540 30 August 1969 News and Notes WHITTET, Craig Dunain Hospital, Inverness, epi- of the Brompton Hospital), Fulham Road, SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF demioldgy of alcoholism in the Highlands and Islands, £7,500 over three years, from funds pro- London S.W.3, on Fridays at 5 p.m. from LONDON vided by the Distillers Company Limited for 3 October to 5 December inclusive. L.M.S.S.A.-S. G. Taktak, A. M. Hasan, H. T. research into alcoholism. Abu-Zahra, K. G. A. M. Ghattas, L. S. Nakhla, Br Med J: first published as 10.1136/bmj.3.5669.540 on 30 August 1969. Downloaded from B. A. K. Al-Kazzaz, M. Amanullah, F. R. Akrawy, IX Congris National des Midecins de M. A. Shanif, W M. Umrani, A. F. M. S. Rahman, Strike by Ambulance Men M. M. Abdel Rahman, W. F. Abadir, J. Y. Hallac, Ambulance drivers withdrew services from Centres de Sante.-16-18 October. Details A. F M. Shamsul Alam, M. Impallomeni, D. B. from Secretariat, 3 rue de Stockholm, Albuquerque, 0. E. F. M. Fadl, M. Habboushe, 25 of London's 76 ambulance stations earlier G. Gordon, G. R. Tadross, F. S. Mina, M. A. B, this week, and the Federation of Ambulance Paris 8. El-Gothamy, A. A. Shihata, S. D. Sarkar, A. M. H Aboul-Ata, E. F. Sayegh, J. K. S. Wee, S. S. Personnel claimed that the strike action Michail, M. H. Rahman, A. R. I. Ahmed, Z. would be extended if its claims were not met. Symposium on Patient Monitoring.-24 Husain. October, Royal College of Surgeons of DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE (CLINICAL).- The Federation was formed earlier this year G. J. Roberts, J. Chandra, D. G. Graig, D. M. and has not yet been recognized by the England. Details from Mr. J. S. S. Hesslegrave-Jackson, C. A. Houlder, M. 0. A STEWART, Royal Albert Edward Infirmary, Malik, D. C. Marshall, P. H. Rajapakse, A. N. Greater London Council. Ambulance staff Redfern, C. M. H. Rotman, R. M. Salble, N. are officially represented by, the National Wigan, Lancashire. Saravanapavananthan, G. F. W. Swan, A. S. Wallace, W. J. B. White, D. Wright. Union of Public Employees, the Transport DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE (PATHOLOGY). and General Workers' Union, the General Institute for the Study and Treatment of -J. Chandra. and Municipal Workers' Union, and the Delinquency.-Series of six lectures on the DIPLOMA IN INDUSTRIAL HEALTH.-V. A. Aazem, subject of " Drug Dependence," 8 October, L. B. Barnes, R. J. Blow, J. D. Desai, B. J. Confederation of Health Service Employees. Doughty, L. M. Fenton, F. Heyes, J. A. Kay, started 5 November, 3 December, 7 January, 4 Feb- E. 0. Longley, S. M. P. Seneviratne, M. S The present dispute when the G.L.C. ruary, 4 March, 7.30 p.m., Caxton Hall, Siddiqui, D. L. Smith, A. K. M. Taherul Islam, transferred the Federation's treasurer from W. S. Whitehead. the Brixton ambulance depot to the Oval " in London S.W. 1. Details from I.S.T.D., the interests of industrial peace." 8 Bourdon Street, London W.1. Correction People in the News Insulin and Corticoid Response *. Professor RUSSELL FRASER, professor of Societies and Lectures In the Preliminary Communication "Insulin For attending lectures marked * a fee is charged endocrinology at the Royal Postgraduate or a ticket is required. Applications should be and Corticoid Response to Intravenous Fructose Medical School, and Mr. A. L. EYRE-BROOK, made first to the institution concerned. in Relation to Glucose Tolerance," by J. M. senior orthopaedic surgeon to the United Aitken and M. G. Dunnigan, 2 August, p. 276, Tuesday, 2 September the fourth sentence of the second paragraph of Bristol Hospitals, are lecturing in Latin KINGSTON UPON THAMES MEDICAL CENTRE.-12.30 the Materials and Methods section should have America by arrangement with the British p.m., general practice seminar, Dr. M. Buchan: Giant Cell Arteritis; Dr. G. Steer: Differences in read, " One hundred and fifty minutes after the Council. Professor Fraser is an official Outlook between Alcoholics and Drug Addicts.* first sugar had been infused. delegate to the Chilean Medical Society's WELLCOME INSTITUTE OF THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE. -1.15 p.m., Dr. Chauncey Leake (California): 100th anniversary celebrations from 1 to 4 The School of Salerno and its Library. September. Friday, 5 September I3RITISH SOCIETY OF AuDIOLOGY.-At 1 Birdcage News in Brief Walk, London S.W.1, 5 p.m., short papers. Grants totalling £20,000 have been given by Tenovus, the charitable organization, to Leeds Notice to Authors University for cancer research. They go to the Appointments When original articles and letters for publica- newly created university department of radio- tion are not submitted exclusively to the British therapy and the high energy radiation research MANCHESTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL BOARD.-S. K. Ghosh, M.B.. D.M.R.D. (whole-time or maximum Medical Journal this must be stated. centre, both at Cookridge Hospital, and to the part-time consultant radiologist, Burnley and District Correspondence on editorial business should department of anatomy. groups of hospitals); G. A. Turnbull, M.B., be addressed to the Editor, British Medical M.R.C.O.G. (whole-time or maximum part-time consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, North Journal, B.M.A. House, Tavistock Square, Lon- http://www.bmj.com/ Grants and Awards Lancashire and South Westmorland group of don W.C.l. Telephone: 01-387 4499. Tele- The prizewinners in the medical students' hospitals). grams: Aitiology, London W.C.1. essay competition sponsored by the Medical NORTH-EAST METROPOLITAN REGIONAL HOSPITAL Authors wanting reprints of their articles Defence Union (see 8 February, p. 391) BOARD.-H. E. R. Chew, M.B., F.F.A. R.C.S., and should the B.M.A. B.M.Y., J. R. McN. Houston, F.F.A. R.C.S. (consultant notify Publishing Manager, are Mr. G. C. FIcK, of Capetown University anaesthetist to Forest group of hospitals). House, Tavistock Square, W.C.1, on receipt of Medical School, and Miss H. C. A. SANFORD, of UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES.-E. Cochrane, proofs. the Middlesex Hospital Medical School. The O.B.E., M.D., D.P.H. (honorary consultant, De- subject was "Professional Secrecy and What It partmAent of Social and Preventive Medicine). Subscriptions Implies." WESSEX REGIONAL HOSPITAL BOARD.-R. M. Frew, M.B., F.F.A. R.C.S. (consultant in anaes- Members' subscriptions should be sent to the thetics, Bournemouth and East Dorset). Secretary of the British Medical Association, on 29 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Recent Publications B.M.A. House, London, or to the Scottish Sec- Copies of Television in Postgraduate and retary, B.M.A. Scottish Office, Drumsheugh Continuing Medical Education, an account of Gardens, Edinburgh. the proceedings of a conference held in Universities and Doctors who are not members of the B.M.A. October 1968, can be obtained from the Colleges can subscribe to the B.M.7. The rates for Department of Audio Visual Communication, doctors resident in the United Kingdom and B.M.A. House, Tavistock Square, London LONDON abroad are given on the first page of the classified W.C.1, price 10s. The title of reader in virology has been con- advertisements. These include the rate for the ferred on Dr. A. Cohen in respect of his post North American "Air Express," which is avail- at University College Hospital Medical School. able to both members and non-members of the The title of reader in haematology has been B.M.A. Coming Events conferred on Dr. R. G. Huntsman in respect of his post at St. Thomas's Hospital Medical Classified Advertisements Association of Medical Advisers in the School. Doctors Abroad.-Copies of the appointment Pharmaceutical Industry. - Six lectures, M.PHIL.-In the Faculty of Medicine: J. S, vacancies advertised in the B.M.J. can be sent " Stephens. by airmail on request. Elementary Statistics for Clinical Trials," PH D.-In the Faculty of Medicine: J. A Members' rate: the 24 September, 16 October, 6 November, 6 Clements, Ruth O'Keeffe, D. D. Pout. minimum cost is 40s. for six weeks' supply, for p.m., Wellcome Foundation, Euston Road, which copies of vacancies in up to five sections BIRMINGHAM of the classified advertisements will be sent. London. £2 for course. Application for Non-members' rate 60s. minimum for six weeks' tickets to Dr. E. H. L. Appointments.-Dr. A. Glass (senior lecturer, HARRIES, c/o Leo department of anatomy); Dr. R. Pusztai (Wellcome supply of five headings or less. Additional Laboratories, Hayes Gate House, 27 Research Fellow, department of microbiology) ; Dr. headings (for members and non-members) 10s. Uxbridge Middlesex. A. V. J. Butler, Dr. D. J. Campbell, Dr. D. each for six weeks' supply. Orders for Road, Hayes, Gatehouse, Dr. N. J. Hodson-Walker (temporary specific lecturers, department of anatomy); Dr. B. W. grades in any section cannot be accepted. Pay- Institute of Diseases of the Chest.- Codling (lecturer, department of pathology); Dr. ment must be prepaid and enclosed with the Ml. S. Gracey and Dr. S. H. Green (Research application. Clinical demonstrations, open to medical Fellows, Institute of Child Health); Dr. J. B. Details of rates, etc., for practitioners without fee, will be held in the Hawkins and R. C. Joshi (temporary lecturers, de- classified advertise- partment of medicine) ; Dr. D. H. Morgan (senior ments appear on the first page of the classified lecture theatre of the institute (in the grounds lecturer, department of psychiatry). section..
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