'fzm: 1 MANY HAPPY RETURNS! Toddy, February 7, 1963 to be exact, one of Canada's oldest citizens Mr. Weston Ostrander of Oyen is celebrating his 102nd birthday! Hale and hearty despite 102 years, Mr. Ostrander is receiving congratulations and best wishes from HANNA HERALD a very wide circle of friends. His daughter Mrs. Art Funnell, resides in Hanna. Many Happy Returns of the Day to this real oldtimer"! "AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS" HKH1P Volume 51 —No. 15 T THE HANNA HERALD ond EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY^ FEBRUARY 7, 1963 »cnmr*-o S3 00 Per Yeor—7c Per Copy •MMM-***********,, !•+*++*++++++++*+*+* OYEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NAMES COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN; Hanna Approved Location ACTION PROGRAM PLANNED Increased Rural Membership Prime Need as President G. Hunter Calls Executive Members Together For Senior Citizen's Home President Gordon Hunter of the Oyen Chamber of Com merce was host to the executive at a dinner in the Legion Han, CONTRUCTION STARTS THIS SENIOR CITIZENS HOME IN HANNA on Thursday, January 31. *D Possible undertakings for the year were outlined in the enthusi NEW FEATURE SPRING ON GOVERNMENT-FINANCED astic business session which follo­ FOR READERS wed. Mr. Hunter indicated duties of the various committees and na­ The sterling pioneer days of PROJECT; "LODGE" TYPE BLDG. med the following chairmen: Hanna and district are being National Affairs, J. B. Lijdsman; relived (in print) for the bene­ Five Acres Set Aside By Town Provincial Affairs; Hoy Jaques; fit of Herald readers, through Municipal Affairs, Miles Logan; Re­ the column "In The Days That In Area West of Recreation tail Merchants, G. E. Ferguson, Ag­ Wus", the first of which ap­ Grounds; Will Accommodate Fifty riculture, Alvin Carran; Recreation pears on page two, and will Wm. Connors; Local Improvements hereafter occupy a regular spot on the editorial page. The Hon. L. C. Halmrast, Minister of Welfare, government of Doug Clark; Membership and Soci­ Alberta announced last week that Hanna would be included al, C. A. Mansfield; Finance, R. feature Is being compiled from the Herald files by Ferg James as one of the sites for construction of a senior citizens home Conlin; Publicity, Mrs. A. Jardine; this summer. The Minister's announcementt culminated prep­ Jubilee Parade, Ben Weller. well known pioneer of the dis­ , Committee heads will select as­ trict, now living In Hanna, arations started quite some time ago, whereby Special Areas sistants from the general member­ Ferg once farmed, bought 1 and 2, as well as communities in east central Alberta agreed ship. Recreational facilities, new grain even taught school, and to Hanna as the most suitable site for the home. later became a successful ran­ businesses and services for Oyen, The other two homes will be con­ store hours, and increased rural cher in the Richdale district, Alberta who is not suffering from and though his interests have structed at Lethbridge and Vulcan a chronic disease which incapaci­ membership in the chamber were bringing to 45 the number con­ among the subjects discussed. One been many, he has not strayed tates him is eligible. There are no too far from Hanna at any time structed in the government's five age or residence restrictions. of the first projects will be a day year plan. of free skating with children from Capping a most active life in Applications are reviewed on the Oyen and the surrounding areas as his "yen" for literary works, Cost of the home completely fur­ basis of need of the applicant for guests. and his poems which appear nished is approximately $200,000, the type of accommodation avail­ periodically in the Herald are and its operation will be conduc­ able. There is no means test. Chamber meetings will be held enjoyed by hundreds of read­ ted by means of a board of direc­ Services Provided monthly, each with a special spea­ ers. In the process of compil­ tors, one from each area or com­ The new homes provide accom ker or program. The February mee­ ing his column, Ferg will also munity participating. modation for fifty elderly person? M ting will be held Monday, Feb. 18 gather together his collection Details furnished the Herald as of each sex, both married couples in the Oyen Arena. of poems and it is quite pos­ to size, construction, etc. cf the and single persons. sible that these will be pub­ building reveal that it will be of All services are contained on one Six Break-Ins lished in book form at a later 50-bed capacity, and is built on the floor. According to a Calgary news re­ date. In the meantime Ferg "lodge" design rather than single Eighteen bedrooms, each with port thieves had themselves a mer­ passes along thi* comment to unit style. Rates for occupation separate facilities for the two per­ ry time in Coronation last Thurs­ Herald readers: "I'm not living will be $65 per month for single sons occupying it, and fourteen day night, at the height of a raging in the past, and I don't expect rooms and $60 per month for dou­ bedrooms for single occupancy are blizzard. While the storm raged, you are either, but I just ble. The home will employ a ma­ provided. thieves entered no less than six thought you might be interes­ tron and a staff of seven. Else­ Each bedroom has a toilet and business places, including three ted in a weekly round-up of where in the Herald are further washing facilities. stores, a garage, an implement ag­ the events in the days that details as to the home's operation, Bathing facilities are contained ency and a pool hall. Loss is re­ wus!" furnishings, etc. and obviously in each bedroom wing of the buil­ ported as not extensive, and police these will be made more complete­ ding. are investigating. ly available to those who wish oc­ Five lounge areas, a recreation cupancy when the home is comple­ and handicraft area, are contained ted. in the building. S. F. Wright, chairman of a spe­ Meals are served in a common PLANS PROGRESS FOR COMMUNITY cial committee composed of M. Va­ dining room at tables seating fi lentine and 0. L. Hutton appointed persons. by the Town Council recently com­ The homes are equipped and BAND IN HANNA; OFFICERS SET pleted negotiations with the Wel­ furnished with all amenities to pro­ fare Dept. as to a proper site for vide pleasant living. i the home. It will be located west A matron is in charge and thc UP AT SUNDAY MEETING of the arena between fifth and staff prepares and serves meals, I Can Become Reality If Strong third avenues west, and facing on maintains the common rooms and, fifth street west. It will occupy ap­ assists residents in maintaining! Support Received; Search Now On proximately five acres of land, and their own bedrooms. For New or Used Instruments faces towards to east and the Han­ Maintenance Rates na recreation area. It is to be loca­ Occupying a single bedroom — Attempts to form a community band in Hanna, took a ted on property owned by the town. $65.00 a month. turn for the better over the week end, when on Sunday after­ In addition to providing a site, the Sharing a bedroom for double noon a rather meagre but enthusiastic group of sunporters town must also provide an outfall occupancy — $60.00 a month. turned out to a meeting in the Anglican Parish Hall. Tljre main sewer line as well as a water line. A person whose only incom This will be done at an estimated derived from pension and supple­ reason for the meeting was to discuss at random various as­ cost of approximately $20,000. Thc mentary allowance to a total of $70 pects of band work, organization and financial.support, plus line will be laid along fifth street a month shall not be charged a the most important phase of securing instruments of all types west and south-westerly across 3rd monthly maintenance rate exceed­ and condition. *±~ avenue and thence south to the ing $60.00 a month. The outcome of the session was sewage disposal plant across the Residence is not restricted to the formation of an organization CN. tracks. A plebiscite will be those elderly persons residing in to be known as the Hanna and Dis­ BAND PIECES necessary in order for the town to the area in which a home is locat­ trict Band, whieh when underway proceed with this phase of the plan ed. A resident is required to com­ will include boys and girls, roen URGENT NEED The home while built by the prov­ plete an application form accom­ and women of all ages, not necessa­ incial government will be later panied by a medical report certi­ rily residents of Hanna, but includ­ Have you a "retired" saxa- transferred to Municipal Founda­ fying that he Js not suffering from ing those from surrounding com­ hone, trumpet, clarinet "kick­ tions for operation. any chronic or contagious disease munities who are interested in mu­ ing around the house". Has It is expected that construction on the form provided for the pur­ sic, particularly band work. dad given up playing that old will commence early this spring, pose and certified by a medical /Garnett Nicholls, originator of trombone? Have you forgotten and the project completed well in doctor. the idea and a staunch supporter thait tarnished alto horn er ba­ advance of next fall. In the mean­ 1 of a community band, has been el­ ritone, that once used to blare time a Foundation Board will bo FUA Meeting Q ected president of the organization .out such strains as Colonel set up, end other details pertaining Bert Marshall, FUA Co-op agent Other officers e»: vice-president, Bogey, El Capitan, etc.
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