§ 9.109 27 CFR Ch. I (4–1–13 Edition) (iv) Then westward along U.S. High- 67, near Beebe, Arkansas (on the Mem- way 54 until it intersects U.S. Highway phis map); 71 near Nevada, Missouri; (xviii) Then northeastward along (v) Then southward along U.S. High- U.S. Highway 67 into the state of Mis- way 71 until it intersects Interstate souri, then northward until U.S. High- Highway 44, approximately 5 miles way 67 intersects U.S. Highway 60, in south of Carthage, Missouri; Poplar Bluff, Missouri (on the Poplar (vi) Then westward and southwest- Bluff map); ward along Interstate Highway 44 into (xix) Then eastward along U.S. High- the State of Oklahoma, and continuing way 60 until it crosses the western southwestward until Interstate High- boundary of Stoddard County. Note: way 44 crosses the Neosho River near Here that boundary is the St. Francis Miami, Oklahoma (on the Tulsa map); River; (vii) Then southward along the Neo- (xx) Then northward, northeastward, sho River (flowing through the Lake of and eastward along the boundary of the Cherokees, Lake Hudson, and Fort Stoddard County until it joins the Gibson Lake) until it flows into the Ar- southern boundary of Cape Girardeau kansas River, approximately 2 miles County (on the Cape Girardeau map); west of Fort Gibson, Oklahoma (on the (xxi) Then northeastward along the Fort Smith map); Cape Girardeau County boundary until (viii) Then southward and eastward it meets the Mississippi River south of along the Arkansas River (flowing Cape Girardeau, Missouri; through the Robert S. Kerr Lake) into (xxii) Then northward along the Mis- the State of Arkansas, and continuing sissippi River to the starting point. eastward until the Arkansas River is [T.D. ATF–231, 51 FR 24144, July 2, 1986; 51 FR joined by Vache Grasse Creek, approxi- 25366, July 14, 1986] mately 4 miles east of Barling, Arkan- sas; § 9.109 Northern Neck George Wash- (ix) Then southeastward and south- ington Birthplace. westward following Vache Grasse (a) Name. The name of the Creek to the place where it is crossed viticultural area described in this sec- by Arkansas Highway 10, near Green- tion is ‘‘Northern Neck George Wash- wood, Arkansas; ington Birthplace.’’ (x) Then westward along Highway 10 (b) Approved maps. The appropriate to U.S. Highway 71. Note: Highway 10 is maps for determining the boundaries of the primary highway leading from the Northern Neck George Washington Greenwood to Hackett, Arkansas; Birthplace viticultural area are 2 (xi) Then southward and eastward U.S.G.S. 1:250,000 scale maps. They are along Highway 71 until it crosses Rock entitled: Creek; (1) Washington, DC; Maryland; Vir- (xii) Then northeastward along Rock ginia, 1957 (Revised 1979); and Creek to Petit Jean Creek; (2) Richmond, VA; MD., 1973. (xiii) Then generally northeastward (c) Boundaries. The Northern Neck and eastward along Petit Jean Creek George Washington Birthplace until it becomes the Petit Jean River viticultural area consists of all of the (on the Russellville map); lands in the Counties of Westmoreland, (xiv) Then generally eastward along King George, Northumberland, Lan- the Petit Jean River, flowing through caster and Richmond, in the Common- Blue Mountain Lake, until the Petit wealth of Virginia. The boundaries of Jean River joins the Arkansas River; the Northern Neck George Washington (xv) Then generally eastward along Birthplace viticultural area, using the Arkansas River to Cadron Creek; landmarks and points of reference (xvi) Then northeastward and east- found on the appropriate U.S.G.S. ward along Cadron Creek, for about 21⁄2 maps, are as follows: miles, until it pases under U.S. High- (1) Beginning on the Washington, DC; way 64, approximately 31⁄2 miles west of Maryland; Virginia U.S.G.S. map at a Conway, Arkansas; point on Potomac Creek where the (xvii) Then eastward along U.S. High- King George County western boundary way 64 until it intersects U.S. Highway line at its northermost point intersects 198 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:03 May 16, 2013 Jkt 229107 PO 00000 Frm 00208 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\229107.XXX 229107 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with CFR Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Treasury § 9.110 Potomac Creek the boundary proceeds (iii) Then westward along that south- easterly and southeasterly on the Rich- ern border to the western border of the mond, VA; MD. U.S.G.S. map, along same section. the Virginia shoreline of the Potomac (iv) Then northward along that west- River for approximately 66 miles to ern border to the 800-foot contour line. Smith Point on the Chesapeake Bay; (v) Then northwestward along that (2) Thence southerly along the shore- contour line to the Township Line line of the Chesapeake Bay for approxi- T.14S./T.15S. mately 20 miles to Windmill Point at (vi) Then westward along that town- the mouth of the Rappahannock River; ship line to the southern border of Sec- (3) Thence northwesterly along the tion 34, Township 15 South, Range 6 banks of the Rappahannock River for East. approximately 72 air miles to Muddy (vii) Then continuing westward along Creek at the point where the western that southern border to the 1200-foot boundary line of King George County contour line. at its southernmost point begins; (viii) Then generally northwestward (4) Thence northward along the King along that contour line until it crosses George County/Stafford County line ap- for the second time the southern bor- proximately 7 miles to the point of the der of Section 28, Township 14 South, beginning. Range 6 East. [T.D. ATF–250, 52 FR 13082, Apr. 21, 1987] (ix) Then westward along that south- ern border to the 1400-foot contour line. § 9.110 San Benito. (x) Then following the 1400-foot con- (a) Name. The name of the tour line through the folloowing sec- viticultural area described in this sec- tions: Sections 28, 29, and 30, Township tion is ‘‘San Benito.’’ 14 South, Range 6 East; Section 25, (b) Approved maps. The appropriate Township 14 South, Range 5 East; Sec- maps for determining the boundaries of tions 30, 19, 20, and returning to 19, San Benito viticultural area are six Township 14 South, Range 6 East; to U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled: the point where the 1400-foot contour (1) Hollister Quadrangle, 7.5 minute line intersects the section line between series, 1955 (photorevised 1971). Sections 19 and 18, Township 14 South, (2) Tres Pinos Quadrangle, 7.5 minute Range 6 East. series, 1955 (photorevised 1971). (xi) From there in a straight line due (3) Quien Sabe Valley Quadrangle, 7.5 northward to the 1200-foot contour line minute series, 1968. in Section 18, Township 14 South, (4) Mt. Harlan Quadrangle, 7.5 minute Range 6 East. series, 1968. (xii) Then following the 1200-foot con- (5) Paicines Quadrangle, 7.5 minute tour line generally northwestward to series, 1968. the northern border of Section 10, (6) Cherry Peak Quadrangle, 7.5 Township 14 South, Range 5 East (on minute series, 1968. the Mt. Harlan map). (c) Boundary—(1) General. The San (xiii) Then following that northern Benito viticultural area is located in border northwestward to the 1600-foot San Benito County, California. The contour line. starting point of the following bound- (xiv) Then following the 1600-foot ary description is the point where the contour line generally northward to an eastern border of Section 17 of Town- unimproved road. ship 15 South, Range 7 East, crosses the (xv) Then looping southward along latitude 36°37′30″ (on the Cherry Peak the unimproved road and continuing map). eastward past the designated ‘‘Spring’’ (2) Boundary Description. (i) From the and then northward parallel with Bo- starting point, westward along latitude nanza Gulch to the Vineyard School on 36°37′30″ to the Range Line R.6E./R.7E. Cienega Road (on the Hollister map). (on the Paicines map). (xvi) From there in a straight line (ii) Then northward along that range northeastward, crossing Bird Creek and line to the southern border of Section the San Benito River, to the north- 1, Township 15 South, Range 6 East. western corner of Section 19, Township 199 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:03 May 16, 2013 Jkt 229107 PO 00000 Frm 00209 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\229107.XXX 229107 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with CFR.
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