.-c. 1 . •' ■ ■> ' j . r i'' ■ r N Averag* Dully Circulutif^ *1118 W t « t h 8 r Far the Meath af JanMuy. iM l Forsenst of yi'antbsv BnNnh Ught ■MW, sllghtty wnrmw to- 6,626 night; Wedsesdnjr clearing nnd nnl^n ^ V e f tha Audit ef CbreutaUsua Msmehester—^A CUy o f f^iUage Charm (FOURTEEN PACES) PRICE THREE C E Iflll (CXuasUad AdveHM ag an Pag* U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25,1641 VOL. LX.. NO. 125 Four Babies Arrive in Four Hours Says Aid Bill W ill Be Hurley Calls M ^t To Try to Settle Paid with American Bridgeport Snarl Money, Goods, Blood Invites Mayor McLevyi Ptihlii* ^nd LegislaUve Lead- Shipstead Takes Floor ers to UonlerenceConference on Peril Looms Navy Refuses Jury Finds As Reports Spread Op> >nd B ill; Senate ponents May Launch Democrats (Caucus to; In Bulgaria 'News on Tale No Reason Filibuster in Effort Study Governor's Plan' To Talk Measure to British Sources Cau- Planes Crash To Indict Bulletin! Death; Murray and tion Against *Opti- State Capitol, Hartford, Reports Lurge_ _Sum Barbour Urge Speed mism* Concerning Sit- Two Small Bombers on Feb. 25.-^jP)— Socialist May- Money Unquestionably Enacting Legislation or Jasper McLevy said today uation in Balkans. Training Flight Miss? he had agreed tb keep Bridge- ing; Reported D iv^g Collected and Spent i Washington. Feb. 25.— port’s tax rate ,at its present London, Feb. 25—<J’>—Authori- Mr*. Porter Loaley, 42-year-old mother of Leftchfleld. Ky., uith her quadniplet*. «H a Into Pacific Of^an. In Campaign of 1 9 4 0 .1—^ n a tor Shipstead (R., ' 28.3 mills level if he were tative Britiah source* cautioned four-hour period. She ha* 10 other children. Left to right, the newcomem are John, Mildred, Marttne Mint!.), told the Senate today granted authority to refund the public today against "optlm- and Beulah. - ■ San Diego, Calif., Fe^: 25.-(J l Washington, Feb^ 25- (O — A that if Congress approved th« 61,588,000 in city bonds. Aft- lom" concerning the Mtuatlon In —Two small U. S. Nsi^y bombing special grand jury which investi- administration’s British aid — ur eonforrlag wUk Gov. Rob<* Bulgiriair wheN German tnfiltm- planes, each with two men aboard, gated 1940 election campaign ex- bill, "we will pay the bill ert A. Hurley (D ) and Legis- tion is’ reported thmstening were missing todsy on a training pendituna reported today that it our money, our resources and lative leaders, McLevy told Greece’s .back door. British Forces Petain Picks Barnaud The position of Greece was con- flight, and the therlff's office said had found nothing to justify indict- the precious blood of Ameri- , newspapermen he had as- siderM pusxling, since the belief it hod receive^ reports which the ments. Ed ward J, P7ynn, John D. can boys."'Shipstead took the sured the group he would not 11* widely held in informed qusr- Take Another Nsvy rcfusecl to confirm that the M. Hsmllton, Lament dePont. R. J. floor as reports spread that reduce the U x rate if he w ereU *" Athena government For New French Post craft had ci^hed with wings lock- Reynolds and other Democratic and has refused a British offer of fur ed into the Pacific ocean north of Republican leader# hod appeared opponents might launch a granted the full amount of thcr material ooslatance. African Town here. before the jury. filiboster against the bill in bonds he wanted. (The few parsgrapha following Without success, powerful The grand jury sold, however. In made up a dispatch on the Greek Follows Cabinet Revi- ^ a z i s R c p o r t an effort to talk it to death. searchlights from s destroyer and a report to the Dlatrict court foe One opposition senator, ask- State Capitol, Hartford, position which was stopped by the a Coast Guard patrol boat swept the District of Columbia that it London censor Feb. 19. Resubmit- sioi| Designed to Epn- ^ ing that his name be with- Feb. 25.— (/P)— With the Gen- (Capture Brava in Sweep the sea between Carlsbad and was of the opinion that “there was ted, this dispatch was pooaed to- EtoclnlUs in a drittling rain. The held, told reporters: “Thera eral Assembly in a snarl over day. It' ia believed to describe a Up Italian Somaliland phasize Economic Col- More British unqueat'lonsbiy a very large sum situation between Britain and cutter reported to Coast Guard of money collected and expendM tn will be a filibuster,” but oth- the Bridgeport bond bill, Gov. Coast;. Within 150 laboration with Reich. headquarters here by radio that a Greece that still exists. It was not ers denied t.his. Robert A. Hurley today call- Vessels Slink search a mile offshore had yielded (Coatlnned Oa Fag* ElgM) Tbe eighth day of debate olon Miles of Mogadiscio. Vichy, France, Feb. 25.— no clue and daylight was awaited. ed Mayor Jasper McLevy and s(Contlniied os Page Two) Included oddreioea In which Sena-,., legislative leaders into a con- Barnaud was Four youths, coon huptlng near tore Murray (D „ M oot) aad Bar<> Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 25 — (ff) — Carlsbad, told a deputy sheriff ference. The group met while named by Chief of State Mar-1 Smashing Sea Offensive hour (R., N. J .) urged speedy aq- British forces wtre reported today there that they saw what appsar- Noted Doctor, actmsat of the so-called leane-leag Senate Democrats caucused, shal Petain today to the new I ed to be a flaming plane or planes msooure to boloter Americoa ns- Bombers Again to have captured Brava la a sweep post of delegate general ini AccounU for More roar toward the water tn a power presumably on a gubernatori- up the Italian Somaliland coast curity. al suggestion that the request charge o f French-German ne- j Than 250,000 Tons; ')dlve and a few momenU later Two Of Crew, OansMers Menonre “ Evil TM ag* more than half way from Chlai- heard on explosion. of Bridgeport’s Socialist may- Goto Attack molo to Mogadiscio, tha colony’s gotiations following a cabinet Raises Hitler Figure Decline to Release Nsmee D , • ^ 1 I Shipstead. however, told kla ool- |A m I f*aah I lesxuee that he coosidernd tha or for authority to issue |l,- capital and chief port. revision apparently designed At the Naval base, officers de- 588,000 in refunding bonds be to emphasise the economic Berlin, Feb. 25—(ff)—A smash clined to release names of the men the broad powerO French Coast Brava marked a gain of 180 aboard the . bombers or discuss the ■ grant^, but with a clause miles beyond Chlsimalo, the be- phase of collaboration with It would confer on the prealdent to ing German sea offensive, In which reports, announcing only; transfer war equipment to other prohibiting the city from re- ginning of the seaboard highway, the Reich. Petain set up five more than 250,000 tons of ship- Two bombing planes, each car- Pilot of Canadian Mili- nations—’’on evU tblag." and put tbe British within 160 rying two men, engaged In routine It was ducing its present tax rate. Assault Todeiy Follows miles of Mogadiscio. main ministries headed by ping have been sunk by Noal naval "ua-American Among those at the confamnee inaiiiuivfrs are unaccounted forJ^ tary Plane Lone Sur- Overnight Raid ^ on A communique issued in Nai- Vice Premier Admiral Jean torsos otons "In th* post few hod been besides the mayor wem Demo- robi, Kenya Colony, gave no de- Darlan. days," was reported by the high The ship* vanished lost • lilgnt. vivor; Rescue Parly propogandlsta cratic Senate Leader Albert L. tails of the British push except Shortly before midnight, the Sher- dreamers. Coles, Republican Senate Leader Brest; 60 Plimes Aire Besides Darlan, who also is command today. iff's office received almost simul- Brings Out 3 Bodies. that Brava was token yesterday vice-president of the Council of "We are not depen<ient on Brtq-^ William J. Shea, and Republican Telling of convoys scattered in taneous reports from thrde areas Seen by Ob^rvers. by "West African Troops.” Ministers, foreign minister and sin or any other country,", tha-- House Leader William L. Hodden. (These may have been troops the AUanUc and of Mows over- of explosions and flares of lights. Ottawa, Feh 25.—(ff?—A brief minister of the Navy; the follow- aeas, the communique gave this A police sergeant in suburban Minnesotan asserted. "Wbuuavar . Tangle A* To Whereabout* London, Feb. 2S—<Jr)—Drbyes of from the Gold Coast or from Ni- ing present mlnlstess were desig- message traced crudely In the Uncle Sam finds it necesoonr IBX In the mld«t of the many con- geria who previously have byen tally for Germany's surfscs and La Mess said he saw "a ball of flgbter-protected R. A. F. bombers nated for the ouper-csbinet: undersea raiders: fire" plunge downward, apparent- snows of Ifewfoundland’s east seek oofety between the rear leiS feiencea that got under way soon returned to tbe assault on tbe Ger- landed from ships In tbe Indian General Charles Huntsiger, min- coast by the one survivor qf on of tbs Britiah lion, our belsvsg.’ after the General Assembly had Ocean, os others have been in that 126.000 tons—Including a "pro- ly on Camp Keality mess. But '' man- held French coast today fol- ister of defense; Yves BouUllier, tecting suxliUry criilser” —sunk airplane , crash disclosed yesterday country will ceosb to be On in4S*^'~ tackled the work, of a new week, lowing on overnight attack on ares, or may have cut across from after a thorough search of the ter- pendent nation and we 4riB w>.
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