Review Poplar as a feedstock for biofuels: A review of compositional characteristics Poulomi Sannigrahi, Arthur J. Ragauskas,* Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA Gerald A. Tuskan, BioEnergy Science Center, Oak Ridge Laboratory, Oak Ridge ,TN, USA Received October 9, 2009; revised version received December 1, 2009; accepted December 15, 2009 Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com); DOI: 10.1002/bbb.206; Biofuels, Bioprod, Bioref. 4:209–226 (2010) Abstract: The growing demand for transportation fuels, along with concerns about the harmful effects of greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, has assured a viable future for the development of alternative fuels from renewable resources, such as lignocellulosic biomass. The effi cient utilization of these biomass resources is critically dependant on the in-depth knowledge of their chemical constituents. This, together with the desired fuel properties, helps tailor the chemical and/or enzymatic processes involved in converting biomass to biofuels. Hybrid poplars are among the fastest growing temperate trees in the world and a very promising feedstock for biofuels and other value-added products. Sequencing of the poplar genome has paved the way for tailoring new cultivars and clones optimized for biofuels production. Our objective is to review published research on the composition of the key chemical constituents of hybrid poplar species used for biofuels. Biomass yields, elemental composition, carbohy- drate and lignin content and composition are some of the characteristics reviewed, with emphasis on lignin struc- ture. Genetic modifi cations used to alter lignin content and composition, with the aim of improving biofuels yields, are also examined. © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Keywords: poplar; biofuels; lignin; cellulose; hemicellulose Introduction for mankind since ancient times and presently contributes around 10–14% of the world’s energy supply.6 Biomass can he growing global energy demand and concerns about be converted to diff erent types of energy sources including the negative eff ects of growing greenhouse gas (GHG) heat, electricity, and liquid transportation fuels. It can also T emissions from fossil fuels call for alternative energy be used as a feedstock for chemicals production. As out- sources, which are low cost, renewable and non-polluting. 1–5 lined in the USDA-DOE Billion Ton report, the agriculture One such renewable resource for producing diff erent forms and forestry reserves in the United States have the poten- of energy is biomass. It has been a major source of energy tial to address about one-third of the country’s petroleum * Correspondence to: Arthur J Ragauskas, BioEnergy Science Center, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Institute for Paper Science and Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Research sponsor: Department of Energy, Bioenergy Science Center. © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 209 P Sannigrahi, AJ Ragauskas, GA Tuskan Review: Poplar as a feedstock for biofuels demand.7 With increasing government, academic, and hydrolysis, which along with pre- treatment, is the most industrial research eff orts on the production of biofuels and expensive component in the production of cellulosic ethanol. biomaterials from lignocellulosic feedstock, a few species It typically results in a proportional increase in the cellulose have emerged as front-runners in this fi eld. In the United content per unit mass.10 Production of hybrids with desired States, these include hybrid poplar, switchgrass, Miscanthus, qualities can be accomplished either via classic breeding southern pine, willow, and corn stover. techniques linked with marker aided selection and/or by Th e genus Populus comprises 25 to 35 species of deciduous genetic transformations. While genetic transformation can plants native to the Northern Hemisphere. Common names save time by bypassing the reproductive cycle and sometimes used for the diff erent species include poplar, aspen, and long generation intervals, a combination of the two comple- cottonwood. Th ere is considerable genetic diversity within mentary techniques is considered ideal.11 Details of these this genus and hybrids are readily produced to yield desir- techniques applied toward genetic improvement of poplar able traits. Poplar breeding mainly focuses on three native feedstocks can be found in articles by Dinus.10,11 species: Populus deltoides (eastern cottonwood), Populus Various studies have reported the results of chemical balsamifera (balsam poplar) and Populus trichocarpa (west- pre-treatments on poplar hybrids.13–18 While most provide ern black cottonwood); and two non-native species: P. maxi- some compositional information on the starting feedstock, a mowiczii (Asian black poplar) and P. nigra (European black review of the detailed compositional characteristics of pop- poplar).8 Hybrid poplars are among the fastest-growing lar from a biofuels perspective is much needed. Ash content trees in North America and are well suited for a variety of and composition, heating value, elemental ratios and pro- applications such as biofuels production, pulp and paper and portion of lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose are some of other biobased products, such as chemicals and adhesives. the broad compositional characteristics used to screen bio- Sequencing of the poplar genome has paved the way for tai- mass feedstocks for biofuels applications. Other, in-depth loring new clones optimized for biofuels production.9 Some compositional information that can be very useful in select- key energy-related characteristics of lignocellulosic feedstock ing the best feedstock for a particular conversion pathway include cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose content, bark are cellulose structure and degree of polymerization, hemi- content, moisture content, heating value, ash content and cellulose composition, and the chemical nature and struc- composition (inorganic elements present) and amount of ture of lignin. In this review, both the broad and detailed extractives.10,11 Other characteristics that impart good value compositional characteristics have been compiled for hybrid to a bioenergy crop are drought tolerance, resistance to pests poplar species used for biofuels production. Where availa- and insects, and the ability to produce high biomass yields ble, these compositional traits have been compared to those on many diff erent types of land. Th ese characteristics can from other biomass feedstocks. Special emphasis has been also be enhanced by genetic modifi cations. Studies on clonal given to the lignin fraction as successful implementation of variation in these properties in hybrid poplar have reported a ‘biorefi nery’ concept for poplar greatly depends on the uti- variations infl uenced by several factors, including changes in lization of the lignin as a value-added coproduct.2,3 the cambium during growth, related to genetic background, water availability, insect and bacterial attacks, gravitopic Poplar yield and chemical composition eff ects, and other environmental infl uences.12 All processes used for the conversion of biomass feedstocks Poplar productivity in North America are sensitive to feedstock composition and quality to various Hybrid poplars are commonly classifi ed as short-rotation extents. Th e specifi c gravity of wood and its lignin and cel- woody crops and can be grown on forest lands or on eco- lulose contents have been proposed as prime targets for nomically marginal crop lands. Clonally propagated trees are genetic modifi cation.10 Th e specifi c gravity of wood usually harvested with conventional forestry equipment and deliv- positively correlates with its cellulose content.10 Reduction in ered to processing facilities in the form of chips. Distribution lignin content is of greatest value as it improves enzymatic maps of the genus Populus and the species P. deltoides and 210 © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 4:209–226 (2010); DOI: 10.1002/bbb Review: Poplar as a feedstock for biofuels P Sannigrahi, AJ Ragauskas, GA Tuskan P. tremuloides presented in Figure 1 show a very wide spatial Table 1. Mature tree dimensions of common poplar distribution of hybrid poplar in the USA and Canada. Given species.70 the widespread distribution of poplar in the USA, suitable Mature tree species or hybrids can be chosen for cultivation close to Mature tree diameter processing facilities in any region. Yields of fi rst-generation Poplar species height (m) (cm) hybrid poplar planted on croplands in the Lake States of the P. tremuloides Michx. 15–18 30–61 USA have been estimated to be in the range of 7.9 to 11.8 dry P. balsamifera L. 18–24 30–61 P. deltoides 23–26 61–91 Mg ha–1 year–1. Th e reported yield is slightly lower on corn P. trichocarpa 14–18 30–61 lands in Minnesota, with values ranging from 7.7 to 9.9 dry Mg ha–1 year–1.8 Th e nominal yield (including moisture con- tent at harvest) of hybrid poplar species in North America Heating values and elemental (C, H, N, O) is estimated to be 14 Mg ha–1 year–1.19 Th is is comparable composition to that of switchgrass (14 Mg ha–1 year–1) and much higher than corn stover (8.4 Mg ha–1 year–1) and wheatstraw (6 Mg Heating values ha–1 year–1).20 In Quebec, yields of 17.3 Mg ha–1 year–1 were Heating value is the net enthalpy released upon reacting obtained without fertilizers or irrigation.21 Upon maturity, a material with oxygen under isothermal conditions. If poplar species can grow up to approximately 26 m in height water vapor formed during the reaction condenses at the and 60 cm in diameter. Dimensions of mature trees of com- end of the process, the latent enthalpy of condensation con- mon poplar species in North America are listed in Table 1. tributes to what is termed the higher heating value (HHV). Figure 1. Distribution of poplar species in the USA and Canada.22 (A) Populus (genus) (B) P.
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