Police Probe Triple SEE STORY PACE 2 The Weather ,v Sunny and pleasant today,' THEDAILY FINAL clear and cool tonight Tomor- row fair and a little warmer. Red Bank, Freehold Long Branch EDITION 30 PACES Monniouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL. 95 NO. 37 RED BANK, NJ. WEDNESDAY. AIJGUST 16.1972 TEN CENTS iiiiiiiuiiNiiniiiiiiii Cahill Plans Low-Key Role In Republican Convention By JAMES U.RUBIN the up-coming gathering of ture soundly defeated his tax culties may be a liability. expect this," said Cahill, who the GOP ranks in Miami reform program. "The President will be twice has attended con- TRENTON (AP) - Gov. Beach. Cahill is the chairman of the judged on what he has done in ventions as'an observer. William T. Cahill, anticipating When plans for the con- Nixon-Agnew campaign in the last four years as Bill "They recognize there is no an uneventful Republican Na- vention were made at the re- New Jersey, a key north- Cahill will be judged on his contest. It's a recognition that tional Convention, says be will cent National Governors Con- eastern state and the eighth record;" the governor said. the overwhelming number of play a subdued, low-key role ference, Cahill said, "1 knew largest in the nation. Furthermore, he remarked, Republicans are satisfied with in Miami Beach next week. at the time the President However, he is leaving the "The people in this state know the administration." Cahill, the chairman of New would be toe candidate and day-to-day chores of manag- Bill Cahill for what he is. Cahill's own support of Jersey's 40-member delega- the vice president would be ing the reelection effort to What they have learned about President Nixon has at tunes tion, contends that his deci- his running mate." other prominent Republicans, me recently won't change been less than enthusiastic. sion to take a low profile The governor has suffered including former state Sen. that." In an interview last Decem- • stance was not prompted by two serious-setbacks this sum- Harry L. Sears who also head- Cahill, who will be attend- ber, Cahill said he thought the his recent political diffi- mer, after 2% years of what ed the committee that drew ing his. first convention as a President was "out of touch culties. many observers regarded as a np the master plan for tax re- delegate foresees "a very with the average man in the In an interview this week, promising first term in office. form that was scuttled by the quite and uneventful" time in street." Cahill said his subdued role at Within a matter of days, the legislature. Miami Beach. But be added But when his remarks were •' '••"• ' ' • . ' ':'.''••' ' . • ". •••' . • ' -. APWInphote the convention is a result of governor's close friend and Cahill denied that he has re- Oat the likelihood of a dull published some weeks later, TO TAKE LOW PROFILE — Gov. William T. Cahill reflects and gestures his time-consuming chores as leading political adviser. Sec- moved himself from a more convention won't turn off the he said he was backing Nixon as he discusses with Interviewer his planned role as New Jersey delega- governor coupled with the retary of State Paul Sherwin, active role in the Nixon cam- voters. to the hilt and would work for tion chairman at the upcoming Republican National Convention. non-controversial nature of was indicted and the legisla- paign because his own diffi- "The American public will See Cahill page 2 Peace Envoy Moves Stir New End-War Speculation WASHINGTON (AP) - Some diplomats here and in an uneasy Thieu that Presi- Paris Monday, will confer the Paris talks. He said the the Vietnamese coast. Two key figures in peace ne- Paris surmised that Kissi- dent Nixon will not let him with Thieu and others in Sai- trip had been under consid- When Ziegler announced gotiations headed separately nger, perhaps with a negotiat- down. gon until late Friday. He will eration for several weeks. June 28 that Nixon had or- for South and North Vietnam ing lure from Tho, wants to .No Details report'back to Nixon before New Troop Cats dered 10,000 men withdrawn today amid widespread spec- persuade South Vietnam's A Hanoi spokesman in Paris the Republican National Con- Meanwhile, sources in Sai- in July and August, he said ulation — but no official con- President Nguyen Van Thieu gave no further detail yes- vention opens in Miami Beach gon disclosed today that Nix* another announcement on pos- firmation — about a new to agree to a compromise for- terday in saying Tho, a Polit- next Monday. on has ordered another round sible further pullouts would move to end the war. mula toward meeting the en- buro member, would depart Ziegler said Kissinger's two of U.S. troop withdrawals be- come a few days before Sept With presidential adviser emy's .demands that Thieu for the Nfarth Vietnamese cap- days in Saigon will include "a ginning after Sept. 1, woen step down. ital today. At the White general review of all aspects the level is expected to be Henry A. Kissinger arriving in There seems little doubt Saigon and North Vietnam's Meanwhile, others suggested, House, Press Secretary Ron- of the Vietnam problem,, in- down to 39,000 men. This does Le Due Tho leaving Paris for that Kissinger and Tho would ald L. Ziegler made this sepa- cluding the negotiations in not include another 100,000 that Nixon would like to have Hanoi, guesses varied widely report a deadlock in their se- rate barer-bones announce- Paris." Americans fighting the war a Vietnam peace deal before as to the purpose of their cret Paris sessions, with Kis- ment: He cautioned against specu- from air bases in Guam and the November election, but trjps. singer intending to reassure Kissinger, who met Tho in lating about a breakthrough in Thailand and from ships otf the White House is keeping the specific aim of Kissinger's journey a tight secret. Public statements by Thieu since the new round of Kissi- KIDS HEADED FOR FUN —The New Jersey nger-Tho sessions; began a State Council* Knights of Columbus, is hosting 50 5 Bay shore Towns Certified children from the flood-ravaged area around Wil- month ago have been infer- . preted here as showing con- kes Barre, Pa., for a week ot. K of C Camp at cern by the Saigon leader that Bamber Lake In South Jersey. In foreground leav- Nixon may ease the terms he ing bus are Kenneth Boberick, 12, left, and Dennis As Low Employment Areas set forth May & Butica, 13, both of Nantlcoke. MATAWAN- - Coun- low employment areas: chances are very good for the The certification was buildings win be located on." cilwoman Lillian G. Burry an- The five municipalities are borough to receive funding achieved by combining the Councilman Salvatore J. Mi- nounced at last night's Matawan, Matawan Town- from the Economic Devel- five municipalities into one re- lazzo defended the ordinance, Few Voices of Dissent Borough Council meeting that ship, Keyport, Keansburg, opment Administration gional area, and using an av- saying, "I feel obligated to do five municipalities in the Bay- and Union Beach. (EDA). The.funding is used to erage unemployment rate. To something for the senior citi- shore area have been certified As a result of this, Coun- provide jobs hi areas of low qualify for funding, an area zens of Matawan, and I think by the federal government as cilwtfman Burry said, the employment must have.an unemployment this ordinance will do some- rate of 8.5 per cent. The aver- thing." Jar Platform Hearing age rate for the five munici- Council adopted an ordi- palities is 9.7 per cent. nance prohibiting the building MIAMI BEACH (AP) - A jure (legally prescribed) seg- He proposed the platform' The borough applied for the Of a structure on a flood plain. few voices of dissent today regation of the schools, in- say, "We will support the Leftists Kill 2 Guards funding last year, but was not A flood plain, as defined in the jarred generally placid hear- cluding where necessary and decriminalization of mari- funded because of a lack of ordinance, is any relatively ings of the Republican Plat- reasonable, the remedy of juana where held-in small EDA funds. flat land adjoining a water form Committee as GOP .lib- busing." quantities for personal use in erals called for an unqualified private." An ordinance was adopted course, subject to overflow His position closely approxi- by the council amending the from that water course. pullout from Vietnam, busing The appeal of the GOP to aid desegregation and the mates a Democratic platform InBuenos Aires Prison zoning ordinance governing The ordinance states that a women for equality in the par- legalized use of marijuana. plank which says busing must eligibility for moderate-in- flood plain area may be used ty as delegates, officeholders ! BUENOS AIRES, Argentina The Jail was surrounded by lende's supporters were ex- The proposals were offered continue, to be available "to and administrators was orga- (AP) - Leftist terrorists police and soldiers, he report- pected to pressure him to come senior citizen housing. for recreation purposes, har- eliminate legally imposed seg- The ordinance will pave the vesting, a nursery, forestry, by Sen. Jacob K. Javits of nized by the bipartisan Na- raided a prison in southern ed, and negotiations were un- grant the hijackers asylum. New York and supported by a regation and improve the tional Women's Political Argentina last night, killed der way to get the prisoners Meanwhile, 19 other guer- way for a non-profit organiza- and a wildlife sanctuary.
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