![(Rapid City, Pennington County, Dakota [SD]), 1896-12-11](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Wanted. CORRESPONDENCE. Fifty head or under of good year- 225 ing heifers. Address, J# , Interior Items. N. CAPLE, Folsom, S. D. Will frunn has purchased Charles XMAS GOODS Denton's bunch of cattle. The Farmer's Magazine. Of late our Westover to Stearns The Farmers' Magazine, published mails gets delayed quite regular. at Springfield, Illinois, is one of the Burt Dolloff is negotiating for Ed handsomest and most interesting Dibble's bunch of calves. and instructive farm and family AT THE The stockmen are feeling some­ publications in the United States. what relieved over the recent change It is also a great advertising med­ of weather. ium. Circulates largely in every Messrs. Sears, Messingale, Ga- State in the TTnion, and should be in every farm home. Price, only now ank Rounds were over to Mer- $1.00 a year. Write the publishers misan, Nebraska, last week after for sample copy, which will be sent BEE-HIVE. grain. free to any address. L. D. Turner has returned from Wyoming with his bunch of sheep A BRIGHT BOY WANTED. <9 and reports having had a hard trip. An active, reliable boy in your It is talked there is going to be town can make big money each week some disturbance among society as agent for Pennsylvania Grit, the along White River during the holi­ great family nepspaper. Complete days. novel in seperate pamphlet form T with every issue. No capital re­ The White River day school ^ o. quire. No risk. Papers are sent 1 is progressing nicely. Also the for sale upon commission. Unsold church and Sunday school under the copies, if any, are returnable. All Every Department is Full! management of Rey. J. H. Horner. done on Saturday. 4,000 agents hustling now. Write quick before i Broke the Ice. somebody gets ahead of you. Gritj Every Shelf is Loaded! Publishing Company. Williamsport, , Fort Pierre Fairplay: In at­ Pa. I tempting to cross a bunch of cattle Monday W. H. Stearns came very Notice of Dissolution of>Co Co-part- Every Counter Piled High! near losing about thirty head. They nership. started from near the pontoon Notice is hereby given that. the bridge and one was being led while co-partnership heretofore existing th« rest were to follow. The docile between John Z. Reed and George bovine in the lead fell down and the L. McManus, in conducting the rest of the herd bunched up in one newspaper business of the NORTH- spot, causing the ice to break. Ike STOCKMAN and the BLACK HILLS young's team happened to be stand­ UNION at Rapid City, South Dal ota, ing near which was pressed into ser­ under the firm name of Reed & Mc Never before in the history of Rapid City has vice and the aninals were hauled Man us, has this day been dissolved out without any loss. No casual­ by mutual consent. any one concern made such gigantic prepara­ ties, but the boys got a thorough John Z. Reed will continue said wetting. business and collect all bills and as­ tions to please Holiday purchasers as the sume all the liabilities of said firm. DIED. Dated December 9 th, 1896. BEE-HIVE this season. EPPS—In Rapid City. Monday. December 7, JOHN Z. REED. 1896, Elizabeth, wife of Dr. Framklm Epps, aged fifty-two years. GEORGE L. MCMANUS. The announcement of the death of Mrs. Epps was quite a surprise Notice for Publication. to all as, though she had been ailing Land office at Rapid City. S. D.I November 17, 1896. f for some time, had not been con­ Notice is hereby given that the following sidered in a critical condition. named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aufi Deceased was born in England that said proof will be made before register or receiver at Rapid City, S. D., on December 29, where in 1870 she was united in 1896 viz: marriage with Dr. Franklin Epps. LEO MILBRETT If You Don't Know H. E. No. 3512, for the SKSW E^SWSJ They came to America in 1883, set­ j and SEJJNW Sec. 3 T 1 N R 6 EB. H. M He names the following witnesses to prove tling at the time in Blunt, of this his continuous residence upon and cultivation state. In 1887 they moved to Rapid of said land, viz: Charles McDonald of Rapid City S. D., Ole H. Larson, of Rapid Ci*y 8. D., Just What You Want City where they have resided ever Alexander Gill, of Rapid City 8. D., Ole P. Olion since. Mrs. Epps was a member of Rapid City S. D., E. D. RALPH and one of the leading spirits of the Register Baptist church of this city. Her Notice for Publication. Step into the BEE-HIVE. We have something- friends were those who knew her, - Land Office at Sapid City, S. D., to delight each member of the family, including *nd by all she will be greatly Nov. 17, 188C. your 5\vecth«leart. missed. She leaves a husband and Notice is hereby given that the following . .i » c. 4._ named settler has filed notice of his intention family of five children to whom we j t0 final proof In support of his claim and that said proof will be made be- extend our heart-felt sympathy in fore the register or receiver at Rapid City, 3. this their hour of trial. D. on December 29th. 1896, viz- OLE P. OLSON H. E. No. 4tt69. for the s % ne and nw ^ ne y, MARRIED. sec. 1 o twp 1 n r 6 e B. H. M. He names the following witnesses to prove THE BEE-HIVE, SPRAGUE-SMITH—In Rapid City, Sunday, his continuous residence upon and cultivation December 6. 1896, P. 8. 8prague and Miss Delia of said land, viz: Charles McDonald of Rapid H. Smith, Rev. Tracy officiating. City, S. D.; Ole H. Larson, of Rapid City, S. D.: Leo Milbrett of Rapid City, S. D. Alexander Rapid City, 8. Dakota. WELLS-SLICK—In Rapid City, Wednesday, Gill, of Rapid City, S. D. December 9. 189t>, at the residence of the E. D. RALPH. bride's parents, Mr. A. Z. Wells and Miss Emma Register Slick. Notice—Timber Cnltnre. The young couple is well and fav­ U. S. Land Office.) orably known in this city, having Rapid City, S. D., October 20, 1896/ Pennington County Bank, Complaint having been entered at this office resided here since childhood, Alf by John Wieging against William H. Bailey for at present honorably filling the failure to comply with law as to Timber-Cul »ture Entry No. 1727 dated May 24th, 1880, position of Secretary of the Tom upon the w % se % and u % sw % section 27, RAPID CITY. S. DAK. township 1 n, range 8 e B. H. M„ in Pennington Sweeney Hardware Company of this county, South Dakota, with a view to the can­ city. They have taken up their cellation of said entry; contestant alleging that the said William H. Bailey failed to plant or Cash Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $32,500. residence and begin housekeeping cause to be planted on said tract five acres of trees, tree seeds or cuttings the third year after in the Gammon house on Kansas entry ending May 24th, 1889, and failed to City street, where they will be at plant or cause to be planted on said tract five acres of trees, tree seeds or cuttings the fourth home to their friends atter the 23rd. year after entry ending May 2-Uh, 1890, and OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: failed to plant or cause to be Dlant-ed on said The UNION joins with their many tract ten acres of trees, tree seeds or cuttings STEPHEN H. MILLS. ProoWeat. New York. JESSE CARLL. Director, New York, friends in best wishes for their the fifth year after entry enaing May 24th, JAMES M. WOODS. Vleo-Prooident. Rapid City. JUDSON DARLING. Director, New York. 1891, and turther failed in til ot the succeeding CEO. F. SCHNEIDER. Cashier, Rapid City. JAMES DAYTON. Director. New York future. years since May 24th, 1891 to plant trees, tree seeds or cuttings on said tract as required by CHAS. W. BROWN, Attorney, Rapid City law and such failure still continues, the said Pure Leghorns parties are hereby summoned to appear at this offiice on the 15th day of December, 1*96, at I have a limited number of pure leg­ ten o'clock a. m., to reopond and furnish testi­ horn cockrels for sale at mv place. mony concerning said alleged failure. Address, A. ERICSON, Hill City S. D. 45-48 JOHN LAFABRE, Receiver. We Respectfully Solicit Your Business. .
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