; 21 officers, 1,202 mel. The ber 3, 1918, and Treasury Department Destination of 83d Division, Camp Sher- transport Susquechiia sailed from Circular No. 129, dated December 10, man. St. Nazaire January 17 and is due at 1918, relating to the transfer of material, Four hundred and sixty-sixth Acro Squad- Newport News January 30 with the fol- ron, Regular Army; 4 officers, 133 men. supplies, and equipment, is receiving re- Four hundred and ninety-second Acro Squad- lowing troops: quests for authority to purchase envel- rol, Camp Meade; 2 officers, 152 men. Casual Co. No. 442, New York, 3 officers, opes w ith special printed legends, rub- Ten casual officers, classifled , as follows: 131 men. her stamps bearing special 4egends, and Air Hcrvice, 3; Field Artillery 1; Engineers, Casual Co. No. 443, Pennsylvania, 3 officers, 1; Medical 2; Ordnance, 2; Transporiation 146 men. services. Corpc, 1. Casual Co. No. 444, Illinois, 3 officers, 131 The arllcles referred to above will not Men. be ava Able for transfer from other do- The transport Conia sailed from Brest Caual Co. No. 443, Ohio, L officers, 131 and establislunents of the Gov- .Tanuary 17 and is due at New York men. partinents Casual Co. No. 120, New York, 3 officers, ernimenit in the District of Columbia; January 24 with the following troops: Three hundred and thirty-first Infantry, 149 men. therefore the Governmlent service is complete; 60 officers, 2.240 men. Casual Co. No. 130, Idaho, 3 officers, 141 hereby authorized to pirocure the same men. Destination of 834 Division, Camp Sher- tasual Co. No. 131. Ohio, in compliance with provisions of existing mIll. 3 officers, 143 Casual Company No. 213, Camp AIonde; 2 Men, law, it being hereby certified that there officers, 143 men. Casual Co. No. 132, Missouri, 3 officers, is not in the possession of the Govern- Casual Company No. 343, Camp Meade; 2 144 men. ment and available for transfer through officers, 132 men. Ordaane-Casual Co. No. 10, Georgia, 7 of- Casual Company No. 340, Camp Upton; 2 flers, 220 men. the General Supply Conmittee the ma- officers, 140 men. Forty-seven casual officers, classified as fol- lerfil in questioll. General prisoners and guards, 20 men. lows: Cavalry, 1: Transportation, 4; In- Executive order of Fifty-two casual officeri, clasified as fol- 'fantry, 14: Air Service, 6; Army Service Ina-amuch as the Corps, 1: 4anitary Train.
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