WEDNESDAY • SEPTEMBER 9 GPAs steadily improving at WSU grades should go to creative schol- all increase to 2.79 in the GPAs public relations representative for Residence hall By AARON MI"li'l;ll'l~l\\.\"for all WSU men, and a .3 per- the Interfraternity Council, said. arship chairwomen and faculty Daily Evergreen Staff cent increase to 2.98 in the GPAs Final statistics show the frater- advisers, Pam Dixon, a member of stats inaccurate WSU, a school hailed for its for all women. nity average rose slightly more than Delta Gamma Sorority and the Pan- 1 percent and came in .004 points hellenic Board Secretary, said. party atmosphere, has been mak- These figures are greater than Individual statistics for the resi- higher at 2.794 than the improved ing strides recently in its aca- the previous men's and women's These people planned scholar- dence halls are not available, Burns average for all men. demic endeavors. average GPAs of 2.76 and 2.97, ship dinners and award programs said. Statistics show a trend of rising respectively, in the fall of 1991. Sorority women at WSU showed for individual chapter houses, as GPAs, according to spring 1992 a measurable increase as well well as for the system as a whole, He said those reports are too academic year numbers. Greek grades posting GPAs of 2.96 for the spring Dixon said. inaccurate to matter because they . Jack Burns, coordinator for semester, an improvement over the do not take into account students Walker said the increase. in fra- Fraternity Affairs, said this is a increase the most 2.91 average GPA . who move in and out of residence ternity grades can be attributed to scenario that can be directly Leading this swell of academic halls during the semester. study programs. related to the overall increase in prowess at WSU are members of New programs WSU admission standards du{ing the campus greek system. "Pledges start off on the right Reports on residence halls are the last couple of years. "People are realizing how impor- boosting grades foot, making their WSU careers used mainly for finding students Figures show a 1 percent over- tant grades are," Jason Walker, Credit for the increase in sorority more successful," she said. whose GPAs are at risk. Sooueee! KWSU to broadcast on candidates, issues Program features local, state politicians Palmquist said. By JOEY HARTELOO Most Monday evening shows will be Daily Evergreen Staff dedicated to such issues. The countdown to election day has Hanford added that a local disc jockey is begun. not yet selected to host the Monday night- As candidates shake hands and kiss program. babies, Northwest Public Radio jumps into the political scene with a "Monday Night " Politics" program. I try to use The weekly 7 p.m. show is dedicated to local and state candidates, and runs for something that two hours every Monday evening through encompasses a wide election day. NPR also broadcasts live debates, variety of issues, speeches and programs as they happen. whatever ... will be Scheduled this evening is a live debate between Democratic gubernatorial candi- most beneficial to dates, Joe King and Mike Lowry. our local listeners. The debate will be live with Ross Reyn- olds, a host from KUOW public radio in - Jean Palmquist Director of Radio for NPR Seattle. The Republican gubernatorial debate was broadcast last Sunday, but may be rebroadcast on a future Monday, said Bar- With the Washington primaries on Sept." bara Hanford, the station's manager and 15, most of the focus is on speeches and fund-raiser. debates between U.S. Senate and congres- Most programs featuring political issues sional candidates, as well as candidates for are received from various national stations. governor. Director of Radio Jean Palmquist decides Because the focus is local, presidential what to air based on what the local listen- candidates won't be covered as closely, ers are most interested in. although the station did broadcast the "I try to use something that encom- Republican National Convention. passes a wide variety of issues, whatever Northwest Public Radio can be picked up we feel will be most beneficial to our local locally on KWSU AM 1250 and KRFA FM 91.7. The gubernatorial debates also will Staff photo by Terry Thom listeners," she said. Sophomore Jason Piau, right, and senior Eric Missett playa slimy game 01 pig Monday, the station aired a program on be broadcast on Northwest Public Televi- between calls at the fire station Tuesday. Jobs and the economy. sion, Channel 10, beginning at 9 p.m. "It was a good show for Labor Day," tonight. House candidate crusades for Pullman area votes Balancing the budget is at the top of To symbolize his stance on reducing the to see an amendment that would require By JENNIFER RANTALA, /?":':'\'" Sommers' agenda if elected to Conqress. deficit, Sommers said he would not take newly elected members to promise to Daily Evergreen Staff He is a proponent of the 40 percent pay raise recently passed by uphold the Constitution, which he said The campaign trail led to Pullman Tues- a plan issued by the Congress until the budget is balanced. includes balancing the budget. day for a House of Representatives candi- Heritage Foundation, To help reduce the deficit, Sommers said Sommers has been a legislator in Olym- date from the state's 5th Cong ressional a Washington D.C.- he wants to decrease foreign aid. He said pia since 1987, which he claims is an based public policy that the government needs to evaluate asset because he is a candidate with legis- District. Duane Sommers is one of four Republi- research institution every country that receives money and lative experience. He has sponsored pri- can contenders who will be on the Sept. that outlines mea- decide if the United States should continue marily deregulation bills in the State House 15 primary ballot. Incumbent Tom Foley, sures to reduce the the same level of aid. of Representatives. He is also the president Speaker of the House, is the only Demo- deficit. "We cannot be the banker for the world, of a Spokane-based health care consulting crat in the race. Duane Sommers According to the nor can we be the police for the world," firm. "The four of us are hopeful that we will plan, the budget he said. - Of the four candidates, Sommers is the get 60 percent of the vote," Sommers would be balanced by the year 2000 if Referring to the House bank and post only one who hasn't run against Tom Foley said. He added that Foley has the toughest spending does not increase by more than 4 office scandals, Sommers said Congress is before. "The big goal now," Sommers competition that he's ever had. percent each year. guilty of "real gross abuse." He would like said, "is to get by the primary.".
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