20— MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday. Oct. 10, 1989 I HOMES I HOMES I CARS FOR SALE CONDOMINIUMS I APARTMENTS I MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE Decision In Hunt I Nobel MANCHESTER - Now MANCHESTER - A .1 Sp«ciolisl| Timely Buy. $184,900. BEAUTIFUL Northfleld MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ CHEVROLET 1978 Z28 only 135,000 for these Green Condo - 4 room brand new, huge, excit­ Wonderful 4 bedroom, room townhouse with E N D R O L L S Camaro - $950, t-tops, I'/i bath Colonial situ­ R a n c h . 2 b e d ro o m s , fireplace. All applian­ 350, sagInaw, 4 speed, Multipurpose use ing, 7 room , 1,800 sq. ft. newly carpeted, cen­ 27’/4" width — 25<i: MHS boys’ soccer | Economic scholar beautiful contempor- ated on a lovely lot on a ces, heat, hot water, 10 bolt post, stock quiet street. This qual­ tral air, carport. Prin­ carpeting, air condi­ 13" width — 2 for 254i wheels, no clutch. a i y Townhouses. cipals only. Call after Newsprint end rolls can be OK’d for Loomis/3 Cathedral ceilings, An­ ity built home awaits tioning. Call 649-5240. Runs. 875-4499._________ still in contention/11 honored for work/6 6pm. 645-1965.__________ picked up at the Manchaatar dersen windows, full you, complete with 2 MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ Herald ONLY before 11 a.m. 1984 FORD Escort Wagon basements, 2x6 con­ car garage, attic ton, SOUTH Windsor - 3 bed­ room townhouse with Monday through Thursday. - Auto, air, am/tm, struction, fam ily room security system and room Townhouse. 3'/2 fireplace. All applian­ power steerl ng- fireplace, central air, steel beam construc­ both, marble fireplace, ces, heat, hot water, /brakes. Excellent CARPENTRY/ ELECTRICAL oven/range, dis- tion. See for yourself. glass sliders, central carpeting, air condl- condition. $2,000. 646- Century 21-Epsteln air, appliances, 1 car tlonlng. Coll 649-5240. WE DELIVER REMODELING hwasher, hood, dispo­ For Home Delivery, Call 2079._____________________ sal, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 full Real Estote, 647-8895.a garage. Move right In. DUMAS ELECTRIC $168,000. U & R Realty, MANCHESTER - 1 bed­ O L D S M O B IL E 1981 R e­ baths, washer/dryer BOLTON - Now Reduced! room apartment. Mod­ 647-9946 gency - Loaded, must Service changes, $285,000. Birch 643-2692.0 CARPENTERS/HANDYMEN hookups, cedar siding, ern, quiet, central, on Monday lo FrkJay. 9 to 6 sell. 643-1364.___________ additional wiring and wall-to-wall carpeting, Mountain-New Custom Rawonably priced retlden- bus line. Secure $575. 1984 CELEBRITY-4 door, tlel Improvamenti. Cleaning, repairs on existing tiled foyer, oak kitchen Build, 8 room Contem­ REAL ESTATE Call 649-1147, Bob fully equipped, excel­ hauling, building, remodel­ homes. Quality work at cabinets, two-zone gas porary on IV 2 a c re s . K le rn o n .________________ ing (le kitchens, baths, and heat, slider to deck and Flano Real Estate, 646- I WANTED Ftag lent condition. $3,500. rec rooms). All calls an­ affordable prices. 4 room apartment, 1st 2-car garage. Owners 5200.D SALES 1987 MUSTANG LX - 4 swered. Referencee. Entirely owner operated. floor. $550plusutllltles. cylinder, hatchback, 5 will hold a second MALLARD View. Dis­ INTERESTED In2famlly 647-1824 27 years exp. Call or larger. Quick clos­ Security and referen­ speed, $6,500. 646-2392. mortgage of $32,900 at tinctive Townhouses. ces. No pets. 9am-5pm, NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ Joseph Dumas 8% with no principal or Save thousands. ing. Residential or bus­ CHEVROLET 1974 Ca­ HanrhfHtpr Hrralli iness zoned. Reply Box 643-5372._________________ eral Statute 23-65 prohibits GCF HOM E 646-5253. Interest payment due $141,900! No associa­ the posting of advertise­ maro - New paint, new K. Manchester Herald. VER N C )f4 - M o d e rn 3* SERVICES for 7 years. These are tion fees. New 3 bed­ ments by any person, firm or vinyl top, 6 cylinder room apartment. Ap­ corporation on a telegraph, automatic, $1,750. Ne­ Remodeling, repair, decks, beautiful single family room single fam ily att­ MISCELLANEOUS homes, not condomini­ STEREO Camera, pliances and parking. telephone, electric light or gotiable. 6 4 9 -8 9 4 4 , trim work, small jobs. ached homes that offer $400. plus utilities. 647- SERVICES ums; and there are, of a sensible alternative viewer, accessories power pole or to o tree, leave message.________ Wednesday, Oct. 11,1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents Senior Citizen Discount and literature.649-2231. 1113 otter 6:30pm. shrub, rock, or any other course, no association to the high cost of a new natural oblect without o writ­ PLYMOUTH 1986 Reliant 645-6559 fees. Call today for home! A complete I CONDOMINIUMS ten permit for the purpose of - 4 door, tan, 50K miles, HAWKES TREE SERVICE complete details on package at one low protecting Itorthepubllcond a i r conditioning, these magnificent and p ric e ! l baths, fire­ I FOR RENT carries o fine of up to $50 for PAINTING/PAPERING Bucket, truck & chipper. '/2 am/fm radio, 1 owner, I Stump removal. Free beautiful homes at place, wall to wall car­ each offense. excellent condition. estimates. Special $167,900 with this very, peting, range, refriger­ ROOMS One bedroom condo, $4,900. 649-8653. consideration for elderly very special financing. ator, dishwasher, and I FOR RENT swimming pool, weight Your assurance of quick IN*rERIOR/EXTERIOR and handicapped. This Is an excellent microwave oven, full room, pool tobies, hot response when you odver- opportunity for first- basement and attached water Included. $550 Baudits rob PAINTING tlse In Classified Is that 647-7553 time buyers and Inves­ MANCHESTER - Quiet, monthly plus deposit. ITRUCKS/VANS 1 Painting & light Carpentry, garage. No gimmicks, non-smoker, semi- our readers are ready to tors. Owner will con­ lust solid dollar value- 646-7353.________________ FOR SALE I Driveway Sealed, Porches & private entrance/bath, buy when they turn to the I Halchw^s rebuilt. sider rent with option. compare! Come see MANCHESTER Gardens little ads. 643-2711. I TREE security, lease, refer­ C H E V Y 1981 P ic k u p - 6 Galligan & Co. R o th m a n 8, R o th m a n , the mode of tomorrow ences 643-8830. - 2 b e d ro o m to w n - 649-1698/643-63B6 REMOVAL 646-4144.0 In your own lot and house, $700. Security. cylinder, standard, Trees trimmed and removed. MANCHESTER-$319,900. home! Blanchard 8< Jack Lappen Realty, am/fm radio. Good Cordwood sold. Seasoned and running condition. Maiu Street Reduced for quick sole. Rossetto Realtors," 643-4263. CARS “We can tell you unseasoned hardwood only. r n APARTMENTS Asking $1,900 or best Fully Insured. Free Estimates. Lookout Mountain. An- We're Selling Houses" FOR SALE what to look for... Crane Service Available. 646-2482.0 FOR RENT otter. 742-7814. saldl Built oversized 4 HOMES Call Carl 742-5986 bedroom Colonial, 2'/j PORTER Street - This 9 1983 CHRYSLER L e - and what to look M A N S F IE L D - 1 a n d 2 FOR RENT baths, large eat-ln kit­ rm , 5 b e d ro o m house Baron - 4 cylinder, 5 MOTORCYCLES/ out fo rr chen w/wet bar and has 2'/2 baths, 1st fir. bedroom, country set­ speed, standard. Nice gloss doors to screened family room fireplace ting. $450 per month M A N C H E S T E R - L o c a te d buy, $1,995. 646-1313. MOPEDS GUTTER and up. 487-1437. In quietfam lly nelgbor- credit uuiou porch. Plaster wolls, 2 and 100x608 lot. Blan­ CHEVROLET 1980 Ma­ H arB ro h o o d , 6 ro o m , 3 b ed ­ 1981 Y A M A H A S p ecial I I - CLEANING fireplaces, attic fan. chard 8> Rossetto Real­ MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ libu - 4 door, good Completely private tors," We're Selling room flat, 2nd floor, air room home. Imme­ $550/best offer, 4,000 SERVICE diate occupancy. To condition. $1,250. 643- Brooks said. Most of them were P ain tin g wooded yard. Three Houses" 646-2482.0 conditioner. Fully op- 5484. miles. Must sell. 647- By Andrew J. Davis rent "as Is" tor $750per 7527 employees, he said. of Manchester for estimate call blocks from 1-384. Im­ TWO Family 180's this pllanced kitchen, cel­ and Rick Santos mediate occupancy. lar storage, garage. No month plus security 1984 HONDA Civic Wagon j^licc blocked off the main 875-0634 or 875-9142. n e w ly re m o d e le d 10 and utilities. No pets. - 646-0767 or 649-4554, Manchester Herald By owner 646-8711. room multi-family has pets. $690 per month CARS entrance to the credit union and Quality Painting plus utilities plus dep- 643-2129. J o c k .____________________ BOLTON - Garrison Co­ a vinyl exterior and 2 FOR SALE turned away about six customers. Services lonial located on cul- car garage. Blanchard oslt. 649-5678 after 7pm. RENT - Forest Ridge 3 1986 JEEP Wagoneer Li­ Two masked men, one brandish­ •Free Estimates LAWN CARE de-sac, 3 years old, 3 8< Rossetto Realtors," 30 Locust Street. 4 room b e d ro o m s , 2 V2 b a th s, mited - Excellent con­ ing a handgun, robbed a Main Street Gary Wood, police spokesman, dition, 43,000 miles, •Senior Citizen Discounts bedrooms plus play­ We're Selling Houses" heated apartment 1st fully appllanced kit­ credit union today of an undisclosed said the men headed north on Main •Aluminum & Vinyl room, 3 baths with 646-2482.0 floor.
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