• aen Published by The Company of Fifers & Drummers, Inc. April 2005 Issue 114 $5.00 r-------------------------• 1: 'The Company o.fftfers & Drummers : Individual Membership Application I I Please check all appropriate boxes: 0 $20 Individual Membership, U.S. 0 $10 Individual Membership, Junior, US. I 0 $35 Family Membership, U.S. 0 $30 Individual Membership, Canada, International I 0 $1000 Life Membership; for a donation of $1000 or more the company will establish a Life Membership in the name of the donor. (Only ONE donor name per Life I Membership, please!) I o I would like to learn about flexible payment schedule for the $1000 life membership I o I would like to learn about corps discounts for 10 or more individual memberships. 0 This is a gift membership from: ------------------------- Name: ---------------------------------­ Address: --------------------------------- City: -------------------- State: ---- Zip: -----­ Tol: --------- Email: ---------- Website: ----------­ Corps Affiliation: ---------------------- --------­ Instrument: 0 Ftfe O Snare O Bass Drum O Major O Color Guard O Other--------- Corps Membership Application Corps Name: --------------------------- ----­ Contact: ------------------------ ---------­ Address: ---------------------------------- City: -------------------- State: ----Zip: -----­ Tol: --------- Email: ---------- Website: ----------­ Member Ages: --to --years Hometown: -------------------­ Music Style: 0 Colonial O Civil War O TraditionaJ O Other --------------­ Instruments: 0 Keyless Fife O Rope Tension Drums O Other --------- ------ Uniform Description: 0 Colonial O Civil War O Other Description:------------­ Company Delegate: ----------------- Tel: -----------­ Alternate Delegate: -------------- --- Tel: ------------ Sponsoring Corps ------------- ----------------­ Signature: ----------------- Title: ----------­ Submitted By: -----------------------------­ Signature: ----------------- Title: ----------- Note: Please submit your application (original or photo copied) to: Membership, The Company ofFifers & Drummers P.O. Box 277, Ivoryton, Cf 06442-0277 along with a photo of your corps in parade dress and a check for $8QOQ -------------------------~Your membership status is and will be based on the validity of the above information. 2 Ancienffimes Ohio ·s Dan Emmel Festival 1 Issue 114, Apnl 2005 From the Published by 4 Editor The Co_mpany of 2004: i1 National Muster Tale Fifers fsDrummers he Anci.em Times continues - despite hnp://companyoffifoanddrum.org 6 our only having a pro tern editor. We'd Ohio's own-The Spirit(s) of '76 surely like for someone to step forward Edilor: Dan Moylan. Pro Tern Art & °'5ign Diffl:tor: Dave Jone. 8 and volunteer to take over that very Admtising Manager: Leo Brmnan Tire Ancient Mariners Ancient M11ster T important post, but until then, we' II do our best. ADocialtEdltors: As long as we have dedicated Company members Dominici.: Cuccia. Music F.di10r Vin Cupiel. Web,,tte and Cybcl\pace &!nor willing to write columns and articles, we'll have a Amanda Goodhean. Junior New) F.di10r paper. All of our contributers deserve a big thank M1rk ~ M1dv.~s1 f.ditor Bill Maling. Current faents Comspoodent you. Should YOU be one? It's not that hard to 0al'C Socll. Online Oiat Interview) write an anicle, and many of you out there have Ed Oben, Mo Scboos. Obnuancs M.uty Sampson. West Coa,;i F.di1or things to share with the rest of us. Colleen St.ick. Company Liai;on The theme of this issue is '1be Muster"- Geo-gt Yelllll1i;!n, Tauler Wld Cumnt E1-cruC<mspondenl MnnbershqWSubscriptions: 16 depicting those gatherings of Ancient musicians, sharing For corps, uxlividual, or life membmlllp mformatioo or William Diamond Jrs. Muster their music. their experiences. their cameraderie. The inltinmooal "11xmpoo!b first ones are in April or May and the last in September Aun; Membm!up Tht Company ofFifm & Dnunmm 17 P.O. Box zn. !1·01)100. CT 06442-02TT Great Western Muster VI or October - a summer season of parades, celebration, e-mail:membelslup@compan)offifeanddnun.iq and fun for the whole family. They take place in New tel <860) 767-2337; fax· (860) TT67-9765 18 EdllGrial: 2005 National Muster at England, the Deep South, the Midwest, and all the way For arudc/pbolo subnu,,1om. or ~tions: Ft. Ticonderoga to the Left Coast. Sometimes in Europe as well. We Aun: An<-im TUMl, P.O. Box m. P.O. Box m. present a sampling here, written up by the folk involved. hOI)1011. CT o&l42-02TT 20 e-m.ul, ano.,[email protected] Now Featuring Music is what Tlte Company is all about, tel· (860) 767-2337; fu· (860) 767-9765 because fife and drum IS music, despite what some in Ad~tt1hing: 22 the musical world might say-and it's OUR music. The for llllC1l and a1·atfab1hl) COOIJCt Kentish G11ards Awards Night 1ht .·\ncitnt Ti~s. P.O. Box m. 62 North Main SL. theme of the nex.t issue of the Anciem Times is to be IVOl)100 CT o&l42-02TT 23 "The Music ofTlze Company" What does this mean to The Company of Western \Vind you? Sit down at your keyboards and send us your Fifers fsDrummers 24 ---....... ..., thoughts - YOU - our members, our readers, our Presidfnt: Joe Mooney (203)488-9735 Competition Comer cm.ul: pie:,1den1@companyo/li(eanddntm.crg supporters. our critics. Fil"SI Viet Pmidml: Dan ~1oylan (617)232-2360 26 The Company has been buffeted a bit of late, cm.ut: vicq,re,[email protected] but those who care, whose primary interest is in The Serond Vitt Pr!sidmt: Randy St:ld 1203) 265-0543 TIie Company Re1•iew Secmar}: Sectewy: Colleen Stack. ())3) 265-05-iJ Company, are soldiering along, trying to bring order cmad: coll,aacl.:@aol.rom 27 from chao~. and ensure the well being of an organization Tmimrer: Jack Doyle (415) 334-5707 011 the \Veb email: [email protected] and tradition we all share. Now is the time to show your Andcnls Fund: Dan \loylan (6171232-2360 emad:[email protected] support. Join us at the annual meeting in April, Ardlins/Mu.wum Curator: Ed Obcn (860) 399-6519 volunteer to help on one of the comminees, spread the Facilities Co-Manage~: Ned O'Brien (860) 267-8250, ffll3il: nobfimJ(i,IICLllCI good word-with the Ancient Spirit- Tire Company is Kc\"in Brown (860) 399-m alive and well! email: bro\l.TI11,[email protected] by Dan Moylan Membermlp Chair: Bob C3.llillo (860~55-9-l 17 Editor, Pro Tem em.ul: mcmbmlup@compan)offifeanddrum.org \1115ic Chalr: Dominick CUCC!l (845)228-2416 email: m11Mccorruru11tt@companyoffife;.nddrum.org Tilt Company Storr: Sandy Bidwell Museum Docents Tilt Compam of Fl}at & Drummcrt, loc., Compom· Stort The Mu5e11111 of Fife & Drum in lvoryton is open P.O. Box m.11'01')100 CT. Ol>l-12-0277 en:utl: compan}>t<n@compan)offifeanddrum.org weekends during the summer from . \ltc1m1 f lflli'S ~ Jllblisbed quancrl) by Tht ComponJ of Fi[m & Dn,mm,:r,, Int:, Mu.\tllm. Mu.~ic Libra/)', ➔ June thru 4 September. Headq=, P.O. Box m. llOl)ton CT. Ol>l-12-02n We need two docents to show folk around the museum (860) 767-'1137. Thc~USSS1Xl'll-7176)1C0.>10urpmdi•ml.1lllll1U• from 1 to 5 PM on each Saturday and Sunday. Deep llooal. aol drum cocp. membcn lhrou&)nit the ,.OIIJ informed pnnunly 011 the IL'1l• IIJC> o1 lr1dl1loml Amcnan fife and dnan River and Westbrook Muster weekends are excepted. ""JI' bw.,v.11 a, Alt.:lffll, The Comp111y maiaLum a m1IICWll and ~ 011 tt,o-p!u,i ams. 11 !Cd.., IOperpetu;o!t lhe bbul1C:al ~o great knowledge of the Museum is n.'<juired - there are wgmf~and foll ll'ldibom of Am<rican f,cld n,.,gc and 10 fa.­ i,r lhc >jlllll oi fcao,. lbip 1111111g all fifm and lhlrun,n. founded printed materials describing everything - learn along with m )965, 1ltr Ctlllplln, tiF,f,n «C,,.,,,,,,,,-rs. IIIC. 1$1 !al· ·~tu-deduclllilt. n.....,roli1 axpcnuon. our risitors. Your enthusiasm is all that's needed. Cathy Olsen is in charge of docent~ and will be happy to On The Cover: A Muster .samplt Z<X>I talk lo any prospective rnlunteers- call 860-399-6519. 2 Ancient Tunes 'o's Dan Em he little central Ohio town of After the flag raising, a parade forms up at 17, he joined the U.S. Army and served at the Jefferson Barracks, Missouri where be became Mt. Vernon was the home of the square and Camp Chase leads the way to Dan Daniel Decatur Emmert. Once Emmen·s grave in the Mound View Cemetery. chief fifer. After being discharged in 1835, Dan a year on a hot summer day in After some welcome speeches and music presenla­ traveled with various circus bands. In 1842, be and August, the town closes off the nons by local groups, Camp Chase plays a few three others formed the Virginia Minstrels and the tunes wntten by Dan Emmen. " My favorite is group first perfonned in theaters in New York City. streets around the town square Old said Tom Kuhn, Camp Chase Chief "Mt Vernon also bas a long history of live for several blocks. Three stages Dan Tucker," Musician and fifer. "Dan wrote this tune when he theater," indicated Phil Gasbarro, "the Woodward are set up and many food and craft vendors line the was only Opera House was opened here in 1851. In 1870 it 15 years was expanded to accommodate 700 people. Dan old in Emmett performed in the Woodward for the last 1830. time in 1902, two years before his death." The He first opera house is currently being restored as per­ America· s oldest authentic 19th century theater. In formed it 2000, Camp Chase bad the treasured opportunity to here in climb two flights of wooden stairs to the theater on Mt. the third floor and play several Dan Emmett tunes Vernon at on the hot, dimly lit stage. Not as old as the Woodward, the busy streets.
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