TRADES Dffiectory, 1910. DEN 1525 •

TRADES Dffiectory, 1910. DEN 1525 •

TRADES DffiECTORY, 1910. DEN 1525 • Hnme Hy. Robt. 2()7 Kengington Hi~h st W •May William, 24 Quex ro1.d, Kilburn NW *Priestley George Wm. 'l8 Gordon square'NC •raylor Kdwin H.v. P,;scJ.l, 28 Store Et WG •Humphreys Jack, 80 Brook street W Meadows Francis JaR. 90 La.dbroke jlrov.: W *Pritc'l.!l.r,l Atbol Cravnant, 53 Upper Brook Taylor William, 217 Tnfnell park roJ.d N Inlkr Goorge Joseph, 14l Ca.mberwell rd SE b:Xfceke Wil \iam, H5 Harley strPct W street W "'Thew Wilton, UO Harley street W •Jamea Herbcrt Henniu~ !\4 Wimpo!e st W •Mellersh Wm. Francis, 2~ Wimpole streetW §';!ainn Waiter, 1! Hertford street, ~fayfair W bThomson David, 147A., Harley street W •!James Wiliiam Wa"wick, L.R.C.P.Lon:l. • Miller B'rederick Ta_vler, 294 Earl's et. rd SW •H.athbun Charles, 10 liarley street W bThom.;on James lf.3'l GPorge st. fianovr.sqlfl 2 Park crescent, Portlan<l plaee W b;\fil:er Joseph, l7 Upper Wirnpole street W Read •.3tanley & "'Arth<tr, 15 W•lbllru sq WC *Thomson George, 38 Harlcy street W Jamieson Ja.mes, 64 C11mden roa.<i NW .Millett Robert 1'ercy, :.!2 O!i.kley square NW §Read IIenry B,lrton, 1 Portland place W bTbomson M:urray, 147 \, H>orley street W .Johns Wm. Richard. 204 Grove road, Bow E Mitche!l & *Lukyn, G3 & 61 New Bro!W. st E G •tiRead Wa.lton Rix, I Porthmcl pla.ce W "Thorne B:dwarr1, 57 New Cavendish street W Johnson Wlllter Edward, 70 Wimpole street W MitchellLouisJ amcs,D. D.S.390 pperBrook RtW •.ReecP Thoma~ Oad<, 53 Harley street W & Thnrgooo, 255 E;;sex rd.Islin~on N •Joues Alex:ander John, 129 Strand WC lli.ll:ontuschi Frederick Ga~tpard, 99 Shafte~- 12 Marble arch W "'Timms Samuel, 20 Grosvenor street W Jones Geor;{e Horatio, surqeon·dentist, Eug. bury BVtlnue W ReganEJwrl.Jsph.21 0JIIege crcs. Belsize pkN W *I:Todd Frederick, 21 Old Burlington street W land & Doctor of D~ntal Surgery, U.S . .:\...; lli :.foore H u bert William, 163 North End rd W "il R.elph Arthur, 24 Wimpole street '11 Toomey Michael Eugene, 52 RathtJOne place W Gradu:J.te ()f Baltimore College; Exam. M organWilliam~~Fredk.Job.n,·WGower 8tW C •iiR.elpn Herbert John, 24 Wimpole street W • Dnncan, 88 Grosvenor rd. HighburyN • !i'.R.S. L., F.R.M.S., F. R.ft.S, ; perwrmlly J:Morgsn Evan Abrah.J.lll, L.R.C.P.Irel. '"Richard ;on EdwinJ.D.D.8.U.S . .A..,L.D.S RC,._, //Trewby Hy.Wm. 17 George st.II~"nover sq W awarded ten Gold Medals at the Grmt 1 Bttrlington gardens W Eng .(St. Mary's Hospital & D0ntal Hospital 'IITruman Cha•.li:dwin,2~01d Burlington st W International Exhibitions & the highest Morgan John Wesley, 2~9 Seven Sisten rd N W ), 41 Brool!: street, Grosvenor square W Tucker Uhas. l<:rnest, llO West I£ nu lanP NW Diploma of Merit for painles> & perfect Moritz Richartl Car!, 1:!0 Cromwell road SW *[IB.ilot Charles Fre lerick, L.R.C.P, Lond. Tnrner H.trry Spencer, 1 H ~LmlJ. vale W dentistry; elected member of the A cademie 'IIMorley Frank, L.R.C.P. 67 WimpolestreetW 22 Wimpole street W OTurner Henry Watoon, 59 Wimpole street W Natiomle, Paris; appointed hon. dem11l "1:,1orris Ch11.rles Srmlthorpe,~7 Up. Hrook stW *Rispin Williaw., 10 Portm~n street W *+Turner .Toseph George, 59 Wimpole street W tiurgeon to the Heedlmm Orphanage, Britisl1 ~[1:\iorri-; Gerald Hamilton, 17 & 18 Railway Robbins Coruetius, 6 Stmtford place W Tyrer Peter, ~05 Cambrirlge rd. Bet1ma.l gm E Asylum for Deaf & Dumb .J<'cmales, Lie. approach, London bridge SE •Robertil & GibiJS, 77 Cambricige garcl.enR W •liUnderwood A.rthr. SwJ.yne, 'J6 Wimpole stW Vie. Schools; & obtained a high class *Mo:lely I,ewin I,P.WiB. 11 Welbeck street W Robcrbs l<'rerlk. GP.o:·gt', 53 LurlgatP. hill E lii: Usher Henry Wm. Paget, 3!l7 City roarl E C certificate from S. G. Hutchins, es'{. sur· *:\foser l\lk. Rmlolyh,276 E 0 Robertsou Arthur E·i,viu,3! Tnudoe square, •Van der Pant Francis Henry Morgan, 46 goon dentist to Her l\fajesty the Q•1een of D:\fuller Frederick M.J3! Wmtbourne gro W 8'luth Kensin~ton SW Seymonr street W England & Kmpress of India, who writes :­ •j)Mnmmery John Howard, 10 Cavendish pi W §Rohinsou Frank, 4 Grosvenor street W cVan NoorJen Emile John, 5 Finsbury sq E C " Y0)1r teeth are the best, safc';t, and most \\'l:mnmery Swnley Parkes,lO Cavendish pl W B. >bin50n Leopold Holid<\y, ltl Poultry E C Varley Richard, o.o.s. 5l4. Oxforu street W life like, rr.nd your system is the perfection "11 \I:yerLeC\llo.rd,L. R.C.P. Lond. 76 Wirnpole stW Rogcrs & Davis, 140 Edgware ro!W. W & 174 •V&ughan Hrbt. Thoa.l6Hilrt Rt. Bloom~byW C of painless dentistry." Moderate fees; •XehmPr Ferdimmd, 21i6 l<Jssex rnari N Victoria street S N •Vine Frerlc. St.ockm1.n, 5R Fimbury pav E C crown, tJridge & tJar work on l.tis ausolutely <~>.::{e., Geo. Herbcrt, 215 Knightsbridge SW •:JRogers Clamle, H:l Harley street W "Vis;ck Henley Clarence, 39 Brook street W painle,;s, plateless & perfect system; •Nicholls Reginald Edward, 18 Portland p!W Rogers John,162 High street,Nottinlo\ hill gt'N "Walker Gilbert, 12 .St. Mary's terrace W con~ultation free daily at Northeroft George, 115 Harley street W "'.fl.ogel'S John P. 10! Ken,;in~t.on Hiqli i!t W We.llaoe Jss. 11 Devon.1hire st. Portland piW 58 G-reat Russell street WC, ~N ottin!O("ham J a.s. Fredk. 2 Copeuh~· n st N Ro~ers Thomas Abr.Wam,'258Caledonitm rd N •Wallace.Jas.'lim.n.~c.,,l.O.'IUA, Wimpole ~'N directly opposite the British Mugeum­ •iiNowell Wa.lter Sn.lmon, 18 Stmtford plscie W §Rooke James Henr.v. ll Hrook s•reet N IIEWallis B'l)d, 1 Duke st. Manche~ter 8q W Teiephone 6753 Gerrard •odrly Alfd. Ernst.5 Duchess st.Portland ol W "Rose Harry, 2.'i Weymauth street W Wall is E<i ward. '18 Q11een A.nne street W •Jontlll Richd. Wm.16 East!ndia dock road E §Olver Hy. Uren, 10 Park cres. Portland plW t>Rose Samtwll''rank, 2:) Weymoutli street W •Wallis Elton Whishaw, 30 Monmouth road, •Jones Sydney,l Sloane squace, Chelsea SW *Oiver Rollown.v ,41 Devonshire st. Prtlnrl p\W "Rose Walter Sitlney, 52 Parkllllr3t ro_\\], N B:11 swater W & 1\4 Wimpole st root W •Jones Wm. 2 Colosse!Im ter. Alhany st N '11 •Oivcr Julian Hy. 10 Park cres. Portland plW El.ouw Rot1ert Wynne, L.R.C.P.Lond. 7 Wim- •Wallis Ferdinand H. !l3 Cornwall grdns SW Jon!ll! WilHam, 5 Deptford broad way SE Osmer Thomas Hitchoock, 16 Upper Plulli· pole street W •Wa.llis George, li4 Wimpole street W §Jones William Cadwaladr, 4 Queen's road, more place, Kensin~ton road W 'Rushton William, 32 Harley street W Walton William, 2 St. Paul's road N Bayswater W & 41 Craven hill gardens, Ontred Tllo!l. Renj.30Ca.q,;!anrl rd. 8. H cknv r-.1 F' •Ryan Thomas Frn.nciR, 11'1 Wellington sq SW Warin~ Albert Wynne, 3 Bucklernbnry E C Bayllwater W Ovey A ngn8tus, 17 Orchard st. :rortman sq W St.AubynEdmond Cha.s.270 Earl's courc rdSW ,;,Watson Jacob Louis, Hl West Flnd lane NW Jones Wm. Merton, 13 Fenchurch street E C "'0vey William Charles Augustus, 17 Or9hanl Salter Franci~ 8eptimns, 103 Mount street W Watts AlexanderCameron, 387 Holloway rdN •~Jones Wm. Watkin Carlwa1adr,4 Queen's rd. street, Portmlln square W 1;13amuel Bertra!Il Barnctt, 11 We! beck strectW •Watts George, 103 Hava,;tock hill NW BayswatrW&41 Craven llill gdns.BayswtrW t>[[ Packe George Gartield, l.'i Harley ~treet W •Ransom William Bertra.w. il4 Bruton st W §Webb, 11 Devonshire st.l'ortlnd. pl W *Joseph Edgar, 11 Princes st. Cavenrlish sqW ~l"acke Goorge James, 15 Harley street W lliS trgeu t Vyvian Fitzgerrtll, 1 ~ Hcmov~r st W •Webb Humfrey Jn.36& 37Gt.St.Helen'sEC K&ntorowich Hermann, 3 Aldgate High st E. "'Pallant El. Arnol•t·, 66 Harley- street W •::!a.yles Fras. Au;;ti.n, ilJ Finstmry square E C §Wedgwood Joseph James, M.ll., u.u.8. (con· • •Kellll Clarence Albert, 81 Clarendon road W *Pal mer p, rei val fiy.IIayes, Ill? A, Harley stW Scarliti William, 5 Adam st. t'onmau sq W suldng),l2 Old Burlin~ton street W •Keele Stephen, 8 H1ghbury place N & 5 li>Pare John Wm. M. D. 6! Brook street W • ic'l.elling Car!, 37 Cavendish sq U»re W OWeiss l!'elix Henri, 81 tlarlev streJt W Upper Wimpole street W bPark Charles Ne~ son, 65 Lmlgate hili E C *3chlesinl!er Wm.Angnstus, 'l4 Gordon square •Weiss Willour;o:hby, 7 CR.vendlsh square W •),Keen Edward, 62 Sydney street, Chelsea SW Parker Wiiliam Henry, i97 A, Adelaide rd NW WC & 3 Woburn Bq'lare WC •Weller ()hA.rle,, 26 St. Thomas' street SE t),Keevil Gro Mulready,20Weymoutll streetW •Parsons Ernest, (9 Queen A.nne street W Scott-Rus!lell Wm. Burrow~.10~Nw.Oxfd.stWC §West Wllliam, '27 Newingtnn crescent, NeW• Kempster John Joseph, ii Dre.yton ter.

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