Business cards, flyers, invitations and more! Contact printshop.stripes.com 042-552-2510 (extension77315) 227-7315 VOLUME 14 NO. 27 SEPTEMBER 17 − SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 INSIDE INFO SUBMIT STORIES TO: [email protected] STRIPESOKINAWA.COM FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC FREE Awashwith TDY TRAVEL DURING PANDEMIC A CHALLEN Age PAGE 3 How a graying nation honors its elders Pages 4-5 RECOGNIZING USAG OKINAWA ‘WORKHORSE’ PAGE 3 TOURING TOKYO DURING COVID-19 – VIRTUALLY! PAGE 6 File photos PAG E 7 Iwakuni family barred from bases after travel incident BY JOSEPH DITZLER, onset of a second wave of coronavirus cases. STARS AND STRIPES Friday’s release came with an apology: Published: August 28, 2020 “The air station expresses sincere regret The family violated Japan’s to our Japanese neighbors for any anxiety TOKYO — An American family that drew caused by this incident and we will continue rebuke from Japan’s defense minister af- Quarantine Act, along with to strictly enforce appropriate COVID-19 ter skirting coronavirus restrictions in orders in place from risk mitigation measures.” July has been barred from Marine Corps U.S. Forces Japan. COVID-19 is the respiratory disease Air Station Iwakuni, and all U.S. military caused by the coronavirus. installations, for 10 years, according to Ma- The family left Iwakuni on Aug. 25 for the rine statements. U.S., according to an email from 1st Lt. Phil- The family of four arrived July 12 at lip Parker, a spokesman for MCAS Iwakuni, family members were infected with the Haneda International Airport in central to Stars and Stripes. Parker said a family Tokyo and the following day boarded a coronavirus. member employed by the Defense Depart- commercial flight for Kintaikyo Airport, According to the Marines, the family vio- ment has resigned that position; Parker de- which shares a runway with MCAS Iwaku- lated Japan’s Quarantine Act, along with clined to identify the organization. Special 8-page ni, according to a news release by the air orders in place from U.S. Forces Japan and Earlier reports about the incident station Friday. Tests by Japanese authori- MCAS Iwakuni to control the virus’ spread. pullout inside! ties at Haneda later showed three of the Japan at the time was experiencing the SEE TRAVEL ON PAGE 2 2 STRIPES OKINAWA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION 75 YEARS IN THE PACIFIC SEPTEMBER 17 − SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 TRAVEL: Family gave false information CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 indicated a family of three; how- Max D. Lederer Jr. Publisher ever, only three of the four fam- Lt. Col. Richard E. McClintic ily members tested positive for Commander coronavirus, according to the Joshua M Lashbrook release. Chief of Staff Defense Minister Taro Kono Chris Verigan Engagement Director singled out the family at a news Marie Woods conference July 15 and called on Publishing and Media Design Director the U.S. to tighten up its corona- Chris Carlson Publishing and Media Design Manager virus testing and isolation pro- Eric Lee cedures. The family’s ban, Advertising and Circulation Manager Kono said the family gave Scott Wheeler false information about its trav- or “debarment,” Okinawa Area Manager el plans. He also cited the U.S. Kentaro Shimura followed a misconduct Production Manager practice, afterwards curtailed, Rie Miyoshi of housing military personnel hearing Aug. 7, one Engagement Manager newly arrived on Okinawa in an Denisse Rauda off-base hotel during their 14- day after the four were Publishing and Media Design Editor day mandated quarantine. Publishing and Media Design Writers medically cleared. ChiHon Kim At the time, U.S. personnel Shoji Kudaka arriving at air bases in Japan Takahiro Takiguchi were subject to quarantine but Layout Designers Mamoru Inoue were not tested unless they ex- Yukiyo Oda perienced symptoms. Yuko Okazaki Kayoko Shimoda Not long after Kono’s state- A flight takes off from Haneda International Airport in central Tokyo, March 18. Photo by Akifumi Ishikawa, Stars and Stripes Multimedia Consultants ment, USFJ ordered anyone af- Max Genao Doug Johnson filiated with the U.S. military, four were medically cleared. them to travel directly to their Contact tracing found no con- Brian Jones Jason Lee Hans Simpson Chae Pang Yi including service members, De- They spent 24 days of isolation quarantine site, but not on pub- tacts linked to the family on the Gianni Youn Robert Zuckerman fense Department civilian em- in their base home, according to lic transportation. The next day air station; of six traced off the Graphic Designers Kenichi Ogasawara Yosuke Tsuji ployees, contrac- the statement. they took the commercial flight station, none apparently con- Sales Support tors and family EXCLUSIVE NEWS FROM: The Marine to Iwakuni. tracted the virus, according to Kazumi Hasegawa Hiromi Isa members, to test statement indi- At the air station, they did not the Marines. Ichiro Katayanagi Yoko Noro Yusuke Sato Saori Tamanaha free of the virus cated the fam- immediately enter quarantine, “While deeply regrettable, Toshie Yoshimizu Un Chong Yu before exiting ily arrived at a violation of USFJ and base this incident caused no addi- For feedback and inquiries, quarantine. Haneda via a orders. The three learned their tional cases of COVID-19 within contact [email protected] The family’s ban, or “debar- commercial flight from the positive test results after enter- Japan,” the statement said. To place an ad, call DSN 645-7419 ment,” followed a misconduct United States. From Haneda, ing quarantine, according to the [email protected] stripesokinawa.com/contact hearing Aug. 7, one day after the Japanese authorities cleared Marines. Twitter: @JosephDitzler SEPTEMBER 17 − SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION 75 YEARS IN THE PACIFIC STRIPES OKINAWA 3 File photo Left: A senior couple, wearing face masks, walk down sidewalk in front of Heisler Park, which is closed due to COVID-19. Laguna Beach, CA on May 14. File photo Spotlight on USAG Okinawa security guard ‘workhorse’ BY SSG JACOB M. BROWN, diligently to reduce some of organization has been immortal- USAG OKINAWA PHYSICAL SECURITY the stress on his guards and ized in a historical booklet used their families. When to build an esprit de pt. Tomoyuki Hiraoka is schools were closed, the Deputy Guard Chief Hiroaka made sure corps in the organiza- and second in command Right: Man wearing face mask as C the guards schedule tion. protection against coronavirus. of the USAG Okinawa Security was flexible with- His work has been Laguna Beach. File photo Guards stationed on Army in- out compromising essential to the orga- stallations across Okinawa. Hi- the mission and also nization and is consid- raoka is responsible for over 100 made sure to reduce ered a “workhorse” guards including their safety contact and sustain Traveling on TDY and well-being. social distancing mea- for the Guards. He is When COVID-19 started and sures during shifts. good at his job and his adjustments to the normal daily In addition, Hirao- Hiraoka team appreciates his had to be made, Hiraoka took ka has dedicated him- commitment. Hiraoka during the pandemic charge and streamlined gate self to researching was born and raised screening measures at Torii and gathering a comprehensive Station, Naha Military Port and history of the USAG Okinawa in Okinawa and has served the Buckner Communication Site. Security Guards. Through this USAG Okinawa community for is challenging Cpt. Hiraoka has also worked effort, the 70-year history of the 20 years as a Guard. Editor’s note: At Stripes Oki- them properly. In particular, nawa, we love to share your sto- people tend to wear face masks ries and share this space with under their nose or wear them our community members. Here too loose around their face. is an article written by Jennifer This type of behavior has been Brown, a hospital corpsman at a huge culture shock for me. I U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa. had grown so accustomed to see- If you have a story or photos to ing Japanese people and fellow share, let us know at okinawa@ servicemembers on Okinawa stripes.com. wearing their masks out in pub- lic, that in California, the lack of BY JENNIFER BROWN, STRIPES OKINAWA masks on people out at markets, restaurants and other public ar- espite us sending out eas was concerning. good vibes and wishes, In addition to the relaxed D it seems that this pan- adherence to face mask proto- demic continues to create uproar col, social distancing measures among us. For those who have in the States was another issue been stuck at home and have fi- that hasn’t really become a hab- nally begun working again, just it. In Okinawa, both facemask the act of physically going back use, and social distancing is a to work can be distressing. In my normalized part of the culture. case, as someone who has had to In California, this new normal travel during this pandemic, I seems to be taking some time to have noticed many cultural dif- settle in. ferences in regard to wearing As the cases continue to grow masks and social distancing in globally, abiding by the mea- the U.S. and in Japan. sures set forth by health officials On a four-day journey back is so important. The differences to the States, these differences to how the locals are reacting to were predominant amongst my fellow Americans who were se- the pandemic in both my home lective in when and where they country and host country have wore their masks. My trip back made me aware of that. And to California included stops in while travel for me is inevitable mainland Japan and Hawaii, even during this time, I know but it wasn’t until I arrived at I must take control of my own my final destination where the safety and work towards keep- discrepancies in face mask pro- ing those around me safe.
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