FluvannaReview.com February 4-10, 2016 | One Copy Free Fluvanna REVIEW TTrackingracking DDownown FFluvanna’sluvanna’s Robertrtt Samuuel Campbell Lewis Perkins Campbell Sherifffff 1882-1914 Sheriff 1915-19?? LLawmenawmen PPageage 1100 Water Lawsuits Crash Corridor Fluvanna Man Supervisors to be Examined Gets 39 Years Mull Ideas For Page 7 Page 7 Dropped Page 6 2016 Page 8 February 4-10, 2016 • Volume 36, Issue 5 PPropertyroperty MManagementanagement MMadeade Easy.Easy. IInsidenside Letters ......................................... 4 Obituary ................................... 12 FOUNDED IN 1979 BY LEN GARDNER Sports In Review ...................... 19 www.fl uvannareview.com Crime Log ................................. 22 Publisher/Editor: Carlos Santos 434-207-0224 / carlos@fl uvannareview.com Puzzles ...................................... 22 Advertising/Copy Editor: Jacki Harris Classifi eds................................. 23 434-207-0222 / sales@fl uvannareview.com Calendar ................................... 25 Accounts/Classifi ed Ads Manager: Edee Povol 434-207- 0221 / edee@fl uvannareview.com Cover: Fluvanna’s past sheriffs. Photos courtesy of John Hughes. Advertising Designer: Lisa Hurdle Cover design by Lynn Stayton-Eurell and Lisa Hurdle 434-207-0229 / lisa@fl uvannareview.com Editorial Designer: Lynn Stayton-Eurell lynn@fl uvannareview.com Designer: Marilyn Ellinger Quote of the week: Staff Writers: Page Gifford, Duncan Nixon, “You really have to think hard this Christina Dimeo and Tricia Johnson year about how you want to pay Let Us Show Photographers: Lisa Hurdle Mailing Address: for the things you need, and make a P.O. Box 59, strong decision with the best YYouou How!How! Palmyra, VA 22963 benefi t over the long-term.” Address: 2987 Lake Monticello Rd. – County Administrator (434) 591-1000 • Fax: (434) 589-1704 942 Jefferson Dr.- Lake Monticello 330 Cunningham Meadows Road- Fluvanna Steve Nichols. Page 8 Photo of the week: Send your best Fluvanna photo to carlos@fl uvannareview.com $1,150/month Home w/ 3 bedrooms, 2.5 $1,600/month Beautiful Colonial home w/ 4 baths,1st fl oor master, living room w/ fi re- bedrooms, 2 car garage, fl at lot, deck, living place, back deck, room, dining room, convenient location off of Route 53 3 Tara Court- Lake Monticello 29 Ashley Drive- Albemarle $1,650/month -Waterfront home w/ 3 bed- $850/month - Adorable 2 bedroom home on rooms, open living rm to dining area, large 3+ acres w/ kitchen,living room, fenced yard, Carysbrook Elementary kicked off the 100th day of school by walking through the number 100, back deck, fi nished basement w/ patio and shed, and close to Route 53. easy walk to water/dock, 1st fl oor master. designed by Francesca Walker, art teacher at Carysbrook. Students were treated to 100th day songs and candy “Smarties” as they walked in on Wednesday, Jan. 20. Pictured are Don Stribling, principal, Julian Rivera, Jahkiya McClellan, Vivian Inkenbrandt and Cara Landsberg. Photo by Susan Brown e We Can Help You List Deadline: Advertising and news items due by Wednesday 5 p.m. for the following week. our Hom Your Home for Rent and Display and web ads: For information including rates and deadlines, YYour Home Take Care of the Details, call Lisa Hurdle at 434-207-0222 HHere!ere! Stress Free. General: The Fluvanna Review is published weekly by Valley Letters to the Editor Publishing Corp. and covers Fluvanna exclusively. It is printed • Keep letters under 350 words. on Tuesday afternoons. One copy is free. Additional copies • Refrain from personal attacks. are $1 each payable in advance to the publisher. View our Available Rentals at • Do not send letters that have been sent to other Subscriptions: Copies will be mailed for the subscription newspapers. price of $140 per year or $75 per 6 months. Please mail a • Include your name, address and phone number firstvirginiahomes.com check and a note with your name and address to: Subscrip- (for verifi cation). tions Dept., P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963. • We reserve the right to edit letters. Classifi ed ads: $10 for two weeks for 30 words or less. Lisa McCormick Mail to the Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 • Submit via email to carlos@fl uvannareview.com or mail to OWNER/ REALTOR AND PROPERTY MANAGER or stop by the offi ce at 2987 Lake Monticello Road. Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 You will get an email confi rmation that your letter has been (434)-589-3958 Legal ads: The Fluvanna Review is the paper of record for received. If you don’t, contact the editor directly. [email protected] Fluvanna County. Call Lisa Hurdle at 434-591-1000 ext. 29 to place a legal ad. Member of the Virginia Press Association Monticello Country Weddings, engagements, anniversaries: 6,400 Copies Delila Stone Call Lisa Hurdle, 434-591-1000 ext. 29. We strive for accuracy. The policy of this newspaper is to promptly OFFICE MANAGER Paid obituaries: $50 for 300 words plus photo. correct errors of fact brought to our attention. We encourage read- (434)-589-3958 Realtors Call 434-591-1000 ext. 24. ers to notify us of errors or the need for clarifi cation in any of our News hotline: 434-207-0224. content. Please email the editor at carlos@fl uvannareview.com. Two companies working If you see news happening, call us! together to provide our Craig McCormick Submissions, tips, ideas, etc.: The Fluvanna Review en- clients the highest quality courages submissions and tips on items of interest to Fluvanna 2014 Circulation audit by OWNER/ BROKER of real estate services. residents. We reserve the right to edit submissions and cannot (434)-589-3958 guarantee they will be published. Keep calendar submissions [email protected] to 50 words or less E-mail: carlos@fl uvannareview.com or mail to: Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963. Award Winning Newspaper 2 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | February 4, 2016 To advertise email: sales@fl uvannareview.com To advertise call: 434.207.0222 February 4, 2016 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 3 complete…” “Every plan has modifications to it de- Understanding Bernie “Tier 3: The permittee shall submit to pending on conditions on the ground. It’s remarkable how the pundits in the DEQ… by January 1, 2023 written con- West or north (of the Columbia CPA) Washington bubble together with the es- firmation that capital improvements are doesn’t mean it can’t be in the Columbia tablishment media still fail to understand complete…” Community Planning Area.” what Bernie Sanders is talking about. Capital improvements, says DEQ, “shall Does that make sense to you? Is our They continue to make comments like include infrastructure such as pipelines, contract merely a plan? Bernie can’t win or that he’d never be water treatment plants and associated Louisa County and the two water au- able to get his issues through Congress. Permit question storage facilities.” Fluvanna also requires a thorities filed suits against Fluvanna con- Their heads are wrapped around politics sewage treatment plant and an outfall – and, tending that we breached our contract by as usual. His numbers already show that At the Jan. 20 public hearing, I pointed as Nichols stated at the public hearing, “A withholding permits for the pipeline route he can win. And as far as getting through out that the Department of Environmental sewage plant is an expensive proposition.” they preferred. It is that very route that Congress, Bernie talks of using masses of Quality (DEQ) water permit compels Fluvan- Sure, Fluvanna could beg more time in flouted the requirement that it must run citizens to put pressure on those in office na to build a lot of costly infrastructure in a meeting DEQ’s mandates, but there are west or north of the Columbia CPA, the to bring about the change that will make short time. The permit says Fluvanna must: consequences – the risk of forfeiting some contract covenant that Nichols claimed is our government truly reflect the voices • Complete water infrastructure at Zion of Fluvanna’s precious water allocation. meaningless. Whose side is he on? of the American people. Certainly history Crossroads by January 2018, and The permit stipulates, “Any such request The contract was signed more than two has proven that it takes mass movements • Have capital improvements ready to will require a modification of the permit… years ago. If the parties could not abide by to make things happen. It took thousands serve Palmyra, Fork Union and Co- to adjust the withdrawal volumes for a par- its terms, they had time to amend it. They of Americans putting pressure on Con- lumbia with treated water and sewage ticular Tier.” In other words, use it or lose it. didn’t. Did Nichols read the contract? gress in the Civil Rights Movement, the by January 2023. Even if Fluvanna gained a couple years’ Did the Fluvanna County attorney? What women’s movement and the gay rights In the last Fluvanna Review, County Ad- leeway, that’s still major infrastructure in a about the engineering firm that billed movement. This is how democracy works. ministrator Steve Nichols called my com- hurry. And then we’ll face the choice of re- handsomely to design a pipeline that did It was with great sadness that, with the ments “incorrect.” He brushed off permit linquishing some of Fluvanna’s hard-won not conform to contract specifications? tremendous number of supporters in deadlines: “If conditions call for it, that water or spending big bucks to keep it. As it stands, Fluvanna granted special social media and other areas, Obama as may be what we do, but if they don’t, we – Elizabeth Franklin, Kents Store use permits for a pipeline route that president did not use them. Shortly after may not.” should never have been approved.
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