Chailey News Free June 2019 The Church of St Peter Parish of Chailey WEEKDAYS Monday 8pm Bell Ringing Practice Friday 6.45pm Choir Practice New ringers and choir members always welcome. Transport to services can be arranged: please contact the churchwardens. The Church is open during daylight hours. PRIEST IN CHARGE: The Parish is in Interregnum PARISH OFFICE : The Parish Offi ce will be manned occasionally Teresa Wenban [email protected] Web site www.stpeterschailey.org CHURCHWARDENS: Mrs Chris Peskett 01825 721431 Mrs Teresa Wenban 01825 722586 PCC SECRETARY: Mr Chris James 01825 722411 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING & FLYER INSERTS: Mr Chris Jones 01825 508721 E-mail [email protected] CHAILEY FREE CHURCH, SOUTH CHAILEY Please see details of services and weekday activities later in magazine Contacts: Mr Roger Nutley 01273 890114 Mr Dave Caughley 01273 400785 ROMAN CATHOLIC MASS Herons Ghyll: Wednesday 9.30am Sunday 11.30am Holy Days 12 noon Haywards Heath: Sunday 8.30am 10.30am 5pm Uckfi eld: Saturday 5.30pm Sunday 9.30am Lewes: Sunday 9am 10.30am For further information about Roman Catholic services and activities, please contact Mrs Mary Butterfi eld, 01825 724003 (cover illustration by William Hobday. Commissions Taken. www.penandinkartist.co.uk. email: [email protected]) 2 JUNE SERVICES 2019 Sunday 2nd June The Sunday aŌer Ascension Day 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 10am Family Communion Sunday 9th June Pentecost (Whit Sunday) 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 10am Parish Communion Sunday 16th June Trinity Sunday 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 10am Parish Communion Sunday 23rd June The Įrst Sunday aŌer Trinity 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 10am Parish Communion Sunday 30th June The second Sunday aŌer Trinity 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 10am Parish Communion Sunday 7th July The third Sunday aŌer Trinity 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 10am Family Communion BCP is the Book of Common Prayer (1662). All other EucharisƟc Services are from Common Worship: Order One. We welcome everyone warmly and families and children are always welcome at all our services. 3 A note from St Peter’s Nearly half way through 2019! Last month, we enjoyed spells of unseasonably warm and sunny spring weather, which, as someone pointed out, although wonderful for us, was actually quite wrong in terms of climate. True, of course, but it has been lovely to see the birds busily nest building and rearing young, and in many cases the earlier warmth and the more recent clement weather will have prompted some of them to raise more than one brood. In church, we follow the seasons, too. We are still in the Easter season, believe it or not, even as you have this magazine popped through your door at the beginning of June. This period comes to an end at Pentecost, or Whitsun as it is often more commonly known. This year, that date is Sunday June 9th. Pentecost is the annual Christian festival commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his ascension from earth to heaven on Ascension Day. It always falls on the seventh Sunday after Easter. Pentecost means "fi ftieth day", as it is celebrated on Pentecost Sunday, the 50th day of the Easter season (including Easter Sunday) Depending on the date of Easter, written about in a previous magazine, It can fall as early as May 10th and as late as June 13th. Whit Sunday, Whitsun, meaning "White Sunday", was once a particularly popular day to be baptized, and the name is derived from the white garments that were commonly worn by adults and children who were baptized on this day. Pentecost is followed by Pentecost Monday (also known as Whit Monday), a public holiday in many countries with Christian traditions, including the UK in years gone by. In 1971, the Banking and Financial Dealings Act changed the date of the holiday to make it fall on the last Monday in May rather than on the day after Whit Sunday. So, the Late May Bank Holiday is a “secular replacement” for the Whit Monday holiday and is usually known just as the Spring Bank Holiday. As has happened over the past few years, St Peter’s is again hosting leading Sussex choir ‘Coro Nuovo’s annual ‘Sussex Young Musician of the Year’ semi-fi nals competition. There will be 11 musicians with connections to Sussex competing in the event, from which four very talented young people will be selected to go on to the fi nals later in the summer. If you want to be awe-inspired by the raw musical talent of these 18 to 25 year olds who are all en-route to pursuing a professional career in classical or jazz music, make the afternoon of June 2nd a date for your diary and come to hear this year’s very special free concert. It begins at 2.30 pm, and if you would like to come along but cannot spare the whole afternoon, you are free to come and go as you please between pieces. St Peter’s will be hosting a variety of social events in the coming months, to which everyone is warmly welcomed. The fi rst one will be a quiz, with food, booked for Friday evening June 28th, so we hope you will make it a date, maybe gather a team together, or come on your own, and book your place(s), for what promises to be a fun evening. Please keep an eye on our website for the fi ner details and the method of obtaining your tickets. With all best wishes, Christine Peskett (Church warden) 4 Friends of Chailey Windmill The Mill and Rural Life Museum will be open on Sunday 30th June from 3 - 5 pm and the entry fee is £1 for adults and 50p for children 10-16. Something new to see this year is the restored clock face of the St Peter's Church clock which was made in 1856 to celebrate the six hundredth anniversary of the church. When a new clock was installed the original was completely overhauled and put into the windmill. An interesting DVD is shown in the Mill which depicts all the windmills throughout Sussex. John Smith - (01825 723519) Love Reading and No Mobile Library Why not join us at St Peters Church on a Wednesday morning 10-12 and enjoy coffee and biscuits and possibly discuss your recent read with others. We have been donated a varied selection of books in good condition and have a selection we will introduce when space becomes available. You can access the library at other times as the church is open daily, but it would be lovely to have a chat and discuss the books we enjoy. Brenda Ford From the Parish Leafl et June 1919 cost 2d. Our Rector, Thomas H.L. Jellicoe, has at last returned home after sixteen months’ service abroad. To mark this glad home coming the bells of the old Parish Church rang out their joyouse greeting while our picturesque village green was gay with fl ags in honour of this joyous event. It must be a wonderful change for the Rector to look once more over the peaceful meadows surrounding his home after living for so long amid the mine infested waters of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Most of us felt we wished to welcome him in person and accordingly from the station to the Rectory there were many to cheer him as he passed. The record of foreign service he has just completed in such historic places as Malta, Mudros, Salonika, Sebastapol and Constantinople, during the Great War of 1914-18, will add another page to the history of those Rectors of Chailey who have served their King and Country in the hour of national need. Annette Shelford Toddlers Group We now have a Toddlers group up and running at St Peter’s Church. This is a free group which meets in the church on a Friday morning between 9.00am and 11.00am. Toys and activities for children. Free refreshments during the morning. Baby changing facilities. We welcome new Toddlers and their parents, grandparents or carers to this group. Contact the parish offi ce (01825 722286) [email protected] for more information. 5 Chailey Free Church www.chaileyfreechurch.com Love knitting and chatting? Or want to learn? 1st and 3rd Tuesday's at 7:15pm Network For Teens and Twenties Monday June Monthly Games and Food for Teens & Twenties with a youthful church service to follow. 4:30 - 7:30pm on June 2nd 10 4:30 - 6:30 ChaileyChailey Free Church, A275,A275, South Chailey, BN8 4AN CContactontact uuss for detaildetailss on 01273 40078540078 or 01273 890114 EmEmail:ail: contact@[email protected] 6 School Funding - Maria Caulfi eld I fully support our local schools calling for more funding as over the last few decades schools in East Sussex have been underfunded by as much as 50% less per head of population than our neighbours in Brighton and Hove. Since being elected I have campaigned for this injustice to be reversed and was pleased when last year schools across the Lewes constituency saw an 8% increase overall in school funding. However, I recognise that more needs to be done. Although more money is going into our schools than ever before and school funding is at a record high, with the increase in demand and rising costs this still leaves our local schools in Lewes struggling. The core schools’ budget has increased to £42.4 billion this academic year and is set to rise to £43.5 billion in 2019-20. This follows the additional £1.3 billion of funding over and above what was promised in the last Spending Review.
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