·, USCF Vol. ill Monday, Number 8 Offi dCll Publication of The United States (bess federati on December 20, 1948 MARSHALL MATCHES PARIS CHAILLEN,GES FRANCE DUEL BY A TLA!NTIC CAiBLE New York vs. Paris Cable Chess Match Planned By Marshall Chess Club S unday, December 19. sees the chess expe)·ts Of Paris and New York pitted against each o ther by Atlantic cable in a match of eight boards, from 9 a.m. to G p. m .. :o.'e'v York time. The American team will play from tbe rooms ot the llal"\lhalJ Ch~s Club In New York. which sponsors the event, and the teanl will be captained by Dr. Edward Lasit:er, who arranged the match ror the Marshall Chess Club, The American team will ha.T6 -'----'--'----------­ Reuben fo'lne (World Cbamplon­ ship contender) on hoard one and ULVESTAD PLANS the other pisces will be filled by; EXTENSIVE TOUR Isaac Kashdan (1947 Open Champ­ , ion), T. A. Horowitz (EditOr of Olaf UIYestad, well known chess Chess Hevlew). MIltA)n H~au er analyst who placed in. A tie for ((onner New York State Champ­ third 1n the recent U.S. Champl- iOll), Joseph Faucher ( ~ew J ersey onshlp, Is planning an extensive Chamillon), Jack . W. Co l lin s tour of t he country. Leaving Se­ (Brooklyn Chess Club Cl1amplon), attle on Ja nuary 20th, he w ill tour and J\lrs. Gisella Kahn Gresser (U. the Pacific Coast untit F ebr uary S. Women's Co·Champion) . 6th. }o~ro m February 7th 1.0 March • .. The French team will be eap­ LOG CABIN CHESS CLUB CELEBRATES 1st he will be In Texas. Durin g .Ialned by 01'. O. S. Dernst'!!n, March he will cross lIlinola, Mlch­ Franco - Russian Inlel'lJationaliU. I/l:Rn ant! Ohio. In .Aoril h e wm CCLA CELEBRATES MT.. (\,_, ....\\ \,.. ou.\.'h.,. be In "C!nll~lvanIA, New "urk and ROBERT. BYRNE TOPS EV AlNS IIIj:uln!lt Mme. Chuude cl e 911allll, RECORD YEAR New Enghltld. Woman Chnmpion of }o'l'unce. At IN ANNUAL LIGHTNING MEET New York Mnrcel Oncl,amp. :1I"U8t, M r. Ulvestad Is of!'erlng II. reg­ With the nplKIlIIlf\' of the 194.8 II..!". :;.h:a\llw,noo= o;:.:blloUkon "'P to I ~eadersh i ps tht('~C LA wound up a ' ",.;:i ~r~ ~ as FJ~ ItelI ur1t!' I \~ '[or the match. 40 boards, pins choice ot OUII of Competed fuli yelH' of I'ocord breaking tour­ the following half-hour features: T;"'en i:y-()n~ Ch ;S~ Play ~rs 7C naments. In everyone of the RAG·-cA7CN°-C=Ap=T=U=RES 1) a two-board slmultanoous blind­ In Seventh U. S. A hnual Lightning Tourney events there I WHe more entries folded 811eed dlSlllay with Mr. than In any yea)' In the !.eague·s MISSOURI TITLE Ulvest.3.d allowing himself 15 eeo­ history. ! o nds maximum per move; R Displacing Max Pa,'cy, WI!) did not defend his title. Robert B)"rne Youth again triumphs IlS John :n o ( Yale, ISH Liltcrcollegiate CI1p-Jn plon, won lhe Se\-cnth Annual U. S. In the Lead~"hitls, Sl)eCiul and Ragan, IS-year old SL Loulslln who lecture-gnme, highlighted and ex­ L!ghtn lng Tournament with a tkore of 8-1, drawing with Dr. Mcngarilll Regular, there 1I'ere o,-er 120 en­ fifllt tried his hand at cheas only pln ined with a talk 011 new Ideas in tllc opening. and you~ ge r brolher, Donald Oyrne. Second place went to Larry EVAllS tries. Last yeal' there were only two years ago, bested the veteran w ith a seol'c of 7·2. rcprescnthlf IO SHeIi 10 HObert Byruc and Julius Par. 103. H. Wesenberg Of l{ansns City In Clubs In terested in cngaglng Mr. tOil. Third place was CS lltured by Parlos with 6i'i·6~, while Herbert Seid­ a play·on game 10 take !)ossesslon Ulvestad Inay address 111111 fOr a man Iliaced fourth with 5-4. Donald Byrne and Dr. Mengarini tied l or The largest tournallIent or tile year, as In aU years, was the of the 1948 Mlflsonri Stale CllIlmp­ date as: Olaf UI\,estad. 2113 - 41 Hflh wllh H+4~ eac:h. 1948 Grand National, for the om­ ionshlp. Ragan, II studlolls It II d A\·ellne. S.W., Sealtle G, \Vash. 110t In the preliminaries hI SCCtiO Il B, Robert Byrne captu red (l1'6t place cial Correspondepce Chess Cllam­ industrious young playel' with a later than Ja.nuary 15th, 1949. with 8t-ll), los iug to 01'. Ariel Mcngariul aud drawing with .Jeremiah Illonshlp of tho U. S. A. for l!l4 11. .natural talent fo)" the game proved }o'r om January 20th 10 February DODOV811. j;'. Howard and Dr. Mengarlnl placed in a tie behind him (or a star Uing upset in the six rotlnd There were mol'~ than 480 contest­ SUI, addr ess Ulvestad, care of F. second with n-2~ each. In Section A Donald Byrne topped t he field ants signed Ull tor (l1(l event. TIllS Swiss wilen he tied H. \Vesenberg A. La.snle\', 714 Creel' Lane, Palo with G~-2!, while Larry Evans a lld George Krauss tied fo r second with In the regular tournament with n ,\!to, California . 6-3 each. is conslderabi)' larger than any previous Gmw\ National. Over 50 score or 5- 1, conceding his only Tile tou rnamen t was held at the scctlons wel'e required to dh-Ide loss to 'Vesenberg, while \Vescn­ quarters of the Log Cabin Chess PHILA SERVES berg yielded a loss to R. SI;hooler. MICHIGAN PLANS the playel's lI uc~esstully . New Yo rK Club In West Orange, N. J . with lllld California earb entel'ed enough F ifteen players competed In the OPEN TOURNEY R ichard W. Wayne acting as tour­ CHESS TREAT men to make n full separate di­ six·round Swiss e vent conducted nallient d irector and Io'orry E. The World H ob by ExposiUolI by the Missou ri State Chess A s­ The Michigan State Chess Lauck!> of the Log Cabin and vision In each state. sociation. C. H arrold and R. School­ sodatlon voted on November 21 Vluc6llt Starke servlug as the gen· held at the Convention Hall In The CCLA too set a record In Philadelphia became a real chess er tied for third with 4·! each. to make a c hange in the style of eral ID1I.nagers. Twenty-one play­ members h ip. ItS members now lOOk: treat the MercsnUie Library while R. Vollman and R. Poohle the annual Championship T ourna­ el's were pl'esent, including repre­ ~hen with' pdde 0 11 their ra (li d ly grow· Chess Association m aintained a tied for fifth with n-2a. These ment. In previous years it has beell s en tation (I'om the New York Me­ Ing group and find e\'ery reason large booth with 12 ta bles for chess ties were not b rOken In the fJual a Round Robin Tournament with \TO politan, area, New Jersey, to believe it Is olle of the fi n· which were constantly In use. standing. entranta limited to one to each Washington, O. C" and Cleveland, est a nd strongest cor respondence =-------- Ohio. E. R. Glover, president of the c hess organiUlliolls in existence. club holding membershJp in tlle !\ILCA, and Norman T. \Vhltaker ROZSA REPEATS state association. In 19~9 the tour­ In the consolation tour nament, were on duty every day from 1 to IN OKLAHqMA narnent will be an open tourna­ Julius Goodma n ot Cleveland 11 p.m. and were aSSisted by olhers LOUISVILLE HAS ment and will be conducted along scored 51-16 to wi n first place, re­ ot the "Merc's" 180 members. Large In the third'a.i'nUal tournament Swiss System lines. It will be held NEW CHESS CLUB of the r.hf!"~ A,,!I(I('in. peating h is performance or a year new boarda and me ". furnished b:r Oklahomll on -two W.,.,k.-t!UUII, uuc uf which ago In B rooklyn. the Gallant Knigbt CO. of Chicago, Hon, Dr. Bela Rozsa. professor of will A new chess club ot 40 members be the Fourth or July holiday were IIsed and a large assortment music at Tulsa University and week-end. 'fhis is of an experimen­ resulted trom the cheslI classes at USCF Vice-President. fOl' the third of chess books published by the tal nature for 1949 and fu ture years PORTSMOUTH TOPS the t.oulsvllle ( K y .) YMCA III)On90r­ successive time captul'cd the Okla­ ~1cKay P ublishing Co. of Phllndel-­ plans will depend on the outcome ed Jointly by the YlfCA and the homa Championship with a score phia were gn displa y. of this trial. This proced ure !lta NO. SHORE LEAGUE Loulsv!llc Chess Club. The YMCA of H ·!-, ceding his only draw 1.0 S. In quite well with the recent action has oftered generous club)"oom ta­ J. Mayrield, who placed second. With a final match score of 6·0 MEMORIAL HIGH cllitles tor the new clull. Third place went to J . H. GII1 , In Michigan In putting the m ember­ the Portsm outh (N. H.) Chess ship 011 au Indi\-idual basis. Certain Hown!'!1 Kea)'l!:)y. fonnerly of fOUl·tll place to E. N. Anderson, Cluh swept tlie North Shore Chess RETAINS TROPHY a nd fiftil place to D. K. Higgin­ teatures ot the club mcmllershll) WlIsilington, was elected presiden t League with a gamc score or 2n botham.
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